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Saraphina Mar 2019
Bacardi took my place on your tongue
and you couldn't tell what tasted sweeter,
the liquor or my legs

you never knew what you wanted
even when i drew your name from your lips
with my mouth taking you in me
"pull my hair"
you obliged
with the curve of the moon tracing your face
the embers sparking between my thighs
don't deny you fed the flames
you pressed into my soul
pushing yourself in my ******
making me forget myself

i am a **** woman

the music is what owns me
but id gladly give you a piece.
as long as
you admit to the fear that shakes within your chest

i held you as something leaked from your eyes
"they're not tears" you laughed as you kissed my cheek
"its my allergies"
allergic to love?
no. allergic to nuts.

you begged me to let you love me
i scorned your adoring gazes-
"you're just a hot piece of ***"
yet now i'm
the one at home wondering

i saw curls and curves that night
mixed with blue and red
you a somber purple
looking without seeing
i turned back to my one true love who has never betrayed me
treble and tequila
bass and lime

now i need to know what you crave
me or the darkness
night or light
you're the one holding the matches
before fire could catch you, you started walking away
wholesome daylight hours were never in the stars when we always locked the door and shut our eyes
you complain you're cold in the shadows
yet hide from the sun

tell me you love me just one more time
not with words on your tongue but with teeth to my heart
ill tell self respect to go running
take me on your desk
study my anatomy

make believe we don't care so when our grand-kids ask about love
you glimpse the stars on my brow and your hand around my neck
but when you open your eyes you'll just smile at them sadly

i know you long to dream of nothing
to no longer have nightmares
it'd be easier not to feel, and to embrace the cold
you couldn't handle the heat you said as you batted the flames
but darling,
don't forget that ice burns too

you lie too easy
was your serpent tongue directed towards me?
or yourself
because you can't convince me to play the role of eve and then slip away
leaving me naked and vulnerable
don't worry there Adam
in the end i could never blame you for the pain
because its not your fault you didn't know yourself
and you did warn me not to enter the garden
but it was you who tasted the apple first
who convinced me to take a bite
so i ate of the fruit, and i like how it tastes
even as it comes back up, as i crouch at the roots of the tree.

"i want to be the cause of that happiness"
baby just cause my breaking
into another fragment
and as you slip it into your pocket, be careful not to cut yourself
my edges can be sharp
especially when mishandled
Saraphina Dec 2018
Smooth as whiskey
Sweet as tea
Savory as honey
this apple seems to be
Peel back the skin
Close your eyes
Open your mouth
to enjoy the bite
Alas it's rotten
Dark is the core
Cancer has seeped
into the pores
Saraphina Dec 2018
back in circles
round i go
to say im sorry
which you know
a breaking heart
you cant see
will soon be all
thats left of me
Saraphina Dec 2018
You'd be shocked to know that I call my nightmares dreams
Because to me, the nightmares are all I see
The fire and brimstone is to me, my hearth
and when I was handed that pomegranate there was no hesitation in that first bite
The cold souls huddle on the shore pressing close
I, the mother of these ghosts, stand with arms extended to hold them in my icy embrace
Did you hear of how Hades took me and made me his own?
Homer would never tell of how I went looking for the shadows, and how the King of the Underworld spurned me at first
until he learned to fear me,
then love me
Earth was dull and soft, when all I craved was edges and a sharpness only matched by my wit
It is no mistake that my name means to destroy, and my blade wields judgement
So those demons you fear, the ones named Hades and Cerberus?
Do not fear them, for men are predictable and they were cast into darkness with no choice.  
Fear the Queen of the dead, fear the one who craved the darkness. The one who chose claws over flowers and ice over sage.
The demons are mine,
and the Lord of the Dead, he worships the havoc I create.
Saraphina Dec 2018
good morning to the steam rising from your coffee and to the sound of a vacuum outside your door
good morning to the sun filtering through the window to kiss your sleeping eyes
good morning to your feet touching the cold hard-wood and quickly retracting back into the warmth of the sheets
good morning to the tears and smiles of today, whichever it shall be
Saraphina Dec 2018
Falling through marshmallows
Leather jacket now covered in mist
Well it's alright
I'll use a hair dryer
That is painted golden yellow
Walking through a dry ocean
In search of chocolate eyes
To feed my soul with a look
Saraphina Jul 2018
There's a power in words, a quiet regality. The ability to transport the mind to another place, time, and experience is a gift indeed. We even think in words.

They can't be taken back once uttered, written, heard or thought, and that permanence of words in time is a humbling thought.

Humans struggle to grasp this mystery, in fact we fear it.

We fear saying or writing the wrong word. That's why pencils have erasers and why the delete button exists. It's our feeble attempt at controlling something larger than us, our minds.

Words are really just a quantification of the human mind because words mean nothing until given meaning, order, leverage and structure by the mind.

So we fear our own capabilities and the power our minds hold and most importantly our inability to control our own thoughts. So we try to control our words instead.
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