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Saraphina Jul 2018
Pink on blue
Wears the fool
And with a smile
He beguiles
Gets the court to laugh
Holds behind his back
A glistening knife
To cause strife
Alas now they see
It wasn't meant to be
And that his laugh
Was just a mask
Saraphina Jul 2018
I remember when my poems were about you
And all the good I saw and the love I gave
Turns out you were a master at this game of
Making me feel broken and faulted
I remember trying to sew us together with a needle
But no thread
I blamed my sewing skills but really you had the spool all along
Cursing myself when the puzzle pieces didn't fit
I remember putting you together first
I remember loving you
I know better now
Saraphina Jul 2018
Some people are stars, burning souls that shine
Some are the surrounding dark, deep and easy to fall into
In the bright galaxy that is trapped in your eyes,
It's easy to get lost
But dark and light do not mix,
only coexist
You are a star, but
I'm the surrounding darkness that is just out of reach of the light.
Not so much dark as empty
  Jul 2018 Saraphina
It seems that
Everyone I meet
Has a hole
Beneath their breast
They walk around
And act complete
Despite lacking love
A gaping space
In the middle
Of their chests
I fill all
That I can
But can't complete
What they miss
Saraphina Jun 2018
Chipped nails,
Flecks of gold
Once open hearts,
Now turned cold.
Smudged lines,
Lines of black
Pointing to
What we lack.
Since what we have
Isn't enough
They tell us that
We're out of luck.
So, pen to paper
Many write
To try and hide,
Hide from spite.
No one reads
Until we're gone,
And few will wonder
What went wrong.
Silence will answer,
Answer our cries
As they continue
To feed us lies.
Saraphina Jun 2018
If only scissors could cut away at my excess
Neat and trim with a pretty bow on top
If only I could take an eraser and scrub away at my edges
Shape me to the world's desires
Saraphina Jun 2018
Red or green
Who cares? I'm colorblind
So a light in a box
To me just means go
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