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Lydia May 2019
You hold me close when times are tough
By my side when life gets rough
Praise my gains, embrace my flaws
Backed my side despite the cause
Forever constant, Forever there
Sometimes firm, but always fair
You are my rock, my inspiration
You gave my life it’s strong foundation
Ever loving, patient, kind
And listen with an open mind
You mean the world for all you do
I love you mummy, for being you
Lydia May 2019
Today is not just your anniversary
It is actually times ultimate testimony
That you were always meant for each other
Destined to be my mother and father
As you commemorate this special day
There is something that I want to say
That apart from being the best husband and wife
You will always be the stars of my life…
Lydia May 2019
I know you want to spend time today
With each other without interruption
But I will take just two minutes of your time
To make a sweet declaration
I love you for being my parents
And the kind of friends that you have been
Super cool mums and dads like you
I haven’t yet come across or seen
Have an awesome wedding anniversary
Rekindle your love for each other
As I bask away in the pride
Of having the world's best father and mother
Lydia May 2019
Gasping as cold water envelops me
Waves roll over me
Trying again
Power behind me
Lying. Jumping. Standing.
The shore stretches in front of me
Yearning for me to come
Small bump. Topple over
Made it
Lydia May 2019
The waves trickle along my toes.
The soft ocean sprays across my nose.
The sand was compliant under my feet,
Exactly where the ocean and it decide to meet.

The water rose and enveloped around my shin.
The salt water numbing against the skin.
A shell drifted, caught in the tide,
A tiny crab adrift inside.

The water drifted up to my hips,
A million kisses from the ocean's lips.
A gentle caress from the deep blue,
Though the things it hosts are too few

My surfboard drifts along beside me,
With its thruster fins undersea.
Ready to take on the waves,
The ripples play with the sprays.
Lydia May 2019
When you walk along the wooded path
In the nature my heart held dear
Remember the joy that it gave me
And know that I will always be near

Remember me

When a robin announces his presence
Singing solo as the day becomes new
The doe lifts her head to listen
As her fawn drinks the freshness of the dew

Remember me

When an Otter glides through the river,
His swim is a masterful one
He engages his mate in a playful chase
Then they climb on the rocks to sun

Remember me

When the rustling leaves touch the autumn sky
Boasting colours of yellow and gold
Geese fly on their southernmost journey
To escape from the beckoning cold

Remember me

When the North wind blows through towering pines
It delivers a mid winter’s chill
While snowflakes land softly on fresh frozen lakes
And the call of the wild becomes still

Remember me

In each of these things, remember me
And know that I’ll always be near
The woodlands, God’s wondrous Creation
In his nature my heart held so dear.
Lydia May 2019
As evening approaches
The sun radiates a dim light
Settling down behind the horizon
Exhausting the world of warmth

The brutal wind blows
The air damp and cold
A bonfire sits
Shedding billows of warmth

Iwi dance round the fire
Offering kai
Chanting Hymns and Waiatas
Welcoming back Matariki

Their voices reverberating in the darkness
Accompanying the crooning waves
And singing huia

Children run around
Playing tag and hide and seek
Not understanding the meaning of this special night

Men are out hunting
Hoping to catch a Moa
So they can feed their family
And prove their skills

Elders are calm and at peace
Waiting for their time to come
To join their friends and ancestors
Up in the sky

Scintillating in the sky
Matariki emerges
Symbolizing the start of the new year
A new start for all
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