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Lydia May 2019
As evening approaches
The sun radiates a dim light
Settling down behind the horizon
Exhausting the world of warmth

The brutal wind blows
The air damp and cold
A bonfire sits
Shedding billows of warmth

Iwi dance round the fire
Offering kai
Chanting Hymns and Waiatas
Welcoming back Matariki

Their voices reverberating in the darkness
Accompanying the crooning waves
And singing huia

Children run around
Playing tag and hide and seek
Not understanding the meaning of this special night

Men are out hunting
Hoping to catch a Moa
So they can feed their family
And prove their skills

Elders are calm and at peace
Waiting for their time to come
To join their friends and ancestors
Up in the sky

Scintillating in the sky
Matariki emerges
Symbolizing the start of the new year
A new start for all
Lydia May 2019
I saw old Autumn in the misty morning
Standing shadow less as the sun rose
Waiting for the early light
And listening

Just listening

Listening to silence
For no lonely bird would sing
No humble hedge nor solitary thorn
Dared to spare a rustle

For Autumn hated the evergreens
Forever young,
Forever free from her shivering power
Forever able to shelter life

Where are the songs of Summer?
With the sun and laughter
Autumn has hidden it under her cloak
Only to be seen a year later

Sometimes Summer makes a quick reappearance
Before being stuffed back in
Along with Spring, the giver of life
And Winter, the taker of life

Honey bees hold the sweetness of Summer
In their luscious cells
Keeping it for old times sake
And to satisfy their queen

Go and sit with her
On her mossy stone
Soothe her cries
And hear her sorrows

For all Autumn wants
Is a place of rest
And someone to be there
When she needs them most
Lydia May 2019
If true love exists
Then so does true hate
Even though that it shouldn't
This world should be great

We should live in a world
Filled with love and with peace
Everyone treated fairly
This needs to exist

But no

People live alone
Experiencing pain
All alone in the gutter
While getting cold from the rain

We think that we help them
By giving a meal
And hoping they like it
But all that we do is affect how they feel

We all give them food
And unhealthy drinks
When all they need is a place to rest their souls
And let themselves think

You could actually help
By making a deal
And have people support you
That wish to heal

Donate all the money
That you don’t need to own
So people can live
Somewhere they can call home

By Lydia Forrest

— The End —