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 Sep 8 Saanvi
Ellie Grace
You threw me to the snakes
leaving me to fend for myself,
discarding me like an object that
you had grown bored of.
when i crawled out from the pit
more powerful than before,
venom coursing through my veins ,
I became the monster.
I became the one to be feared.

How easy it is to forget that monsters are not born
but made
and my dear,
you are responsible for every inch of the creature I have become.
I knew there was a turn
but it never turned up
and I kept walking straight
in search of it.

The road was familiar
the turn was on the left
in every known way
yet in the broad daylight
it left me.

I know you wouldn't believe it
neither did I
as alike a puzzled wayfarer
I kept on looking for the turn.

It happened to me.
P'raps it happens in other lives too,
the turn always there
keeps eluding.

Then when found,
it's no longer needed.
 Sep 7 Saanvi
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
 Sep 7 Saanvi
 Sep 7 Saanvi
Your sun has set,
And my butterflies flew away
But even under your moon,
I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame
Your flame so bright,
With a purplish hue,
I'll try every night,
To get closer to you
 Sep 7 Saanvi
Wake up, my dear friend.
"It's a new day today,
and I have a new song for you,"
said the yellow-bellied sunbird.
Woke up to a beautiful song sung by a bird outside my window. The little bird told me to wish you a very good morning.Have a lovely day🌷
When eventually came,
we eventually gave it another name
for convenience, they told me,
but I finally understood
that nothing good comes from eventually
when it becomes known as the certainty.

now I'm waiting for the Mayan calendar to kick in.

She in her wisdom tells me
it's a certainty
that if I don't go back to sleep
I'll be tired later on.

eventually, I will.
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