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Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
Forever torn, no real reason. Repeating, repeating, repeating, the fault of non.
Sunshine hidden behind, tears abundant. Numbness, can't breath, out of fear of seeing.
New day, unfamiliar, feels cold, unwanted. Take the unanswered questions, hide them, push those thoughts far away, never to be seen again.
Surroundings are not at all what they seem. Past was not the past.
What once was thought to be love, was hope, when hope thought , there was fear.
Seeing, knowing, have no beginning , no ending. The heart-wrenching sadness, is all around, air being taken away.
The path is opened, the shaky thoughts are now reality, and strong. Running, truly able to breath.
Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
His hands are battered and torn, calloused and worn... For every day he makes sure he is worth his pay... his hands are battered and torn, calloused and worn,he has been like that since the day be was born.
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
Days run into years and blacks turn into grays ...

Childrens height measured clearly on the wall,now are numbers fading not really knowing how tall...

Teaching our babies love and life facts,now they are writing out there own contracts...

Life was so hectic,crazy and fast, now we sit reminiscing of  long ago past...

We laugh at the memories with a tear in each eye... 2 were a handful and 1 was real shy...

Now they are grown we say it's okay, for all 3 are perfect each in their own way.

Overjoyed are we my spouse and me... For our love is still true.We have much to pursue.
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
Cry,scream, unending dream,Jump, fall, bang on the wall. Days into nights, nights into days, all in one big haze.fractured mind won't unwind. can't get out ! What's it all about? No words were spoken, all promises were broken.
Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
Make me believe that you are true... Show me your heart anew... From the words you speak to your technique...  For
   you have my forever adulation    without  
     hesitation ...
Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
Wondering through jungles of thoughts winding through your mind, trying to keep a strong foot hold in quick sand that is hidden in the brightest sunshine,
Swinging on vines with venomous thorns, knowing that any moment you may fall into a bottomless pit of haunted memories...  a 
   Monsoon will come that will obliterate those  thoughts, making you stronger than you would ever have imagined... cleaning Your eyes to see what has been forgotten, the growth of your spirit, telling you to move forward...
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
Sweet kisses of sunshine and honeysuckle transport my mind back in time... Walking free my friend and me... No worries no foes, round trip no woes... on the bridge we took a peek... wading in the creek at days peak... the Moons light took us home at night... Morning sun brings us back to the guard shack...
My summer days in 1980s Stonetown Rd !
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
I was told he has a locked box inside of his mind that holds his most inner turmoil, His anger, His untold secrets of his daunting past...He once Told me he can't open that box, he keeps it bolted shut !  It cracks every once in a while that horrid box...  I have  seen those times, I have been in the path of his internal earthquakes... His eyes are the first to show... A dark shadowy  cloud forms, letting me know, stand back... walk away... fear me... His hands pull inside themselves into tight fists at his unyielding sides... words can't be spoken  the silence is deafening...I sit and wait for him to seal those cracks and come back to me...
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
   Of  peace, happy relaxed mind numbing peace
of relief, heart sting pulling relief  
        Days...       of  hope, real sunshine and rainbow making hope
off fear, sad tear dropping fear          
years... Of trying to understand why the hope in our life won't give us relief from the fear that will over power the peace of our every day existence.
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
When the light of day closes your path of sight, shadows come, the heat of the day is forgone to the cool moonlit night. The serenity of these shadows conjure up illusions only ones mind can see,Sit back and relax, watch the movement of the trees awaken your imagination to see,Not the leaves not the branches... but a beautiful mermaid breaking through the waters surface... Or a flying carpet with a genie sitting on top ... Don't be afraid to push inside your minds eye, find your creative side, what can you see in those shadows of dark and light?
Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
The pain I hide
It's real's part of me as my finger to my hand
I can't see
I can't hear
I'm under construction unable to speak
The Pain...shhhh no one can know... shhhh it will bring down a avalanche of more devastation
Fear ... knowing I'm melting inside crashing waves of fear...  I need to conceal this pain shhhh...
Heart aches... mind hurts...  to breathe as if in deepest of the  oceans...The Pain... my own to keep... My own to feel ... mine alone for fear of sadness all abound ... Pushing ... Shaking...
screaming... crying... Not me ... Not me... The Pain
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
Please release me from this burden of loneliness... This albatross forever holds me down... saddened and trapped by my own hurtful thoughts ... They hold me back from being alive...  I need to escape from my own reality. Take a walk from my secret dungeon and
 breath the fresh air of happiness...  
The eyes and ears of
understanding are far too hard to catch. It's me and only me who can break though these steely walls.  I need to see there could be a day I will laugh and smile without cold miserable feelings still inside of me.
Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
They say Time Heals all wounds.
Time can go too fast,
Time can go too slow,
Time can make us forget,
Time can make us older,
This time I'll do it better!
This time I won't forget.
This time I'll make you happy!
This time they won't leave me.
This time I'll be there and see that you needed more than just a talk, more than just a smile, more than just a hug, you needed to be healed, it wasn't just in your head, it was real! So real, you weren't saved. Saved from your own desire to be free from time.
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
Familiar remembrance, justified growing sadness, fearing the inescapable future.
Unabridged love never known.
Forever in darkness you may stay, if you only look inside yourself , not seeing what is real, who is constant. Shielded eyes never see.forever blinded. Always waiting. Never truly free.
Bloodlines, forever near, can't escape the unbridled drumming of the heart that can't feel.
Sally A Lutz Jan 2021
When you look into my eyes can see what is missing? Have you touched my heart to feel the burning heat of my sadness? Have you flown inside of  my lungs to see the quivering intake of air? Have you walked in my shoes knowing there is no one there to find me?
Sally A Lutz Feb 2021
I believed in you, everything you said, everything you did, I believed it was true. WHY? ... you gave your heart to me, I thought ... You gave your mind to me, I thought ... I told you things you kept it to yourself, I thought... walking by your side I was fearless, sitting by your side I was proud... To see you smile at me I was happy... I believed in you...until the day you left mind and heart couldn't take the pain couldn't trust it was real...ohhh but it was real my world that I once knew was gone,what I believed in was lost. In its place was fear and sadness at what cost ?... Deceit and lies... who were you?who did I see walking with me? who did I feel sitting with me? I have to trust that you loved me as I loved you... My trust is gone forever dug deep in the muddied ground trampled on many times over... A black bird told me that morning, told me of the devastation to come, it took no flight stayed in my sight... I knew there was something wrong, knew I should close my mind and protect my heart I did nothing, made no escape . The drive was horrible the rain told me it was meant to be, but I closed my eyes not to see...I walked through the door on Shakey legs... there you were like never before, forever gone for me to adore... The rain poured and poured mixing with the tears of sadness and pain... they took you away, put you to rest, I believed in you I believed you were who you said you were, now I know that everything was untrue... You kept me in the dark kept me hidden from the reality. WHY? I will forever love the person I thought you were... I forever will cry for the person you were. Endless tears of fighting for the truth will always haunt me...

— The End —