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Azure Feb 2021
Theres this part of me that I
Some foreign girl who visits occasionally.
She’s jealous,
and competitive.
She rages when she is not the
I tell her to go away
But I cannot dissociate.

I pray no one ever meets
that girl.
Azure Mar 2021
I’ll send you love letters,
Every once and a while,
Just so that you know you’re loved.
And so that on your darkest days,
You can read it,
And have a reason to stay.
Azure Mar 2021
I’m convinced that the most enchanting music,
is that without lyrics.
you’re free to invent the tale
that it so beautifully tells.
you’re free to tear
at the emotion the melody commands.
no requirements,
merely messages entirely
manifested by your mind.
When did we start redefining classical as outdated?
Azure May 2021
If we hadn’t discovered Gravity,
Do you think we’d feel different?

Perhaps more unique?
Less aware that our relationship
To this earth is mimicked by
every other person
That we encounter.

Perhaps more able?
Would flight not seem so
And unattainable,
And would it be less associated with
Aerodynamic engineering,
And more understood as  

So perhaps, we would feel more free.
As though we weren’t being pulled,
And ‘acted on’.
And instead, in ownership and
Powered by

A free association,
A weightless laughter,
An endless day.

I would wish the apples away.
Azure Dec 2021
My mind stopped,
It stopped for just a moment,
And I realised I had been on autopilot.
Azure Mar 2021
I asked you how you test was,
You never replied.
I hope you failed.
Azure Sep 2021
When I picture you,
I picture a big, black, boot.
A force that squashes me when
I trip. That scrapes me off
Like a piece of gum. That
Pushes me off the pavement.
Azure Jun 2023
My nails are ***** and chipped.
Dusty rose turns rotten.
Jagged edges sharpened
Switch flipped and I'd claw you open.
I'd say you provoked The *****.
But really,
I'm just broken.
Azure Aug 2021
I love and loved you.
I tried to protect you
From all who wanted to hurt
You, I was there at
Every tear fall.
But you didn’t want me.
You didn’t want my love.

And now you call on what I
Had in such abundance.
But she’s gone,
She’s withered,
She’s cold, old,
Lost her bold nature.
She breathes no longer,
No warmth, no courage.
She was starved, died
Of a broken heart.

My Love has died.
What you seek is no longer here.
She’s not coming back soon, I fear.
Azure Mar 2021
I once heard someone call second place in a competition,
First loser.
So if I’m his second best,
Does that mean that I’m
First heartbreak?
Azure Oct 2021
You placed her under a flame.
That warm, infamously eternal, kiss.
The pressure ignited,
Sparks erupted,
You cheered for the light show
And mimicked its dance.

But you’re taken aback,
When she suggests
That maybe, She's
Burnt out.
Azure Feb 2022
I hear,
'Can't you be bothered',
But I can't. Be.

They beg
'Please share',
But sharing feels like offering a piece of myself to you,
And I'm afraid there might not be enough to give.
Azure Feb 2021
I was the little girl,
In the pink frilly dress,
Who felt
Because no one
ever told her
she was
Azure Aug 2021
I feel socially awkward.
Everything I say checked twice
Then once again.
Was that weird?
Am I boring?
Was that rude?
Have I told this story ?

I feel uncomfortable,
Unable to be myself.
Myself is mediocre,
I am incompetent,
Me, a joke.
I’m beginning to choke
On words
I lack the confidence to deliver.

I feel helpless,
I’m searching for compassion or mercy.
I tried to impress,
I tried to be flirty.
It didn’t work, obviously,
Or I wouldn’t be here in this state of worry.
I wouldn’t be here.

Right now,
I wish I wasn’t here.
Azure Jun 2021
She watches as the wails
navigate the open sea,
they disappear under the blue.
She orders her vanilla
in a bawl and not a cone.
She lies down on the
reclining bench,
positioned bellow the sunshine.

I think she’s trying to tell you
Azure Feb 2022
The sound of wind startles me when I’m crying.
Earth’s footsteps,
Too quick to approach.
Azure Feb 2021
Whoever said emotions weren’t physical?

Can you not feel the weakness in your limbs as another days is overcome by sad?
Can you not feel the surrender of your bowls to the anxious?
Can you not feel the dimming of your mind as you overwhelm?

I assume that they had never heard of death by a broken heart.
Azure Feb 2021
A mother cares,

She sacrifices hair,
surrenders skin.

She faces I hate you and

A mother is a tragic heroine.

For the days she succeeds,
The day her children have fully grown,
She has also lost.
Azure Mar 2021
I washed my hair for you,
I grew it long.
Now I’ll cut it all off.
Azure Feb 2021
If only they had continued forcing us to write stories about holidays and adventure,
Maybe we’d have learned to accept the diversity of thoughts.

If only we had never stopped our exploration of acrostics and metaphor,
Maybe our generation would have
more to say than
Azure Feb 2021
I can’t tell if I’d like to
Shout, or scream, or cry.

Falling out of sync with you body is
Azure Jan 2022
I guess I would call it hazy.
This unholy congregation of ‘I feel’s and ‘I think’s.

Well, I feel like I’ve become unfeeling
And I think that there’s no room for thinking.
And I feel like I’m overthinking
And I think that I’m tired of these feelings.

And I don’t remember the factual,
No ‘I am’s or ‘this is’.
There are only feels and thinks
And I feel like I think this
Is hazy.
Azure Jan 2021
Today was the day
I told him I appreciated him.
After years of scorn
And ‘I don’t love you’
I showed him my truth.
That I feel more pity for him
Than for anyone else.
That I admire his strength
Because I have begun to walk in his shoes
And have already sought the end.
His shoes are worn
And yet he continues to walk.
So I told him that I appreciate his
Blisters and bruises
Because my blisters are growing too.
Azure Feb 2022
Snowflakes melt when they touch her hand.
She wonders if she's inhabitable.
She wonders if they sense she's not worthy.
She wonders if she pales in comparison to 'one of a kind'.

It doesn't occur to her that it might be
Her warmth.
Azure Mar 2022
‘Tired’ has lost its meaning and value.
But synonyms feel inorganic, staged.

‘Exhausted’ holds a performative flare,
’Sleepy’ a sickening innocence.
I’m searching for a rough kind of simplicity,
Something to express both distress and lacklustre,
To be an agent for your understanding.

With one word I want your expectation to die.
Tired, I want you to understand that I’m,
Just tired.
Azure Oct 2023
Ah, if I could exist within the borders of a song
Azure Aug 2021
I have this thing that happens to me,
That causes unexplainable fear.
It feels like a freudian uncanny.
It’s been happening for years,
Since I was a child.
It’s when my mind and body begin,
To move in slow motion, to lag.
In that moment, it feels as though I have surrendered
Ownership of my mind, of my body.

It’s utterly terrifying.
Azure Jan 2021
I miss the days when I was flat.
When I was simple and lacked complexity,
When my friends knew all of my secrets,
And I had nothing to hide.
When the greatest worry was a playground romance,
When I could clear my mind at a disco dance,
But now I have become solid.
With layers and layers of pain.
And I can’t hand over the tools to peel
Without excepting I’m not ok.
And I can’t express what I’m feeling,
Because I know that it’s not familiar.

So I’ll look for others,
Who share my tears and cries.
In desperation I seek a friend to whom I do not have to lie.
But I’m left with those who are broken.
Who take and demand my remaining light,
Who pull on the rope that hangs thinner by the day, in jealousy and spite.
So if I should not find someone broken and cannot live with the complete
Am I doomed to an existence of alone and emotional defeat ?
Azure Jun 2022
Itchy with the feelings I
can't express.
A 'burst' would be more
Elegant than this
Silent implosion.
Azure Feb 2021
Thank you,
For telling me you appreciate me.

It watered my drought,
It sprouted my hope,
It blossomed my love.
It made me know,

That despite everything,
It’s still worth it.
Azure Mar 2021
You're so convinced
I'm angry at the world.

But my love,
you are my world.
Azure Feb 2021
Its awfully funny how
The feeling of an approaching
panic attack and faint
Are so similar.

That way I don’t know if I’m going to stop
Or breathing.
The element of surprise is quite the comedian.
Azure Jun 2022
before you words,
Sometimes Scolding.
Always Distorting.
Azure Mar 2021
I’m not sure when I became convinced the world was full of liars.

You tell me I’m beautiful,
I shout liar.

You tell me I’m smart,
I shout liar.

You tell I’m worth it,
I shout liar.

I’m tired of shouting.
My voice hurts.
Azure Jun 2023
I light a candle over wishes that
you're in my past.
Lets see how long this
candle has to burn
for that promise to last.
Azure Jan 2021
There are many things
I wish to tell
But I don’t know where to begin.
I dont know if there ’s a shallow end I can tip toe into
I think my only option is to jump.
A splash,
Then the aftershock.
The ripples that never seem to settle.
The heavy words that drown me
Requiring strength I do not have.

But I need to splash,
so I can finally dry off.
Azure Jun 2023
Another leaf wilts.
It quits the collective.
Choosing solitude over
ancestral pain.
No longer indebted to
this things we call shame
Azure Jan 2021
You have not known pain,
Until you’re looking into the eyes of someone
You want to love
But only feel hate.
Azure Jul 2021
I told myself I was inhumaine for my thoughts.
For the way in which I wanted to tear you apart and inform you of all the ways in which you ‘****’.
Because, let’s face it, you ******.
But I realised, in a moment of pure philosophy,
That my questioning of my humanity and my recognition of my animosity,
is, what makes me
Azure Aug 2021
Every time you don’t laugh at my joke,
Every time you look through me,
Every time you don’t ask how I am,
Every time you don’t say hello,
Every time you’re here.
I feel invisible.
Azure Sep 2021
When you look in the mirror and don't like what you
See. They tell you that everyone's beautiful in their own
Way. But I don't want to pretty in my
Way. I want to be pretty in the way that
He likes. That they all like.
I want them to like me.
No one likes me.
Azure Mar 2022
In you I didn’t see that same
Love of creation.
Of words,
Of rhythm and its quick shadow.
Of feeling,
Of change and its temperamental beat.

I don't think I can love a soul
as loveless
as yours.
Azure Feb 2021
I fill in the gaps,
With my imagination.

Dont tell me where you are,
And I will assume the trenches.
Don’t tell me how you feel,
And I will assume distraught.
Don’t tell me what you mean,
And I will assume war.

Perhaps I don’t fill in the gaps,
But turn them to
Gaping wounds.
Azure Sep 2021
When did kindness become uncool?
Blunt and ‘honest’,  a disguise for rude?
It seems you’re proud of your
Hostility and animosity,
Proud of judgement and not forgiving.
You find it funny, entertaining.  
It's not your fault others are so
'Sensitive', they need tougher skin.

I think it’s sad,
I think it's miserable,
To see our understanding of ‘cool’,
Fall so far from the truth.
Azure Feb 2021
Feeling like a fraud is so tiresome
Because no matter what I achieve,
I’ll always believe I’ve cheated,
scammed my way to success.

As though I don’t trust myself to be great?

A victory, forgotten.
A loss, engraved.
Azure Oct 2021
What does it mean to
'Fit in'?
Where is this 'in'?
What are we fitting to?
Is there a mould 
I wasn’t told

Why do you want me to ‘fit in’?
Am I not special enough?
Or, is that I’m too special?
Must I wash myself with simplicity?

And what if I don’t.
‘Fit in’.
What will you do to me then?
Axe me from society?
Label me different?

What if I told you,
I didn’t care?
What if I told you,
In a perfect ‘fit’,
I murdered the version of me,
That was desperate to
Fit in.
Azure Jan 2021
A life of extremes would be great if I were only ever happy
For when I smile I soar.
But the days I cry,
I unleash
and depths of

I don’t feel,
I become.
Azure Aug 2021
I checked your Spotify to see if you’ve listened to heartbreak songs.
Maybe you even created a playlist of your own.
Is it titled with my name,
Or are you too ashamed to admit
I hurt you.

I guess I just need to know you’re hurting
like I am.
Azure Feb 2021
I didn’t go through all of this,
Just to not
Be given the
T shirt.
Azure Dec 2021
Perfection -
excellence, refinement, bliss
- Ism,  
obsession, fault, disappointment.
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