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Mar 2021 · 55
Best wishes
Azure Mar 2021
I asked you how you test was,
You never replied.
I hope you failed.
Mar 2021 · 58
Azure Mar 2021
I washed my hair for you,
I grew it long.
Now I’ll cut it all off.
Mar 2021 · 54
Azure Mar 2021
To be so
In your body,
The skin feels itchy

To choose a duvet
Over a dres,
out of fear it will
Display all that
Is wrong.

they call it dysmorphia
Mar 2021 · 76
call it a competition
Azure Mar 2021
I once heard someone call second place in a competition,
First loser.
So if I’m his second best,
Does that mean that I’m
First heartbreak?
Mar 2021 · 81
A mission of melodies
Azure Mar 2021
I’m convinced that the most enchanting music,
is that without lyrics.
you’re free to invent the tale
that it so beautifully tells.
you’re free to tear
at the emotion the melody commands.
no requirements,
merely messages entirely
manifested by your mind.
When did we start redefining classical as outdated?
Feb 2021 · 78
please pass the test
Azure Feb 2021
I check to see if people care,
By ignoring them all day.

It seems perverse,
I know.

But if they notice,
And call me to inquire,
I know they think about me.
I know that I’m not forgotten.
Feb 2021 · 76
Table for One
Azure Feb 2021
I’ve decided to accept I’m lonely.
Perhaps I’ll learn to be happy alone.

In time, I’ll pick the duets at karaoke night,
I’ll sign up for a couples massage,
Watching the notebook will become an activity for one.

Is it possible that solitude is a blessing?
Independence is a virtue.
Your rejection is my growth.

Am I all too optimistic,
Is it manifesting to delusion.

I suppose I wouldn’t know,
The thing about delusion,
Is that it takes someone close to point it out.
And being alone,
Means I don’t have that someone.
Feb 2021 · 71
Sit down
Azure Feb 2021
It hurts,
When I’m trying to tell you something important to me,
Something that isn’t easy to talk about,
And all you’re doing,
Is searching for the punch line.

When will you see that my hurt isn’t a joke.
Feb 2021 · 419
Imposter imposter
Azure Feb 2021
Feeling like a fraud is so tiresome
Because no matter what I achieve,
I’ll always believe I’ve cheated,
scammed my way to success.

As though I don’t trust myself to be great?

A victory, forgotten.
A loss, engraved.
Feb 2021 · 85
Selective hearing
Azure Feb 2021
Anxiety is like a soft whisper,
that tells lies
to all elements of
your being,
And convinces you they’re true.
I’m not sure when the whispers got so loud
Feb 2021 · 53
Short sighted
Azure Feb 2021
I’m not sure,
When the words
‘You’re not enough’
became so familiar.
But these days,
They’re all I see
Feb 2021 · 58
Passion feels cold
Azure Feb 2021
Passion isn’t a fire fuelling,
But rather an itch that cannot be scratched,
Until what you must do,
Is done.
Feb 2021 · 60
Imagine it
Azure Feb 2021
I fill in the gaps,
With my imagination.

Dont tell me where you are,
And I will assume the trenches.
Don’t tell me how you feel,
And I will assume distraught.
Don’t tell me what you mean,
And I will assume war.

Perhaps I don’t fill in the gaps,
But turn them to
Gaping wounds.
Feb 2021 · 59
Azure Feb 2021
Whoever said emotions weren’t physical?

Can you not feel the weakness in your limbs as another days is overcome by sad?
Can you not feel the surrender of your bowls to the anxious?
Can you not feel the dimming of your mind as you overwhelm?

I assume that they had never heard of death by a broken heart.
Feb 2021 · 339
Heads or tails
Azure Feb 2021
Its awfully funny how
The feeling of an approaching
panic attack and faint
Are so similar.

That way I don’t know if I’m going to stop
Or breathing.
The element of surprise is quite the comedian.
Feb 2021 · 71
Water into wine
Azure Feb 2021
I’m tired of forgiving.
I’m tired of seeing from their perspective.
I’m tired of letting it go.
I’m tired of telling them it’s ok when it’s not.
I’m tired of having to remember everything I’ve allowed them to do.
I’m tired of being the kind, supportive friend.

I’m so **** tired, I’m becoming
Feb 2021 · 402
Synonyms for Goodbye
Azure Feb 2021
After repeating the same word
over and over,
Notice how it becomes

And it’s because of this
this truth,
that I refuse to come
Back to you.
Feb 2021 · 68
Diluted purpose
Azure Feb 2021
If only they had continued forcing us to write stories about holidays and adventure,
Maybe we’d have learned to accept the diversity of thoughts.

If only we had never stopped our exploration of acrostics and metaphor,
Maybe our generation would have
more to say than
Feb 2021 · 82
Cruel nature
Azure Feb 2021
A mother cares,

She sacrifices hair,
surrenders skin.

She faces I hate you and

A mother is a tragic heroine.

For the days she succeeds,
The day her children have fully grown,
She has also lost.
Feb 2021 · 279
Azure Feb 2021
Thank you,
For telling me you appreciate me.

It watered my drought,
It sprouted my hope,
It blossomed my love.
It made me know,

That despite everything,
It’s still worth it.
Feb 2021 · 969
Azure Feb 2021
I was the little girl,
In the pink frilly dress,
Who felt
Because no one
ever told her
she was
Feb 2021 · 73
Ripped seams
Azure Feb 2021
Please don’t ask me how I am.
I don’t want to
Feb 2021 · 105
My secret prize
Azure Feb 2021
I wish I could help myself
The way that I help others.

Maybe it’s because,
I love them more than
I love myself.
Maybe it’s because
I see the beauty of tragedy.
Maybe it’s because,
If I don’t have the sad
I have nothing.
Azure Feb 2021
Theres this part of me that I
Some foreign girl who visits occasionally.
She’s jealous,
and competitive.
She rages when she is not the
I tell her to go away
But I cannot dissociate.

I pray no one ever meets
that girl.
Feb 2021 · 503
I ❤️ NY
Azure Feb 2021
I didn’t go through all of this,
Just to not
Be given the
T shirt.
Feb 2021 · 81
Azure Feb 2021
It’s exhausting.  
To have laboured,
To have fought,
To have clawed your way
With hands and feet
out of ‘that’ place.

Just to fall back
to where you started.
Feb 2021 · 74
Azure Feb 2021
I’m terrified of myself.
Of what I don’t understand,
Of the darker voice getting too loud.
I don’t know what she’ll do,
I don’t know if I’m strong enough to
Stop her.
Feb 2021 · 78
Poster girl
Azure Feb 2021
We have this image of what mental illness looks like.
A girl with sunken eyes and dull skin.
So when it creeps up on you,
It can take forever,
To refocus your eyes,
And see that the girl
Lives within you.
Feb 2021 · 66
Azure Feb 2021
I can’t tell if I’d like to
Shout, or scream, or cry.

Falling out of sync with you body is
Azure Feb 2021
Poetry is a curious thing.

It’s a code far greater than the enigma.
For I can be a feline, a flower or a breeze.
And no one would know.

It’s about straying as far from sane
As possible.
Learning to understand  yourself whilst leaving others baffled.

The cheapest therapy I’ve found.

A poet is a mad man, a romantic, a philosopher.
I am all,
And none.

What I’ve finally come to understand,
Is that the beauty of poetry,
Is that it cannot,
be understood.
Jan 2021 · 62
where school fails
Azure Jan 2021
May I teach a course,
So people can learn to love like I do.
Perhaps they will understand how to support.
To feel deeply,
To know
Without explanation.
I’m left in a state of narcissism
Because I have yet to find someone,
Who feels as I do.
I’m Left longing to duplicate myself,
For I long to be understood,
I need it more than you.
Jan 2021 · 65
Humanity’s secret
Azure Jan 2021
You have not known pain,
Until you’re looking into the eyes of someone
You want to love
But only feel hate.
Jan 2021 · 59
Nature’s clay
Azure Jan 2021
I cannot understand
Why, with but a second’s notice,  
My stomach turns to clay.
Available to whoever wishes to mold it.
Guilt races worry,
Sorrow faces rage.

In the end, my clay is left mangled and alone.
For when guilt, sorrow and rage are bored
They leave, perhaps for a return on a new day.
Yet the clay remains deformed.
Jan 2021 · 59
Mary Poppins’ puddle
Azure Jan 2021
I splashed in a puddle
And I drowned.
The mud tainted me and the droplets wouldn’t dry.
The damage so heavy I shrunk in size.

The puddle grew,
Till I was swimming in a Pool
Of tears sourced from innocent eyes.

Before I could believe,
I was floating in a sea
with gusts of wind, I felt I could no longer breathe.

The waves multiplied,
So great I thought Noah was nearby,
Yet he didn’t respond to my shouts or my cries,

And so the whirlpool got me,
pulling till I let go
and drowned.

And as you may predict,
Today I still swim,
Yet I have seem to have left the tricks of the puddle,  
And joined the River Styx.
Jan 2021 · 76
Love letter
Azure Jan 2021
Hey Mr sunshine,
Yes, it’s me again.
I’m writing to tell you I’d like to meet,
And maybe even become your friend.

I know it’s been a while,
I’ve been dealing with some stuff.
I understand you may not trust me,
But things have been rough.

I told Mr night we’re over,
I’ve moved on from the dark.
So if you’re interested,
Please message me, so our relationship can start.
Jan 2021 · 85
Tell me you love me
Azure Jan 2021
Some days it feels like I’m only living so I don’t hurt the ones I love,
So I really need you to tell me that you
Love me.
Jan 2021 · 55
Father’s Day
Azure Jan 2021
Today was the day
I told him I appreciated him.
After years of scorn
And ‘I don’t love you’
I showed him my truth.
That I feel more pity for him
Than for anyone else.
That I admire his strength
Because I have begun to walk in his shoes
And have already sought the end.
His shoes are worn
And yet he continues to walk.
So I told him that I appreciate his
Blisters and bruises
Because my blisters are growing too.
Jan 2021 · 85
I’ve got a crush
Azure Jan 2021
I’m learning to love,
Not the boys in the movies,
Not the men on the shows,
I’m learning to love, not lust.

Love for myself.
Love for every tear I cry,
I’m learning to tell myself I’m accepted,
I’m human.

I’m allowed to be sad.
I’m allowed to want to scream.
I’m allowed to ruin your day with my truth  
Like you have ruined mine.

I am allowed to take
Because I give too much
To have enough to
Love myself.

And I have to love myself.
Jan 2021 · 84
Lost tools
Azure Jan 2021
I feel weak
But lack the nuts and bolts
to put me back together.
Ive lost the instructions
Misplaced the *****
Broken the pieces
And dried up the glue.
Maybe it’s time to buy a new kit.
Jan 2021 · 68
I need to swim
Azure Jan 2021
A life of extremes would be great if I were only ever happy
For when I smile I soar.
But the days I cry,
I unleash
and depths of

I don’t feel,
I become.
Jan 2021 · 58
Azure Jan 2021
I miss the days when I was flat.
When I was simple and lacked complexity,
When my friends knew all of my secrets,
And I had nothing to hide.
When the greatest worry was a playground romance,
When I could clear my mind at a disco dance,
But now I have become solid.
With layers and layers of pain.
And I can’t hand over the tools to peel
Without excepting I’m not ok.
And I can’t express what I’m feeling,
Because I know that it’s not familiar.

So I’ll look for others,
Who share my tears and cries.
In desperation I seek a friend to whom I do not have to lie.
But I’m left with those who are broken.
Who take and demand my remaining light,
Who pull on the rope that hangs thinner by the day, in jealousy and spite.
So if I should not find someone broken and cannot live with the complete
Am I doomed to an existence of alone and emotional defeat ?
Jan 2021 · 69
The Daisy
Azure Jan 2021
The day you dilly dallied by the ponds and the fields,
Did you wonder what conditions dared to give yield,
To the daisy. Rouge yet worn.
Did you wonder her past, did you question her scorn?
Or did you stop at her face.
Ignoring her history of disgrace.
Then did you embrace the rain,
and foster her pain?
And did you relish in the days of sun.
The days she grew and prospered in calm.

And if you discovered
She was both water and sun
Would you stay and nurture her,
or would you quit and run.
And if you could stay,
Would you abandon the root,
Forget of the seed,
Pluck out the daisy,
Ane let her be freed.
Jan 2021 · 81
Our Eulogy
Azure Jan 2021
The sun shines in black and white,
Birds sing despite the broke song,
Suffering prolonged.
The river flows to flood the town,
Melodies can’t swim, so they drown,
A day of down.

And since you have been gone,
Everything feels wrong,
And Nature. Seems dead.
The sweetest chocolate, bitter,
The warmest day, a shiver.
I beg to right the wrong.

The wind blows in turgid air,
Emotions, all withered but despair
Our tragic affair.
The paints dry and spoil in colour.
Artist cease to prosper and inspire.
And I am stuck, infinitely,
In an existence devoid of happy.

And since you have been gone,
Everything feels, off.
And nature,
Is, dead.
Jan 2021 · 51
How do you swim ?
Azure Jan 2021
There are many things
I wish to tell
But I don’t know where to begin.
I dont know if there ’s a shallow end I can tip toe into
I think my only option is to jump.
A splash,
Then the aftershock.
The ripples that never seem to settle.
The heavy words that drown me
Requiring strength I do not have.

But I need to splash,
so I can finally dry off.

— The End —