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J* oin other people who work together in
A ctivities because that
N otion expands the concept of
U nity in
A ll Corners  of life and teamwork can make you
R ealise something new about
Y ourself which you have never been aware of.

F eelings that
E xist in my heart
B reaks me  because they are not just
R egular feelings yet they are
U nconditional
A nd I am struggling to
R elinquish this innermost feelings because I am scared
Y ou might deny my heart which i kept for you to equip

M any things are stripped
A way from us because we don't
R ealise or come into terms that we ought to
C herish and
H onour those that heaven specially blessed us wish.

A lways know that God's
P romises shall be
R eceived and we should never be
I mpatient because he is the only master of our.
L ives.

M any things are
A chieved when
Y ou have developed a positive energy of that certain aspect you are doing.

J ump
U p and down
N ever lose hope certainly
E verything shall work out.


J ustify why such
U nconditional feelings will eventually
L ose its value when i try to express how I truly feel about
Y ou.

A lways get
U p and
G o into the day without
U ncertainties of
S ome sort and
T he best you can be in that day.

S omeday i will
E ventually be able to overcome the
P ain
T hat
E xists deep within
M e
B ut remember that i wished for our
E xistence to never end but i can't change the circumstances because
R eality is that we were never meant to be.


O ceans are deep and the
C onditions of my sentment upon you are much more deeper than that of the ocean.
T oday marks a new story and a new life which i wish to persue with you, I don't have much to
O ffer thee my dear but I promise to
B e there for you whenever you need me in the
E ntire duration of your existence because I
R eally  feel greatness with your presence in my life.

N ever mistaken the conditions of my sentment because the feelings that exists are real
O ut of millions of people in the world you are the only one i exchange such
V ows of the sentment and
E very little thing i say is out of the deeepness of
M y heart
B e with me babe and
E veryday i will love you and
R aise our little ones into bright future leaders of tomorrow.


D ear you can't be loved by
E veryone and you
C an't expect thing's to go your way.
E verything you do in life has it's own
M eaningful aspect which when carefully analysed it
B rings out a better vision of yourself and  daily we learn something new which shall
E ventually build us into
R espectable citizens of tomorrow.
Are we going to bring tears in each other's lives or we gonna bring nothing but the best smile ever existed in our faces?
For a moment I assumed that we were both linked by all heaven skies to live a new chapter of our lives together.
Was I only blinded by the beauty that existed on your face?, was noticing your beauty a calling to my heart break?
What should I do at times like this when the rain and the tears that fall from my eyes serve as a closely related family.

Thunderstorms,lightning and other hissing sounds never cry out loud like the heart of mine that cries because of you.
I never expected perfection from you. All I ever wanted was for you to make me forget about all the pain I felt in the past.
You forever running away from me as if I am a loan shark expecting you to settle your loans.
Even if that's the case I am left wounded, unable to see the life I assumed I was going to live because you can't hold me.

I am fine I will not cry for you any more, I will simply let you go to your desired place of comfort.
Seeing that nothing I do pleases you, allow me to grant you my blessings to go to any man you want.
You my lady bird and I cannot restrict you to fly around to notice the beauty that exists on Earth but never forget HOME.
My heart is your home but never expect to find it as comfortable as it was before because nobody cleaned it.
If you wondering why, allow me to tell you that nobody will ever live in my heart than you forever.
To me the stars are the eyes of the fallen warriors
And my eyes should be acting as the stars than weeping over a laissie

I still can't believe I was blind all this time
Blinded by my own words thinking it is all God's doings man
But then this has never been God's grace
No God approves of such extent of agony
But you my love brought me down instead of lifting me up

In my thoughts I always thought of u
I always told a farytale and even thought of uttering it to my unborn children
Funny to me their mother was you
Why did I love unconditionally when the results would be unnecessarily burdensome

I lied to myself man I lied thinking that some day the world would be a better place with me and you living in a well fed home like Queen Elizabeth I thought I was telling the truth just like Sister Abigail always said
With you I had the whole world but now it is all shattered for reason I can't even come to conclusions with

The stars shine in the sky
The are draped in the dark but still shine
But you can't even shine in the light
My love I call it quits now I am done uttering lies that binds us in my thought
MAMA, I am left speechless, I don’t know where the road leads from this point onwards. I am left hanging on a jungle in great struggle trying to save myself from falling ******* the surface.
At all times as I was about to fall from the ninth floor you saved me by holding my hand real tight and gave me enough reason to continue climbing the ladder towards success.
MAMA, during thy existence on Earth, I never received diamonds nor Golds but the tender, love and care you offered indeed became my greatest treasure and shall not be forgotten in any day.
The lessons thy offered me shall certainly build me into a better daughter, an improved friend a good wife to he who will be God sent and certainly a good parent to thy grandchildren.

MAMA, thy removal in this Earth by those whom we always thought were a shoulder to cry on when we are in pain has certainly taught me that we never had friends, pity I had to realise this without you.
I remain on Earth with heartless creatures who will do absolutely anything to knock me down to the ground but because of your emotional existence I know I will overcome anything coming my way.
Mama, thy physical absence certainly does not mean I am left alone, thy love exists in all ends of the atmosphere and I will forever feel your presence everywhere I go.
Death stepped foot between a mother and a daughter in hopes that it will separate the two but the special bond between you and I MAMA is so strong that not even death can separate us.

MAMA, I am in tears, I seem to find no reason to continue living because my soul repairer has been removed next to me for reasons of which are unknown.
It breaks my heart when I think of all that is happening, my future endeavours has been ruined because physically you won’t witness me graduating or going shopping with me in my car.
So many things will change, I can never distinguish daylight to night-time. The mouth-watering food you used to prepare for us daily will never be tasted anymore unless I think of the past.
Nonetheless, thy special recipe will forever be in my mind and I know that in one of the good days I will prepare it and let your grandchildren taste thy teachings.

Empa MAMA, kalelingwe lamatsatsi gotla loka ebile ketla kgona go amogela gore otlogile lefaseng. Madi awe asenang molato kasolofela gore magodimong odutsi stulong sa kgauta ekganyago jwale ka lerato leo ne ompha lona kamehla le matsatsi
Perceive the ticking clock as it moves towards the last straw of the year 2017.
Family and friends came together for a festive season as they remembered where their roots originates from.
Memories indeed have been all that was created in all families who saw a need to come together.
Moments of sadness, moments of happiness have all been endured but what matters most is that a new leaf is coming.

Despite everything else, no one can regret ever coming home to have just the little of which we have been offered.
It hurts when one has to leave due to business callout yet it is a lovely feeling because great belongings haven’t been lost.
Tears fallout as feelings alters due to thoughts that nature is separating you from your loved ones.
Wipe off the tears flowing down your cheeks because it ruins everything that was created from day one.

What we are being separated forever from is just a year which was introduced by nature for a short while.
Goodbye 2017 welcome 2018 a progressive family that has never ceased to stop.
The upcoming year wash away all the tears that flows down the cheeks of the unfairly treated souls.
Offer sunshine in the night and make the stars become visible during the day.
Reflections in mind about the good and the bad yet 2018 shall be a year of no any other alternatives.
Let everyone enjoy the upcoming year and many chain locked doors to be unlocked for those who wish to enter.


Let everything be knew, allow what has never been offered by any year be offered by you.
Remove any bad occurrences and replace it with golden memories leading to a beautiful tomorrow that awaits us.
A large portion of the universe perceive death as the finish line
In a long race of a human beings existence
Connection between ambiances seems to have reached its limits
Our minds are cleared of the deceased as we can never see them again

But that factor shall certainly not reflect upon us
Death the mother of all the cries of our ripped hearts
Eradicating my loved one into a different dimension
That surely does not mean it is the end of our association

Deceased or not our bond shall continue to exist as we always planned
Tender love and care shall always be offered even in your resting place
Memories will not only be relieved in the past but also in the future
You might be removed from the Earth but not in my temperament

Though years might go by without physically seeing you
Spiritually and emotionally your presence will be visible at all times within me
Just like old times when I made your bed well
Even in your resting place I shall clean and make sure you sleep well forever
I should have listened to their expressions

I should have swallowed my pride

I should have known better

I should have expected absolutely anything coming my way


Realized a day is made of a day and night

Realized a coin is made of head and tale

Realized that there is either truth or a lie to a story

Realized that either there’s a smile or a frown on a precious face


Failed to think of you as my heart breaker

Failed to think of you neglecting me at one point of life

Failed to oversee myself crying tears of sorrow because of you

Failed to think of one of us saying bye without the presence of death


I certainly will remember the wonderful memories we created

I certainly will smile when I think of yesterday

I certainly will miss my other half when tomorrow comes

I certainly will keep you in my sentiment forever
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