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85 · Nov 2018
Remember them
Richard Smith Nov 2018
See the bullets
Flying far
Through the night
Like shooting stars
Keeping back the enemy
Big bad men
You will not see
On the news the battle rages
The tv screen seen by all ages
Miles away the fight is fought
Once seen not given another thought
Except the men that fight and die
Have wives and kids in their minds eye
To keep them safe is their mission
They volunteer to give their lives
So you can stay safe with your wives
A debt is owed to all those men
Forever please remember them
84 · Dec 2018
To my child
Richard Smith Dec 2018
If I ever seem a burden
Please remember what I’ve done
Taken care of you and loved you
Since you popped out of your mum
I worked all hours just to feed you
Keep you clothed and toasty warm
Held a job to keep you sheltered
Safe and dry against the storms
I missed maybe a birthday
Or a play in which you starred
But my child I’ll always love you
Which is why I worked so hard
I know you have a life and family
And you work all hours sent
To keep your children’s bellies full
And make the money for the rent
Please remember that you’re doing
All the things that I have done
I hope that now you realise
And that you understand
84 · Dec 2020
A wish
Richard Smith Dec 2020
I wished a wish
That wish was you
And then in time
That wish came true
For in that wish
Your love I knew
As mine for ever
Me and you
83 · Apr 2020
Richard Smith Apr 2020
Through the **** of everyday
Into the pit of disarray
To pay the debt we all must pay
Is there any peace in death

The world we look at is so stark
From every person there is a mark
Whether light or if it’s dark
It’s there for all to see
81 · Feb 2019
Richard Smith Feb 2019
Smiling on the outside
No one sees the woe
Laughing all day long
How do I even see it through
The pain is my companion
It is with me constantly
The drugs dull all the symptoms
But it wins eventually
So I laugh and smile and joke along
Making light of situations
Hiding all the pain I’m suffering
Taking my day with patience
Swallow the pills to **** the pain
And plod my path to relief
80 · Dec 2018
Perfect love
Richard Smith Dec 2018
Perfection is unattainable
So everybody says
Then I look at you and fall in love
Each and every day
Your flaws are what make you perfect
Without them what’s to know
Your scars and blemishes and marks
From surface to your soul
The children you have given us
The house you make our home
Is full of love and happiness
Cause perfect is your love
78 · Dec 2018
Richard Smith Dec 2018
Who has many deep dark secrets
Who has voices in their heads
Who believes the world around them
Would be better if they were dead
Who thinks life is too much bother
Who wants all of this to end
Who has nothing left to live for
No one thinking they are friends

Everybody has some secrets
Voices speak to everyone
But just believe that there is someone
Wants you there because you’re loved
This will end these empty feelings
When you live through all the rough
Even when you’re at your loneliest
There are friends with which to talk
78 · Dec 2018
Richard Smith Dec 2018
For those that do not know me
I’m a man of little worth
I don’t have lots of money
And all I do is work
I have a quite large family
To house and feed and clothe
But none of them has wanted
For a home that’s filled with love
My family is growing still
My children having more
And all I have is theirs to have
As my love continues to grow
I may not have the money
To buy most everything
But believe me I’m the richest man
I love with all my being
78 · Feb 2020
My love
Richard Smith Feb 2020
You are the one and only
That holds my heart and soul
Though when it comes to showing
I just really do not know
Although I tell you daily
I love you more than life
And I am truly honoured
That you agreed to be my wife
78 · Nov 2018
Richard Smith Nov 2018
Drifting aimless
Have no bed
Thoughts are swirling
Through my head
Could it be
I’m really dead
No one even sees me.

Drifting aimless
Town to town
If I’m seen
Always a frown
Don’t look up
Forever down
They know not what I’ve done for them.

Drifting aimless
In my mind
The gunshots ring
I try to hide
I see the bodies
Try to find
Some peace from all the memories.

Drifting aimless
Battling on
Feeling tired
No more can I run
Time to rest
Life is not fun
This soldiers time has ended.
77 · Dec 2019
Richard Smith Dec 2019
There is no greater pleasure
Than to curl up with a book
You can go to any place or time
You just need to take a look
Escape to the Wild West one day
And rob a bank or two
Or watch a wizard cast his spells
While combating a coup

A book is just another way
Of leaving the world behind
To get away from all your stress
And kiss your woes goodbye
So think of all the authors
As saviours of us all
They give us so much joy and hope
When we are in their thrall
77 · Nov 2020
Richard Smith Nov 2020
The words that come are useless
They just cannot convey
The passion and the meaning
Of what I want to say

I get so **** frustrated
At the feelings locked inside
That have no way of escaping
And flying far and wide

I don’t show much emotion
And wish that I could change
To tell the ones I love
What’s really on my mind
Having a hard time talking to anyone and this came to my mind probably as a cry for help it takes a lot to talk sometimes but the effort has to be made
76 · Nov 2018
The Veteran
Richard Smith Nov 2018
That man you see
When it’s dark
Upon a bench
In the park
Without a roof
Or room to stay
In all weather
Snow, wind, rain
Served his country
Proud and true
Came back broken
Can’t fight through
Society looks down on him
Don’t see the man
Or what he did
They see a drunk, addict, ***
A down and out
Use to no one
His family a distant dream
His end will come
Cold alone and lonely.
71 · Jan 2020
Richard Smith Jan 2020
We are all made of stardust
That fell out of the sky
A sun that just exploded
After millennia burning bright
It floated through the galaxy
To settle on this planet
It’s journey never ending
It’s inside each and everyone
It’s rest our beginning
70 · Dec 2020
Your choice
Richard Smith Dec 2020
I still get baffled
Every day we are together
What you see in me
Is a mystery

I cause heartache
With decisions made
I believe are right
Though they make you rage

My good intentions
Are mine alone
I find no words
To make them known

But every day
You are with me
You choose to stay
And not to flee
Still after 18 years my wife is with me enduring the stupid decisions I make for what I believe to be in our families best interest even though more often than not it ends in tears
66 · Sep 2019
Thoughts on war
Richard Smith Sep 2019
Mothers and daughters
Fathers and sons
Brothers and sisters
People each one
Died by the thousands
Killed for a cause
A madness for power
A sick holocaust

The whole world fighting
With guns and with bombs
To stop the destruction
Yet causing their own
And returning from battles
Fought ******* the field
Find they are isolated
Can’t express how they feel

The hunger for power
Is what fuels war
Will forever enshroud us
Keep us on our knees
As a man and a soldier
One thing I would plead
Fight no more with weapons
Use words and treaties
64 · Oct 2020
Richard Smith Oct 2020
Everybody needs it
For one thing or another
If not from a professional
We get it from each other
We talk and laugh and joke
About the things that are our troubles
To lighten our minds
And stop them crumbling to rubble
From something as simple as falling over to something as big as losing a loved one we all have traumas that need therapy be it professional or not keep your mind healthy
63 · Dec 2020
Richard Smith Dec 2020
As my eyes opened
You I saw
Even though
You were not there
But in my mind
Your never gone
You’re by my side

With my hands
I could not touch
Your perfect skin
Though all I feel
When I reach out
Is you beneath
My fingertips
Ever present
57 · Jun 16
Richard Smith Jun 16
Words are solid
Liquid and insubstantial
They can comfort,
Console and heal
They can embrace with love
Make you fly and hold you
In enchantment

Words are also weapons
They can hurt,
Wound and maim
They can tear your heart
Out of your chest
They can make you sink
To your own black hell
To suffer in eternity

Our words evoke emotions,
They have real effects
So choose your words with kindness,
Lest end up with regrets
But all these are
Is words wrote down
What could I ever know
Except that when my mind runs loose
My river of words flows.
27 · 4h
Once broken it’s shattered
Splinters to rebuild an ark
Of memories tainted
Looks, laughs and touches
‘Misread’ or caught
Madness inside my own mind
Does trust break post betrayal
Is the time they are caught…

22 years of my past private?
He trusts me so no worries
He is away miles so we got time
Did you know he…

No trust in anyone
What’s to live for
Love alone
Is not an anchor
Giving Up was not a choice
The pieces scattered
To all four points
Never to be found?
I’m too broken
Let me leave

My love is unconditional
My trust was earned
Then broken
Now I’m fading
With smiles and
Laughing banter

— The End —