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Roz K Feb 2010
I am not your saviour
I could never save your soul
Mine was ****** from go.
So please leave me alone.

Besides, you don't need me,
You are much better off alone.
Roz K Feb 2010
I have lost myself,
in your kisses,
in your touch.

When you're inside of me,
for just a moment,
I forget reality.

I am engulfed with pleasure
inflamed by desire.

I've lost control,
and for once,
I embrace the chaos.
Roz K Feb 2010
You liked the taste of tears
the harder I cried, the happier you appeared.

And I love to please.

So I cried for you,
I spilled all the secrets of my soul for you.

I love to please.

You left me, cold and broken,
my tears were not enough.
You needed blood, you needed pain, you needed agony.
I gave you those as well.

I love to please.

When you were done, when you had everything that was me,
I ceased to be.

Do I really love to please?

No, I just did not know
that pleasing you,
would break me.
Roz K Feb 2010
I pretended to love you
It is what I was taught.

Don't show your emotions
keep them bottled up inside.

I could never have loved you.
Anymore than you could have loved me.

We were both lying to ourselves.
Playing house, because the real word
is such a scary place.

Neither one of us was prepared for reality,
so we made our own, and oh how we failed miserably.
Roz K Feb 2010
The doctor writes in his chart, as I spill my guts.
Letting him into my soul. Just to be told, here is another pill.

"It will make everything better, you don't have to feel"
So the doctor says, and wouldn't you know, he was right!
Roz K Feb 2010
I can smell  the fresh paint,

thinking it should be blue

for the future small you.

I rub my belly watching for growth

of the child you put inside of me by force.

Of course not to be out done,even by

yourself, violently you took my child away

kicked him from my womb.

Laughing as the blood ran down my thighs

in tiny trickles  like sinister kisses,

from a lovers soft lips.

And when I awoke,

I found I had not escaped

and yet my small babies fate

lay in a pool of blood

in the already ruined rug.

— The End —