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Vampyre Kato May 2016
Open Your Eyes To The Pain
Im Breaking Limbs
Reahing For Change
I Will Not Pretend
Perfections In
Shrooms Bloom Questions
I Can't Feel My Brain
I Don't Know If I'm Stressing
I Feel It All
I Pay Attention
I Don't Have Wish Wash Words
To Quick Sqaush Verbs
I'm Face To Face With The Curb
Like Clipped Wings & A Bird
I'm Still Trying
Senations Statements
I Feel Like Dying
I'm Getting A Viloen
Eye Lids Cant Handle Any More Crying
Years Of Tears Pierce
Fierce On My Strong Facem, Iris
I Need To Meditate
You Hella Fake
Stay The **** Away
Real Connections Are Always There
I'm A Ghost In Smoke I Always Stare
No Disquesie My Eyes
Shine I Died Inside
& I Want To Share
Nights Are Very Dark
They Tear Me Apart
Where Is The Spark
I'm Cold As Dusk
& Its Not Fair
In The Kitchen
Wishing Some One Was Here
Gazeing At The Table Blade
It Rains On This Chair
I Will No Longer Not Speak Up
Even It Gets Me Beat Up
Fear Doesn't Reach Us
Plus IF I Projected This Chi
It Would Decapitate Head & Feet
Hands & Knees
Only Mother Earth
& Father Sky's Can Handle
I'm Made Of Matter That Matters
There's Blood On My Matress
My Ego Decays
As My Last Day Hatches
Im A ******* Spy
All Seeing Eye
Sphynx Cat
That's It
I'm Going In
Head First No Gear
I'm Ready To Die
There's Never Been A Time In My Life That I Cry No Tears
The Pain Is Deeper Than The Sea Floor
I Know I Need Grounding
I Bleed Surrounding To See More
I Want To Be A Day It Self
Or A See Horse
I Got Shreaded Wings
& These Thorns
Electrical Be 4
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
FWD: Guardian Of The Light
Soul Glows Goes Below
Behold Darkest Night
Perception Surpassing Depths
Humans Mention
I Am Adept
Ascending Threw New Dimensions
I Understand I Just Do
I Am Just Me
Trust Me Your Just You
Souls With Special Power
Universal Timing
Alining The Perfect Hour
Rituals To Share Respect
There Is No Tear In Wear
When Im Here Or There
And Adress The Threats
Im Here On Earth To
It Hurts The Worst Of Course
What The Heck
Im Burining In Flames
That Strain Amazing
Gazing In Just A Sec
Secrue WHEN Im Near
The Oppisite ***
Im Too Awesome To Rest
My Dreams Are Life And Death
I Feel Nervous
Breakin Pools Of Sweat
I Pull Through Like Maters Do
Till Wings Grew
And There Is Nothing Left
That I Can Give
Or Recieve Like No More Breathe
I Came To Earth
To Transcend I Past The Test
Theres A Star Some Way Out West
That Reflects The East
I Be At 4 Directs
Gazing At The Sunset
Im The Water Baier
That Can Get The Sun Wet
Magik Fairy Dust
Is What My Ashes ArE
Came From Far Away
Past The Stars
I Hold Romance
& Soul Hands
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
The Things I Think About
Most Souls Dont Know
How To Think It Out
I Believe In Anything
And Right Now Im Bleeding Out
My Twin Soul Flames
Is On Her Way
I Need Her Now
Rain Storms Just Rains More
Im See A House
In Side Its DRY As Ice
Pain From Eyes Just Burn The Ground
Deathly Alone
No Needed Explenation
All That My Family Say Is Not Okay
I ******* Take It
Swallow My Spit
Transmute All Sensations
My Heart Going To Stop
So I Begin My Meditation
Theres A Demon Screaming
An Angel Singing
The Walls Are Shaking
I Built Em With My Blood
Its So Strong
They Will Hold On
And With Stand Thier Placemnet
I Am So Strong
I Will Not Yell
I Will Not Speak
I Will Just Breathe
I Will Not Fail
Heal My Body With Angelic Energy
Purify My Consiousnnees
Sub Consious Mantras My  Remedy
Im More Ready Then Ill Ever Be
Im Alright I Am The Light At Night
Remember Me
If Tonight I Take This Knife For Stake
And Slice My Throat And Face
Because I Could Not Breathe
I Love My Slef More  Than Any Body Could Give To Me
I Am A Miracle
Of Living Dream
That Will Never Die
Even When I Leave Earth
Spread These Silver Wings
And Bodies Cry
I Am Bleeding Opera
I Oughta Try
Tell My Mother
That Shes The Reason For My Lonlieness
And Readyness To Die
I Just Wanted To Spend Tine
The Past Really ****** Up Your Mind
I Would Go Back And Change A Things EXcpept
Our Vibe
Cos Our Connection Died
And Its Dark At Sometimes
I now Know My Soul Better That I Know  My Mom
Well I Never Knew Her
And It Feels So Wrong
Mom I Say This Strong
Im Letting Go For Ever
I Was The Only One Holding The Rope
As I Play These Notes
Just Know You I Dont Perceive Right Or Wrong
I See Through The Midst
There Is No More Holding On
Its So Cold With Out Coat
I Will Not Pass Over Without A Soul
I Just Might Take Flight Tonight
For Ever IM Bleeding Hope
Who Ever Is Reading This Note
When Somebody Speaks
Be Judement Free
And Look Deep Into Thier Soul
People Scream And No One Knows
I Am Raven
And A Dove
Suffocating Stuck By Crows
Its A Metaphor
Only The Deepest Souls
And Poets Know
No Suicide Note
I Didnt Want To Die
It Was Time For Me To Go
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
Im Happy I Am Me
DragonFlys & Trees
Magikal Forest
Beautiful Scenery
Angelic Energy
Dimensional Beings
Suround Me
Fairys From Under The Sun
On A Vine Dance And Sing
Swing Through Misty Creeks
Wings Shed Rain Of Pleasured
The Whispers Of The Spirtis
Are Beyond A Treasured Noise
Celtic Elfs
Tibetian Singing Bowls
Chassels On The Shelf
Happiness Blooms From Me
Roses And Flowers Resting
Gorgoeusly By The Creek
Theres A Gentle Hug From Breeze
Theres A Lady That Seems To Hear Then Appear To Anything We Need
Theres A Man That Cannot See And Can Not Stand But Knows The Way From Sea To Sea
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
Inventor Soul Lyracist
Floating Where The Spirits Is
Gypsy Doll Picnics On The Pyramids
Whispers In Mist
The Winds Breeze Is A Healings Kiss
A Record Deal To Me A Me Is Just A Public Hit
Unlike Alot Of Other Kids
I So Deep In My Soul When I Flow
Gold Drips
Meditae Where The Crows Sit
And Elevate To Where The Doves Love Gets
Im Everywhere
At The Moment Here In The Now
Roots Run Deeps
Theres Bianry Tones When I Smile Radiating Of My Cheeks
My Speech Is Delicate Sacred Its Sweet
Communicating Beautiuful
Able To Talk Non Stop For About Week
Moving In Soon With Brother Man Jonny Just A Little Flow To Let Em Know That We A Strong Team
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
Flow Synical
Hugging A Coat
Drinking from A Chassel
Declaring A Toast
As I Gaze In The Mirror
I See Me Deeply Pericing A Ghost
Life And Deaths Pull Tugs
A War With My Soul
Gravyards Are My Home
I Breathe Beneath A Tree
Percieve The Breeze As It Blows
We Need To Come To Gether If We Feel So Alone
Truth Is A Must
Lies Blind Desperate Minds Bury Us Under Stones And Dust
Im Glossing Up My Aura
Getting Rid Of The Rust
I Speak For The Ones Bleed To And Get Shushed Or STUCK And Get Close But Combust
I Meditate Channel Healing POWER In Me
No Dimensional Being Can Shatter This Matter I The Portal INfINITE MAGNIFICENT IMMORTAL  Judgement Free Universal Morals
Roots So Deep
Sleep In Diffrent Worlds
Purifying My Heart
For My Twin Soul Flame
We Are A Star
Vampyre Kato Apr 2016
I Am The Ordane Minister
At The Funeral For My Pain
I Am Sounding Song Of The Violen
& Piano That Angels Cry
I Am The Roses & Symbols
That Surround My Box
I Am The Joy In The Rest Assured
That Peace Is All That's Left
The Ghost Rabbies & Mold That Once Was
Riutals Has Casted It To Death
I Am Sye Of Relief
The Aw I Can Finally Breathe
In The Chest
I Am The Doves In The Sky
I Am Light In Homlesses People
I Am The Soul Who Is Alone
On The Cold Stone Nights
I Am The Heart That Doesn't Bark
The Strongest In The Fight
I Am The Map To Here I Roam
I Am A Vampire Out In Rome
I Am Illumanted With A Sphere
Painted With Years Of Hope
I Am An Expression Of The Universe
Then Again I Am A Ghost
I Am The Fine Wine On Sacred Times
I Am The Toast
I Am The Sensations In All Evoked
I Am The Sun & I Am The Moon
I Am The Space
I Am The Room
I Am 1 With All
The Ball The Ballon
The Empty Cups Of Souls That Drink
That Think They ****
I Am Not The I Am The Savior
We All Are Sacred & Special Creators
We All Are We Just Believe
I Understand What We All Need
Our Hearts Are Not That Far
Hug Them Please
Meditate Stay Away From TV
& Things & Places That Damage Ease
Im At Mourge Under A Tree
With My Twin Soul Flame
Gazing At The Breeze
Flowers For Her & Me
1 With Gender
1 With Her
I Am The Love
That Must Endure
I Am Extremely Pure
My Past Was Dark
Apart From Here
Time Is Not The Near
Dream Beyond Strong
Face Your Fears
& You Will Recieve
What You Crave, Bleed & Need
I Am Sending Love To All Who Read My Poems I Know Their Stone
In Happiness & Mystery
Were All 1
Sit Out Side In A Garden
Feel The Sun
Stay In The Present
Its A Present
I Deliver Messsages Sent From Heaven
You Will See 11:11
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