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3.4k · Aug 2018
To Dance a Mystery
Kimberly Aug 2018
There's a Lullaby that doesn't play in a Little Music Box, it roams like a Gypsy Soul, Mystery Lullaby is a Mysic soft song, that plays when and where it wants to play, Mystery Lullaby will take you by surprise, If you hear it play, don't be scared or run, Listen closely to it the Mysic soft sound, As you listen, you'll lose yourself in its song, For than a Lovely Magical Creature will gently take you by the hand, lead you into a Big Beautiful Ballroom, where there are other Lovely Magical Creatures Dancing, As they Dance your Lovely Magical Creature will take you into a Blissful Dance, spinning you around Gracefully across the Glass Floor, to the Mysic soft song of Mystery Lullaby, You will slowly start getting dizzy, and start to fall, As you fall, the Mystery Lullaby slowly fades, and Gone in the Wind, You're back to where you were with your head spinning in a drunk, Don't go searching for it, you won't find it, After all it's a Mystery and this Mystery can't and won't be Solved, As Mystery Lullaby doesn't play for long, For it's off to play for another at a Mystery and Magical Ball to Remember
840 · Aug 2018
Musical Flow
Kimberly Aug 2018
Let me take you on a magical music journey into the Souls of songs, you may get lost, scared, excited, or discover a whole different something, but, that's ok it may be fun.
Let's start with a fun song that makes you want to get up and feel like dancing, you go dance, be free, dance for fun of it. Dance until the songs ends, as the song ends, with the tapping of your foot still tapping to the fun song, as it still plays in your head, that's good, your body, your mind, How does it feel? It feels as if your body is floating, it feels as if your mind is clear, as to nothing can change it, either of them, now that was a fun start.  
Now let's slow it down just a bit, a song that you can still dance to, but you got to like it, and has a little more meaning, you got to listen though, listen closer to the words, there you have it now, you're dancing with more meaning, as to let the song tell your heart to take over your body, now as you feel this, you start to dance as to feel the song, let it go slowly, and finish your dance with heart and smoother step, now you're feeling as if something touch your heart, tug it a bit, Doesn't it feel good? It does, it's like walking, well, still dancing as if you are in the air, hold on to that, Are you lost? Dazed maybe!
If not lets get deep than...
This one might scare you, might take you into whole different world, it scared me at first, but don't worry, now we are going to take a song and slow it way down, a song with so much deeper meaning, one that means something to you, you're going to have to sit down for this one, really clear your mind, open your heart, let your body relax, if you want close your eyes, I like to close mine it's wild. You got it? Now turn that song on, breath... and go. Did I lose you? I hope so! There's a feeling like no other with this song, it's like you're light headed, listen to the words, you're feeling the words, with your heart, you're finally lost in the song, it's talking to you though, just keep listening, to feel it deep within, let it get inside your Soul, your Soul will dance like no other, isn't it great? It's like an ecstasy high, it's a rush of emotions, you don't understand, but you will in time, embrace this moment, you're at one with this song, it's yours, run away and never let it go, lost aren't you? I got lost as well.
It's ok to get lost in songs, it's good for your heart, and Soul, now that you went on this magical musical journey into the Souls of songs with me, now take what you have and enjoy the music with a deeper meaning and feeling, as for me I took all songs in as for I can get lost in any fast, slow, and songs that have deep meanings, to do this, just go back on that journey to Souls of songs, songs are more than dancing, and calling it your song, songs speak more deeply if you just listen with your heart, and Soul, not with your ears or head, so let songs guide you, let the Soul of the song in, You'll be free, Songs are the music path to our Souls...
660 · Aug 2018
One Mid-Summers Nite
Kimberly Aug 2018
Upon the Angelic Black Sea Sky,
The Amaranthine Moon Glade sails on the waters enchanting clouds, while Orphic tidal Waves Hypnotizing crushing Cantillate onto the Twilight Sands of dazzy, piercing, playful, love struck of small Alcate Islands that are like stars that wink as The Amaranthine Moon Glade sails by as it Evanescence into the haunting mirror of the alluring Moon Road Admiring lit up by its own Miridical reflecting, that is a slow twisted slide that takes you through the Witchy hours of the dark into the Fascinating Glazing Weary of Aurora
Amaranthine: undying, eternally beautiful; a deep-purple red

Cantillate: to chant or intone a passage of religious text

Evanescence: to act or state of vanishing away; disappearance; as evanescence of vapor, of a dream, of earthy plans, or hopes

Alcate: having wings; lifted up in flight

Miridical: amazing wondrous

Moon Glade: the track the full moon makes when it's rising from the sea
513 · Aug 2018
True Love Song
Kimberly Aug 2018
To write a true love song, is to play the strings of your heart with the lightness of a melody, the smoothness of a bass harmony of your soul that sings beautiful lyrics, to be heard by another, that plays the smoothness of a bass harmony in their heart, that plays the strings with the lightness of a melody in their soul that sings smooth lyrics
295 · Aug 2018
Conorous of Miridical Words
Kimberly Aug 2018
Chiliad years Logaphiles were written for us in many Eurythmic Forms to help comprehend ones Alexithymic;

The Orphic Lyrics of
Luftmensh Scops,

The Evanescence of Classical
Pieces of Merak Musicians,

The Timeless Dotish
Word in an Aubade,

The Aeipathy behind a
Bindlestill Writing Effable
Lines to an Auralize
Of an Epoch Poem,

The Sillage of
Camhanich in the
Lyrics of a Trouvaille Song,

Many Vagary were
written under the
Angelic Moon Phase
with Mid-Summer
Nites Dwaat Melliflous
of the Lite Breeze
through the Trees
Conorous: Melodies
Miridical: Wondrous
Chiliad: Thousand years
Logaphile: Lover of words
Eurythmic: In Harmonious proportion
Alexithymic: Difficulty in expressing emotional responses
Orphic: Entrancing beyond ordinary understanding
Luftmensh: With their heads in the clouds
Scop: An Old English Poet
Evanescent: Vanishing away
Merak: Creativity put in yourself into your work
Dotish: Silly
Aubade: A love song sung at dawn
Aeipathy: Enduring passion
Bindlestill: A *****
Effable: Able to be described in words
Auralize: Like 'Visualizing' but with sound
Epoch: A particular period of time in history or persons life
Sillage: A lingering scent of someones perfume
Camhanaich: Early morning Twilight
Troavaille: Something lovely discovered by chance
Vagary: Unusual desire
Dwaal: A dreamy, dazed, or absent minded state
Melliflous: A sound that is sweet and smooth; pleasing to hear
253 · Sep 2018
A Passionate Goodbye
Kimberly Sep 2018
The endless stormy nite, with loud crashing rolls of thunder, with lighting strikes that lite up the mid-nite sky.
He left her lying there in their bed. With tears of shattered pieces of her heart that stream down her pale face. With memories of their timeless love, bleeding from the deep cut of his smooth dagger. She laid there soaked in her tears and blood. Her body shivering, wondering why he left like that and so sudden, what did she do wrong to to him, what did she say or didn't say. She loves him with all she has and more. She gave him everything. She loves him in such ways.
Lighting strikes lighting up their bedroom, followed by a big thunder crash, that made her jump, snap her into the breathtaking moments that had just happen not too long ago, before she was left lying there crying alone on their bed.
They had just made love so erotically sensual. The loving moment holding each other. He climb out of bed and put his clothes on. He lean in gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. He turn walking to the door, opening it. He turn back around to see her looking up at him with tears and questions, in her big beautiful green eyes, that he loves to stare into them everynite before she closes them to go to sleep.
He was so tall and **** standing there in the doorway of their bedroom. He cleared his throat the best he could before he spoke to her. His gently voice softly said to her.
You My Dearest Love, I  been falling in Love with you everyday since the nite we meant, I Love you with everything I have and more. I will always be falling in Love with you, you will always be in my heart, all of this till my dying day and beyond. There shall not be no other Love after you. Than his smooth dagger cut deep. You're so angelic, delicate, stunning rare of Beauty, My Dear. I don't deserve you, nor do I know how to give you what you need or deserve. Please forgive me My Love, I Love you so very much.
As lighting flash, they caught a sheer glance at one another, just before he turn walking out the door, leaving her forever. His passionate heartbreaking words burn in her heart, the last look in his piercing eyes, has such utterly pain in them, with a single teardrop rolling down his handsome face, is hauntly painful within the depths of her lonely soul.
226 · Aug 2018
Melody Love
Kimberly Aug 2018
Come slow dance with me among the music sheets, sing with me the sweet lyrics of our souls, that plays to the smooth rhythm of our beating hearts as they come together to the love notes melody
221 · Sep 2018
Kimberly Sep 2018
Mystery and Magic
are fun to
play and solve
under the silver
moon and smilely
winky stars
216 · Aug 2018
Her Soul is Protected
Kimberly Aug 2018
He saw her perky little face was Naturally Beautiful, He watched her pink lips turn to a Sly Smile, He looked into her pretty big green eyes and saw a Deep Mystery, He saw her hair in a Fun Mess, As he watched her play like a Little Girl, Danced Freely, act like a Wild Child, then heard her speak softy with knowledge of wisdom of an Old Soul, He fell in Love with her all over again, she was his Soulmate, for she is the Rare Type, there is no other like her, for he wouldn't change her for the world, For she is Beautiful and Perfect in his Eyes, With that and his Love for her, that's what Protects and keeps her Safe from anyone that tries or wants to change her, Cause the Love and Bond between Soulmates are very Strong and Unbreakable
213 · Aug 2018
Melodies of Wondrous Words
Kimberly Aug 2018
Thousand of years Lover of Words were written for us in many Harmonious Proportion Forms to help comprehend ones Difficulty in Expressing Responses;

The Entrancing Beyond Ordinary
Understanding Lyrics of
Old English Poets
with their Heads in the Clouds,

The Vanishing of Classical Pieces of
Musicians that put their own
Creativity into their Work,

The Timeless Silly Word in a
Love Song Sung at Dawn,

The Enduring Passion behind a *****
Writing Able to be Described in words in the
Lines to Visualizing with Sound of a Poem
about a particular Period in time of His Life,

The Lingering Scent of
Early Morning Twilight
Lyrics " Love Discovered by Chance,"

Many Unusual Desires were written under
the Angelic Moon Phase with Mid-Summer
Nites Dreamy Sweet and Smooth sound of the
Lite Breeze through the Trees
205 · Aug 2018
Forever no More
Kimberly Aug 2018
The old enchantment rawky castle was her mesmerizing haunt, she knows she shouldn't escape to there every time, she was feeling scared, when a mans seductive words of love were really sweet nothings, breaks her heart, oh she knew especially when she felt the fiery of loneliness creep upon her, with the protruding sensual lust flowing through her, but she can't, her heart always allured her to him, he always knew what to do every time, he carried her up the grand stairs, down the long hallway lit up with beautiful candles, to his bedchamber, where he would be her lover for as long as she needed, he knows how to love her in all the most ******, playful, sinful ways a gentlemen knows how to a woman that knows herself as well, cause from the moment he opens those doors and they lock eyes, she begins to feel love.
  Than on a stormy nite she went running there, she arrived soaked, he wasn't there, for he had left a compassionate letter telling her of the deep love for her, telling her she will always and forever be in his heart, he left his castle to her, as she finish reading she couldn't believe it, as her eyes begin to swell tears rolled down her angelic face, she knew deep down in her heart she couldn't keep his castle, for she will forever fanaa.
Rawy- foggy, damp, and cold

Fanaa- destruction of the self, destroyed in love
184 · Aug 2018
A Dance
Kimberly Aug 2018
Let me dance to Mother Nature's Mysterious Nite Lullaby, Upon the Big Silvery Full Moon, With the Stars that Smile with a Twinkly Wink, As Shooting Stars fly, as to Dance, across the Magical Black Velvety Sky
174 · Aug 2018
Kimberly Aug 2018
There's a mystery behind everything, As there's an answer to a mystery, some times, Mysteries are fun, You can solve, maybe, There is a big mystery behind every song, Just listen closely, you may find the mystery in the soul of the song
172 · Aug 2018
Gypsy Soul
Kimberly Aug 2018
She travels like a Young Gypsy in a Pretty Wagon, on the hidden paths of a Magical Forest, She is Free-Spirited like a Hippie, Her plain hair decorated with Beautiful Flowers, Her Eyes Bright like Stars that Wink, Her Smile Simple, but Bittersweet, Her Heart Pure Gold, and only Belongs to Her Loved Ones, Her Passionate Soul runs with Her One and Only True Love like Crazy Teenagers in Love, She Loves to Dance Barefoot on the Earth to the Music of Mother Nature, She Loves to Fly in the Wind like a Colorful Butterfly, She Sings a Tone about Fun Summer Nites as She Plays in the Pouring Rain, She is not tame, As for She can't be Tame, She is always running Wild and Free, She is a Wild Child, For that No One Can Take it Away from Her
Kimberly Aug 2018
Her heart is mended together with the strings of instruments that plays sweet music, String from a Heavenly Cello, that plays electric notes, String from an Ancient Harp, that plays soft beats, String from an Old Wooden Guitar, that plays a hippie rhythm, String from a Southern Banjo, that plays a stepping melody, String from a Stratton Gypsy Violin, that plays an old romantic harmony, Her soul loves to dance to their magical melodies, when they play as one.

— The End —