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281 · Sep 2015
RMatheson Sep 2015
Inside my chest.
Inside my mind.
From all the dreams I've left behind.
281 · Sep 2014
Just a Drop
RMatheson Sep 2014
Just a drop
on your tongue.

An act of
280 · Jul 2014
She Needs Her Space
RMatheson Jul 2014
Spun out of control,
consummated consumption wrought us together,
but now you need space

but there's no air for me to
breathe in space, where I am
The well of your gravity keeps me close,
insides vacuuming out as I stare
at your blue white corona holding the one thing that would save me,

(drowning in an inch of water,
oxygen so near but impossibly far...)

if only it would pull me
back in again.

The stars comfort you,
but there are none here visible,
as my eyes shed their blood vessels
to the nothing that coldly cradles me.

I'm dying out here,
and I don't want to get
279 · Jul 2014
RMatheson Jul 2014
Blankets never had it so good,
and I just need someone to hold.
RMatheson Jun 2015
This morning I  smelled the sunshine,
and thought of you.


And like
the storming ache within my heart,
the longing of you
left me
278 · Jul 2014
I Don't Wear Your Ring
RMatheson Jul 2014
I've got a ring
I don't wear it.

Even though it's on my finger,
you see,
it wears me.

I have this gold wrapped
around my finger -

For when you aren't near
For when I can't lay in your arms
For when I need to be held,
your ring holds me.
RMatheson Jul 2014
Shudder the alarms,
I won't burden you with this weight
so fly
and come
back to
274 · Jul 2014
I'm Building a Road
RMatheson Jul 2014
There's a clear stretch of land ahead
of that broken dessert landscape
shattered in atrophy and assumptions,

The things I took for little,

That stretch is ahead,
though our heels are leaning back on the precipice

Ahead may seem empty,
but it's not.

I'm filling it with a road lined with dates,
trees a girl draws in journals, hope and want.
And just like those tree sketches,
skulls growing into cartoons that are non-threatening,
in black and white
like your face concentrating into that mirror
on March 5th,
the road will lead to wherever
we need to go.
270 · Aug 2014
You Bled, I Bleed.
RMatheson Aug 2014
If only I could cleanse you,
sponge your body away and out into clarity,
find some emptiness to replace you with
the exit you took took the taken moments
further than I'd have liked them to go.

You bled,
I bleed,
help me staunch the bleeding,

and I don't know how to deal with your loneliness.
It's the one thing
you have left behind
with me.
259 · Jul 2014
Help Me
RMatheson Jul 2014
I'm not asking for much...just a
sliver of something to
hold onto.

I only want someone to love me
when we are old,
for the things they loved me for,
when we were young.
248 · Jul 2014
Staring into your Sun
RMatheson Jul 2014
I can't see anything else, I've become blind
from staring into your eyes, like stars.
247 · Jul 2014
It Must Be Nice...
RMatheson Jul 2014
It must be nice
to be surrounded by green
to be in a safe place
to seek the therapy you need
to break away
to wrap yourself in yourself until yourself emerges again.

It must be nice
to not be left behind.
242 · Jul 2014
Looking Up
RMatheson Jul 2014
I've been looking up
to the stars every day


that though I can't see you
you are still here.
239 · Jul 2014
Sleeping Bag Made For Two
RMatheson Jul 2014
It's so much easier
letting go,

Tossing away the life we both wore
like a sleeping bad for two,
and finding your own,
made for one.

It's so much easier
than laying alone
with too much room left over,
your only new companion
the anxious embrace
of insomnia.
232 · Jul 2014
Just Like in the Movies
RMatheson Jul 2014
Just like in the movies,
I'm running to her,
just like I had dreamed.

She opens herself once again,
like the light playing through the blinds
yellow fingertips creating shadows,
I enter you.

This reunion...
happily ever after all the things
we have been through,
and I am here again in your body,
the only place I ever felt I honestly

But this isn't the movies.
There is no reunion.
There is only a pale black noose
and my life is
on the
232 · Jul 2014
Holding My Breath
RMatheson Jul 2014
I want to hold my breath
like I thought I'd hold you - forever
231 · Jun 2014
Your Home is in My Palm
RMatheson Jun 2014
When you are tired, feeling alone
please know that I am waiting for you
in our home.

When shadows run marathons to catch
and hold you down,
blocking out the bright night sky
making the stars seem so far away
you only need to come to me
rest your face in my palm

Where the starlight of your eyes
reflects in and back out of mine
and pushes back the shadows
and you no longer feel alone
in our home.
230 · Jul 2014
Filling in Your Ghosts
RMatheson Jul 2014
I see your silhouettes standing like
empty ghosts

everywhere I look around this city,
on the static sidewalks,

and like the stars etched into your shoulder blades,
I paint inside your lines
with the colours
of my heart.
228 · Sep 2014
I Used to Burn for You
RMatheson Sep 2014
I used to
burn for you,
now I
burn away.
223 · Sep 2014
Somebody Help Me
RMatheson Sep 2014
I have never meant a thing
(laying in my blood...seeping)
like the title I've given you.
213 · Jun 2014
2:08 P.M.
RMatheson Jun 2014
If I write it in words
here on the screen
how much remains
between what seems, and what's real?
210 · Sep 2014
The Reason
RMatheson Sep 2014
I don't write for you.
I don't write for even myself.
I write for simply no reason
and so very much less.
"I write to remember..." ~ Cedric Bixler-Zavala
206 · Feb 2019
Cold Dream
RMatheson Feb 2019
It was a blurred mirror
on that Sunday morning,
the wall, black
stretching above there is nothing
but shattering little words
that fell
into his sleep.
200 · May 2014
The Missing Piece
RMatheson May 2014
When you're missing something
(like a piece),
the only way to go,
is forward,
and one day soon,
you will roll over
what you
196 · Feb 2019
I'm Swallowing Your Hair
RMatheson Feb 2019
She only has so much weakness to bleed,
so much effort to save,
so much anxiety to drain.

I've painted enough words.
You get the point,
but there is less a period.

I've often wondered if, why, when, and how much
it weighs.

It weighs exactly as much as the leaves
you wear upon your hair.
193 · Nov 2019
A Petal's Worth
RMatheson Nov 2019
Wrapped like candy in your skull
the skin crawling off the bone,  
exposing your white lie life.

"You'll end up the same as him, you know."

His cigarette burnt the faded complications of my life.

"Yeah. I know."
179 · Feb 2019
Hum Electric
RMatheson Feb 2019
The edges were brittle,
the chip's corners itched
down like a metal prong into a filling,

It squealed binary hemorrhages,
subtle as a battle axe,
my pleasure,
put it past me,
in the present
where I can now hum
177 · Dec 2020
RMatheson Dec 2020
I purge sans binge
I ***** scars onto everyone around me.
My guilt: a summation.
Now, if I could only figure out why
I keep sticking fingers down my throat.
175 · Jul 2014
Empty Words
RMatheson Jul 2014
My words,
so full of love and concern
for you

have never felt
175 · Feb 2019
RMatheson Feb 2019
But how far have we come?
The miles we've traversed are benevolent ice:
we fly,
into each other.

Love destroys.
That is only to say,
"Love makes room."
166 · May 15
Timothy White
RMatheson May 15
Fly, little bird
find your peace
know you were loved
fighting against growing up
for years

From "we love Satan"
to "Franken-Mamma"
to late night rides
and jumping medians at 2AM
facing head-on collisions
with life.

So fly, little bird
the time is now,
RMatheson Jul 2019
Chew my scabs,
peel them back
(my paper mache skin).

Let the oil
of my life
flow free,
drink me up.
159 · Nov 2019
Coal Into Diamond
RMatheson Nov 2019
Weight presses
concludes everything,
decides what is nothing,
whips an errand boy to its whim.

at the promise
of jewels.
156 · Jun 2020
Andy's Dad
RMatheson Jun 2020
The first time I ever heard the term
I was seventeen.

I walked into Andy's house,
to see the oil of his father
splayed across the couch,
in a still pool of ink.

"That's my dad. He's
and just gets like that sometimes."

I painted that memory into the fire of my brain,
carrying with me the fever dreaming,
the terror,
the praying to never be
like Andy's dad.
153 · Dec 2020
RMatheson Dec 2020
There is no greater clarity,
No greater freedom,
than a pistol barrel
in your mouth.
145 · Jul 2019
Eyeshadow Feathers
RMatheson Jul 2019
So long ago, useless digging down.
Will I find you here?
How much more could there be?
Here, I have to pull myself apart:
the only way I can come together.
140 · Aug 2019
Pity, the boy
RMatheson Aug 2019
He was so far down, looking up the light was nothing.

"How dramatic of me," he thought "they can't wait, can they?"

Maybe if he just broke the rules a bit farther he could be
jonesing for that hit of pure white
Beachy Head again,
and everything would be gone.

The lumination was just that: fake.
He was just that: break.

"The only way out, is through," said Frost.
"If you're going through Hell, keep going, " said Winston.

"Well I'm not in Hell, Winston, and I can't move through it, Robert."

And so he scraped the ***** root-veined wall with his cheek,
rolled eyeballs down,
and started moving his toes into the earth below.
134 · Nov 2022
A Glass Plane
RMatheson Nov 2022
Beads of water
cling to the glass edge
I glide along.
RMatheson Dec 2020
Oh amber, foam-ed memories,
cast about my brain.
The evening tide pulls me away,
sooner than later, I'm afraid.
122 · Dec 2022
Blonde Blacklight
RMatheson Dec 2022
A halo
of blonde blacklight
Skin, stretching
A canvas
The shadows
are wet
121 · Jun 2020
RMatheson Jun 2020
did you ever fall
into the deep end?
he looked as though to fall
but in the end, he dove.
RMatheson Feb 2019
I'm leaping in waves,
rolling like dice.
Give me the victory,
she reads just a slice.
109 · Feb 2019
RMatheson Feb 2019
You're bubbling up, aren't you?
Like the flesh,
I am scattering you to the wind.
107 · May 2020
Richard, John, Alden, Randy
RMatheson May 2020
I've collected Fathers like trading cards.
My first is the very common, "Abandonment Dad."
I've also got the "Distant Stranger and Sometimes Estranged Dad."
Then, I've got doubles of "Dead Dad."
If you have the rare "Decent Dad,"
I'd gladly trade a double.
105 · Oct 2020
Swollen Cells
RMatheson Oct 2020
These cells are full
the point of splitting,
the membranes taut
rigid with

Touch me,
ever so gently.

I'll come apart,
a fine mist.
104 · Feb 2019
The Fur
RMatheson Feb 2019
   .. .
      . . .
         . . . there are feathers here.

The blue you use to wear me clean,
knows nothing of the day-stains
I wear.

They do not care.

I am purified by your blue,
deep, a shade beyond the glow of nostalgia.

Come to me again, in this copper fever dream,
rest your temple before me,
that I may make an offering unto you,
oh Queen.

I could only count so high.
That was my regret.
It's a secret I'll always tell.
So accept me, my sweet meats and myrhh,
toma mis lágrimas, y arreglame.
RMatheson Feb 2019
And baby,
you are my perfect world.
97 · Feb 2019
RMatheson Feb 2019
He was cursing again.
The brittle drops of saline etched
their ways down his face,
carving evaporation trails.

He just couldn't fight
the feeling
like that stupid ******* song.

Lashing out, he destroyed it all.

Smiling, he died.
91 · Oct 2020
Blood Moon
RMatheson Oct 2020
I don't know
if the blankets are enough
spindled about my head as they do,
suffocating the desire right,
out the skylight
and into the blood
that sleeps above me.
RMatheson Oct 2020
Wrinkle pastel ribbons
into your mouth
right down your throat
into the pink folds of flesh,
down deep.

How can we philosophize,
when we are no better?
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