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Samantha Faith Jan 2017
It was so long ago feels like yesterday
I am getting married soon still haunts me
I know it is irrational
...but the idea of it happening before was too
I need sleep
...I am afraid to close my eyes
The past is in the past
...the memories feel so real
I wish I could forget
I wish I could erase all of it
He loves me now...why the hell won't my mind just leave it at that
Drowning...every **** time I find myself drowning...
I am getting married
It will all be okay.
It was over two years ago...
Samantha Faith Jun 2016
The time has come for me to let go. I must close these chapters if I have hope of ever feeling whole again. I will never forget and I will always love, but the time has come. Leaving these chapters open will only haunt me. Time will not change a **** thing and I need to accept that. I find it strange that as I close these chapters, I am opening a chapter that I thought I had closed forever. Silence is painful though and hope is a dangerous thing. This old chapter has been reopened and added to over the past month. These chapters I am closing hold some of my most precious memories and I will carry them with me always. I just cannot keep rereading and waiting for more to be written. It won't. I have one more planned visit...after that I do not know when or if I will be back. If my presence is desired and it is made known to me, I will make every attempt, but it won't be and so I probably won't be either. My love is for always, as is my friendship.
My loves. TLA
Samantha Faith Jun 2016
I will never stop loving them.
I will always be here as a friend,
but tonight I am giving up on them.
Not even them really, just the idea of waiting.
I have waited long enough.
I am not locking the door, but I am closing it.
I am closing it and walking away.
If they ever choose to knock, I may answer.
To two of the greatest men I have ever loved...
I love you. Stay safe and be well.
To the third, only time will tell.
Samantha Faith May 2016
You should know...
that you are my hardest goodbye
you still see a side of me that no one else sees
to watch you struggle with everything you struggle with just breaks my heart
I want to make it better
not fixed because I know I don't have the power, but better
To see that look in your eyes just takes me back to a time where we found moments in which the whole world around us seemed to disappear.
We cannot find words that describe what we were. I truly believe that this is because no words exist to accurately encompass it all.
There are no words to fit this feeling.
All I know is that when we say our final goodbye til only God knows when, it will knock the air right out of me.
When you have no way of knowing the next time you will see someone you love so much, it is much like slowly cutting off pieces of your heart and trampling them.
I need you to be safe.
I need you to figure out what you need and chase after it with all you have.
Don't be afraid. Just keep moving.
Do me a favor? Can you do me a favor?
Samantha Faith May 2016
There are no words to describe the feelings felt over the past twenty-four hours. Two years ago...twenty-four months ago...731 days ago...I tossed and I turned in a hospital bed. Only a few hours earlier I was one friend's decision away from ending it all. I could not think rationally. Would people miss me? Would it tear my family and friends apart? Yes. Of course it would. I know all of this, but in those moments I could not rationalize with any of it. All I could see were the waves crashing over me. Those same waves that bring me such comfort were dragging me down to the bottom and making it almost impossible to breathe. My world fell apart that night. I was failing all of my classes, I had the words of those that broke me echoing in my head, those words told me that I was worthless, unloved, a poor excuse for a human being and that the world would be a better place without me.

Then it happened, the one person I believed would never give up on me and would always be there to encourage me in my faith and talk me through these moments...well he just walked away. He stood by the person breaking me down the most. In that moment, I felt like that was the final sign that I really shouldn't be here. It shattered my world. I know why he did it. I understand it and I love him still, but it still hurt. It still broke me in ways that I do not have words for.

I almost took my own life, but the one that I least expected to comfort me did the unimaginable. He made a call that I know few would be able to make. He is like me and because I know that, I knew what the consequences he believed would be there would do to him. He did it anyway. It was not the cops, it was not the hospital, it was the love of a friend that pulled my head above the water.

It was a long two months after. The one that walked away came back into my life almost two months later and in ways it was like we never missed a beat.

Four years before any of this, I had a butterfly tattooed on my shoulder. So many reasons but none above the reminder that even the scariest of seasons and can bring forth the most beauty. Ironically this happened four years to the day before I found myself in the scariest season I have yet to experience.
I have seen love since then. I have known real smiles and even more heartache. I survived. Here I am six years after the tattoo and two years after the darkest night. I made it. I am here and while nights can still be so dark, tonight included...I am still alive. I am still breathing.
Samantha Faith Apr 2016
Two years since that morning.
Waking up to find that I had said goodbye
I said goodbye to a huge part of who I was.
It was not how I had intended it to be.
All that time spent holding onto it,
All of it withered away in one night.
One stupid drunken night
That night changed everything.
I have never regret the who
But the timing and everything else
That, I would change a thousand times over
This may feel like nothing, but for me it was a huge part of who I had always been.
22 years old
Single. Torn between two men I truly loved
This was not the way it was supposed to be.
Two years, yet it still feels like yesterday.
Samantha Faith Apr 2016
Forever young
and still, we don't wanna miss a thing
You were the first, but certainly not the last
I spent so long wishing to be enough
Even when I finally was, I still wasn't
I was comfortable. I am familiar.
I know that you love me, I know that is true
But love was never enough for me and you.
I wanted you to choose me, to fight for me
But you never did.
I love you and I always will
You were my friend, you are my friend still
Forever young.
Forever high school sweethearts.
No one can take that away from us.
Not even us.
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