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Rhiannon Aug 2020
The leaves will change
And fall to our feet
The winds will blow
Let the branches meet

Crisp morning air
To fill the lungs
Of townspeople walking
Warmed by the sun

Yet still our paths
May not yet cross
Lest we bathe
In seas of loss

The world still turns
So trapped in place
Stuck longing just
To touch your face
Rhiannon Aug 2020
Though I wonder why
You don’t see me as equal
I know I’m worthy
Rhiannon Aug 2020
You’re not ready to talk
Though we use civil words
They’re about nothing deep
So many things unheard
Rhiannon Aug 2020
Small cracks
They don’t mean nothing
Don’t mean it’s broken
Don’t worry your pretty little head about a thing

Long nights
Summer is heavy
Keeping it steady
Is all about keeping up appearances

And you just need to get over yourself
Little girl
He knows what is best for you
You’re being dramatic
Over reacting
Like it’s the only thing you can do

Pulling you lower
Time moving slower
Buried alive in all of your worst thoughts

He sleeps
Mind isn’t troubled
Bursting your bubbles
Don’t you know his ideas are the good ones

And you just need to get over yourself
Little girl
He knows what is best for you
You’re being dramatic
Over reacting
Like it’s the only thing you can do

All your selfish thoughts
In your selfish mind
Thing will get better if you give it time
All your mental thoughts
In your high strung mind
Without him you will just get left behind

And you just need to get over yourself
Little girl
He knows what is best for you
You’re being dramatic
Over reacting
Like it’s the only thing you can do

— The End —