My best friend just texted asking
if Anne Frank was a real person or
just a character in a story.
I cannot help but laugh because
I know she is smarter than I am
and it's quite laughable that she would
ask such a question as if it were nothing.
Maybe she's having a blonde moment,
although her hair hasn't been blonde since
it started growing back a few years ago.
Chemo's a *****, yet all she does is smile.
The boy who was almost mine looks at me
with kind eyes and a sweet smile and we laugh
like there was never any kind of awkward situation
between the two of us months ago.
He's probably got her on his mind and I've got
myself on mine for the first time in a while and everything
seems beautiful the way it used to be before it all.
And he covers my eyes with his hands and we laugh
and I am much too happy to miss the way things used to be
because I am much too content with how things are.
Moving on's a *****, and yet all we do is smile.
The boy who wanted so badly to be mine walks
down the hallway holding hands with someone else
and they laugh and talk and smile, so happy to be together.
And I am happy for him, because I have no time or energy
to be jealous of something that was never mine to begin with.
He does not speak to me
and I do not care because I realize
that everything is beautiful today
and so am I, for once.
Because life's only a ***** if you are.
Kind of my first response to my poem "Good Morning, Beautiful," the poem I posted last night. I recited the poem to myself this morning and told myself today would be a good day and, lo and behold, it was one of the best I've had in a while. And the best part is, there was no huge thing that made it wonderful. It was just simply a good day.
Well, I hope all of you had wonderful days as well, beautiful people! I love you all! :)