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Philip Salt Sep 9
I found my myself.
Not me now, myself then

My present self knew where to look
My past self knew only the absence it could feel

My memory of the past was searching for its own future. The incomplete journey finally come round

An instinct of then reached out
An instinct of now extended a hand

Both felt incomplete without one another.

Together at last.
Not fully fleshed out trying to capture and experience that I feel with inadequate words. Not poetry yet.
Philip Salt Sep 8
Lend me your wings.
I pray to rise above the waves.

He alone can calm the storm.
We cannot!

We are slaves to waves of passion, error and pain.

We are servants of love, compassion and forgiveness.

I can only rise high enough for my feet to skim the surface of the water.

Maybe with your wings I can lift my heart into the sky.

Maybe with grace and humility I can rise to the foot of the eye of the needle.

Maybe from that lowly place all things are possible

His will be done
Philip Salt Sep 6
I can't do This
            Not correct

In one week, in one month, in one year; ten years from now you will be more you than you are now. This will have passed and the next thing will be the thing you can't do now.


In one, in ten, in twenty minutes you can make a choice to change course, just a little. Then in one, ten, or twenty minutes after that a little course correction again. Then one, ten, twenty more. All those corrections will put you on a new course.


After one week, one month, one year or ten you will be someone else, someone more you than you are now.
Philip Salt Sep 6
The crush is in me, on me

Seen through my eyes, stuck in my memory

It is crushing me, my crushing crush

Upon my heart, stuck in my throat

No one comes to lift it, so I ensure it

I feel hollow, about to crumple

Until one day, I ****** it off
Philip Salt Sep 6
Blocked and bounded by choice
Retreating into the imprint we have created for ourselves
Retreat then surrender but why?
To live on the sharp edge of dullness
Doubt leading more and more to doubting
Insecurity becomes reality
Choices become the secure unreality

Sons and Daughters are the real unreality
Feeling scared then needing to see them
They are hope impossible
With them we can stare life down
Giving us the hope we need
All the hope we could ever hope for
Giving them security while we carried anvils
Embracing security with them in our arms
Our little guides to flatten out the hard path
Our hammers to blunt life's sharp blades
For their sake and for ours
Unrealized potential here
Philip Salt Sep 6
The Sphinx said: “What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet in midday, and three feet in the evening?”

Oedipus said, “The answer is ‘man’. A man crawls on all fours in the morning of his life, he walks on two feet in the midday of his life, and he uses a cane for extra support when he is old.”

Curious beautiful shinx. Your riddles like needles are strung through my heart. They beat on me yet I seem to depend on them.

Do I answer them until my death?
Do you desire that I wither away in your presence?

I do not know. I will one day. I love you my shinx,

Curious beautiful shinx. My intoxicating mystery. I live and die by your riddles. I am a broken reflexion of the pondering man that started out before you.

I am an echo of an echo of myself. Stuck. Struck by your frozen beauty.
Philip Salt Sep 6
Sage prairie breath
Plain wisdom
Golden teeth of grains...

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