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Philip Salt Sep 6
Petit homme, petit homme
Forte en bras
Pied Sur Terre
Endessous des ailes
Bien bien bien
Combien de fois faut ils jette votre Couer au Ciel pour etre attrappe par les anges

Petit homme, petit home
Forte en bras
Pied Sur Terre
Endessous des ailes
Bien bien bien
Combien de fois peu tu ascended au Ciel pour attrappe votre propre Couer.

Petit homme, petit homme
Forte en bras, retient votre couer
Pied Sur Terre, rest ici
Endessous des ailes, protege par Les plume
Bien bien bien
Bientot la Ciel viendra vous visite
Philip Salt Sep 6
I will not throw precious cargo into the shallows
I will not try to save my own ship
I will cry tears that might save us all

They will drain my soul
They will fall down from heaven
They will raise the waters

Enough to fill an ocean
Enough to rise all the ships
Enough to save my precious cargo
Philip Salt Sep 6
I am the one that walks through the wreckage and offers a helping hand.

Philip Salt Sep 5
When I meet him one day ago I know him and he knows me

When I see him one week ago, we stand shoulder to shoulder, at ease

When I recall him one month ago I am happy, we smile

When months ago I reach out my hand and cry, we cry together

When years ago I am alone he is there, and I am lifted up

I am in need and he is there to share my burden

I can remember a lifetime of encounters with myself

I am filled with pride, he is proud of me

We find eachother and embrace, a healing hymn to heal ourselves
Philip Salt Sep 4
There is a circle there
Bounded by four chairs
Wide cushioned seating
Round that circle
Circling for a safe place to land
A place of comfort that must pass though discomfort

Words, words, words, roll around the circumference of the circle
From one speaker to the next like a wounded bird, it's wings clipped, trying to meet the ground most gently

Each voice adds to the wind that sustains flight. Tales in turn,
Tail winds that nurture the same story
An anthology that softens the landing.

Words of shared tragedy,
Voices edged with tears,
Tales of hurt,
Glimmers of hope.
A crescendo on the breaking line between melodies of relief and the rage of a maelstrom.

The living heart of the storm is full of love but beating in pain
As it gathers pounding momentum, new voices are added, the storm takes shape can the tempest find its own peace?

Right there.
Right there in the center.
The center of that circle.
That circle that holds them all together.
That circle bounded by four chairs.

As the circle breaks they find they can navigate life anew. Released by the storm, not dropped by it. They can laugh again. They can be better than before. Having been part of that turbulent chorus that miraculously heals the soul.
Philip Salt Sep 4
Mood, mud, muddled mind
Twist my feelings back together
Molded clay that I am
Heal with mud, water and hand
Forge a fiery peace in my chest
With the heat at the heart of your kiln
Steady my recklessness without hardening my soul
Philip Salt Sep 4
In Saskatchewan

Driving through a pocket of sun

The Stranger Billy Joel next to me

She's always a woman plays on

Stealers Wheel steals the wheel

And I am truely stuck in the middle with you.

— The End —