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Mar 2022 · 204
Sticks and Stones
R B M Mar 2022
Don't tell me I'm like them
When you don't know what that means
Don't say I'm disappointing you
When you don't know the you disappoint me
Don't argue that I need to shape up
When you don't know how I'd want to shape up
Don't hit me with your words
If you don't know how they will land
R B M Mar 2022
I’m slowing down again
In the time of blooming flowers
Or dying leaves
Thoughts are slowing down again
Only a few get in
And of those many few
Most of them are dead
Feb 2022 · 155
R B M Feb 2022
I'm ready to say goodbye
They want me to forgive you
Or forget you
Maybe just to stop holding on
But I can't
Because even when it wasn't returned
     And it almost never was
I loved you
Over and over and over again
You hurt me
And I couldn't forgive you
     No point in wasting time
And I couldn't forget you
     You were my everything, how could I forget that?
And I couldn't stop holding on
     Because I wanted to believe you'd get better
I couldn't let go
And you never get better
So I'm ready to say goodbye
I'll remember you
I'll love you
I'll hope for you
But I'm never getting close again
Feb 2022 · 138
I Invited You
R B M Feb 2022
I was there
all the concerts
all the plays
all the performances
all of it
I even went so far as to follow your footsteps
Because I enjoyed what you did up on the stage
You don't bother to come
I quit
And now you decide that you have the time, the money, the means
To come to the things I always wanted you to see me do

I guess that when it comes to showing your support
You can only show up for people you don't even know
And break your baby sister's heart
Feb 2022 · 98
R B M Feb 2022
There was a time I wanted to live on the same street as you when we grew up
But I'm not sure where that dream ended up
You were my big sister and I was your parasite I guess
But you were the one ******* me dry, telling me to feel blessed
Said to count myself lucky that you didn't **** me in my sleep at night
And knowing you, I knew this was true, so I guess you're right
All I wanted was a big sister, but instead I got a monster
Who lives in the back of my head
It used to be loud, and then it got quiet
But now it is back
And this monster sounds just like you
I hate how it feels
To know that I gave everything for you
I shared a bedroom, tried to protect you, cheered for you
Prayed for you, cried for you, feared for you
Wanted you, needed you, thought of you

But now... it's different
Things are all different.
You never cared, never gave the same
And now I'm still here
Hating how I remember you.
Jan 2022 · 101
New definition
R B M Jan 2022
I've been convinced of being in love before
But now I'm not so sure I ever was
Because I know this is it
How I can't explain how I feel
How I can't pick the best thing about you
How I can't get through a day without thinking of you
Smiling at the thought of you
How everyone can tell that I'm head over heels
How I can't even talk about you without blushing
How I can't hide how I feel
I've never felt like this before
And I know this is real love
And I know that nothing before this was
Now patience is the key, but I have faith in this
And I'm keeping this feeling for as long as I can
I'm keeping you for as long as I can
And that's all I need
Feeling good
May 2021 · 193
Getting Places
R B M May 2021
Nothing is wrong,
But nothing is right.
Nothing hurts,
But sometimes that hurts.
My eyes can’t cry,
But they’re still filled.
My screams can’t get out,
But they’re still there.
I’m running,
But I’m running on empty
And when you’re running on empty
You don’t get anywhere.
May 2021 · 108
Absence of Noise
R B M May 2021
One of my worst nightmares
Is sitting in your house with grandma
Except it isn't really yours anymore
But what's so bad about it
Is that it's completely silent
No bees buzzing from the back
No woodwork noises grinding
No mower vrooming
No eggs crackling
And it's so disturbing
Because the absence of those noises
Means you're really gone
May 2021 · 461
R B M May 2021
I’m supposed to be the glue
I’m supposed to stand strong and tall
I’m supposed to be the bridge between them and them
Whether that be you and her
Or him and him
I’m supposed to be the glue
But maybe the only way for glue to last isn’t from the glue stick
Slowly degrading the glue off
Stays for a while but eventually lets the papers pull away
No, it’s the liquid glue that works
But the glue has to be squeezed out of the bottle before it works
Stays for longer than a long time
Maybe I’m not a glue stick, maybe I’m a glue bottle
I have to be taken out of my bottle to work
I have to be gone to work
I have to not be here to work
To keep everyone together and happy
Or to bring them together
I’m willing to bet you’d all be stuck like glue if I went dripping away.
May 2021 · 117
Thinking On Paper #37
R B M May 2021
I’m tired of disappointing you
Because every time I disappoint you, I feel disappointed in myself
I’m sorry that it’s hard for me to talk to you
And easier to talk to people that have hurt me over and over
I guess I just tend to trust the toxic people more
And maybe I’m tired of feeling like my pathetic “issues” are stupid to you
Maybe I’m tired of feeling like I can’t talk to my dad anymore
Without you snooping through the texts
To find something to get upset about me not telling you first
All I want is for your support in my decisions
For you to stop babying me
I’m almost an adult and you're still telling me what you think I need to do
But I feel like at this point I need to figure things out for myself
And first learn how to go through with what I think is right
Before I go through with what actually is right
I’m supposed to be learning
But all that I’m getting anymore
Is the feeling that I’m an even bigger disappointment than the others
Because the fall is a lot worse when you start from higher up
I’m sorry I’m losing your faith
May 2021 · 95
Thinking On Paper #36
R B M May 2021
I thought I’d be strong enough, but it looks like I’m weak
I thought I was smart, but I guess I’m just dumb
I thought I would manage, but I just keep crashing
I thought I’d be different, but I’m just the same
No one wants me, not even myself
I’m not what anyone thought I could be
I’m just the square trying to fit in to the circle’s spot
Too clumsy, big, rugid, and different to fit my own expectations
I said I’d be fine
But I’m not…
May 2021 · 109
Thinking On Paper #34
R B M May 2021
It's okay, you don't have to love me
Because if I'm being honest as can be
I've never loved myself anyway
So if you can't see through this filled ashtray,
It's means I'm not worth the time
But it's okay, I'll be fine
May 2021 · 95
Thinking On Paper #33
R B M May 2021
Another day
Another year
And still I'm stuck in place right here
A lifetime left, with life you won't get
Why you instead of me?
May 2021 · 86
Thinking On Paper #31
R B M May 2021
I'm sorry
I'm a nice person and I'm sorry
Because I keep forgetting  
That being nice stopped being important
To everybody but me after elementary
I'm sorry
Because I keep forgetting
That I'm made the villain  
For doing the right thing
May 2021 · 97
Thinking On Paper #30
R B M May 2021
The only words
My mother has ever spoken
That actually stuck in my brain
It shouldn’t be this hard
May 2021 · 112
I know it's not all of you
R B M May 2021
Where is my Gilbert Blythe?
All I want is a person
That believes that happiness is the main goal of a relationship
And not the other thing.
Girl or boy, it doesn't matter
But the girls tend to judge me and make me feel bad
And the boys have only had that one thing on their mind
I thought they were good
I had faith in them
I had faith in him
And just like the others
He's gone and done the same thing, too.
So where are you?
I know I'm young
I know I have time
But with all the time I've already wasted
I know it's not all of you
I know you aren't all the same
So show me something different
I'm tired if the constant heartbreak.
May 2021 · 117
Floodgate Fear
R B M May 2021
I’m feeling an absolute fear
I feel a tightness in my chest that won’t go away
And my heart feels like it’s choking
This is the fear that makes me feel like I’m just an ant
Anyone and anything could simply just step on me
Thinking is what this fear is
I can’t have even a split second of time to reflect on myself
To see how I feel
Because I don’t have a dam
I only have a door
And if I open this door everything comes rushing out
Choking me with salty water
And making me gasp for any air I can get
Not a split second to myself, not truly anyway
I can’t deal with people asking me to focus on myself right now
It’s the same as asking me to drown myself
I'm kinda back again, just need my vent space back :)
Jan 2020 · 131
Thinking On Paper #29
R B M Jan 2020
I have scars on my arms
I've practically written the word pain in my skin
I've always been on the edge
Of either a cliff or a breakthrough
But I can never tell which one I'm on
So I never take the next step
I'm just stuck on the edge
While blood runs down my skin
With my eyes closed
...Or open, I'm not sure,
I could just be blind
But I will never take that step
I will never risk taking the drop
Jan 2020 · 282
R B M Jan 2020
Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to lay the big problems out there*

I. Forgetting

Why am I forgetting things when I’m only fifteen?
Like, I get being ditsy, and forgetting minor things
But this is different
This causes me to have to make lists of things I can’t forget
(But what if I forget something that needs to go on the Forget List?)
And instead of practicing my dances
Just once every week, like the rest of my team
I have to practice every night
Or I’ll forget
And I can’t remember lyrics for the songs we have to sing
So I have to sing my songs over and over
Or I’ll forget
I just don’t get it
My memory is slipping and I’m only fifteen

II. Anxious

I can’t just sit in a car calmly
Because when we are a car away from the car ahead
It’s too close, we’re gonna crash
And from that crash, I can imagine all the ways I will die
If I get an F on this next test
That F will stand for everything
I’ll fail at life
And from that F, I can imagine all the ways I will die stupid
If I don’t talk in this conversation
No one will like me
And if I do talk they won’t like me either
And from this do or do not, I can imagine all the ways I will die stupid and alone
I don’t need a reason why, or how
But I can imagine all the ways I will die

III. Stressed

I don’t want to go home
Because my family is awful, and they don’t want me anyway
So I don’t go home
At least, I postpone it
I add to the list of things to do
Add show choir, add oral interpretation
Add play, add study buddy, add random projects
Just to keep me out of the house
And then add more complications
Like, I’m bisexual, and have only come out to my friends
Like, I’m pretty sure my sister is a gender specific homophobe
Like, I have to figure out when to fit my dad’s house to my schedule
Like, my dad has been awful to me here lately anyway
Like, my friends all have drama
Like, they always expect me to solve it
Like, everyone thinks I am perfect
Like, I think I need to convince them that they’re right
It keeps adding
And adding
And adding some more

IV. Sad

I’m always sad
Some mornings I wake up and can’t get out of bed
Not because I can’t physically get out of bed
It’s just that I can’t mentally get out of bed
Because I’m always sad
And I have all these happy moments
That are all masked by this sadness
And this sadness is all masked by this happy face
Because the second someone even thinks for a minute
That Perfect Reagan is broken
Is the same second that the people who do want me, won’t want me
Perfect Reagan is dysfunctional
And cracked in many spots
Because Perfect Reagan
Is also Sad Reagan
And she can’t escape it
So she hides behind her domino
And when that fails
All she has to do is make a new one
So yes, Perfect Reagan has happy moments
But they are hidden away, overpowered, and shut down by sadness
And the sadness is hidden away, overpowered, and shut down by the mask
It just takes a while to get the false face to work
Like painting red walls white
The red is bound to bleed through
Just like the sadness is bound to seep through
Did you know that stress, anxiety and depression can cause forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating and other problems that disrupt daily activities? I found this out because I am forgetting too many important things that I normally always remember, so I looked up why I'm having memory issues as a teen. Low and behold, I have all three of those, mystery solved!
Jan 2020 · 125
Thinking On Paper #27
R B M Jan 2020
I love it when
In the middle of your chorus class
You break down crying
Because today is the day you pick songs for comps
And you knew it was coming
And you sit back
Debating whether or not you should go for it
Pick a solo

And while you're there debating this,
You slowly realize
That you're not good at singing
You'd fail so easily
You're so bad at it
And you don't deserve a solo
And you'd literally break if you failed
And so you shouldn't
You just shouldn't go for it
Even though this--singing--is one of the biggest, most important things to you
You sing every day and music is practically your life
But you don't believe in yourself
So yeah, you just shouldn't go for this moment

And you hadn't even started crying yet
You are just slowly getting there
Slowly realizing that you **** at this
You don't believe in yourself
But you hadn't started crying
Just on the edge
Of tears

But you do start crying because the last thing you wanted to do
Was talk about how you don't believe in yourself
And then your friends come over and sit next to you
And you can tell that they're expecting you to say something
Tell then why you look like you're about to cry
And then you do--- cry.
And you don't want to explain why

So you just sit there waiting for the last five minutes
Before you get to go home early
Shaking your head no, and crying
Because the one thing you want to be good at
The one thing you work so hard for
You don't believe in yourself for
Jan 2020 · 148
Thinking On Paper #26
R B M Jan 2020
I want the pain, not the scars
Jan 2020 · 110
Thinking On Paper #25
R B M Jan 2020
I think it’s okay to slip up once or twice
Maybe even a third
Or fourth?
Even if it’s the same mistake you’ve already made
But it makes it worse when that slip up
Needs a lie to keep it protected
A lie to keep others from suspecting
That this little slip up is anything more
Than a slip up
A drawback
A relapse
No one needs to know
More than that
No one needs to know
That this slip up
Isn’t just a slip up
But a major colossal set back
That is only pushing your thoughts
Back to the moment
That you locked in a box
With chains
And buried in your backyard

No one needs to know
That this isn’t just a slip up.
Jan 2020 · 118
R B M Jan 2020
You and me both know, I love a good surprise
But what you’re doing now ain’t all that surprising

If you do something enough, every time similar events occur
Then that’s just a normal occurrence

No surprise when I know what’s to come
I now just expect that it’s coming

Every time I have something that you could watch as it happens
You always back out, that’s just what I always find happening

How is it fair that my family never shows
Is this hate that their showing?

Why can’t they show up one ******* time?
Or at least tell me sooner, so I’m not waiting for their arrival, not timing

But what ****** me off the most is that even when it’s not a surprise,
I still cry, feeling broken over the fact that it’s normal now… not surprising
Jan 2020 · 142
Thinking On Paper #20
R B M Jan 2020
Sometimes I feel
As if my brain is running on a hamster wheel
And like I’m plummeting into a deep dark hole
Getting out of bed is always my highest goal
The cave I’m walking into has no end
Like all my thoughts just merge and blend
Into one big cluster of distracted sad
Like my happiness is defended by an ironclad
That I will never get through
Like I keep winding like a *****
Down through the wood getting all these splinters
And it feels like I’m stuck in long stream, cold lonely winters
I’m descending further and further into this pit
Maybe this feeling will never quit
I’m starting to think ‘sometimes’ is headed for ‘always’
To the point that I can’t get out of this mind maze
To be happy is to be lucky
But most of the time I feel quite mucky
To the ordinary eye this feeling is translucent
So I pretend to be happy just for your amusement
But it’s hard to keep up
Because it feels as if I’m about to burnup
Coming from within I feel the burning
My stomach always churning
It makes me sick to the core
Honestly I’m not sure what this is all for
But I keep fighting
But this feeling keeps striking
Knocking me to the floor once more
Beating me senseless until I’m physically sore
I don’t find this feeling fair
Because it keeps pushing me into despair
This feeling keeps me bound and chained
Leaving me drained
All I feel is this mental pain
From always feeling as if I’m as big as a grain
Compared to this feeling I’m small
As it pins me against a wall
After starting all these mental wars
It tends to lock all the doors
To the point of no escape
And the second I think I saw sign of a hero’s cape
It blinds me
And tosses me to sea
To drown in my own misery
Causing all of my mental injury
And I feel like it will never end.

Other times I'm fine and dandy
Jan 2020 · 129
R B M Jan 2020
I am a parasite.
I benefit from your loss
But at least i keep you skimming above the bottom of rock bottom
Not crashing you
That, too, is to my benefit
Because i can continue to use you
I fail when i let you lose too much
To the point of death
Because then I can no longer use you
And my benefits disappear

I am Depression
And i make you sad and empty
I am Anxiety
I make you fear and worry
I am Stress
I make you tired and aggravated
I am a parasite
And I keep you skimming above the bottom of rock bottom
And I will most likely fail...
I'm doing decent right now, i was just thinking about how all of these mental illnesses are just parasites. Their goal isn't to **** you because then they would die with you, they just feed off of you for their benefit.
Dec 2019 · 158
Your Hand, Mom
R B M Dec 2019
I could be okay by now
If I asked you to help me
Out of the grave
That I’ve been placed in
But I was taught differently

If only you let me hold your hand
And cry on your shoulder at least every once in a while
Because now when people yell at me
To grab onto something on the way down
And all I see is your hand
I can’t  grab it
Because you always told me not to

If only you let me hold your hand, mom
Dec 2019 · 165
Why Does Anything Matter?
R B M Dec 2019
Why does anything matter?
Why does everything matter?
Because I am still confused by this.
I shouldn’t have to care this much
I shouldn’t care at all
But somehow my brain
Is flying on autopilot
And I don’t know who turned it on.
But everything matters
Not one thing I did today
Didn’t feel the scrutiny of my thoughts
And I was left to cry about it
In the bathroom stall…

Why does everything matter?
Dec 2019 · 277
Thinking On Paper #18
R B M Dec 2019
My hands are shaking violently
I’m not so sure why
But I can’t exactly expect myself to sit still
When my mind is always moving a mile a minute
My body was bound to catch up
Dec 2019 · 136
Socratic Circles
R B M Dec 2019
I’ve said it once
And I’ll say it again
I don’t like people
And I don’t like inserting myself into conversations
And I don’t like being expected to add my opinions
And when I’m already having a bad day
On the edge of tears
I don’t want to have to do any of this
But you make me
And I deal with it somehow
Just barely making it without crying
I don’t like being part of the loop
Socratic Circles ****
english assignment gone wrong
Dec 2019 · 279
Suicide Love
R B M Dec 2019
Falling in love with you
Is like suicide

Different results

Not saying that loving you makes me want to die…
This is an awful analogy <insert loud eye roll>
But it’s the only one that works

Loving you is like jumping off a cliff
On purpose
Except in the end
Instead of the death I would normally want
I end up in love
After the best drop of the century
Falling from the cliff
worst analogy ever
Dec 2019 · 133
R B M Dec 2019
There are days that I look at my favorite blank wall
And i start to whisper-yell
(I’m screaming on the inside,
But I whisper-yell)
I say all the things I was going to say today
(Should have said,)
All the things that I could have mentioned ****** me off
But didn’t, today
And I whisper-yell all the things that I want to say tomorrow
(Should say tomorrow)
But won’t say tomorrow
It’s easier to tell this blank wall what I’m mad about
Rather than lose friends over my temper
That is rising from their stupidity
That they don’t know exists
Dec 2019 · 133
Just Breathe
R B M Dec 2019
Just breathe,
You don’t cry in front of people,
You know that.
It’s not that bad

Why are they all so mad…
You don’t get why they’re so mean
You get that he ******* up
You get that, trust me
But when you forgave him
You expected them to do so too
But they didn’t
And to make matters worse
They’re mad at you for being forgiving

And it’s not even up to them, **** it
So why should you care
Crying isn’t necessary
And you’re fine
Nothing is really wrong
Your suppose to be friends are just
Being jerks to you and him
Nothing is wrong
You're fine

Just breathe
You don’t cry in front of people
You know that.
And you’re not going to today
Dec 2019 · 132
Thinking On Paper #17
R B M Dec 2019
There is something I want to get off my chest
But I can’t
Because if I admit that it is affecting me
I’ll stop holding strong
I’m not hurting
It’s just on my mind
And I’m worried that if I start to talk about it
I’ll start to feel hurt
And so I’d like to save myself from feeling more sad
But keeping it inside is equally painful
Dec 2019 · 145
Final Destination
R B M Dec 2019
I am that crazy person that you saw drive past your street seven times in the past ten minutes
I don’t know where I’m going
Not in the car
Not in my future
It’s like no one put up street signs
And I end up crashing into a light post
Or fire hydrant
Or literally anything straight ahead of my vehicle
And then you see me start to completely lose it
Tears streaming down my eyes
Because of course this had to happen
And specifically to me
And everything is going wrong
So of course I ran in to the seven year old’s dog
Right in front of her
On her birthday
With all her little friends watching
Just after I got off the phone with my mom
Who said my grandma was dying
And also after a morning
That was impossible for me to get out of bed
I was that sad
And I was on my way to who knows where
To do who knows what
That would probably make my depression and anxiety even worse
Of course this had to happen
I don’t know where I am going anymore
I thought I did
But I don’t
It’s basically like I don’t even have a license to drive my own life
So how am I supposed to get there?
Dec 2019 · 211
R B M Dec 2019
I love looking at your profile
Your jaw
Your eyes
You hair
And I’m stuck in a trance
Of observing your cuteness
While biting my lip
From hesitation
Fighting the urge to kiss you
Until you look over
Noticing that I’m watching
And smile
...It makes it even better.
R B M Dec 2019
From twelve o’clock this morning
I’ve had the worst of days
I laid in bed thinking
Staring at the ceiling
Thinking about how my eyes weren’t heavy yet
My body was not tired
And all I felt was sick

By one o’clock I threw up twice
But I’m almost certain
I am not sick
All I could do was think
All I could do was think
In circles and loops and swerves

By two o’clock
I was crying
I just wanted to fall asleep
I wanted to be tired again
Feel the sleep press on my eyes
But somehow my body’s signals for homeostasis
Got broken
They aren’t working quite right at the moment

By three o’clock sleep finally came
Finally, finally, finally came
I dreamed of random things
Things that I did not like
Things that made me miss the old me
Naive me
Happy me

By four o’clock I woke up again
And everything was wrong
I walked to the bathroom
Stood facing the mirror to see tears streaking down to my chin
And everything was wrong
My hair
My eyes
Arms and legs
And I saw the outfit
I picked out yesterday
So pretty and comfortable
But right then
It was wrong
I hated it
I hated everything
I hated myself
And everything I stood for
I picked out something else
Something that didn’t make me feel
So… mad
And I parted my hair different
Because the way it was
Was awful
And I hated it
So I changed
I was so mad

By five o’clock
I realized
That sleep was
As good as a dream
So I sat staring
More staring
At nothing but shaded ceiling

By six o’clock I had thirty minutes left
The seconds felt like infinities

By seven I forced myself to get out of bed
Trying to make it a better day
But I still hated everything and to make matters worse
I had to figure out a way
To smile through the day
It was rough

And I’m still waiting for it to get better.
Dec 2019 · 158
R B M Dec 2019
I think I might be insane
That, or I just need a new brain
‘Cause the screaming won’t stop
And it keeps getting louder
I can rarely hush them
And I’m not sure when the screaming from my family
Started screaming in my head
But now there’s only screaming
Everywhere I turn
And I’m not sure if it’s just my brain
But I’m pretty sure I’ve gone insane
Dec 2019 · 158
Thinking On Paper #16
R B M Dec 2019
I have carved into my skin
Like prisoners carve the tally marks of their days left in jail
We’re all counting down to something, just in different ways
Dec 2019 · 146
Thinking On Paper #14
R B M Dec 2019
Last time I cried
My chest tightened so much
That my breathing
Was off
Or more accurately
Air would not come
And I was shaking
I was sitting in my dark room
Crying silently
While shaking violently
And I couldn’t breathe
My heart was racing
And my mind pacing
Running through thoughts
Of death and failure

I don’t understand how I descend so quick.
Dec 2019 · 148
December Twelfth
R B M Dec 2019
December twelfth
Is coming up fast
And I don’t think I’m ready

I can’t believe it’s been this long
Two full years
Without you

I can already tell
My mood will drop down
Because of the way things have been here of late

Every spare second of thoughts I have
That aren’t going toward loving my boyfriend or studying or hating myself
I’m thinking of you

I miss you
So much, you have no clue
And I’m tired of having Christmas without you
Dec 2019 · 150
You Know You're a Nerd
R B M Dec 2019
You know you’re a nerd
When you have your arms wrapped around his neck
And his mouth just inches away
Staring into each other’s eyes
And he says
‘I love you’
And you reply
With the best love quote
Known to nerd-kind
‘I know’
Dec 2019 · 264
Band Aids
R B M Dec 2019
Band aids
Protected my wounds
After I made those wounds to feel

Band aids
Hid the pain away
After I got too scared of looking at the scars

Band aids
Clotted the blood
After it dripped from my open skin to the tile floor

Band aids
Covered the cuts
After the blade was put away

Band aids
Invisible to the open eye
After I hid them in the scarcely seen places

Band aids
Held me together
After I tried to tear myself apart
Dec 2019 · 1.1k
Salty Lake Of Tears
R B M Dec 2019
I asked myself to this day
Weather or not I would be the same
If they just stayed together, if they just didn’t split.
I had thought things would get better, that nothing would ever change
But that was wrong
and the longer I care
the more I drown in my salty lake of tears
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who thinks I’m smiling.

I wonder to this day
If only they let me watch as he moved away
Instead of sending us to naptime
And let us wake up to change.
Seeing him a reck and her in joy made me feel broken too
And the longer I care
The more I drown in my salty lake of tears
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who thinks I’m smiling.

I question to this day
If my mom told truth to us or lied to us to get agreement.
She said we were a packaged deal, he’d love us all the same,
Was I just a gullible four year old then
Or was it a truth that changed, I don’t know
But the longer I care
The more I drown in my salty lake of tears
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who thinks I’m smiling.

I worry to this day
If I’d ever get phased out
If one McKay was an up roar
What would the rest be like?
Only the three of us left and we all feel left so lonely and cold
But the longer I care
The more I drown in my salty lake of tears
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who thinks I’m smiling.

I still feel the pain, the morn, and the scrutiny to this day
Even after 10 years have past
Anxiety rules me
Making fear overstay its welcome
Making me care
And pushing my head beneath my salty lake of tears.
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who thinks I’m smiling.

I noticed to this day
That if I don’t care
I won’t feel the pain, the fear, the insane
The triggers might go away
And why these things won’t just go away, I  really do not know.
I do know that the path I took had a lot of broken trees and dying flowers,
And I know that I’m tired of drowning over and over in my salty lake of tears
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who thinks I’m smiling.

But I can’t stop caring
so I continue to drown.
I can’t tell you why, simply because I don’t know myself.
But I think the world thinks I’m smiling because I let them,
Not because they don’t want to read the rest of this boring, dusty book,
But because I put a lock on it and hid the key.
So I care, and care
Until I am submerged by my salty lake of tears,
That’s hidden under my bed from the world who I let think I’m smiling
Dec 2019 · 137
I've Known Belle Fourche
R B M Dec 2019
I’ve known Belle Fourche.
I’ve known a river with a fork in its route and
old style throughout the town.
Upset into tranquil flickering on and off like a light switch.
I ride the horses as far as I can
when yet another fight breaks out.
I do ranch chores and water gun fights.
I looked through the brush to find the old hide out broken from the wind.
I hear wheat and alfalfa russell
when the wild kittens run from Scotchy.
I’ve known Beautiful Fork,
Its streets full of old gossip as people come and go.
I know its old problems and stories, but can’t make my own.
Dec 2019 · 201
I Refuse
R B M Dec 2019
I am not you
I refuse to be
Which in the end is giving you what you want

Because you expect me to be a mess up like you
I refuse to be
And so I’m not
Which you wanted me not to be
So there you go

Because you expect me to be just like my other parent
I refuse to be
And so I’m not
Which you both are happy about
So there you go

Because you expect me to fail just like the my prior siblings
I refuse to
And so I don’t
Which you wanted me not to do
So there you go

And I know I’m playing right into your hands
It soothes my mind to know
That I am not what you expect of me
Even if it leaves me in tears
Just to prove you wrong
     To be
   What you
    Say I am
Dec 2019 · 122
Thinking On Paper #12
R B M Dec 2019
I noticed my heart was stained with some ink
So I threw it in the washer
Without reading the label
Which said
‘One time use only’

Someone else
Who?, I’m not sure,
Threw it in the dryer
Of which I did not know

So when I took it out
To my dismay
It was shredded to pieces
And the stain was still there.
I think it's time I find a replacement
Dec 2019 · 135
Thinking On Paper #10
R B M Dec 2019
There is a difference
Between distance
And being alone

Distance is taking me farther away
Taking me on journeys to find new treasure each day
That will maybe make me happy again

I don’t have to travel to be alone
And each day I find that the loneliness has grown
It’s not something I need to go searching for

Distance is an excuse
So your worry and my pain can make a truce
And to keep me farther from the things that might actually help

Being alone is a problem
Keeping my emotions solemn
Even as people are holding my hand as we walk this path

Distance has long car rides
And self hating tour guides
And things to distract me from homesickness

Distance is melodious
It allows me to run from the loneliness
...Only to find more alone

Trust me when I say, there’s a difference
Between distance
And being alone
Dec 2019 · 158
R B M Dec 2019
I can’t help it
I’m sorry
I just find that fantasy is better than reality
So any chance that I get to pretend for a moment that I’m in a better world
Through conversation
Or reading
Or debating
Or writing
I am going to take it
Because this world is too much
Dec 2019 · 124
Just Tired
R B M Dec 2019
I want to cry on your shoulder
Because you are the one person
I know would be okay with me crying
I grew up from a young age
Told that I’m not supposed to cry
I think my mom just meant
I was crying over something stupid
But this sentence came up
Time and time again
So I figure it to mean
That I’m not allowed to cry
And around my friends
I rarely cry
Because they expect me to be stone
They expect me to always be okay for them
And I don’t like it when I cry to myself
Because I feel tired of being a pity party
So the only option I have left
Is say I am tired
Because if I yawn enough
And pretend that my water filled eyes
Are just heavy from lack of sleep
I might forget that I want to cry
Because I can’t cry anymore
So you ask me if I’m okay
I tend to reply
‘Yeah, just tired’
Dec 2019 · 142
Mood Swings (10w)
R B M Dec 2019
In seconds
I go from
To okay
To sad
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