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Raiven Everett Jan 2019
"You've got a good head on your shoulders"
Words set in a phrase I always seem
To question
If it's to be told that I do
Then why does my head still seem to bite
Always choosing to fight
Why does my mind run overtime
Murdering all temporary happiness
Why oh why does my mind
Try to play trickster
Saying some fake bliss
Lies within the slicing my wrists
How can this be
That people still believe
A good godly gracious mind still exists
Within contemporary society
Or that even it lies with me
Let it be
That you see
My systematic way of showing you I'm okay
Lying in sinful word
You stare awe
As "this good head"
Is not as graceful as you once saw
Tip toeing  through time
where others tread triumphantly
I tread to try just basically survive
As words be written ****** up
Symphony of pain
People seem stare in awe
As manipulating agony
Seems to stall
This fake sense of happiness
To take its toll
On this so quoted "good head"
Laying upon my shoulders
Jan 2019 · 269
Raiven Everett Jan 2019
We speak of equality
But do we truly know what we mean
Or do we just scream
Words to be heard
Louder than the rest
Take a breath
Count the beats within your rest
Enough is enough
When will the screaming be enough
The belting of ballistic insanity
Sent upon on humanity
By the very same melody
Bearing its fangs  
To sing of rythmatic systematic screams of the hating pointing to blame
As the love in the world dies
In a blistering flame
Will this ever be enough
Will be the words engraved on humanity's tombstone
As it burns beyond the grave
We built
Aug 2018 · 138
White Dragon Boy
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
White Dragon Boy 
eyes glistening upon the sky 
Swirling and flying along in Avalon
Free as ever was
Knowing the world finally set you free
To your actual form 
White dragon boy
With eyes as green as emeralds 
The scales telling a story 
For my lifetimes to learn 
Soar high white dragon boy
As your feet transform back to talons 
May you release the fangs 
And rip yourself from death's claws 
White dragon boy fly high 
And let those brilliant scales
Glisten your form on all 
Who love you 
Saying to them your melody of roars 
White dragon boy
Your life take by another 
But your mind always yours 
As the symphony you sing transforms 
It's sings the song of relief
Flying free from predenoted titles 
Of the human vessel
To form into the roars of who you are 
White Dragon Boy 
Soar high 
And roar your symphonies loud
Aug 2018 · 192
Final Freedom
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Fill inside the box
Rhyme a few words to society's rythmm
Repeat as if a nature to set aside a story
Dignified declining the beat of another
Just setting it to subside
No more
My story deserves its own time to unfold set
To a beat not of society's drum
But to the way i want my words to flow
My story does not stop
At the predenoted titles once thrown at me
My battle never ends
Fighting with my mind
Much more angled to hurt
Than the words of the shunned from society
This is the rise of the outcast
The one from shadows
Finally speak of a way many do not understand
Manipulate the words to the way of my symphony
Drops the disgust and add your words
Away from the disguise of humanity and society
Into the own adventure of words
Where the dragons and Phoniex fly
No longer bound by the words chosen before them
By the foggy shorelines as the sirens sing
Let's meet there
As the symphony of our words
Mixes with the Sirens lovely song
And the crashing of the waves
With the sound of
Final Freedom
Aug 2018 · 157
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Know your place
quotes from the time of society
linger within the years 
that Define the beliefs that's around mankind 
but never evolved
endless Classics 
That Shine from our history to our stories 
when will we learn to shatter 
Those chains of the past 
And see ourselves more than 
-a place
Aug 2018 · 169
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Rise from the depths of Despair Humanity 
Learn from past mistakes
rise Up From the Ashes of the dark times 
become a lot of what you need to be 
Stop being fearful of what you don't know and learn to embrace you cannot see
become a phoenix glowing brilliantly 
For you can rise from the Shadows away from the depths of hell
For you can make your own destiny
Aug 2018 · 183
Shoe of others
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
I don't dare to say I seen the darkness of the world
I don't dare to believe I understand everyone
I cannot comprehend why others try to set their selves into our shoes but don't quite fit 
why cram your feet into a shoe
That you can never fully explore 
the woman who lived in the shoe didn't know what the shoe has gone through yes it's an inanimate object but has a story laced within its time 
does not completely understand the shoe of 

-everyone else's reality
Aug 2018 · 174
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
I write from the lost memories of 11 years I blocked out my life the darkness decided to corrupt me too far that I became scared and hid that dagger that's slid over my mind was not the same dagger that slit my wrists open I was suicidal once those thoughts just don't disappear you decide that it's the only Escape because you can't see a light you try to trust in other people but you lose the ability to the thoughts flood your memories of which you thought you had a decent time but now you're just fearful of anything happy because you can't see it because you're blinded by which the darkness you want to see because it's easier trust me I lived in the dark it doesn't help it corrupts  and becomes permanent
Are you going to let fear slice open your life as a blood of life just flows out are you going to finally try to be happy or you going to block out every single last thought that you can have and just put it into some stupid empty words are you going to write a suicide note are you going to live and speak because trust me your story needs to be told in this world you are not alone we all Gather in the same belief that we need help that we want to succeed in which of this is life or we die we've all had some type of thought that promise that made us sad we all wanted to punch a wall and cry why can't we unite underneath the darkness to make the new light why can't we just be the Puppeteer rather than the puppet when will we learn that
- our Darkness makes a shine brighter
Aug 2018 · 149
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Have you ever played the one of Game of Life what if this didn't happen where would I be now why am I taking these daggers to my mind of which are memories have you ever played the game of if this didn't happen What would be the retrospective today
If this person didn't believe this person
 didn't **** you
 this person didn't commit suicide
 and die
 where would you be now how would your story continue would it be the same would it be different will you finally be happy or is that actually not what you're supposed to be are you supposed to be able to help and learn what do you want to run and hide from because the only thing that's happening still isn't the memories it's the pain it's the scars that you keep ripping open that you keep picking at the things that happen may be long gone trust me I understand but it still hurts that's because you can't find what you want to find you can't find somebody to tell you it's going to be okay everybody does but they all seem so Hollow to you you need to find the you that will actually say it's all going to be okay you can't keep forcing it because that is just opening up daggers which rip open scars
as the true
- Battlezone is appearing
Aug 2018 · 146
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
The true Blind Ones
For young age we are told to submit not to submerge into ourselves we are told to be sorry of ourselves and what we say we are told to surrender not to be aware of what you're saying is incorrect right is anything
we are told to surrender of which is our adventure of this life we are told to be incorrectly be bound to the stories of society bound you're

told me of what another person desires as we are just craving that desire to finally be set free and no longer silenced we are told to hide our Darkness as weakness we are told that it is not good we're told that it's going to corrupt us as we cannot be corrupted by light
you told me happy with fake smiles when something is bothering us
Truly what are we teaching Our Generations but the fight by losing their sight

- of Their own adventure
Aug 2018 · 165
Silent Ones
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Dear Teachers

Dear teachers who always thought I had nothing to say who always believed I was The Silent One no one knew of my Chaos in my mind Symphony Of Sorrow sang louder than anybody else's speech no one could figure out that I felt the way I did do teachers who never seem to approached me I understand you were scared for I was already aware I was a freak I was a nobody in which the sight of God will never accept
 dear teachers the ones who always shunned and silence to me the one you finally set to the burden of Silence is finally speaking out the difference is not of what you need to know but acceptance is to know that we are both commonly seen of what you believe is under the reign God that you preach so much to me
dear teachers who always looked at the other ones as a common inconvenience we finally refused the silence
 your darkness is not ours as
our story finally refuses this
- burden of Silence
Aug 2018 · 186
Man of Death
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Dear father
 it's not my fault my mind works overtime as it is not the same as yours my mind works in a different way I'm so sorry I was not the way you wanted but the way I wanted to be from birth to now I am who I am to be I let you control me for too long with the agony of the slicing of my wrist the pain that you saw taken  upon your child
That is no longer my reality is not shatter to the words of which you speak my words are not silenced by your needing of my conformity disownment by disassociation was not of what you wanted as I was a tool of your disguise hiding away from the world
 dear father you disowned me for the man I fell in love with you just owe me for the person who saved me from the reality of what you shattered if you wish to tear me down I have another by my side my Army is behind me you will never see the battle war of my mind again disownment the act of being disowned by your own person the person who tells you they love you but then goes back and regrets it disownment seems to be a word that strikes so far with you for you to do it with your only child disownment all those countless days and nights of pain wishing for death gone disownment the unhappiness of which I just became my own person
 disownment the end of the story you seem to --

-know so well
Aug 2018 · 188
Free chains
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
It's not my fault that your tool turn to Freedom that your fate that you wished only to end decided to make a new story of anger Rises From the Ashes to make a new the story of which I create is not attached my dignity does not lie within your unhappiness my life is not lie within your hands Rise From the Ashes of a phoenix typeform my mind works overtime but not in this lifetime of yours I am no longer the tool which brings you to anger I'm no longer the child that you wish to have because I'm not the one who's going to be a Slave to your desires 11 years blocked yet I don't think they were misery my mind blocks away happiness because all I could see was that pain and abuse you put me through no longer is that the case my words turn to sword my pencils Turn to Armor I no longer and contained by your page my story is not upon yours learn to fly free from your own dignity your egotistical mind of which  causes your misery
Learn of what you've done because I'm not tied down to your story I've learned to create my own my own page My Own Adventure I'm no longer Damsel in Distress waiting to be murdered  by the Dragon
Rather the dragon that finally set free this isn't a Hymn of hatred this isn't resentment this isn't a symphony of hate
It's of my story of which I can relate it is a Tale it does not start or end at you it is my own and you have no control I am no longer your puppet so learn to write your own because that Birdcage you set me up on those change you trained by Wings down
-Are gone
Aug 2018 · 414
Silently Conform
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Silence conform
 be of Who You Are nothing more that is what Society is teaching us this is what we are adapting to we overestimate all our sayings in the power of which we believe you'll make us evolve foreclosing off options if no one will see the enemy that we are fighting is nothing besides us slowly destroying isn't only the animals but the ones who try to tell the story
silence conform be from what we are our information what we are Will Tell Us Where to Go silence conform you know what we are follow the words of which that came before
 silence conform follow the same rules while Society deems everything unnecessary

 silence and Conformity will **** us all if no one ever can see past that barrier passed the fog of which is societal standards if no one can think outside the box there will be no box just the silence and Conformity of utopian society which isn't peaceful at all just closed off from the world. 
                    silence and conform the
two deadliest swords
Aug 2018 · 172
Dragons Tamer
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
The worst enemies be of the Mind created moments before we silently sit and Ponder our own worth
As our doubts become our despair taking the form of a dragon setting for your destiny to be a fireball
of which we will never be indestructible
doubts make us crumble from inside
As walls begin to form like trenches
From that fireball we lose the drive which sets us to live
Blinding us to flame which holds our misery
Waiting for someone to drive us away from that pain
Never seeing the full potential of self
We become a dragons test dummy
Rather than the tamer
As once said by the one i held dear
We can be the tamer or the dead
The in between is the same feeling of wanting to be dead
So treat that as its own quest
In which you can't see what you have to lose
The sight being so cloudy as happiness drifts by
Open your eyes before the tides of your tears
Wash away all you hold dear
Open your eyes
The sight of happiness may appear
Open your eyes so you become the tamer
Open your eyes
To ride the dragons
To your new adventure
Jul 2018 · 190
Flames of Reality
Raiven Everett Jul 2018
never to be in my ball court
As others take and have taken
pity on the person who speaks of a father
As a pathetic place never to return
Predenoted titles of insecure or unstable
Chucked at me like a simple game of dodgeball
As impact was made each rooted me to
The pain staking portion of my past

Always seemed to stared at in remorse
Never to be seen as anything more than anxiety
Those eyes to haunt my current and past
As titles get chucked my way even more
As the old soaks in
As if a sponge to reality can take another blow
The dark times spoken of in my words
Only shine of beauty to those who don't understand
They don't see the chains
Holding me down to the ball of their predestined titles
As darkness shields my eyes
safety was sought as someone to understand
Seemed to slip away hopes of mine
The time which one tried to understand me
Shook loose as I proved they didn't
Couldn't comprehend my pain
Left in its place was that word of unstable
My past
Proven to be dark
Iratates me as no one sees my current
Besides those open to the idea of life
Beyond borders of past
For those people
Who can truly feel the ringing of my words
I gratitude
As my story may finally
Be seen through that of darkest of times
My ideals change from darkness and misery
To longing of the next adventure
No longer chained by the ball of reality
I write within these words
A slow depleation of those who live
In and for the darkness
For those who are trapped or for those in fear
Must believe you are not alone
As you are people who shine brightest in my eyes
As you all are the ones with a story worth reading
for the eternity to come
Words silenced by society
Rise like the flames
And burn those predeemed titles
Prove you are more than that dark time
Spread to the society that so many are bound to in their mind
Flames of no pain
But rather
Jun 2018 · 324
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
A game played by so many
As if they are the puppet masters to the reality in which they
Appear to falter
The excuses thrown at the board like the dice among gamblers
Trying to stop time from escaping their grasps
The role in life we play as one may very
Upon a vast amount of reasons
But chuck your excuses elsewhere
The time continues to tick
Even without you
As life takes you like a tidal wave
The sand follows through
As life becomes the hour glass
Never waiting for you
Jun 2018 · 196
Misery of Memory
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Bathed by the side of the glistening of the blade
Sure to be burnt out of sight
by morning

My heart drops
As I've seen my people die
but never the face beneath that mask
as the burning was the least of the troubles
i want to say i am scared
but all i can do is stand and stare as the same
I thought i was over it
a scar of past long gone
now torn open once again by my fear of the place of my "home"
putting all together
became the chaos of my mind
the enemy behind my family's massacre unmasked
emotions flooded beyond belief
the blood of my people dripping onto my eyes returned in rage
and the grief tore back open
the scent of the smoke burning it down brought the denial
and the belief brought the dread of the knowing
now chokes me as it surrounds my skin burning into my skin
the marks of my land long gone
the language from the land i loved
becomes closer to my tongue as the speech becomes all too near
that it stings like a dagger i wield but sliced myself with
been  told to simply forget but these people i believe to love at one time
im not sure what i feel much more
confusion of rage and hate becomes tears streaming down my face
i want to speak but im silenced
by my desire to not let this repeat but the belief it will be too late
i stand back as a child of fear
among the shadows i live
in the shadow of a dragon never seeming to escape
my words yes my own
but seems all too soon my light is zoned in on one part
of this annoying life
to return home i have to figure out what i need to learn here
but memories flood throughout the night
the nightmares replace the dreams of freedom as sleep is scarce
i am silence like a child ....
staring in rage and fear
of what do i do next
Jun 2018 · 192
Natural World
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Natural world 
Oh how beautiful 
You appear in photos
Without the human footprint
So peaceful fo you seem
Almost hard to believe
Yet not fully out of sight
That the beauty shines that bright
Yet there lies the land
Destroyed mortal man's hand
As humans lie
Beyonds a era old
Made up of greed
We lose sight
Of what we truly need
The peace
Becomes unstable
As trees fall
The song of nature
Put to greed's beat
Destroys what we have
Which lies beyond the sight of man
Jun 2018 · 173
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
does not mean not there 

does not mean nonexistent 

This is the glitch of a mortal man's mind 
If its not shown 
its not there 

The earth cries 
Its not heard 
to a normal mortals mind 
its not as important 

forms a blindfold 
but can not be seen 
Because its not to be seen 
besides by the people who can fully comprehend
such terms 

So truly 
we really need to think 
do our words really mean what we believe 
or what we perceive 
cause if not 
it plays the wrong symphony upon 
the heart's harp

Messing with the mortal mans mind's music
Jun 2018 · 152
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Desperate for understanding 
yet seeming to be dragged back 
as a mere child to fear 

love pushing forward a step 
but fear dragging me back 600 

love can break walls 
but so much builds them so fast 

how do you expect me to keep up
when you cant even let me in 

i want to cry 
hide my tears in shame 
away from all
away from him
i just want to 
hide from it all
Jun 2018 · 180
My Light
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
once more 
my mind states
but my mind believes that 
one more time 
will be times a trillion 
the times you leave me to cry through my words 
'when you leave me be
"for my good"
i hate to say it 
i cant be in solitude 
i met you my words lit up for 
that of a split second 
till we had to bid farewell...
solitude almost made me commit suicide 
times too much to count
i want to be yours 
i don't want you to disappear out of sight 
i fear if i let that light 
or even simmer out of sight 
that surely i must be dead 
soon to be following...........
Jun 2018 · 195
Tiresome Dread
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
I'm tired of dread 
Spoken words bout dead
Time to be joyful for what I was given
And glad 
For the hand that fits within mine
Jun 2018 · 142
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Not by laws 
Nor individual rights 
Rather freedom of heart by mind 
And by another 
Freedom isnt written in a document 
Rather the mind of the human 
Peace isnt written through words 
But by action 
Peace and freedom coexist among two realities 
For freedom one must have the chains 
Of chaos 
Chopped off by peace
And for peace 
You must have freedom to love
Jun 2018 · 133
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
You say it's alright
But I know its not
I want to crawl
Into that of a ball and melt
From this figment of reality...

Things not meant
Seem to tear me down 
For this 
I apologize...

As you laugh it off 
The anger boils within you 
I want to cry as 
I hide among the shadows 
Of my room 
Wishing to die 

Upsetting the one 
Who saved me from my torture of 15 years 

I fear 
That dread is the only thing near
Jun 2018 · 154
Poet's Mandala
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Witchcraft, Spirituality 
Any term as such not fitting 
for the such of a topic 

These terms used often 
yet not fully understood 
I question if there
truly is anything beyond a perspective
and intent

How can you claim something evil 
in this world 
as intent is a puppet to perspective
and perspective can be the 
puppet of intent

As such follows is there anything 
Evil or Good 
as a common general ideal 
or are we that who decides 

You decide 
if you play to the hand of perspective 
and intent 
stand and create the fragment of reality 
Your mind 
Can finally be at peace 

It's a game of chess 
the next move 
is yours
Jun 2018 · 171
Blessings of Balance
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
many see as duality 

Good and evil 
simple right?

not fully
to consider that to be how it ends 
is closing our minds to the man
behind the strings 

Balance is a concept 
not of pure oblivious minds 
rather minds 
who believe in peace 
past the lords 
and lows 

We got placed upon this floating rock
why cant we see past 
hating a portion of humanity 
at a time 

why must we see random men 
become soldiers
to fight in useless wars

"OH look we gained resources"
that may last a week 
before greed kicks in

Do you not see it 
the more and more 
we use

the more and more we **** ourselves
the more and more we fight 
among ourselves of humanity
the blinder we grow

Will you fight these words 
Or finally see 
peace isn't beyond that to be 

The choice be in the hand and mind
of mortality's side
Will we **** ourselves in
the chess game of greed

Or rise as a new mortality of mankind
The choice is putty in our hands
Now just to see 
How will we 
Mold it
Jun 2018 · 133
Silence's Speech
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
I'm tired of forced upon silence 
by the need of society 
decades pass by

i sit here wondering why 
they all say its ok 
when clearly its going and gone

Why must i remain silent 
so i can watch the world be taken to its death
Why cant anyone see

That if this is okay
we are all *******
We use 
and use

Beyond a share of this beauty stricken planet
once many other animals roam 
you can say its the natural order 
all you want 

but tell me is 
Overhunting and modifying all within sight 
a "natural order" 

We hate murderers 
but we ****** the worst thing to ****** of all
So tell me again

How we are all going to be okay
as more decades pass

We wait 
and wait for science to fix things

News flash 
science isn't going to save 
the after effects of science

Truly mass ****** of other species is not under
that "natural law"
those rights we all so deserve
because we are some "gods or goddesses child"

If so why cant we get our ego 
our pride out of the façade 
and see past the 
mists of mortality

Why must we destroy 
The greatest gift we were given
As we fight among ourselves

Our gift 
Cries for the words of silence to be spoken 

to have her story spoken and not silenced 

Our greatest gift 
soon will be burnt out 
if we can not see beyond that of our sight now

Destruction isn't inevitable
Just lies beyond the mists of the facades of reality

Just reach out and embrace 
As you finally transform 
past the futility of a small child of earth
Jun 2018 · 101
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Is within my sights
Dignity lost within my rights
My act of sleep comforts 
No more
Wishing for the relief no more
Sanity lost in upbringing
Joked upon never having any
Insanity corrupting my insomnia
As sleep 
Never becomes a relief
Jun 2018 · 123
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Prisoner to my own mind
As i stand on a battle field
Made out of neurons 
My emotions 
The aftermath
Of battle upon memories 
People ask me 
Why can't you be stable
I just want to scream
That's not helping me
Yet all i can whisper up
Is leave me alone
So once again
Stuck alone
The battlefield of the mind
Jun 2018 · 151
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
In these times
i believed so distant
to be non-existent
i dread life

i say i love him 
making him my life 
sounds so cliche 

i wish i could say such at this moment 
i was so sure
it feels so far 
that first time we smiled 
though many miles apart 
i believed him to be my life 
feeling his light so near 
as an embrace of my lover 

these times are the keys
to the locked part of my mind 
the ones i enter 
and see all the photos of my memories

the room of grief 
upon agony as my tears swell up
as everything i believed in comes to mind 
and crashing like the ocean tide back at me 
not to embrace me 
with such light anymore 

i feel like ive gone in a circle ive always seen
i want to trust 
yet i remain crying 
upon this room 
i want to be free 
but i cant move....

my eyes submerged into the photos of my memories
my father getting stabbed...
my grandfather dying 
seeing things others find nuts
being put through abuse of life 
and father 

i begin to wonder why am i alive
as the rooms shift 
a blank white wall
all too normal to belief 
yet all i can do stare

the word that comes to mind 
taints my eyes as the white becomes
a blinding light 
and a hospital bed is all i see
staring down at my hands all i can see is my heros hand

insanity takes grasp once more 
as it shows me like a lost puppy 
the direction
as another who i believed in 
but died...
all i felt was fear as my wrists became scarred 
and a knife dug into my back

i lie there 
pondering if i wanted to truly die
and if i still do 
as reality comes back
among my sight restored
to the white ceiling of my room
i see blood splattered on my room 
and believe such to be true in due time

if this fears you 
brings to tears or anger 
my apologises 
as this is written as feelings of my reality

trying to understand me is to accept this 
to realize what i see is glitter and rainbows
to see i am scared
and not to disappear 
to love me is to be the guiding hand 
to be near me you must see 
i am much weaker 
than put out to be

if such is not alright my apologises
as my silence will be 
as a probability of fear 
my words become of distant memory 
as many 
with this i must say goodbye as the belief 
in my mind 
is to speak it 
but the walls block such 
as once be stated 
love me as me 
then further to understand me 
will be soon of greater truth
Jun 2018 · 138
Death's Grasp
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Seconds before release 
tears shed down peoples heads 
the grief of the world falls upon their shoulders 
distant memories brought forth by the shock
as if the tidal waves bring pain forth
from old joy 
As the reaper knocks upon the door so near 
a sudden darkness grabs hold 
as a flood of tears stains the memory of now 
im not here to say its all going to be alright 
im not here to say that i understand what you all go through 
rather to say that im here 
if you wish to have a shoulder to cry upon 
The seconds before death are filled with despair 
and fear 
of the knowing there is no more 
memories to be builr 
the creation of our own fortresses to be torn down 
smiles are vanquished as fast as the happiness once felt 
The love is so close as it encloses people to see
that their with them in all they do 
the flowers bloom on both sides of the fence 
stating that you may live in honor with them in mind 
or you can dig your own grave by the corpse's side
live in the love that will never vanish 
pass on the peace of mind that you will remember them 
before the seconds of how they died
Some speak of oasis after life 
or a cloud of happiness 
if so im sure they are having their time of peace and release 
times may be hard 
as shock is new 
but remember the ones you have physically 
and the ones who will always be with you spiritually and mentally
love and honor the ones gone 
by living life and smiling 
as you know their peace is to come as they sink into oasis after release 
those tears shed are all good and fair 
but smile because the one that is believed not to be there 
is watching from afar 
Live with the love of that who you did and do 
as release comes to peace for all those 
believe that of 
truth's smile
Jun 2018 · 134
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Dance once with the dragons 
Twirling in spirals
Strings of light glistening
Within the darkened night 
Set free the fear of the night 
Weave the light 
Spirals spin
Around you
The measures of the song 
Appeal to you
Upon the senses of light 
You see the energy boiling 
Takes form 
As head of a dragon above 
Be of light
the night is no more
Of darkness 
Shines the brightest stars 
Join in the spiral 
Be one of the sight
The dragons await
Beyond the Vail of Light
Seek your way as one in the night
Jun 2018 · 153
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Among the black wings of beauty
Shine the souls if those to guide
Among the melodies they sing 
Lies their story 
Black wings of beauty
Shine bright among the moonlight 
So that your stories may embrace the land 
Once again
Jun 2018 · 170
My Ashes
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Not of my body
Nor present form

But of my village I held so dearly
Watching my loved ones die 
As they scream
From the agony
Telling me to run

Tears mixed with ashes 
As I ran from the flame stricken home
Noting the distance I was as my greatest nightmare
Became my reality

The cave listened to my sobs 
Of many years
Until the dreaded say
I believed I was strong enough 

My village reeked of ashes and smoke 
The death killing all
My family's skeletons 
Shined bare within the dirt
Memories flashed
The dances 
The festival
The group happiness
.....all gone

The trigger was pulled 
To the gun that shattered my reality
The dance once
Of pride and freedom to the village
Beyond my furthest memories
As a distant tear
My cheek once more

Oh how so 
Like long ago
I cry in the name of my people 
I cry beyond their gravesite 
No longer covered
By ash 
But shadows of the, past 
I cry....
For the life I loved...
Gone back 
Jun 2018 · 140
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Fills the air like a nauseous gas
As emotions are dumbed down to tears
Confusion seems to rise 
Or does it 
I'm not so sure
Something is off
I want to cry but cant bear the touch of water upon my skin
I care about people 
But I feel
As if i have fallen into a deep hole
Almost numb
To the emotions I used to know so well
So, confused
As all I begin to feel is I am my words
As words are all I am
Jun 2018 · 183
My Poems
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
My poems
Used to sing their own symphony
My words used to hum
With the beat of my reality
The tragedies 
Among fantasized dreams
Of finally being free
Before the cage of reality set me and chained once again
Those melodies hardly played 
As a pond forms
Of tears 
It just seems easier 
To swim down
Jun 2018 · 486
A Poet's Heart
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
A poet's heart
Oh how wonderful such is

A delicate 
Beautiful work of art 
Displayed only to those who choose to follow its own song 

A poet's heart 
Vulnerable but impenetrable by words 
The heart that beats to its drum 

A poet's heart 
One filled with pride and dignity within their souls
One who can have fun 
Among the symphonies of the world of words
A poet's heart 
My only treasure 
I can give to certain people
My poems are my symphonies 
I can't let another
Take such away
Raise the melodies 
The harmonies 
As the world will choose to here your song
A poet's heart 
The most powerful beat..

Among us all
Jun 2018 · 215
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Abusive father 
Molded my mentality
To think life is war
Shaped my dignity 
To stab my hope
Crumbling emotionally
Physically abusive
The chokehold you did to a door 
Stay on my neck for eternity
Abusive father...changed
Ha yeah right
My ignorance fueled the fire 
Of niave me
The toy gun you chased me with
Of noise to scare
The way you held yourself 
Egotistical menace 
May be called
You shrug it off
For you do as you please
Abusive father
Such a term no longer fitting 
As you massacred my stability
Believing death was so much easier
You say sorry
But your words are hollow
Took me 2 years to find someone
To finally give me stability 
The power to believe life is better than death
And you exile them
My topic of this poem may be written in rage
But to none other than you
Your denial lies pitiful 
As you wish me to return
You bribe a relationship with your kid
Solely you try to fill 
That of an empty bottle of apologises
You no longer 
Never by my side 
You terminate your existence among mine
As you see one I care for to be of **** of the earth
You don't look in the mirror often do you
You would see a source being of a human in front
Abusive father 10 years of torture ends here 
Your puppet be of free 
As your strings they fall to the floor
Walk the path as you may 
For it is your own 
But don't forget 
These words 
Abusive father 
You can not care for another 
If you don't care about the vessel
That souless vessel of despair 
Look into the mirror of humanity you will see
The man without dignity
Jun 2018 · 167
Silence of Suicide
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
A cat's sudden meow
Breaks the silence
Laying upon my soul broken bed
Staring upon the blank canvas
Of my ceiling
....i question
Am i truly alright 
I imagine the sight
Of scarlet blood shattered in an array of patterns
Sliced from my pale wrist 
I think of all 
The terms sought before me
All the pain
Ive lived through
And stare at that blank canvas
And ask why
Why was i born to an abusive father 
Why did i live in my hell 
And survive
Why didn't the pills
And choking work 
Choose your destiny
Apparently mine was to survive
All left to me are my words 
Stated on a new blank canvas
My words 
Filled with blood and tears
As the process remains
The story becomes told
Jun 2018 · 186
Colours of The Colourblind
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Born not of such yet spoken
Upon terms 
A process of nine surgeries 
Just to lose

Colors not of absence but 
Of dimmer 
We are not black and white people
So pass that beyond your thoughts
As you stare at us in awe 
Asking "what bout this that and the other thing "
Tiresome same old song

I speak for me 
As i am who i am
Those questions frustrate me 
As i am compared to a dog
See me as one 
Not as a freak 
Believe me 
Im not blinded by the light of love
But dimmed by the sight of those who see me as freaks
Jun 2018 · 359
My Dearest Friend
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
My dearest friend
I know this is the end
As my words did not reach you in time
Your last dose
More important than those
Who loved you dearly

Your last dose
That dose who killed my last friend
Of old times 
That l last dose 

That slaughtered my friend
I want to be angry
I want to cry
Yet tears will never fall
As the only words that come to mind are
You lucky person
As your binds tethered away by
The sharp edge 
Of Death's scythe

That last dose
That makes me think
Why must i survive
That last dose
That just ****** me off
Anger of no bounds

That last dose
You chose as you lost yourself 

That last dose which
You lost your dignity to
I'd fly miles on miles
But it'd be pointless
I will never pay respects 

That last dose 
I want to blame on everything
In the world
Besides you
But can't bring myself to

That one
Last dose
Set you upon the grave
Beyond no point in living you pass
To point in living as the dead

That last dose
Thay made mourners of so many
Will never bring me to tears upon
Such a sorry sight

For this i must bid farewell old friend
Enjoy the last dose
Jun 2018 · 143
Words of the Hurt
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
As you push me away 
Tears form 
From that of trying to understand
As all before me tries to vanish 
I read through old messages 
Wondering in what did i do wrong
To further set on 
**** from reality
I get it im a hypocrite 
as i say we control our own destinies 
As this seems forth
My mind only believes
Such of not that concept a lie
So once again 
I bid of sorrow 
Yet cant see fully what i did to cause
Pathetic it seems 
Loneliness just seems to be a destiny put forth 
By the prophecies of many past lives
Yet the ghost of them all haunt me now
I fear all i can do is wrong now 
So if i may ask 
If you want me gone...
Just say it 
You wouldnt be the first so worry over it 
Keep that shred of humanity's honesty 
I know you have
Jun 2018 · 142
Dark Times of Humanity
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Write this
Do that
Finish this
As it appears 
That the sight of humanity is slipping 
To that of completion 
Then the time 
Of connection
That we wish to be 
One among a collection 
Of our useless junk
Lay upon your plastic infused lives
Ask am i happy
Then realize 
Happiness is love
Not some limited edition makeup brand
Realize humanity's out of hand
The war for land
No longer of territory 
But where to throw "our trash"
The war we face
Of where to place
The good things that are "so last year"
Look at yourself 
You become one of a collection
Yet you seem so angered 
As it clearly showed
The story of stuff
Does not include greed
Among competition 
It doesnt begin to comprehend 
We are slowly melding our own demise 
Take a look at your job
Ask why am I doing this
Ask if a robot could do it
Lastly is there a point 

I look at people ages ago it seems
Working happily 
With talent and love stiched 
With every community 
Smiles for miles 
Was not a cliche 
But a reality 

Our world has become dark 
As many say we protect number 1
I just want to say
Who truly is 
In this game of losing

The winning we believe to
Be nothing more than this 
Glorified slavery
As we work for what we want
No matter the work 

I look at this
I question why
As my own sentenced to the prison of society
Sets free
I can believe 
I do not work for that reality
I work with mind long gone
With every word woven 
My story told
My happiness unchained 
To that of a world I can freely love

I have yet to become 
A slave sentenced to the dark ages 
Of commission of cash
My words not set at a priced dollar
Never sold to the highest bidder

I see smiles 
As i walk on a city street 
Those smiles hide tears
As many wish to die 
Silently I sigh 
I can't understand why 
These people must lie
And try to be alright
As they become a broken machine

I wish to cry
As i ask so many
What is your dream 
And many repeat to die
Or to be rich
Such a price on paper 
As all it is 
Is paper
I begin to question why 
Why I write 
Then remembering 
My words no longer bound
By insolence of my traumatic mind

I ask why did we make ourselves 
Slaves to the dollar
To that of human made
We lost control 
As the puppet begins 
To morph to the puppet master

Lay along your plastic stuff 
And tell me you're happy
I see behind that smile 
The tears bound not to cry
Wishing to be set free
Truly this is the dark times
For humanity
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
Tick Tock 
The clock on the wall begins 
The haunting sounds of my memories flood
As the time runs 5 more minutes 
As i sigh from the 
Sleepless night
Deprivation of rest 
Better if it was of memory as the clock plays
The familiar tune 
It begins 
Hours gone by 
Wondering can I die yet
Tick tock
1:50 pm
Strides by
A distance shred of sanity
Bellows in the wind
And 1:55 approaches its gone
As the land of memory began
I try not to cry
Yet a river forms upon my desk
Of familiar tears 
The same tears so long ago
As the world bent and broke me
By that first 
Tick tock
Jun 2018 · 137
Missing Home
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
I want to go home
I scream at my bedroom walls
Wondering what I mean
For as obvious I am
In that of my physical house
Where must I go 
How far is home
I cry myself to sleep
Wondering if I'll ever feel complete 
I shake useless thoughts out of my head 
As the dawn approaches
Staring out at my dark stricken sky
Wondering why
I must awake another day
I throw myself into my bed
Crying my tears 
For the unknown
And the missing
Sometimes wondering do i just need to die
Shaking this from my head 
I speak the words I must survive
Yet all appears to be a lie
Jun 2018 · 159
Love of Unbinding
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
My love 
Struck by grief 
Followed by the blade of one who said they cared
Carved its way into my back
Alongside my heart
Arisen to trust 
No person in sight
I became
And I frightful of us
The lover I knew 
Now was gone 
As what stood before me 
Was a monster 
In a man's shell
That believed he had won

I was scared as another approached
My fright in sight
As he grabbed my hand
And said itd be alright
Later to know 
As my smile grew
My lover to be seen through my words
Can tell my story 
As he is one I wouldn't mind an eternity with
So long as it's a life
My heart beats 
To the rhythm of a new story

So I speak out 
For the story
The belief of abuse to know no end
Is all a figment of mind
I was abused for false love
By the guy I designed
As he become mad
I become glad
That I went through 
To find my man 
To steal my heart 
To make a story with 
Glad That monster 
Turned to make anew
As another girl is happy
I'm glad as I love you
My dear other half
Jun 2018 · 129
The Kiss of Death
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
the kiss of death 
I wish it so easy to obtain
as many hear me wish to die 
then just do 

I render useless to such words 
as my story seems to defeat me 
the cries of pain 
fill my dreams 
despair speaks no end
as yet another domino falls to suicides place

ive tried seems to anger people 
im not sure why 
as I tell my story 
I see people cry 
yes ive tried suicide 
my notes for them hidden under my bookshelf
I tried 17 times
never seemed to hit the right vein

Just die echo in my mind
as many speak its melody
of past and now current 
when called out 
with yeah right 
I want to cry in a corner 
and stare at my scars 
both emotion and physical 

So yes 
Im scared alright 
and ive seen the kiss of death
so please stop 
the symphony of scars 
and yes
ive wished for the kiss of death
So just 
Jun 2018 · 151
Titleless Abuse
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
eminds me of _   Learn commenting

[ Titleless ]

In these times
i believed so distant
to be non-existent
i dread life

i say i love him 
making him my life 
sounds so cliche 

i wish i could say such at this moment 
i was so sure
it feels so far 
that first time we smiled 
though many miles apart 
i believed him to be my life 
feeling his light so near 
as an embrace of my lover 

these times are the keys
to the locked part of my mind 
the ones i enter 
and see all the photos of my memories

the room of grief 
upon agony as my tears swell up
as everything i believed in comes to mind 
and crashing like the ocean tide back at me 
not to embrace me 
with such light anymore 

i feel like ive gone in a circle ive always seen
i want to trust 
yet i remain crying 
upon this room 
i want to be free 
but i cant move....

my eyes submerged into the photos of my memories
my father getting stabbed...
my grandfather dying 
seeing things others find nuts
being put through abuse of life 
and father 

i begin to wonder why am i alive
as the rooms shift 
a blank white wall
all too normal to belief 
yet all i can do stare

the word that comes to mind 
taints my eyes as the white becomes
a blinding light 
and a hospital bed is all i see
staring down at my hands all i can see is my heros hand

insanity takes grasp once more 
as it shows me like a lost puppy 
the direction
as another who i believed in 
but died...
all i felt was fear as my wrists became scarred 
and a knife dug into my back

i lie there 
pondering if i wanted to truly die
and if i still do 
as reality comes back
among my sight restored
to the white ceiling of my room
i see blood splattered on my room 
and believe such to be true in due time

if this fears you 
brings to tears or anger 
my apologises 
as this is written as feelings of my reality

trying to understand me is to accept this 
to realize what i see is glitter and rainbows
to see i am scared
and not to disappear 
to love me is to be the guiding hand 
to be near me you must see 
i am much weaker 
than put out to be

if such is not alright my apologises
as my silence will be 
as a probability of fear 
my words become of distant memory 
as many 
with this i must say goodbye as the belief 
in my mind 
is to speak it 
but the walls block such 
as once be stated 
love me as me 
then further to understand me 
will be soon of greater truth
Jun 2018 · 117
Raiven Everett Jun 2018
This isn't for anyone
As my words are my tears alone

Dreams flood my mind
All of these times 
I can't wait for this that
Or the other thing
While my mind speaks another dream 
I want to die
To feel the slice of a blade upon my neck 
As a necklace of blood lies there
Say I need help 
And all this
I try
It hasn't done any good
Beyond reversing to tear open old scars
I'm tired of living
In a world where a sight of the day 
Is another person's drama
It's like going to a theater 
And all that's playing is some 
Person Snapchat Instagram or personal story
I'm tired of not fitting in
Ever heard of the story of
The extrovert 
Turn introvert 
Well news flash we aren't all silent 
Dead do speak
Dreams tell our stories 
As people say what a shame 
And break us further 
I'm tired of being told I'm to blame 
That there's this tiny switch in my mind
That can turn it all off
That I'm broken and can be fixed 
See the abusive father who was is 
The least of my issues 
Which no one ever understands 
I say this and its like deer in the headlights 
I want people to be themselves
I'm tired of all these
Why is all I ask
So yes 
I'm broken in the eyes of humanity 
I'm torn to the shreds of a monster 
Those eyes are what form 
That blade of my dreams
That will finally slaughter me
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