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Nov 2016 · 392
From the Ashes.
R R Nov 2016
You have built me up,
Brick by brick.
Than I watched these walls grow
Far above the line of my sight.
Only to lock me
Inside the cage.
I watched you walk away.
Now I'm stuck and I'm evolving
But I yearn for the feel if the wind
Flowing through my feathers.
You stole a piece of me,
And I've grown tired of this cage.
Never has fear felt so friendly.
As I tore down your walls
Found the key to my cage.
I opened my wings and fell.
But that ground just brought back the life in me.
My soul has never flown on its own.
You loved me to ruins
Now I shall rise from the ashes.
Nov 2016 · 252
To Ruins.
R R Nov 2016
How many pieces does it take to create a soul?
There's no such thing as truth
Only perspectives.
But what were to happen if a piece would be to go missing?
Could we proclaim ourselves whole?
I will love you for all your pieces.
Try to fix you
Rid you of sin.
All the words ever heard through day out and day in.
The world is a beautifully wretched place filled with broken dolls and shattered hearts.
Corroded minds and fragile bones.
I will love you.
I will love you
I will love you.
Not for who I am but for who you wish me to be.
So let me correct you in order to save myself.
I will love you to ruins.
Nov 2016 · 311
Made of Gold.
R R Nov 2016
What happened to you?
This little girl that held her hand high with the answer dancing off her fingertips.
Who gave a hug to strangers because she believed that it was the cure to sadness.
How did you end up so empty?
You had someone walk away from you,
Raised your voice but felt like no one was listening,
Were promised the world only to get nothing,
You were made of gold;
But who turned you to stone?
Nov 2016 · 375
Porcelain Doll
R R Nov 2016
There's always been a difference
Between the way you act and the words you say.
I never caught on to your mindless little games.
While you pulled my strings
I was happy because at least you were playing with me.
All those words that I hope to one day believe that you meant.
But you actions told a different story
I'd saved you all the while you killed me.
Just how love was always described to me.
Until I was left in a corner watching you pull another girls strings blindly.
That was when you porcelain doll lost her first piece.
I let you back in
And like the fool I was I fell even more quickly forgetting that you weren't going to be there to catch me.
Just like how you always said you would be.
You left
Leaving me to shatter
In a million little pieces.
It took so many months that it felt like years to be over you.
Yet there's a part of me I can't get back
Because I gave it to you
Hoping you'd give one back.
Aug 2016 · 250
The Best Gift.
R R Aug 2016
The whisper of words
Across the distance of skylines
Are leaving you breathless.

Why do we have our head in the clouds only to leave our feet on the ground?
If we're to explore I want the adventure wholeheartedly.
Not a five minute trip to the grocery store.

We can't afford to lose what we already have.
But I have been left with nothing,
And yet I'm not content.
You speak with confidence that I have the best gift,
Because I will never know the feeling of loss or sorrow.

Yet all I feel is that I want to walk among the clouds and leave my head on the ground.
No more voices telling me lies,
No more judgement for who I've become.

The whisper of your words
Across the distance of skylines
Are leaving me in an echo
Of what I once was.
Aug 2016 · 237
A Free Spirit;
R R Aug 2016
One day.
The stars will fall,
They will collide.
The sun will set,
And the moon will fall.
Everything will become silent.
My mind will wander,
To distant dreams,
And my nightmares will perish.
Death will no longer be an obligation.
Living won't be a choice.
A free spirit,
My eyes will be open,
And I won't be vulnerable
To these demons.
The clouds will be beneath me
And I will be free.
I will be infinite;
Aug 2016 · 200
Something Illogical.
R R Aug 2016
My bones are yearning for so many things.
Here I lay with eyes open and my heart bounded by chains;
Where do we begin to rearrange the broken pieces?
Try to fix something so far gone or just leave and forget the damage.
Bruised bones and haunted memories, no longer can I look at this blasted ceiling.
The world doesn't stop turning when someone's screaming.
Why do we purposefully chase the hearts we know we'll never win?
Wait for someone to save us when they're busy saving themselves.

We can change the present, the future and the ending.
But I'd like to reserve the right to change past.
I want something illogical, to be free.
For why not lie on this ground and knowing that as hard as I grasp for the stars.
There will never be a time where I can call the sky mine.
Yet that's all I've ever dreamed.
Aug 2016 · 434
Living a Lie
R R Aug 2016
You were a chaotic disaster, meant to destroy everything in sight.
Warnings I was told just out of spite,
Curious to wander into unexplored places.
You were like wonderland, and I
Didn't have a map.
But I dived into the adventure, only to find.
That you were a horribly beautiful truth, all while I was living a lie.
Aug 2016 · 169
A Picture on My Walls
R R Aug 2016
Down these hallow halls,
With walls scattered with frames
Full of pictures with shattered glass
All but one.
My feet bruised and ******,
Yet I feel numb to the pain.
So I keep standing in front of this little frame.
The one that causes me overwhelming pain.
Surrounded by memories the picture in this frame,
that tears me apart inside.
It's of you.

When I sat on the piano,
While you played beautifully as I watched you with such curiosity.
How did a person like you end up with a person like me?
Towards the end you promised me that you'd never leave me.
A pinky promise that meant the world to me was captured on film of your promise.

Here I stand feeling the glass under my hand.
Tears spilling down my makeup stained cheeks,
As the one thought consuming me spills from my lips.
'Will you always be a picture on my wall?'
I need you here,
But you can't be with me.

The way you kissed me without warning,
Without my permission,
Stealing my breath.
I never knew these feelings until I met you.
Now I can't be the same person I was before.
Because with you I was the person I'd always wanted to be.
I was me.

I built my walls brick by brick,
Wore a suit of armor only for you to stumble carelessly and rid me of my defenses.
You didn't steal my heart.
You asked for it politely and I trusted it into your care.
Now because of you I can't feel my heartbeat.
I don't exist completely without you
And you promised me.
Now I'm on my own,
But I can't let you go.

Six feet under and your cold hands still hold my heart completely.
I never wanted this, and it came so unexpectedly.
How can you become just a memory?
You lived among these walls in tiny pieces.
Scattered your heart around our house,
And I'm searching to put together the puzzle.
Trying to put your heart back together so you can return to me.

Because I can't let you just become a picture on my wall.
I won't let you become a memory.
You will always be a missing a piece of me;
The one that I need to breathe.
Aug 2016 · 145
Your Constant Thoughts
R R Aug 2016
Oh dear soul
Please quiet your constant thoughts;
For they take my sleep,
Steal my dreams,
And scatter pieces of me.
To distant places beyond my reach.
Falling apart while trying to be my own hero,
Or maybe I'm a victim;
Who doesn't want to be saved.
Oh dear soul
Leave me be!
Before you take my sanity.
Aug 2016 · 227
The World Is
R R Aug 2016
Yearning for something more.
A life so small,
In a world filled with beautiful people.
Changing constantly,
Leaving little old I behind.
Stricken with uncertainty that maybe;
The world is not ready for my old soul,
Who's trying to find answers in a place full of questions.
Could I start with you?
Please hear me out when I tell you a name;
That is no longer my own.
Aug 2016 · 286
Rewrite the Words
R R Aug 2016
If you can't leave my mind
I suppose you're meant to stay
Help me figure out this puzzle
Compose these thoughts
In order to design something
So grand
And rewrite the words I have always wanted to say.

The ones that could never find the right ways
So with all of my heart
And the rest of my sanity
Try to take my breath away
Only for me to say
The words that will take all the pain

Maybe I will.
Finally be able to poor my heart into my words
To keep you in my thoughts
Hold you safe in my heart
So you can steal my breath away.
With the words that will make you stay.
Aug 2016 · 161
Create A Flame
R R Aug 2016
I stomped on an ember from the fire only to realize
I'd made a fire inside my heart.
Hoping you would notice
That for you to fuel me.
And we'd create a flame that would put all of hell to shame.
Aug 2016 · 561
You Were Like Magic
R R Aug 2016
What happened?
To the words
You would eloquently put together
Piece by piece,
I thought you were like magic.
Painting a picture
With words that seemed so promising,
Of a future we would share together.
When did you stop painting?
Just one sentence
And you had put a spell on me;
To put my crying heart to sleep
Without my acknowledgement
I fell
And chased the white rabbit
Down the spectacular rabbit hole.
Listening to your words
Creating an exquisite painting
That I can no longer find.
I think I thought you were magic
Because you've disappeared on me.
R R Aug 2016
Death and I have never been friends,
Nor have we been foes.
The look in its eyes does not show of terror,
But of pain and sorrow.
He has grown tired of the countless wars,
The agony of taking children before they're time.
Life has shown him so much beauty that he cannot touch.
For it will wither beneath his rough touch,
But he will watch it blossom from her hands.
The astounding white rose before it was soaked in blood,
If only he could smooth away the thorns that have pricked such caring hands.
Death is tired of being feared,
He wishes not to take your loved ones.
He wishes not to hurt you,
He wishes for a way to explain that this was not his choice.
It simply had to be this way.
Souls are meant to be reborn, and some aren't meant to return.
The eyes of Life have only hurt him worse,
For Death cannot love but little does this remain true.
But when he sees the creations that Life has made he cannot help but fall for her over and over again.
So maybe Death is not a friend nor is he foe.
Death is just my misunderstood acquaintance.
Aug 2016 · 137
Read My Mind
R R Aug 2016
These thoughts, these thoughts,
Will spiral down the rabbit hole.
Upon thousands and thousands
No one can see inside,
These thoughts, these thoughts,
Such killers of mine
Call past the time,
That can no longer wait
How deep is this grave?
These thoughts, these thoughts,
The blood that runs through our veins,
Your skeletons in my closet
Are secrets of twisted fate.
These thoughts, these thoughts,
Oh how intriguing.
The thought of how;
If you could read my mind,
Would you be smiling?
Aug 2016 · 135
To Save You
R R Aug 2016
I want to paint with the clouds,
Create a design so grand among the sky that even your God will admit it's profound.
With my words I want to design a life worth living for you and I,
Make all your dreams come true just to see your weary eyes smile again.
These broken hands of mine want so much to construct things for everyone else but me.
No money in return just a smile on your face can turn all the darkest days into the brightest,
Your eyes on mine give me such inspiration that to call you my muse would be unworthy.
Every last word could not express my need to give you the world just to save you before you leave me.
Aug 2016 · 175
No Last Page
R R Aug 2016
What if these words are my last?
Would the Raven makes its last cry
As if this is it and nothing more.
There would be no last page
Just an unexpected goodbye
Where our worlds would no longer collide.
What if?
I cannot live without seeing tomorrow knowing you're alive.
Tell me how your day went,
Tell me all the details you never get the chance to explain,
Tell me your thoughts throughout time and time again,
Tell me how you feel,
Please just let me know you.
Let me tell you,
I Love You
My grammar is improper for notice I didn't end that statement with a period.
For one purpose only,
Seemingly because the period is the ending of a sentence or the conclusion of one thing.
My dear understand that my love has no boundary and is endless;
So let me paint a sky with stars that will shine so much brighter with all the questions that start seemingly with,
what if?
Aug 2016 · 146
Between the Stories
R R Aug 2016
Growing up I was told stories of love and life.
Of princesses who were swept off their feet by their princes,
A world of castles and dungeons.
With dragons and horse drawn carriages.
That whenever you met the person you were meant to be with that your heart would race, palms would sweat, and knees would go weak.
Or that you'd feel calm, no anxieties or insecurities.
I've slowly realized that the fantasy stories aren't real and that princes are not the ones to be looking for.
That when you love someone completely it's not always how physically close you are with them as people assume it to be.
It's when silence isn't awkward it's peaceful and comforting. To know when words aren't needed is a powerful thing.
How their laugh can just make the darkest days become the best.
To be able to talk like best friends but know that this is something more to each other.
That you can trust the other with anything. It's not a word taken lightly when you love someone.
A lesson well learned by many.
But I believe that no matter how long you've been with someone that when you fall in love with someone.
You know. It's not something you just assume. You truly and honestly know from the bottom of your heart that you love them.
The best feeling is knowing they feel the same.
They're not royalty but they're all you need and more.
That's the difference between the stories and reality.
Aug 2016 · 153
An Artists Horizion
R R Aug 2016
The pictures made out of clouds.
During the afternoons in which we lied in the grass,
Pointing towards the sky,
Interpreting an artist who's passed work.
Just like their paintings in the museums.
Forever painted in my memory,
As we pointed towards the darkening sky.
Aug 2016 · 138
For An Infinity
R R Aug 2016
Under city lights in the dead of night,
With the winter winds whispering against our cheeks,
As the stars come out to play,
With the buzz of cars in the fade,
Walking along these empty streets
I've come to term with the demons
That reside within me.
As you walk beside me I've started to notice the tempo in which you speak,
The melody of your words strung together so effortlessly,
How the pitch of your voice changes on various topics,
The feel of your hand holding ever so tightly onto mine.
And when our eyes meet yours hold a sight far more beautiful than the city's skyline on a starry night;
The moments I've wanted to last forever have never held the same euphoria.
As this is now and time can't stop to let me save this to heart without a constant battle of space,
The only place in which you reside within me.
So under these city lights and wondrous sky;
I'm trying to make this moment last for an infinity.
Aug 2016 · 153
Always With You
R R Aug 2016
When you asked me how many times I've fallen in love.
I never told you the entire truth because this time around
The truth sounds as a lie.
Once was the amount I gave you, and you knew that you were the one I was talking about.

I've fallen in love a countless amount of times.
In ways in which wouldn't be considered true.

Such as the way in which you guard yourself,
The ways in which a smile will dance across your face,
The way your eyes always hold a secret I have the desire to find,

How your hands always seem to find the crevices in mine to fit ever so gently,
In which your hair is so easy to become messy,
The way you laugh,
Even the ways in which you read,

How your handwriting is a sloppy scribble that I love to decode,
The sound of your voice when it's dripping with sarcasm,
The ways in which you discuss your favorite things it's as if a child on  Christmas morning,

I've fallen in love with all the small things.
I've fallen in love a countless amount of times;
Always with the same person.

Everyday there's something new I discover;
That I'll find myself falling in love all over again,
And it's always with you.
Aug 2016 · 144
The Souls Inside
R R Aug 2016
I have stolen lives
Of the faces that don't have names.
With only words to serve as their memories
And as every page goes to create a different story.
To become friends with a person who can only exist between these lines.
A whole new universe to explore that will never be mine to call home.
I've ripped and plundered,
created and destroyed
all these strangers
who have become my friends.
Within these pages I have
built a home
for all the souls inside.
So if I were to ****** a person
in any kind of way;
it is here they would stay
among the pages
where all the old souls
Aug 2016 · 132
Days On End
R R Aug 2016
I could write and write for days
On end
But never would these words
Even begin to explain
The thoughts that scream inside my head.
Aug 2016 · 326
A Warm Heart
R R Aug 2016
Even if the world comes crashing down
I'll still be holding you from here on out;
Just as the stars collapse to the earth
I promise I won't let go.
Not even if death were to part me
I'd still be holding your hand ever so tightly.
Because cold hands can only ever belong to a warm heart.
R R Aug 2016
Where do the unanswered questions lie?
Buried deep inside our minds do they hide?
Do they haunt us with endless curiosity?
The questions that haven't been asked because we're trembling at the thought of what the answer may be.
Searching for something that could  give us a reason as to why we're here, but what if we're only here so we'll never know why we were placed here?
We've created so many things with only our bare hands.
We've destroyed entire cities with our bare hands in less then a day.
We've only began to reconstruct our creations and repeat the cycle of these ways.
Creation, destruction, and reconstruction.
When can we realize the errors of our ways?
If only we could stop and try to find an answer.
Among all these unanswered questions.
Aug 2016 · 189
All Different Hues
R R Aug 2016
If the darkness is to paint itself on the glistening horizon as the sky turns to all different hues.
Then how come we can't rid ourselves of the skeletons in our closets?
The Angels in our dreams are drowning as the monsters under our beds pull us from our sleep.
When life creates the most extraordinary things, that death will always hold close. We can't create peace, but the impossible is seemingly possible if we were to only try.
R R Aug 2016
On this porch I feel like reminiscing.
With an old friend about all the times we've shared.
It's a bitter winter night and the clouds on my breath hold a scent so familiar.
All those empty promises, the shared cigarettes that burnt the cement between you and I.
Kisses with nicotine breaths, burning cigarettes between our lips as we played cards.
War would be played for hours on end. Till we realized that there was no cigarette to calm these waves of emotions that overflow within us.
Last year on a night like this we were bundle in a blanket talking about where we'd be a year from then.
Apparently neither of us were close to the truth.
Our last cigarette is still crumbled in the Altoids Ash tray.
I'm here on this porch with an old friend, and you're not here to share this moment with me.
A bottle of ***** and some cigarettes are here to help me forget.
That this old friend is my worse enemy, but I can't seem to shake the feeling that maybe till death do us part is all a lie.
Because in this moment it has never seemed that you and I aren't so far apart if death could only come and take me as well.
Aug 2016 · 234
Moments of Singularities
R R Aug 2016
Lay here in this damp grass and gaze towards the stars.
Across the heavens, and beyond the dark matter that holds a incongruous feeling.

Throughout these bones, in the crevices of our broken souls.
There's a moment of singularity.
When it's not today or tomorrow, but a crack in this alluring earth.

We lie between the past and the future but it's no longer the present.
Stars that fall to the earth, and the moon is kissing them goodbye.

Gaze at these stories written among the sky, and realize.
That within these beautiful bones, is a fire blazing inside me.

Melting my bones and fading to the sky.
Where I only hope you'll see me in this moment of singularity.
Aug 2016 · 226
Endearing Embodiement
R R Aug 2016
The moment when the sun is just barely kissing the horizon,
And the stars are saying their final goodbyes.
As nightmares fade to dreams.
And I'm here with you on this rooftop.
With your forehead against mine, hands intertwined, and with closed eyes.
No words to say.
Our gentle caresses and our fractured hearts slowly start to mend.
We become intoxicated on each other's presence.
The last moment of the stars,
And the Suns Ray beaming down on us.
We open our eyes and time stands still.
I see you for the what feels like the first time.
My heart skips a beat and I know that you finally see me.
Aug 2016 · 207
Yearning Hearth
R R Aug 2016
We have lived a thousand lives,
Ones that we can't recall to begin
Or recall the way they ended.
But I know that no matter the differences between our worlds.
Just know that even if I cannot see you,
Hear you,
Or feel you.
There is a place in my ribcage that holds a place for you.
My heart has built the walls and is waiting for the spark.
To ignite the fire inside me.
When I can feel myself start to stumble on these words.
How when those arms of yours hold me and I can hear your heart beat.
Right next to mine,
Is when I know that I've finally come home.
So if I cannot see the night sky light up with the stars,
Or the moon come to greet the earth.
I'll remember the galaxies between us.
Closing my eyes I'll finally see your smile,
And I'll feel these bones tremble because I only want to return to you.
But I know that when the sun comes to kiss the earth awake that you'll be here.
Where I can never lose you,
In my mind and soul.
Throughout these worlds,
These lives that I've no longer come to recognize or even remember.
I'll know that our souls have collided to create this beautiful place.
That we can call our home.
Aug 2016 · 679
Then Came You
R R Aug 2016
I was once in love,
With the idea of being in love.
A beautiful thing to any soul,
And then hatred took over my bones.

The idea of love is something
I cannot speak of.
But here I sit saying words that do not grasp.

The way your eyes stare into mine,
How our conversations collide into a beautiful mess of laughter,
Or the way you say my name and I lose all the air in my chest.
Ways I cannot even comprehend in what you do to me.

The idea of being in love is something I cannot speak.
But I have loved before,
In the belief I could never love again.

Then came you.
Aug 2016 · 276
Basket Case
R R Aug 2016
Cracks in the streets that I roam.
The snow has covered the land in a blanket but I only see red.
Red the color of the jacket you wore because you hated coats, red the color of your cheeks and nose when we'd stay outside too long, red the color of the fire when we'd stay at home.
Red the color of your blood staining the snow.
A memory I cannot escape;
Blue the color of your gloves, blue the color of the morning sky, blue the color of our hot chocolate mugs.
Blue the color of your lips.
The ones I can no longer kiss;
White like the stars in the night sky,
White of the marshmallows in our drinks,
White like how the snowflakes fell.
White the color of your skin when I found you;
These streets with cars flying by as though time could never catch up.
How I yearn to run away but something keeps me here.
I've searched every corner of the place we called home.
Upturned every stone, every paper, and even the one place I'd never wanted to see you be.
Case closed, a ****** in the winter that no one could ever solve.
There's a missing piece and I don't think I can leave until I know that you rest in peace.
But for now it's winter, and I can't stop seeing red in the snow.
Smashed in my car window,
Threw out the stereo,
And as the bitter wind kisses my cheek.
I've slipped, and caught myself before but this time.
I can't get up for all I see is red, and I can taste the blood filling my lungs.
Here in this snow.
Where winter will never be the same.
Aug 2016 · 328
Stone Walls
R R Aug 2016
This heart that once always slept
Is starting to beat.
It's racing and aching,
I've added stones and stones around it everyday just to keep it safe.
But you somehow managed to break through.
Now as it flutters ever so violently as though it's magic.
You've stolen what was rightfully once mine.
Now my old heart is yours to hold.
I have faith you won't break it.
Just like I won't break yours.
I've stolen your heart and I hope you don't mind but you stole mine.
So I'm only returning the favor, and I believe we can rebuild these walls.
To create ourselves a home.
A place for just you and me.
Aug 2016 · 162
R R Aug 2016
There's a story only we know;
Where some words are,
or tiny and shy,
being quiet that it's almost silent.
It's AlSo raNdoM anD WeirD,
But It FiTS sO peRfeCtly.
The words that are not place properly still make sense.
This is us.
We can be bold and outgoing,
Or can keep to ourselves remaining silent.
There's also the moments of our random weirdness that brings upon the best moments we can never forget.
Where we know the feelings of love,
The feelings of sadness,
Feelings of hate.
Our curiousness in reminiscing of who told this story correctly.
But the simplicity of intricacy is a beauty I've come to admire.
So please retell these stories.
I promise to listen closely.
Aug 2016 · 156
The Last Move
R R Aug 2016
I've played your games.
The last move remains
And it's something everyone knows no one wants to do.
How do we end this and go our separate ways without really losing each other?
Because this piece of me that loves you refuses to let go.
And I've seen this game end in only the same way.
Again and again.
I've always picked up the pieces, and you've always come back to play.
You cheated, you lied, and caused only pain.
There wasn't love here.
Telling myself I wouldn't do this all over again.
How many times those words I repeated.
They've never been carried through.
So here we sit at this game of chess.
I'm moving my piece and it's check mate.
Aug 2016 · 158
Hands of a Clock
R R Aug 2016
Have you ever wanted to stop time?
Do you think about it every day?
You see there's this moment that I wish I could just freeze.
When everything is quiet and it's just you and me.
You're holding me close and everything just becomes serene.
You're smiling I can feel it, your hands I can feel against my back, your head right next to mine and while I bury my head in your shoulder.
Please tell me you don't mind if I just stay here a little longer.
Because this heart has never once fluttered so violently.
As if it were to leap out of my chest and make a home next to yours.
I want this feeling to stay, but time always continues.
It's something we always keep track of.
But I just have to ask.
Can we get rid of the hands on the clock?
That way we'll never be able to tell the end from the beginning.
Aug 2016 · 164
Flesh and Blood
R R Aug 2016
Close the windows,
Shut the blinds,
Lock the doors,
Hide it all inside.
Shove it all away to a secret place;

Tune out the world so you don't hear this.
The screaming,
The crying,
The fake laughing,
The slamming of doors,
The hitting on walls.
The stomping of feet down the halls,
Every little thing that shouldn't happen in a home.

Every little detail that isn't what makes a family.
Lies behind these walls.
Trapped inside themselves in their minds.
Can we ever be free?
I only wish to forget all the memories my flesh and blood left me.
Aug 2016 · 181
R R Aug 2016
Driving myself insane throughout my mind.
Among the stars.
Where I once felt as though I'd belonged.

Have I lost my place among this vast sky?
I used to just hide,
But it soon became a home.

Do you see me?
I'll rearrange these stars to create a map.
That'll lead you to where I'm truly hiding.
Aug 2016 · 131
Lying Eyes
R R Aug 2016
Those days when we'd laugh and argue about the tiniest things. When you'd look at me with endearing eyes, and how I'd fit ever so perfectly in your arms.
Hours would become minutes. Where'd the time go?
The nights we spent under city lights just talking with our eyes.
When we'd walk so far we'd get lost in a whole new place with a different skyline.
We made the city ours within a matter of months.
The bitter air chilling my bones and you throwing your arm around me and holding me close.
To keep me warm.
I should've known you couldn't stay.
The truth spilled after the last anniversary.
The look in your eyes said things I'd wished I'd never had known. Now I'm understanding how you'd have me avoid one side of the city.
Tonight I'm staring out at the horizon of a different night.
On a different side of town.
Holding myself to keep warm.
I'm trying to keep the tears from my eyes because they cannot speak.
While yours are probably holding her gaze and telling her all the lies you'd ever told me.
Aug 2016 · 233
Fooling Shadows
R R Aug 2016
Under these street lights.
Along the sidewalks.
There was a shadow
Of you.

On the bench where we'd talk
And watch the world pass us by.
Rain, Snow, or blue gray skies we'd stay.
With each other till the sun would rise.

During the nights we'd smile.
The quiet streets open for us to move along.
There wasn't words for the way we'd be.

For you were the beautiful sky and I guess I'm chasing the horizon.
How can I keep these feelings bottled within me?

Tonight I walk to our bench.
The shadow of you is fooling me.
The street lights are fading, and I'm remembering.

That there's no longer a bench,
This is no longer just a street.
It's a graveyard;
Aug 2016 · 274
R R Aug 2016
How far can I fall?
This distance that lies between us.
Fades when I just see you
In my dreams.
Where I can be free to dream a dream
Where we fall in love and our lives move together in a beautiful harmony.
The moon breathes a melody and the stars sing a beautiful tune in harmony.
I believe it was created to be for you and me.
How far can you be?
If I see you everyday
This distance isn't physical, it's emotional.
You could talk for hours,
We could do nothing
All day.
I'd never be bored and I hope you wouldn't either.
This isn't something I can ignore.
I'm falling and I'm only hoping.
You can catch me.
Aug 2016 · 158
A Thousand Moments
R R Aug 2016
They say pictures capture a thousand words. But what about a thousand moments?
There's a picture of you and I.
It's my favorite but it only captures a moment. The picture itself is beautiful but how it was taken is what steals my breathe away.
You were trying to make me smile, and I was trying to hide my laughter.
Then you caught me off guard.
Brought me to your arms and held me.
Shaking with laughter you had someone take a picture.
I've never been one for the camera but this wasn't the same.
It wasn't posed, it wasn't framed.
It was real.
Between you and I.
There's no words for this moment out of a thousand.
That takes away my ability to breathe.
Aug 2016 · 121
Between the Trees
R R Aug 2016
I'm curious to know.
How much you wonder
about me.
Because I'm curious to know
You a little bit better too.
These trees hide my secrets
But never keep them.
They are blown away in the wind.
Do you hear them?
If you just listen you can hear them.
I can't hear yours.
But can you hear mine?
Just listen to the breeze,
Between the trees.
Aug 2016 · 142
Endless Roads
R R Aug 2016
Where does the road end?
All these cars traveling
But to where I wonder.
The street lights gleam ever so brightly,
And I can feel the steering wheel in my hands.
Where am I going?
I used to know,
Now I don't.
This road isn't what's racing through my mind.
It's you.
Sitting beside me.
Where you should be.
What happened?
Where'd I go wrong?
I can no longer remember my way home.
I've been driving for so long now.
This road is endless,
And that's all I'm searching for.
The End.
Aug 2016 · 308
A Million Words
R R Aug 2016
Between a million words,
Twenty-six letters in the Alphabet
There isn't anything that could truly come to comprehend our story.
Where it all begins
Or where it all ends.
How can I never the find the right words to tell you everything.
How come you always say so little but it always seems to be so much more to me.
There's no conflicts but our disagreements on something meaningless.
There's more to us then what it seems.
If only I could tell this story in such a way
That there'd be no words left unsaid.
Aug 2016 · 117
A Simple Thing
R R Aug 2016
It's not such a simple thing to explain.

How the sun rises in the most beautiful way everyday,
How the moon never truly leaves the sky after midnight,
How the stars become hidden by the blue sky and clouds everyday.
Even though they're hard to find they're still there.

Or how when walking through a crowd I'm hoping somehow you'll find me.
I know I'm not the most beautiful, and I'm probably not that makes you truly happy.
But give this a shot is all I'm asking.
I'll teach you my ways and you can teach me yours.
Share this piece of yourself with me and I'll do the same.

It's not such a simple thing to explain,
But just let everything drop and realize that no matter what.
I'll always be right here waiting and I hope you don't mind but I'd be happy if you'd do the same.
Aug 2016 · 118
Fade Away
R R Aug 2016
There's a hole inside me.
I've learned to hide it to the point I can't even tell.
But on nights like these it bothers me.
How tiny I feel on this huge earth.
The pain of reminiscing memories that come back to haunt me.
Left inside thoughts that drown me.
They won't allow me to sleep.
If I were to sleep the nightmares will wake me.
Only if I could have you right here
Next to me.
Or to talk to me in someway.
I don't know how I can explain any of my missing pieces but all I know is.
If you were here the entire puzzle would fade away.
I could rest peacefully in my dreams.
As long as you held me in my sleep.
Then this hole inside me would cease to be.
Aug 2016 · 268
Rainbow Eyes
R R Aug 2016
The tears on her cheeks
From the laughter spilling through her mouth.
At a corny joke her friends made
Would've gained the attention of him from a world away.

The laugh she had made him smile and wish it was to him he was laughing and smiling with.
The joyful tears rolling down her face made her eyes fill with a rainbow of colors,
And a sparkle that no star could ever compare.

If only he could make her realize that he wanted to be the sky that could paint the rainbow in her eyes.
Aug 2016 · 168
Falling to Peace
R R Aug 2016
In a moment her demons are screaming, and within seconds they'd surrounded her.
Pounding and killing.

In the same room he's watching.
Her break down to the floor but still standing on her own feet.
As he sees her hiding herself from the people around her. He surrounds her.

Within these moments of him crossing the room to her, she's incapable of seeing what's around her.
He pulls her into him.

Within those seconds her demons fall to peace and she holds onto him.
Falling in love with the way her demons play so well with his.

As he holds her gently he hears her mumbling, "Don't let me go this time."

His response had even put hell at peace, "I promise..."
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