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I saw you in my reflection today, Your
hands reached out to me and I touched you but, It
was just my hands and I was quite
surprised at the fact of how old and
pruned they had become with
time ticking the clock beats
down on me like the chime of a death march
drum sentencing me to a fiery death on a wood
pole dancing in the moonlight, my *** glowing brighter than the
moon reflecting on the lake, almost giving ripples on the water from its sheer
power hungry CEO's telling me, the measly mail clerk, to give them the ******* morning
paper scattered around my room, crumpled in corners of each letter I never
sent screaming down hallways that day, my teacher didn't
understand how the moon works love? Look at the spell it
on her arm, I feel guilt but cannot put my tongue around the cause of
it could have been you holding me tonight, but instead I will **** a
in the mirror, who could it be? If it isn't me and it isn't
thought you could get away with this, didn't you? Well look at me
now: I am the one that is
sane and you are the one that is all
****** and trapped in a mirror with a knife in your hand.
YES you are the
Dr.Seuss has gone bad,
He wrote a book
And called it chicken salad
They tore it apart and analyzed it
Then their heads exploded in though
Because they were just random curse words and rhymes
Put together to make you think
It made no since
But it was real…

They had no words to describe it
So they called it chicken salad

It spoke to words of a thousand lost souls

It was new,

But they knew it was a special

So they locked up his lyrics

And hid him from the world

Taking away his voice.

'Cause reality was too much
Something they couldn't face.
© Copyright 2009 Kamille Elizabeth
"There where that ray touches the plain
And the shadows escape as if they really ran,
Warsaw stands, open from all sides,
A city not very old but quite famous.

"Farther, where strings of rain hang from a little cloud,
Under the hills with an acacia grove
Is Prague. Above it, a marvelous castle
Shored against a ***** in accordance with old rules.

"What divides this land with white foam
Is the Alps. The black means fir forests.
Beyond them, bathing in the yellow sun
Italy lies, like a deep-blue dish.

"Among the many fine cities that are there
You will recogni2e Rome, Christendom's capital,
By those round roofs on the church
Called the Basilica of Saint Peter.

"And there, to the north, beyond a bay,
Where a level bluish mist moves in waves,
Paris tries to keep pace with its tower
And reins in its herd of bridges.

"Also other cities accompany Paris,
They are adorned with glass, arrayed in iron,
But for today that would be too much,
I'll tell the rest another time
The angels are out of the frame
because they argue with the sky;
draping their harp string arms,
plucking their halo hair.
Below, in the secret basement,
they are celebrating the water of life.
Above, in the attic,
Leon King sleeps,
His eyes are blurry rivers,
flooding the velvet land,
like the place where the dragon keeper plants
his spurting purple fountains.
One plus one equals two,
At least that is what I have always been told.
Yet is it true?
Have we all been convinced and sold?

I refuse to buy into this rigid thought.
In this commercialistic empire,
I refuse to be bought.
I have bolder thoughts in which to aspire.

Why not one plus one equals one?
It is the same entity is it not?
Hear me out, just for fun.
I promise I won’t bore you on the spot.

Lets say one and another one mate,
Then wouldn’t their spawn have the same genetic code?
All three would be identical entities in their purest genetic state.
One would have to be in our modern mathematical mode.

For in math we are taught that one is and will always be the same.
It must be like this for all formulas and calculations to thrive.
In a sense, one has its own unique fame.
It has its own set destiny preset to strive.

Now some may say, the truth lies in the word “plus”.
For it is this word that tells us how we are to treat this unique number.
We are to combine one and one without a fuss.
Creating a new unique number!

Two!?  Where did you come from?
Are you “one” expended by its self?
Are you twice the mass of a single one?

Are we now backward in our thoughts?
One times one should equal one.
And one plus one should equal two.

Yet to me I see a new formula at play.
One, being unique as one, plus itself still equals its self.
Two should hence be removed away.

For you see,
If you add one and two, you should make three.
Adding to this moronic perplexity.

Let me simplify it to a new easier meaning.
One plus one still equals one.
It has not morphed into a new being.

And now that I have made all your heads spin,
I put down my pen and grin.
For this was my goal all along,
luring you all into my mathematical throng.
We are on the brink of destruction
we have scientific proof
science is
to blame

is a constant work in progress
and boy,
did we get it
to finally look at itself in the mirror
and stare at the
dark red glaze

I'm not sorry animal kingdom
you know as well as I
that competition
is a

I guess I'd be a sore loser too
if my bed was the
of everyone I've

But you don't really know
what it's like

We got it down to a science

It's always packaged tightly on
any drug store shelf
you set
your eyes

I'm not sorry fellow man
you need to
face the error
of your

You write
books about it,
create movies about it,
talk on those news shows about it

But that
and all those dark clouds in the sky

aren't tuning in.
lines, color, and shape,
Make up a soft picture,
A vivid memory.
As I walk closer,
It seems further away.
I run to try to catch it,
But it opens its wings and flies away.
I try to hide and pounce on it,
The memory just fades away.
As I touch the photograph,
It disappears into the dark leaving me lost,
Without a memory.
finally without a sound,
The memory appeared.
seeing only blur figures,
In the photograph.
I wonder if I,
Did not capture the right moment,
of the life of a love one.
That I hold so dear,
scarred from the pain.
I realize the faded photograph,
Is the memory I took.
Not focusing on the true,
Beauty of their life.
I captured only,
her pain and death.

A faded photograph,
What a waste of film
bubbles crackle like rice krispies
candles flicker softly
my eyes close
my lips  smile
you're all that swirls in my mind
strange how fast
hearts can change
sixteen doesn't know
what real love is
but butterflies flutter
whenever you smile at me.
grey clouds
rain on my past kisses
and knives
have torn apart
the love I thought I had
but as I let the love
of laughter and music and life
rap me in their arms again
and as I let the colors
of sun and moon and stars
seep into me again
and heal
I cant stop the butterflies from flying
throughout the whole of my body
when you smile
at me!
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