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Dec 2020 · 181
QIsis Dec 2020
My heart flutters when I see your face.

I'm on a mission to seeing you again

Its like everything I do or experience

                  Leads me to you!

~Inspiration strucks;

I wanna save the world with you,

Create a new world with our love,

I wanna be in paradize with you,

Living our last days in peace.

But this time;

        Let's not **** it up ok..?

I'm sorry I left you,
Im sorry I blocked u out of my life,
I'm sorry for makin you feel alone,
I'm sorry for letting you down.

Just know its always been you

The one to beat my heart awake

Making me smile so big

Locked in a day dream.

With you i feel like superman

I can do anything.

I remember always wanting to be close,
I remember wanting to be held by you,
I remember feeling at ease,
I remember the tension was so intense

                I remember our first kiss
  Like electricity circulating
                     within one another

It was magic dont you see?

It was beautiful,
like the stars
were perfectly aligned
for our love
So amazing we had to do it twice..

I loved u then,
and eternity.
Dec 2019 · 176
QIsis Dec 2019
You know what I miss the most about you...?
When you were so brutality honest with me all the time.
Even when it hurt.
Now a days people cant even own up to their lies.
Even with the proof in their face.
Sep 2016 · 334
Dreamers@bay <Angel Kisses~
QIsis Sep 2016
I Come To You

Every now and then I come to you

A climbing jasmine through

the window of your heart

A blushful smile beneath your sheets

A fragrant scent in waking thoughts

An empty porch of swinging dreams.

Every now and then I come to you

A drop of sunshine on winter lips

A tender touch upon  your chest

A yearning moment in an ardent kiss.

Every now and then I come to you

A hush-hushed whisper

on a restless eve

A  melting snowflake upon your lash

A fallen petal tickling your cheek.

Everynow and then I come to you

A lingered breath behind your ear

A gentle breeze of visions gone

that once blew softly within your hair
Not my poem #unknownwriter?
Aug 2016 · 434
ψ Fallen_kingdom ψ
QIsis Aug 2016
Your scent lingers in the air
Which leaves my heart in despair
I saviour every moment
when I'm with you
I wanna give you all the love
Hidden beneath
this hatred in this world.


I promise you
I'll treat you as my king
Teach you how
to rebuild a kingdom
From the ashes from our broken
hopes and dreams.


You must remember
that our time is near
To rule this kingdom
without no doubt or fear
Because this is the life
we choose to be free
A promise we made
a long long time ago...


Our love will forever
come for peace
To show this world
that pure love is real.
Without a label on how it should be
Because unconditional love
is real don't you feel?
I love you forever
in the endless pattern
of infinite you and me.
Jul 2016 · 301
The man of my Dreams...
QIsis Jul 2016
When my heart aches
his eyes are what soothes me..
the vision of his coming
cures my aches.
My eyes I close
lost in your arms
as I awaken
here lying next to you..
Sun as arises,
with the blessings
from our fathers kisses.
Shining on our faces
as the smile
curves on your face.
I feel the chills
rushing throughout my body..
as my heart thumps
steady beats as it flows.
This is home you see..?
*You are my home❤
Jul 2016 · 820
Unconditional love
QIsis Jul 2016
I know your out there...
Looking at me,
looking for you..
laughing your cosmic *** off
every step of the way...
Eye F E E L your vibration,
I welcOme your Frequency
wash over me...
I know you..
please? ...
Calm my silent rage.
You can bring the fire
I'll be the sage
Keep your vibrations high #Imissyou #mylove
Jun 2016 · 251
Words from within..
QIsis Jun 2016
A moment in silence
Is earth's way of shouting
The frequent signals
Showing me the path of enlightenment
Even in Dreams from the heaven's above
Showing me glimpse of themselves.

From the heavenly Messiah's
Ganesha showing me the way with his trunk
To Jesus speaking to me showing the way...
With their reassurance that everything
Will be OK .

That this path I have chosen
Has been for the righteous ones..
To not be afraid because of the hates from others ignorance from the blinds that are filled with thoughts of illusion of material items that do not exist.

You cannot take such things to heaven above. Only they can sense your true spirit that shines within you.
Even with things we have done that we are not proud of but the lesson is if we can be able to make something out of it.

I've hurt for so many years questioning why I am not good enough. Come to realization I am good and well.

As old as the tree's here on earth as wise as an old man that's lived for over 100 years.. locked in w body that's young and naive.

I've let a man conquer my hopes and dreams having him tell me I can do it and make it my reality as I slowly let him have my everything. But all he did was caging me up saying that I'm only his and not meant for this world to be cared at all cost..

I was a butterfly locked in a jar with a beautiful scenery inside with me with a false illusion of this is my home... But in reality I was meant to be out in the wild where I can feel the wind blowing through my wings...
#random thoughts #my soul aches #not a poem but **** it
Jun 2016 · 323
~Drink Me~
QIsis Jun 2016
How did you know you were meant to be a healer?

Because I kept falling in love with broken people.


Then why are you alone?*

Because I'm broken too so im learning to fall in love with myself to get a taste of my own medicine.*

~Kwabena foll
#easier said then done.. #we will rise as time pass us by..
Jun 2016 · 237
QIsis Jun 2016
As I get higher
from each breath I take
I get this feeling
rushing in my lungs
as two we breath
as one

° § °

my heart in rhythm
steady beat as it goes...
I feel your beat
thumping inside my ear
steady as it flows

Hearing you speak
sends chills rushing
down my spine  
with the high sensation
of remembrance of
the lost tone of voice
hidden beneath
the centre of my heart

*I found my lost soul..
#shittyediting #IT.IS.WHAT.IT.IS #Freewrite
May 2016 · 250
Pierced Eyes
QIsis May 2016
stare with a glare
I see you as you see me
with high glory
we are what
we desire to be
free  fly
is where we
wil soon be
at one..
May 2016 · 409
¤Destiney's Timing¤
QIsis May 2016
I don't  want to wait anymore...
I just want you here..
by my side..
im sick of waiting
you know im yours
you always have known
so what is it exactly we are waiting for??

I'm doing my part yes
I'm building my dreams
taking every little step by step

My wings are stretching out
testing the winds
flowing in-between my feathers..

free as a bird... is the way I wanna be .

as you would tell me..

I see my future so clearly
just like how we imagined it to be boo..
I feel it on my finger tips
as I reach for the stars
high they peak:

Burning sensation as they connect  
entwined  into one
Forever rooted
Deep in my viens
Running through out my DNA
The maps of our
Lost homes constellation
Rooted in each othters heart
Blood vain race in beat.

Forever the map will be
In the palm of our hands..

*Dream Big...
May 2016 · 346
«⊙Sun is Shining⊙»
QIsis May 2016
She blew a kiss.
It missed my face
And it drifted to outer space
And it kissed the sun
Which made it smile
Now it's been bright
for quite awhile...
#randomsaying #foreverpeace
Your smile makes MY day love..
May 2016 · 333
Mr. K.O.D
QIsis May 2016
I hear the crows croaking near me
The underworld signaling my demons
To come out and play tonight
With the one I sowed to be with.

Our time is near I feel it
From every hour that passes
I get more anxious
when I sense your spirit here nearby
The rush tingling up my spine
With the shivers of goosebumps
Following up my arms..

What is it that I must be focusing
In this moment in time?
It's the feeling I endour getting
Close by your fears
I wanna face them
Look it in the eyes
with my words of silence
My presence here close to yours
No longer threatens my frequency

The waves processing
through out these souls
Connecting us all together
but most importantly
I sense your touch
Stronger and stronger everyday...
May 2016 · 357
Paradise dreams
QIsis May 2016
Cabin by the sea
Near the view for the perfect sunset..
We even built a fire bit on the beach
Perfect place for us star gazers;
Where we can sit together.
smoke a spliff as we gaze
upon the horizon.

We can do this over and over again.
Relive the beauty of sands of time..
Locked away in an hourglass
Ticking for its time to be turned;
round upside down
In remebrance of mother natures law
As above, so below.

So here we go,
Repeating the same quantum pattern.
Stuck on replay
Passing the phase
To move forward towards
Another lifetime in progression

I wanna spend the rest of my days
Watching the sunrise and sunsets with you
Talk about our adventures..
Us together I see us so vividly
Growing old 2gether...
#randomthoughts #daydreaming
May 2016 · 393
° ~Summertime Love~ °
QIsis May 2016
Movements of my desires
My heart expands more
with each loves fire.
Keep sending them good vibes
Yes right over here
Next to me.

Realize the cause and effect
The action in reaction
The sound of change has in fact
Just begun the heavens on Earth.

Seek me as you insist.
A game we play hide and seek
running around circles;
as we let our hearts be our compass
just incase we get lost
along these pathways
I miss you everyday
I hear your whispers every morning

Morning Beautiful...

My heart skips a beat
as the butterflies flutter
inside my tummy
as im wearing your smile all day long
remember how far we've come
Forever be my sunshine?
May 2016 · 629
QIsis May 2016
Sensation on my fingertips
running through my fate lines crease...
With a touch of magic sparks
Between our hands touch
As one they peak..

  ° ∇∇∇°

Diamonds high in the sky
Triple threes our magic key
To finding our homes up high above
these grounded beings...

A symbol of love
With unity as one
In an infinite times
Representing together
Creating us all equal ( = 11 )
Infinite you & me
May 2016 · 443
QIsis May 2016
Everyday passes*   
     not sure if im healing or                      

  im just falling deeper in your arms..

I wake up and i think of you

I don't want to leave my room   

becuz there in my dreams

I feel you near by     

curled in your arms as we lay

  as we watch time pass us by...  




I want you by me is all I ask   

you get me through the day..

just by *a thought of your smile

is what gets me going

feeling my blood racing

through out my veins    

up and going traveling around

in hopes of getting in touch

with my sense of belief    

of our love and yes

I do find my answers that I seek


Its you who I yearn for...  
don't you see?
I just want to see you smile..
May 2016 · 294
Eat Me!
QIsis May 2016
As I was sitting outside
watching the tree's shimmer
their vibrations from the breeze.
Reminded me of the time
when we once ate the mushrooms
walking in the haze..

As I saw the tree's vibrations
with my third eye peaking
The colors of the waves is all I saw
With no acknowledgement of its existence
But o how I remember
the beauty I felt with the grass
of how soft and green it was...
The more color there was
the more waves I felt..
to come to the realization
the colors from the light and waves
were the energy I have always felt ever since I was little...
Old memory from back when we first boomed together. #goodtimes #awakening
May 2016 · 267
Unknown waves..
QIsis May 2016
Eyes are the windows to the soul
So they say...
When I see your eyes
I see beauty of innocence
from a young boy.
With a huge imagination
of the curiosity of earth's wonders...

*Sailed the Seven Seas
Apr 2016 · 373
QIsis Apr 2016
I want to erase you from my memory..
But i can't.
Cuz if I do I erase myself in the process because without you i wouldn't:

have grown this far, having the guts to step out of my cocoon..

Without you I wouldn't have the strength to keep on moving forward,

I wouldn't have gained as much knowledge of our lost temples hidden all over the world we left behind,

I wouldn't have fully experience my hidden tallents,

I would have continued living this false illusion I created my self..

I wouldn't be awake intune with my conscious.

So I thank you in Every way even tho we ended **** real ugly between us..

I still call you mi friend and I still love you everyday.

It's as if god had you cross my path once more to put me back on track on our mission..

As if he knew I wouldn't listen in anyway but having you step into my life again.

You where the light of my darkness.. you reminded me how to shine as bright as the moon in the dark..

you are my sunrise as I am your sunset
Together we help one another to get around helping to balance our Mother Earth.

So today
I won't erase you compleltey from my life..

I rather just thank you for never giving up on me for showing me the way when I was lost in the my false illusions.

Look for me flying high in the sky
Watch out from below
keep your eyes wide open
Never know when I might shine my bright wings near by..

Thank you

Now I see the beauty you once saw on my wings.. #iloveyou #11:11
Apr 2016 · 376
Summer Sunsets
QIsis Apr 2016
Together we can paint the sky....
Any color that our hearts desire.

*it was like watching the sunset
over an exhausted horizon,
seeing her fall fastly asleep in my arms.
I always felt this connection
between her and the universe.
like every time I experienced her.
I was experiencing the universe.
It's something I can't shake.
Something I could never fathom into the most delicate words..
Apr 2016 · 508
Unforgettable touch
QIsis Apr 2016
From my knee down to my thighs
Kisses so lightly up to my hips.

As you slowly **** on my skin
Following up to my chest.

And let's not forget how hard the nibbles can get..  

bite me~

As I wrap my legs around your hips
pulling you closer onto me.. with a whisper in my ear...  
forever you & I

I loved it when you held me down as you caressed my soul.

Forever engraved In my heart of our *******.
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Spacetime, here we come!
QIsis Apr 2016
8 symbol of infinite
Time ticks numbers pass
Eight o clock is the time...
To infinity and beyond!(;
Meet me at our garden where we first shared our gifts.
Close your eyes and so you'll see me with eyes wide open.
Tick tock, tick tock
stuck at 8 o clock
Frozen till we meet again
Feel me close by the fountain
I'll be there soon with my conscious
Ready for another adventure
Up high above the clouds
Remember to bring your sketch book.
Might share a few insights of where our home is..
Unexplainable words with such meaning hidden beneath it all.
Apr 2016 · 627
Dream Big, so they say...
QIsis Apr 2016
I always have... loved you
And I always will... Love you

Together we are infinite from beyond...~
Reach for the stars
And remember
the brightest ones were ours
Apr 2016 · 447
Feelin' so Fly(;
QIsis Apr 2016
You got me lifted shifted higher than a ceilin'
And ooh wee it's the ultimate feelin'
You got me lifted feeling so gifted...*

the sound of your voice jus by hearing you I get the chills.. I love it. also in fact im in contact with a warrior as well

someone with the sense of battles with the heroic heart
willing to do anything for the one he loves...

to protect and save the wounded
to heal the weaks was his duty.

So the story continues...

The sound of his voice was a melody only my heart is in tune with.
Only I could sense it.

I use to despise
the sound of the melody
coming in close.
Mainly because we had unspoken words
Locked away in the unbeknownst.

Wasn't steady enough to hear it.
#sugasuga  #loved it when u sang, it was cute
Apr 2016 · 479
Youthful Curiosity
QIsis Apr 2016
I feel your arms around me
I will let this feeling last.
Your scent lingers in my ribcage.
Your heart beat,
still pounding on my chest..
The softness of your lips on mine,
I can still savour the taste.
I indulge your ecstatic embrace,
not ever wanting it to end.
So I retain you in my dreams,
because there it lasts.
The moment you leave my side,
I will be missing you...
But as I close my eyes it comforts me to know your soul is connected to mine.
~WL Soem
Apr 2016 · 388
Fasle Persona
QIsis Apr 2016
I confess I was afraid too
That you wouldn't see the beauty in me
I wasn't in the right state of mind when we first became good friends
I believe we all weren't...
But we still lived everyday
as if it was our last..
Those days were something.
Looking back now
I wish we can relive them
change something I would like to do but seems like the universe
has better plans ahead for us.

I wasn't who you wanted me to be more like I wasn't showing my complete self
Sugar coated with the goods that society
Molds us into being.

I remember looking at you while you were petting Shiloh and how the animals loved you... I saw what they saw in you.
Even with your false persona I saw right thru it with no hesitations to calling *******. Lol
You hated it and I enjoyed seeing your tyrant act crumble.
Shows whose the real Queen at sea.
In the end tho we must thank our frozen times to help us remember why we are free.
As also to why we came here and to restrengthen our Love that's a never ending pattern.
#don't lose faith #Iamyouasyourareme #free write
Apr 2016 · 352
<Needless to say more>
QIsis Apr 2016
Stuck in this jailhouse
More like my mind is in chaos
Time in peace is what we need
Together alone
To help battle these toxins
That continusley roam these streets.

A time together is what we seek
But time says we have alot to weep
More strength we need to resurface
To rebuild a stronger kingdom

My heart has sealed it's temple
Locked inside your ribcage
You always had me
always was yours since day one
Question I wonder is...
why is it that you never believed,
When the answers were always there?

Fear is a weak emotion
that can easily destroy you
Also when I said no more second guessing
I meant it..
non of that hesitations with the feeling that feels so natural.

The chills that run throughout our bodies
Is earth's way intuning with our aligned vibrations signaling to combine the two to create never ending bond
That creates a new wave of vibrations
Waking others who are in need...
#quantumentanglement #1love
Apr 2016 · 282
QIsis Apr 2016
He recreated me..
destroyed the false identity of me
My love I'm resurfacing from the dirt
Just please hold on
This rollercoaster of mine is almost over.

~till then mi friend
#allmyloving #goestoyou
Apr 2016 · 435
Numberless pattern
QIsis Apr 2016
he was a nine..
and she was a six...
together they made a 69
or when agitated the turn full 96  
if six was nine does nine exist?
together equal to fifteen,
which one and five
added to be
completes full 6.
so why is it that nine exist?
to complete the full circle,
keep 1 together in all times...
a flip side upside down
six and nine reflects
one another shown
in mirror effect:
to be the same as one at be
A numberless pattern
that 9 EXIST
to compete the 6 that it reflects.

~number effect so it goes...
1:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55 12:12 10:10 11:11
non ~ sense at your finest #numerologythoughts
Apr 2016 · 225
<3 Heartbeat Echoes< 3<3
QIsis Apr 2016
Its as if you've done it before,
Knew exactly where to caress me

Into the heavens high above
It was exact point knew how my body felt
It was an outer body experience..

One look is all it took
straight in the eyes.
Locked with a thought of
who are you? Do I know you?
As you continue your story
of the palms of your faith..
As if I've heard it all before

A déjà vu moment
Already seen
But yes please yes
get to the part where
you saved the queen(;
O and how you became a king..

Why was it that
it felt so natural to be around you?
The vibrations encoded in our  DNA
Running throughout our veins
Free flowing through the heart
And vibrating with mother earths roots..

A lovers dance only true loves can tune with.
A melody only our heart beat together

As one..
#polar oppositions #balance is key "listen to the rhythm of your heart

~thank you mother earth
Apr 2016 · 419
~Free spirits~
QIsis Apr 2016
Remember remember
the beginning of the summer?
When no worries spread across our laughters
The summer daze
that's on non stop replay
Was one of the best time of my olden dayz:

We toured to the north, south, east and west
We sold some mushroom tea,
We sold some ecstasy,
We sold nitrus, *****, acid, ****** and ***
Now I hear the police coming after me
Yes, now I hear the police coming after me
The one scarlet with the flowers in her hair,
She's got the police coming after me

Summer of Love... 1969
was definitely once upon a dream
Runners at bay
In the California dreamin haze
Swisher sweet was the name
Sipping on some coronas
as we watched the tangerine sky
disappear into the midst
I can do this with you forever...

**~ Scarlet Begonias
Apr 2016 · 350
Wishful thinking~
QIsis Apr 2016
I crave to feel your sense of touch
I hope I'm not asking for much.

I just want to see you again
Doesn't matter how or when.

Your eyes I seek
in every soul that come my path.

The smile I shine,
as if you will find the light.

Memories of our forgotten times
I do love to visit in my day dreams.

From the very first time we met
And the days when we were one.

There is not one second in my life
Where this universe will let me forget you.

Symbolism in every corner I pass by..

To the trees that pass a breeze
with a whisper from you saying I love you.

To the sky, I see your ravens crowing
Letting me know your on your way home.

And let's not forget how our technology frequently sending me messages with your name written all over it.

Not one day can go by without a thought of you near by...

Wishes do come true
and my boo,
you are my dream that has come true.
#Shine bright# so I feel your vibrations
Apr 2016 · 322
Look within.
QIsis Apr 2016
"Live everyday as I am within you"
The whispers I hear
from the lips of my angel.

I always kept every word you have said
Locked in my heart.
The bronze key I gave you
was specially
Made for your heart
to unlock the scared treasure chest
filled with our ancient artifacts.

The lost knowledge; the stories about the kings and queens , the gods and goddesses, lest we not forget our messengers..

Live your life,
spread your love,
share your secrets,
and most importantly
don't give up.

Because I will
be here...

Thoughts of prayers.
Apr 2016 · 332
#Nonsense# ⊙﹏⊙
QIsis Apr 2016
Day by day

I search but I have no time

I wait but what's to come?

It's as if I'm waiting for a miracle

But im the one who will be creating.

My yang has vanished;

Hopefully in time the yin inside

Will remind my yang to its wholeness.

Constantly going in circles

searching for one another...

This yin doesn't have much faith left

Maybe in time

the yang in me will reappear itself

Hopefully in time....
Late night Ramble..
Apr 2016 · 280
QIsis Apr 2016
I constantly ask and ask why that is my life is in shambles...
pointless, im a fool the answers are right there in front of me
eye wide open or was it just a reconnection with my heart?
    I see so vividly with the dreams of my desires was truly to always be alive .
The sun shines so bright everyday with the smiles I see from him would always keep me laughing.
because of how silly he is to think that I wouldn't see beauty in his eyes.
Forever I felt a recognition, a souls remembrance imprinted in lovings grace.
Feel it rushing throughout my veins in a heartbeats race.

My god them eyes I sense a knowing being;
More like an old lost friend soon to be.
A memory that it shall never rest in peace...
Till the time we'll be aligned with triple 3's.

Time will keep ticking but frozen in that moment till the time being.
Forever in sky lit blues;
Is when the moon and sun set a kiss with colors that shine with no fright...
`blazed... Thinking bout u(;
Apr 2016 · 271
QIsis Apr 2016
life in a microscope**

Little as could be;
an idea
Is all that'll need
To prosecute the will of the free
It's not what you hoped to imagine it to be.
Dreamers wishes comes true
If only with the strong sense of beliefs...

All is needed is simply an idea
A man may die but an idea will forever live
One to another, soul after soul after soul
But it's the process that proceeds
As the movements unraveling.
Many here awakening
From the dreams that kept 'em in a daze
As the lotuses blooms
Every year a new beginning of a soul
That merge from the mud as the seeds continue with its growth
Many more awaken as the idea lives to be
Revolution is what they see
But just a beauty of greens is what we need
No war no hatred no money
Just love and peace is all we ask..
Apr 2016 · 323
the dream
QIsis Apr 2016
When your lips collided with mine
It was a moment that shook this universe;
Not only did the sun rise that morning once again
The moon also shined so bright that night.
Waking up with you no where in sight
But with the sense of you near by
Was one hell of a dream ill say...

Soon later to come a msg from my divine
It was as if I knew something  was up
"My love its you I'm looking for
My mistakes I've done was the ego blinding"
When I forgiven many times waiting for you to come home.
Just was in hopes of a sooner coming
But in knowing time still needs to pass by
Our timing was still in dues
My boo... how my heart beats for you
Always in tune with the vibrations
The beauty that flows throughout our mother earth essences;
In our soul's remembrance.

We danced together in the lost deserts
In our past lives many times before.
It's like our favorite place to disappear,
From the beginning till the end of times.

It's as if the great Pyramid's of Giza were given to us as a gift for honor
For our love that keeps Earth on spining
Also to remind us where our true home is.

Please remember that our love is real
Or simply just keep on  building fantasies
Of our lost world that's meant for Earth.
Our kingdom waits upon us
As our thrones sit empty without our touch
But also please continue your visits in my dreams...

Apr 2016 · 312
QIsis Apr 2016
Timeless illusion

I hear the ticking clock go by
The loud echoes from my chest;
In tune with the beat of the ticks
O my what did I get myself into?

My heart stops when I see you...
Time has no existence between us
When I see them eyes
my reflection shines within 'em

Tick tock may go the clock
Until we meet again so we thought
Time may go by
but between
you and I,
we are infinite from beyond.
Nothing can stop our Love

~till then mi friend

— The End —