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 Jun 2018 Pash
june 1st
 Jun 2018 Pash
june reminds me of

the calm before a storm
& the calm soft of your fingers
wisps of smoke out the window
shivers on my legs after the river
watching bokeh headlights
with dreamy eyes & a violet sky
cold sheets & loud fans at night
soaked shoes through the sprinklers
vaseline on my lips that i passed onto yours
the ivory scent of your laugh that still lingers

it reminds me of worldly things that now seem out of world
it reminds me of a past yet awaiting life
a blurry memory of who i am
it reminds me of you
 May 2018 Pash
it's funny how
my most hopeless wish
was to achieve what your cigarettes did
simply to touch your lips

and a cigarette i became
you lit me up
you tasted me

you got your buzz
you stepped on me

— The End —