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Count the rings
they will tell you my age,
On the Day
Her wide eyes spit venom
Burning my Soul
to the bone and searing my heart closed forever…

As she walked away,
I no longer existed to her…
I was no longer there in the passing-by
And moving-on left me invisible,
Ignored and condemned;
Left to learn what is meant
To be
(22 July 06)
Shared with Chris Saitta in response to "Things Lost and Looked Away."
is where one's Truth
lies colorful uninhibited
doubtful creatively hesitant

where I'm inappropriate

& remorseful guilty
painstakingly obvious,
but nonetheless honest
& Real.

A subjective
sinking fast
& choosing & deciding
distinctively to deceive
ourselves too...
I call to responsive poetry. Letters amongst poets to keep...
A Poet’s House
those scattered
letters  & inflections …

Where upon
syntax & words
underneath Ones’ simile
is a place for syllabic prose
to rest & hide…

Dactylic upon memories’ shelves

Casted cacophony
reflected back
In pentameter’s youth
upon Our mantle
where crisp corners
of parchment turn
set a fire
& forever burn.

(26 April 2022)
Playing with you
Casts portraits
centuries more than a day;
captured pieces
of Life eroding away.

We found beauty in its decay
& impressions sublime.

amongst the ruins
& congruent lines
abandoned by Time.

Vestiges & Echoes
of that which cannot
& did not last;
memoirs, records
or mementos of a
once distant past.

Lacking luster, or rust
changes of color,
flaked peelings
crumbled into dust.

gathering moss
bent over branches
Roots extended
dried out
from thirst
spoiled soiled

brown leaves,
scattered twigs
& broken glass.

Revealing a different
age from long ago
& eons since
have now grown old.

Where a River
once knew
the darkness
that reckons
& beckons
a mortal
twilight sky.

& I alone
was left to see
in its spaciousness Die.

(8 Sept 21)
Pictorial scenes by photographer turned LADC of which no person was captured only remnants of past human existence.
Water or blood
It’s raining !

A baptism or sacrifice

It washes somethings away
Makes it pure...
Makes it clean...

Blood between the thighs
Does it make one pure?

It cleanses
the Body
or  the Soul...

One’s attitude
To Change.
Purification makes one perfect
The mind
a priceless gift
the spirit without
cannot lift.
Amanda Cooper's poem "Oh Well" is memorable topic of concern. Our brains tire too , after 365 days/yr for life with no holidays, PTO, or vacations, but if the later were true all hell must certainly breaks loose...
One broken
One healed.
Legacy is a course in action.
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