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Pratap Dec 2018
Waking up next to you in the morning,
Looking to you smiling while you are yawning,
Your little head lying on my big arm,
Holding my hand in your little palms,
You will snug close to me in my head my heart will whisper,
She is so cute why won't you kiss her?
So I'll say I don't wanna wake her up,
I'll just get her something sweet in a cup,
I'll slide down the blanket standing up on my feet,
Then I'll gently put you back in the sheet,
To the kitchen I'll go,
After sometime you will know,
With a plate of breakfast in my hands,
Just something basic nothing too grand,
Now I'm in a dilemma I don't wanna wake you,
But I made all this that I wanna feed you,
So gently putting my the plate on the side,
I'll gently slide by your side,
Putting my hand over your head,
Sliding through your beautiful silky hair,
Like a dew drop playing on a rose petals,
Then opening your eyes you will make my heart unsettle,
Cause I know this is a dream too good to be true,
But it's a dream and dreams do come true,
Pratap Dec 2018
This poem won't be poetic,
Let's introduce something new and scientific,
From the beginning of the universe our souls have existed,
And I know they were together even in that existence,
A small part of stars we were,
Holding each other close,
All those millennials,
What someone knows,
The stars collided,
So were we,
Drifting off in this endless void,
You and me,
Cause those destined to be with each other,
Are also destined to part,
And after all those times,
We finally met,
Not as humans,
We didn't recognize each other,
But our souls they matched,
They were meant to be,
And so were we,
Cause our story,
Is written in the stars,
That has remained constant,
In this life and even apart.
Pratap Dec 2018
My eyes will shut one day,
Everything will go silent one day,
I live each day thinking of that,
I smile each day thinking of that,
Cause I know in this one Lifetime,
I will always be satisfied,
As long as you are standing by my side,
All those smiles and frowns will be worth it,
Cause at that time no regret will touch my heart,
See you standing close to me,
I wanna take my last breaths,
Cause each one of them is the best,
See you standing close to me I just wanna lie in your lap,
Close my eyes and not think anything again,
Cause my life seems better with u this much I have realized,
Cause you are my life and my last wish is your smile
Pratap Dec 2018
Look at us,
How far we have travelled,
Holding hands in this sprinkling mist,
The feeling of togetherness,
The paths of promise,
The ways of love,
The act of care,
Look at us,
How far we have travelled,
Losing ourselves in each others eyes,
From strangers to friends,
From friends to love,
From love to us,
Look at us,
From I ,me,you,
To us She,we,us,
All these feelings they are so true,
That's why I believe in destiny,
Or else how would have I met someone so beautiful like you,
Who taught me the way of love,
Leaning her head on my shoulder,
Who told me it's ok to trust,
Holding my hand in hers,
Driving away all the darkness of the sky,
Who told me in the darkness brightest star lies,
But I don't wanna be a star,
I want to be your sun and moon,
Close to you,
Cause u are the one who taught me the ways of love,
U are the one who took me ,
From me to us.
For you
Pratap Dec 2018
Up above this sky,
Beyond these limits,
Exists a garden of thousand roses,
Red as blood,
Alive and dead at once,
A place where memories smile,
A place where my heart lies,
A place which I've been longing for ages,
A place where I lose my senses,
Where I wish to hold your hand,
Where I wish to walk by your side,
Where we lie down and look at the sky,
And stars looking back at us as we smile,
Your head on my chest,
So you can listen to my heart,
And then you will close your eyes,
In those dreams I have made you mine,
And in the end when you open your eyes,
You'll see I haven't even blinked mine,
Cause your beauty is greater than those roses,
Cause these roses bloom because of you,
As You held my hand,
And turned this barren land,
Into a garden of thousand roses,
Pratap Nov 2018
Stars in the sky,
Waving me goodbye,
Telling me to go home,
Cause enough you have sacrificed,
Your life's down there,
Waiting for you son,
Your love is here,
Go and grab it soon son,
Look at her smiling face,
All the worries are running away,
Look at her hair,
Feel all her love,
Embrace all those moments,
The moments that have come to us,
I won't be sad again,
Cause I know you can't see me in pain,
Just go and hold her hand,
And look what you have lost my friend,
All the pain all the worry all the stress all the agony are gone,
Listen to her words,
They don't shout they whisper ,
I LOVE YOU they say,
Loud and clear,
Look at her smile,
So beautiful she is making stars so shy,
Look at her smile,
I'm so glad that I know the reason behind this smile.
Pratap Nov 2018
All those years,
It took me to fantasize,
All those tears,
It took me to realize,
What connects us,
Is not fate,
It's your care,
Your smile,
Your heart,
Your touch,
What you did for me,
Is more than enough,
What you have given me,
Is more than such,
Cause when I see you and all those paths we chose,
I'm ready to walk like I never used to,
It's your glance,
Your smile,
That keeps me going,
Just hold my hand,
And let those paths lead us where we belong,
In each other's arms,
Cause that is the place where I find calm,
No harm,
Cause fate has tried to break us many times,
But we just come back like always,
It's so obvious don't you think,
Cause every time I think about you,
My love
I blink.
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