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Pratap Nov 2018
All those years,
It took me to fantasize,
All those tears,
It took me to realize,
What connects us,
Is not fate,
It's your care,
Your smile,
Your heart,
Your touch,
What you did for me,
Is more than enough,
What you have given me,
Is more than such,
Cause when I see you and all those paths we chose,
I'm ready to walk like I never used to,
It's your glance,
Your smile,
That keeps me going,
Just hold my hand,
And let those paths lead us where we belong,
In each other's arms,
Cause that is the place where I find calm,
No harm,
Cause fate has tried to break us many times,
But we just come back like always,
It's so obvious don't you think,
Cause every time I think about you,
My love
I blink.
Pratap Nov 2018
It happened ,
I'm back again,
The smile is not fake,
No more pain,
It happened to me like a fairy tale,
Everything seems sane again,
The beauty has returned,
The tides have turned,
After all those dark nights,
I have found my brightest sun,
The world is poetic,
Flowing like wave,
Like a flashlight in a dark cave,
I was certainly not weak,
But I'm stronger now,
I have grown so much somehow,
Your touch is something I embrace,
Thanks to God for his grace,
Now I realize,
Where all the pointless paths were pointing,
To the pathways where we used to be walking,
Now it all seems so fair like a summer rain,
Fireflies flying in twilight,
And it was all worth the pain,
Moons Suns and stars they do shine so bright,
But nothing compared to the midnight rainbow I have in my sight.
Pratap Nov 2018
Never ending chatty lines,
Aching heart with a big wide smile,
Fun and pun both combined,
Look I just made a joke,
Come on pal Smile,
They ask me why u smile so much,
I can't tell them,
It's my secret and such,
A joker they call me,
A goof they call me,
Carrying so much pain,
A broken heart that's stained,
Hiding those tears behind this laughter,
And collecting the broken pieces there after,
Cause I swear I'll always smile,
Never let my sadness dim the light,
Because the moment I'll lose this smile you will realize,
That this joker is dying inside,
Why I chose this path you ask me?
Life played me as a joke,
Sadness came after me,
So I decided I'll grab the sadness,
Never let it escape,
Don't let it get to anyone else,
Some will say it's madness,
It will make you dark and dead,
But look I'm smiling from my toe to head,
Cause deep inside I know it's foolish I know it's hard,
Cause deep inside it's all damp and dark,
Cause deep inside there's nothing left,
Cause from the deep inside this joker is dead,
The joker is dead,
The joker is dead.
A Smile is the greatest hiding place
Pratap Oct 2018
She was a sunrise,
Driving away all the darkness,
Bright like a flame,
Driving moths like me to madness,
Like rain in a desert,
Giving life to a soul less matter,
She was different,
Not royal,
But a queen to me,
And to my queen I was loyal,
As I was lying  wounded in nothingness,
She filled the void with her kindness,
She made me something I never was,
A warrior of certain class,
And as I was ready to fight,
Before the battle there are some cries,
So I sealed our bond,
Gave away my heart as a price,
And as I stood with the aim to protect us,
Our fate separated us,
The poem is in the past,
My queen left,
I'm still a warrior I guess,
We never had a future,
No we never had,
Standing in this battlefield of life,
Have nothing to protect,
But I'll still fight,
I'm ruthless now,
My queen left with my heart,
I wished I was a king,
Kings are born not made,
And one more reason why,
They always get the queen,
And they don't even have to die,
And I believe someday,
In those sleepless hours of dreams,
My queen would walk up to me,
To return what she took from me,
My heart I wish,
My heart I wish.
Pratap Oct 2018
Last night when I was sleeping,
I had a dream,
The place where I last saw you was gleaming,
Everything was same except us,
Lying on the ground were some pieces of my trust,
And after all this I believe I am to blame,
Cause I gave you so much and expected exchange,
And I realized my heart is not an animal that I can tame,
And look at this,
What did you do?
I was scared to love,
And now I'm scared to sleep too,
I can lie to my heart you know,
I keep telling him I don't love you anymore,
Heart is innocent,
Believes what I say,
But as soon as I am asleep,
My heart,out it creeps,
To search for you in the memories,
Where you still live,
Then holds up your image in front of my eyes,
And says'Those were some good times",
Yeah they were,
They were great,
But it's in the past no, longer my concern,
I don't even know if waking up is a blessing anymore,
Cause I won't lie,
Waking up and not finding you makes my heart wanna die.
Pratap Oct 2018
Silence o Silence tell me,
How come you are so beautiful and painful at the same time,
I remember a time of my life,
When  all I wanted was you,
Wanted to end it all,
Just some beautiful good ol' silence,
Silence o Silence how come you have such a bad timing,
You have an unspoken talent of giving pain a silver lining,
But you don't work alone do you?
Accompanied by fate,
Give someone hope
And then take it away,
Did the same to me do you remember?
Sent someone to hold my hand,
Brought me out of that dark pit,
And then I grew
Time flew like sand,
Just when I thought,
I have defeated you o silence,
She left,
The bridge I was walking on,
Turned to ash,
But alteast I have you silence,
Silence o Silence I promise you,
I'll always stay by your side,
Just promise me that you will never show me another bridge like the last time,
Cause silence o silence I'm brave and tall,
But I too have a heart after all,
And I'm not talking about me,
But my heart is innocent,
And now,
It's afraid to fall.
Silence will always be there when u don't need it
Pratap Sep 2018
Far away down the road I see a man,
Wait a second, he's a boy pretending to be a man,
He's looking in the distance holding onto something,
Trying to offer resistance but seems to be failing,
I can't see his eyes but I can hear his heart,
It's screaming like it's been torn apart,
Suddenly I felt curious,
I didn't knew him but it felt like I did,
What is he holding onto?
And why was he doing what he did?
My mind was made up,
I stepped closer to him,
Standing behind him,
My hand on his shoulder,
He turned to me,
I knew something was wrong,
He turned out to be a mirror,
**** it was me all along,
My curiousness turned to realisation,
But at least I had the answer I was looking for,
Looked down at my hands what was I holding onto,
Oh yeah I remember it's a promise
We made each other do,
You promised that you will never leave me,
I promised that we will always be,
But here I am on the road where we once used to walk,
Holding onto my part and you have gone far,
I don't know why world has been so cruel and such,
It has shown me something real I can't touch,
Looking away in the distance with my side of promise in my hand,
I see you,
You seem happy,
Sometimes it seems funny how,
You broke the promise and my heart and u don't even seem to care now,
Looking away in the distance with my heart in my hand,
Is it raining?
Why are my eyes getting moist.
Holding on seems hard
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