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Pratap Sep 2018
Far away down the road I see a man,
Wait a second, he's a boy pretending to be a man,
He's looking in the distance holding onto something,
Trying to offer resistance but seems to be failing,
I can't see his eyes but I can hear his heart,
It's screaming like it's been torn apart,
Suddenly I felt curious,
I didn't knew him but it felt like I did,
What is he holding onto?
And why was he doing what he did?
My mind was made up,
I stepped closer to him,
Standing behind him,
My hand on his shoulder,
He turned to me,
I knew something was wrong,
He turned out to be a mirror,
**** it was me all along,
My curiousness turned to realisation,
But at least I had the answer I was looking for,
Looked down at my hands what was I holding onto,
Oh yeah I remember it's a promise
We made each other do,
You promised that you will never leave me,
I promised that we will always be,
But here I am on the road where we once used to walk,
Holding onto my part and you have gone far,
I don't know why world has been so cruel and such,
It has shown me something real I can't touch,
Looking away in the distance with my side of promise in my hand,
I see you,
You seem happy,
Sometimes it seems funny how,
You broke the promise and my heart and u don't even seem to care now,
Looking away in the distance with my heart in my hand,
Is it raining?
Why are my eyes getting moist.
Holding on seems hard
Pratap Sep 2018
The pouring rain.
In this pouring rain I lay down my creation.
Nothing much with just words and imagination.
These cold winds carry a certain scent mixed with hesitation.
And now though I ponder how these winds make me ponder upon all the things I lost in that blunder.
I'm a human too thats not something new.
After all that I lost I just want to smile and stay true.
But how can I smile when this pouring rain reminds me of you.
How can I smile knowing I was living a dream believing it was true.
How can I smile knowing I can have anything in this world but you.
I don't know if it's me or this pouring rain.
Cause I'm not a poet but I know this feeling is called pain.
And I want you to know I will carry this pain.
Yes it hurts even worse when accompanied with this rain.
But at least it will keep me from making the same mistake again.
In this pouring rain I lay down my creation.
With a dead heart and dying imagination.

— The End —