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Jason Nov 2021
Let the wind wash over you
Just let the air blow free
Feel the freshness touching you
Let the coldness bring you glee

Observe the blue sky basking you
In waves of bright sunlight
Bath in luminescent joy
Enveloped in light white

Stand tall and let the earth flow
In lines of orbit curved
And know that all the stars are there
For by you to be observed

And while you live in sunlit rays
And look to heavens deep
Remember that when life is done
Forever you will sleep
412 · Nov 2019
My Evergreen
Jason Nov 2019
Standing in a forest
Of people I don’t love or need
She’s solid as walnut tree
And rooted like religious creed

Blowing in the wind
She bends and stretches to the sun
Moving with a ballet grace
With wild hair the air has spun

Steady on the upland
She rules the woodland of my world
Deep within the darkest grove
She’s calling me with words unfurled

But she will not yellow
Or let her love turn shades of red
She Is for me my evergreen
Till the two of us are sadly dead

We will lay together
In cask made of the clearest pine
And we will not be parted
Because the woman is true mine.
350 · Nov 2019
Cool Morning Air
Jason Nov 2019
Fresh was the day
As I stepped out
Upon my way
My mind devout
And set to task
Of walking far
Of seeing birds
Avoiding car
I wanted grass
Below my feet
Nature raw
I wished to meet
So there I stood
In cold fresh air
And after time
Had not a care
As out in fields
And woods l walked
I listened well
As nature talked
It healed my heart
It made me new
That cool fresh wind
Spoke as it blew.
Jason Mar 2021
Let us talk of springtime
Let us feel the warm
For sunshine has returned to us
And chased away the storm

Let us laugh, be joyful
Let our heart refill
With passion for the blue sky
And enjoy nature’s thrill

With birdsong in the hedgerows
With rabbits dancing chase
See the foxes chasing
The world is back in place

We are coming from the darkness
We are leaving behind death
So rejoice in the season
And draw contented breath.
264 · Sep 2019
Take a chance on Cupid
Jason Sep 2019
He saw her walking slowly
In the fading summers sun
The gentle wisps of breezes
Made her dark hair flow and run
Her bright eyes flashed of danger
And her red  lips promised sin
So his heart ruled over his sharp mind
And said “let the games begin”
He made a move to claim her
He spoke to her words sweet
He adored her very presence
He worshipped at her feet
Forever he was with her
And always she with he
They were bound by all the acts of love
And never wished to be set free
The moral of my poem
If such is here at all
Is if you take a chance in love
You may hear Cupid’s call
You may feel his sharpest arrow
Or he may well shoot and miss
But you’ll never know that answer
If you first don’t chance a kiss.

Jason Feb 2023
On days where steel clouds block the sun
And wind makes trees dance with bare limbs
The sky looks cold and uninspiring
It’s bleak canvas demeanour dimms
But don’t dispare or lose your heart
For dull grey clouds hold hearts of silver
And behind the mask of dappled sky
Beats a sun that’s so familiar.
For now you’ll need a coat and hat
To trudge the muddy lanes and ways
But soon the winds will banish clouds
And reveil and show once more the burning blaze.
217 · Mar 2019
Turning Tide
Jason Mar 2019
The light sparkled on the water, as if the flashes were white flames
And the jealous sea took back its place, with tide its place reclaims
The salt tasted of adventure, and the sea spray felt like need
As the women on the quayside, prayed their men came back with speed.
And the ship, with all its rigging creaked a fond farewell,
Rolling gently on the comfort of the ever flowing swell.
That’s when I saw her standing, in the sunlight on the shoreline
More beloved then any goddess, more revered than any shrine
She stood with eyes that sparkled, like the seas own dancing lights
And she breathed with all the passion that calls and me invites
So I stood there watching still and calm, and I knew full well that day
That I’d come back to her forevermore as there was no other way
She is the one that holds my heart, she is the one for me
And so I traveled fast and hard, till the two of us were we.
And now I’m old and haggard and the lady she is to
Soon both of us will pass this life, so this I tell to you.
If I could see her stand again, on the beach down by the sea
I’d leave the ship and stay with her, she’d have more time with me.
For adventure is exciting, and the world is full of wonder
But the love you have for someone else, could pull the globe asunder.
208 · Oct 2019
May I love you?
Jason Oct 2019
”Pleased to meet you.”
Said the man
As he came into the bar room
“Likewise” said the lady
As she sat up at the bar
“Are you local?”
Asked the gentleman
While he tried to catch the barman
“No I traveled”
Said the lady
“I came my way by car”
“Whisky with some water”
Said the man unto the barman
“Mine as well” She said seductively
“But please just make it neat”
The barman made the drinks up
And the couple sipped and pondered
What the evening had for both of them
To make the night complete
And so the bar room was a staring point
And the evening a success
He in a black tuxedo
She in a scarlet dress
It ended in a question
That he hoped she’d answer well
“May I love you?”
Then her spoken words said
“Yes you May Sir can’t you tell?”
And the sentence filled his empty heart
From the bottom to the top
And now tuxedo and Miss scarlet
Are never far apart.
206 · Nov 2023
Lips and Strawberries
Jason Nov 2023
Fresh strawberry is my favourite
It’s not like I chose or anything
It’s just a fact
Her emotions are her librrty
It’s not like she chose or anything
It’s just a fact
Her kiss is flavoured by memories
It’s not like I chose or anything
It’s just a fact
My presence is clouded by awkwardness
It’s not like she chose or anything
It’s just a fact
Her auburn hair glows like fireworks
It’s not like I chose or anything
It’s just a fact
Her love for me died like an ember
It’s not like she chose or anything
It’s just a fact
195 · Feb 2023
End of Life Goodbye
Jason Feb 2023
Now my life is over
And the days of work are passed
Please think of me with kindness
As I’m here with you my last
Know I tried my hardest
Know I did my best
And now I am departing
To enjoy my final rest
Let memory sustain you
Recall the times we had
And know in hearts and minds as one
That I’m forever glad
I’m fulfilled my time is over
I’m relieved that struggles done
And in my rest I’ll live forever
In your memory we’re one.
So send me to the ocean
Where my body can be free
To travel through earths waters
And remind you there of me.
181 · Nov 2019
Dance Among The Moonbeams
Jason Nov 2019
See her twist and turn like smoke
That billows with the musics wind
Among the stars that grace the night
Stark against the black sky pinned

The swirl of hair that flows as silk
That satin dress that oozes lustre
Wrapped around and over flowing
Making hearts and minds a fluster

Patter of her dainty feet
Tapping bare on cool hard stone
While hands wave lightly in the dark
As if the dancer were alone

And as the moonbeams light her face
They sparkle like a silver snow
She hears the music in her mind
But what she hears we’ll never know

For in the deep space of her mind
She feels the melody inside
She dances on forever more
With great devotion and her pride.
173 · Nov 2019
Kindess with Words
Jason Nov 2019
Talk to other people, like you are holding of their hand,
speak softly and with tenderness like every word is planned,
make sure that what you're saying is understood and every word
is treated with attention and make sure that it is heard.
Treat the conversation like a butterfly at rest,
and softly with your moving lips caress the words your best.
for language is a weapon that can wound but not draw blood,
instead it stabs emotion and makes tears run in a flood,
so don't toss words to harm someone as if you throw a dart
for what you say can cause great pain and even  break a heart
172 · Sep 2022
All Hail The Queen and King
Jason Sep 2022
We have lost the nations heart
We have lost the whole and center
The Queen has bowed and must depart
And through the door to heaven enter
For all her years she served us faithful
Warmly guiding nations subjects
Dignified and always graceful
Like a modern day Auspex
And now we find a King Renewed!
Where the hearts are healed and mended
We will find fresh goal persuade
As to regent He’s assented.
The Queen has died
Long live the king
She left with pride
Let choir sing……
169 · Apr 2019
When it’s time to go
Jason Apr 2019
You know it’s time to go
When the happy moments aren’t the same
You know it’s time to go
When the tender love is now a game
You know it’s time to go
When the time you spend begins to wain
You know it’s time to go
When their voice can cause you instant pain.
You know it’s time to go......

But you can’t.
168 · Nov 2019
Can I Be
Jason Nov 2019
Can I be your shoulder to cry on
Can I be the man you need first
I want to be the man you rely on
I want to feed you and quench your thirst

May I be the one and the only
May I be right there at your side
I can be the first and forever
I can be the reason you’re bride

Please let me take care of you daily
Please let me be your hope and your home
Be my love and I’ll never betray you
Be my one and I’ll never roam

From till now till the stars stop there shining
From till now till the sun turns to dust
We will be a thing of beauty
We will love because we both must.
163 · Mar 2020
When The Dark Comes
Jason Mar 2020
When the dark comes creeping
And the night feels strong
When the stars can’t guide you
I will come along
I’ll be your greatest hero
I will 𝖲𝗁𝗂𝖾𝗅𝖽 you from the harm
I shall still your frightened tremble
And will bring your heart to calm

For the night has many terrors
Yes the lack of light is hard
It plays on all emotions
It can leave you battle scared
But you must trust me lady
For tonight will soon sail passed
And you my dear will be with me
Your colours tied to my mast
161 · Nov 2019
Jason Nov 2019
I don’t understand it
The way the world makes people act
It’s like that human beings
Lack the will for kind contact

I try to be inventive
In the ways I interact with folk
Surprisingly it’s working
A smile often follows a joke

But I’m solitary
In my view that all ally  
It looks to me depressing
But to befriend I have to try

My heart is sometimes broken
But here and now I must admit
I’d rather be accepting
I’m proud to be a true misfit
161 · Nov 2019
Little Black Dress
Jason Nov 2019
Step out of your tight black dress
And let your hair fall in a mess
Turn the lights down low with me
And leave your inhibitions be
The warm silence broken with a gasp
A stroking kiss a hand to grasp
Breath comes faster passions rise
With soft moans and little cries
The dress forgotten on the floor
Two hearts entwine, behind locked door.
160 · Nov 2019
I own her Mine
Jason Nov 2019
She is mine
I know this in my heart
She will do
I know that it is true
It’s been this way from start

She will love
It’s destiny and true
She will endure
She will be bourn anew
We will never be apart

She is owned
She will never be set free
She will serve
She’s devoted just to me
She is my work of art.
157 · Sep 2022
Soft Sands Shifting
Jason Sep 2022
On the beach the shifting sand
Slips slowly like the pass of time
Drifting through my fingers grasp
No matter how my hands entwine
Dry the tiny rocks are loose
They cannot hold themselves together
Baked and parched they have no founding
Desiccated by the weather
And so I think of my hearts loss
No matter how I tried to grasp her
She slid away like sand in sun
To find the life she would prefer
And now I find it’s time to go
To let the tide wash over me
And let the water wet my shoes
So my ground will moister be
For with the water of the ocean
Mixed with the salted tears I cried
Will firm the sand as my foundation
And ease my gate and guide my stride.
And so I did you all remember
The tides turn, moons wax and wain
And so with natures time and tender
As days pass they take all pain.
155 · Mar 2020
Self Isolation
Jason Mar 2020
I stopped work on Wednesday
I’ve been indoors 3 days
I’m getting pretty bored now
To amuse I’ve found some ways
I’ve played fetch with my doggy
I’ve washed all the clothes I own
I’ve had a shave and shower
And I’ve called Mum on the phone
I made some food and ate it
(I’ve done that quite a lot)
From cheese sandwich with some onion
To a very rich hotpot
Now I’m sitting on the sofa
With some tea and some hot toast
Feeling lazy and relaxing
Watching the Netflix I like most
So while you have to stay home
Try to do a bit of stuff
Because sleeping 19 hours a day
Will make you feel quite rough
153 · Oct 2019
Jason Oct 2019
He saw her standing by the wall
It’s brickwork rough and crumbled
And when he looked upon her grace
His heart was fell and tumbled
For in the fraction of the tic
It took for him to see
He knew that in his heart of hearts
The two on them must be
And so he set about the task
Of seeing that his aim
But too his everlasting harm
That ending never came
For he set about to Woo her
He set about a goal
With passion flying like a flag
He gave of his heart whole
But with a word she crushed him
One syllable she said
And all he uttered was the stammered “Oh”
When the lady she said NO
151 · Mar 2020
Solitary Tree
Jason Mar 2020
The oak down by the river
Drinks cool water from the Earth
It’s done so since forever
When it’s acorn gave it birth
It’s stood there through the centuries
Adding ring by ring each year
But if it had the eyes to cry
I know it would shed tear
For this used to be a forest
It’s friends and piers stood tall
But axes and the wind of change
Made his family fall
But I’m not by standing
I will not let this tree
Stand so proud and lonely
It can rely on me
And so with ***** and saplings
I place new friends near by
So this ancient wonder
Can breath contented sigh
147 · Sep 2019
Unlike Any Other
Jason Sep 2019
Enticed, enthralled and often called
She spends her time with me
From moments on the telephone
To webcam where we see,
The moments that I share with her,
Are all precious and so sweet
But nothing can compare to her
When we take the time to meet
For touching her, caressing slow
And laying under cover
Proves to me that she is mine
And unlike any other.
138 · Nov 2019
Music To My Ears
Jason Nov 2019
The sound of flowing music came
Into my house today
It sounded like the gift of life
That angels sing or play

The pattern and the meter was
Unlike my troubled mind
As it was calm and ordered
And to my heart it’s kind

The tune it is delight and love
The meaning it is clear
It’s making me feel right inside
It’s taking all my fear

But the music isn’t played at all
It’s not a string or bell
It’s not a flute or made by brass
No drumstick raised or fell

The music is my my lady love
Who came to live with me
Her voice is better than all songs
Her music sets me free

No longer is the silent house
A prison of solitude
Now the sounds of laughter ring
And loneliness preclude
136 · May 2020
The Man Shed
Jason May 2020
I have a workshop that helps keep me sane
I’m going there soon to make things again
Working with timber on a lathe I turn wood
I make small pots and bowls that are sometimes quite good
But the disasters that happen when the timber it splits
Or the slip of a chisel makes one bust into bits
Just goes to teach me I have lots still to learn
To make items perfect is something that I yearn
But with music from radio and a big mug of tea
I make something useful from a chunk of old tree
Something that someone will cherish and keep
When I’m gone from the world and take the Long Sleep
For I’m not making things for cash or to sell
I give them as gifts to prove I lived well
My friends and my family and my loved ones to
All get a ***, and this ones for you.......
I do actually make bowls in the Man Shed and always give then away, I’ll be putting this on the inside of each box I gift them in.....
133 · Jun 2022
Jason Jun 2022
If you feel the stars at night
Shining with a light that’s bright
Or if you see the velvet dark
Spattered with the spots of spark
Know that I feel your heart beat
And know that I crave us to meet
So once again you know my love
Like smooth cool silk
Or velvet glove….
133 · Oct 2019
Jason Oct 2019
In the den that was so deep
The ***** kept her cubs asleep
She curled around them warm and dry
Away from hunters eyes that pry
The tenderness of her soft care
Made them safe and contented there
The days bright sun could never breach
Through the tunnel it did not reach
The undiscovered foxes den
Kept them safe from eyes of men.....
133 · May 2021
Not my kind of poem
Jason May 2021
Usually my poems love
My poems talk of calm
But frankly right this moment
I could do some harm
So if your feeling fragile
Or if you’re feeling weak
Please just pass on by this one
In case you will just freak
I’m feeling like just f@k this world
I’m feeling f
@k you all
I’m thinking I should hurt someone
And from my tower fall


Ok I will take a breath
I am a better man
I will restrain my better urge
It’s something that I’ll can
For in this moment I have found
I’m not so uncontrolled
I have myself I’m well in hand
My bounds I will withhold


Back to normal I will go
Please read the other ****
It’s not so bad I’m sure
It’s got much better language
And feels so much more pure
131 · Dec 2019
Sweet as Molasses
Jason Dec 2019
She will smile like molasses
She will touch you like cool rain
She will love you till forever
She will then just start again
For the a lady that will love you
Is a lady that you need
For that lady will envelop you
And your soul she will then feed.
129 · Jan 2020
My Family
Jason Jan 2020
What’s a family
My best mate said
It’s more than blood
Said the girl he wed
It’s loyalty
Said her mate Sue
It’s how folks feel
Said quite a few
I sat and listened
And looked round
At faces loved
And this I found
I had to say
To all those there
In softened tone
Almost a prayer
Is what we are
It’s why we traveled
Near or far
It’s trust
In one another’s care
If there’s a meal
You’ll get a chair
Your welcome
If you turn up late
There will be food
Upon your plate
It’s a hug
It’s feeling love
It’s knowing that
You share thereof
The warmth of hearth
And heart and joy
It’s now
It’s what we now enjoy.
129 · May 2021
Red Hot
Jason May 2021
She burns like an ember
She glows red in the dark
She is hot like a fire
She is bright as a spark
You can’t ever keep her
You must never try
You are just not worthy
You could easily die!
The lady is taken
She’s given to me
The lust of her lifetime  
Is now just mine to see
Nothing was paid her
Except all my mind
She has all my attention
Both the cruelty and kind
And so in the hours
We spent just we two
Our passion has blossomed
And our affections they grew
So now my bright ember
Who’s too hot to hold
Will live in my warm heart
And never grow old.....
128 · Sep 2019
Her Saviour
Jason Sep 2019
In the darkest forest deep
Where the brambles bite and creep
The girl was stranded far from home
For she’d dared to walk and roam
So lost was she in woods so think
Her heart was scared, her body sick
She was stuck and oh so lost
And needed help at any cost
So out she cried when she saw light!
She heard a noise, through darkened night
And soon she saw the glowing horn
Her saviour was a unicorn!
It’s proud white flanks and tossing main
Filled her heart with hope again
And soon she found that this strong steed
Was pleased to help, fulfil her need
It took her home, not all the way,
For in the forest it must stay
But on the edge of the dense trees
He left the girl upon her knees
For she could see her village lights
And she now stays indoors at nights.....
127 · Apr 2019
Jason Apr 2019
Gentle patter of the rain
Ripples puddles once again
As droplets fall from clouds steel grey
To bless the grass and leaves today
I walk on through the forest deep
Watching woodland appear to weep
As water flows like natures tears
From sapling small to trees of years
And here I wander with my dog
As the mud makes walk a slog
But joyous is the time like this
Nature’s hand bestowed some bliss.
Jason Jan 2021
Let’s follow the clouds that are drifting
In the sky that’s so blue and so free
Let’s watch the sun rise over meadows
Think of how happy we’ll be!

When moonbeams grace both our presence
And stars lite the nights of our lives
We will face all the woes and the worries
That the world can conspire or contrives

Let’s see which way the winds blowing together
Let’s chase the horizon and seek
The elusive but powerful knowledge
Let’s revel in this earths mystique

And when all of the travels are over
And the wind in our wings has blown through
I know in my heart that I’ll treasure
That my journeys were always with you.

124 · Feb 2020
Windy Days
Jason Feb 2020
On days like this
As wind blows hard
When branches crack
And trees get scared

Dramatic skies
Change oh so fast
The cloud cathedrals
Rush on passed

And hear I sit
All warm inside
From vicious winds
I try to hide

With tea in hand
I stay indoors
Covered by
My dogs big paws!
124 · Apr 2020
You decide
Jason Apr 2020
Warm lips brush her,
Tender, yielding,
Hands that hold her
Passion, wielding,
Hot breath panting,
Urgent, needy,
Skin that blushes,
Wanten, greedy,
Hearts beat faster
Skin is sweating
Cloths are scattered
Ardour, rising
Two conjoining
Both are ready
Move together
Slow but steady
Getting faster
Louder growing
Almost perfect
Both are knowing
Glorious moment
Both together
Feelings like a
Stroking feather
Calming slowly
After glow
Are they still together?
We’ll never know.
123 · Jan 2021
It’s not enough
Jason Jan 2021
All the gold of a thousand mines
Every diamond so flawless that shines
All of the silver in necklace or ring
Every jewel or small precious thing

Showers of coins and notes by the score
Piles of loot and then piles more
Sprinkles of gold dust that fall like the snow
Secret old treasure that in dim light will glow

These are the things that can’t help with my heart
All I need is your love and never to part
For I’m wealthy inside and I’m happy to say
I’d trade all that is listed to be with you today.
Jason Sep 2019
When open hearts are stressed and tested
And you lose the love invested
Most of us take time to heal
And morn the loss of something real
It will take days or months or years
To heal your scars and dry your tears
The wounds are deep, the cuts cause pain
But from the ash you will regain
Your self respect and joy again
The damage done will fall away
And then you’ll love another day
As men and women often find
That the tender touch of one who’s kind
Can heal faster than a tic or tock
Of an ever turning clock
So hear my words I say to you
Once you’re joy flows your veins through
You will rejoice and then unbidden
Love will return from where it’s hidden
121 · Jul 2020
Jason Jul 2020
She was tenacious in her appetite for lust
She would trap men like a butterfly to have them
She was devoted to carnal pleasures of her flesh
She would pick men like the cutting of a stem
She was unyielding in her dedication to her cause
She needed maleness and made full use of all them
She was ultimately lost unto the game
She was set aside and left alone forever
She was so lonely and had no one but herself
And her lovers cane back seldom less than never
120 · Jan 2020
Black n White
Jason Jan 2020
There once was a small baby Zebra
Who said to his daddy one day
I know I’m a black n white horsey
But this I have just gotta say
Am I black with some white stripes along me
Or white with some black lines instead
I just gotta know what’s the answer
Cos it’s messing around with my head!
Daddy looked down at his baby
And said in a wise fathers voice
It doesn’t much matter the answer
Because my boy it is your choice
Be black with white lines in the nighttime
And white with black bits in the day
Or swap that around if you want to
Now trot off my boy and go play!
119 · May 2020
Dare to Dream
Jason May 2020
Dare I write this poem
That will tell you how I feel
Dare I put the tender words
That my aching heart reveal
Dare I put the words down
That will expose my wants and needs
Change the way we interact
Alter thoughts and deeds
Dare I risk our friendship
Gamble and get all
Of watch the whole thing crash and burn
See the towers fall
And in the dark I worry
Pen trembling in my hand
Heartbeat thumping quickly
This poem I have planned
Will lead to love hear after
Or lead to loss and hurt
My heat will soar to heaven
Or be ground into the dirt
Do I dare to write this poem
And tell you how I feel
Or continue hiding loving
And my need for you conceal
116 · Oct 2019
Lost loved one
Jason Oct 2019
Dear departed loved one
I miss you in my days
The smiles that you gave to me
Have vanished in a haze
Your soft voice and your laughter
Are not around to hear
And your scent is fading slowly
It’ll soon be gone I fear
You chose to leave my presence
And that’s such a bitter blow
For where you went to wander
I can’t find strength to go
But know you are beloved
No matter where you are
And in my heart you’re essence
Will never be too far
For no matter why you left me
No matter why you strayed
There is no one in the world today
That does not wish that you’d stayed
Today we say goodbye to you
And put you too your sleep
And in our minds we’ll carry you
And in our hearts we’ll weep
But when the day is over
And the goodbyes have been spoken
The memoirs off joyful times
Will flood in and be woken
And thoughts of all the happy things
That passed between us all
Will stand strong and tower up
Like a grand stone castle wall
For love and laughter conquer pain
And hurt will run and hide
As we remember You were here
And keep you safe inside.
116 · Jul 2020
Jason Jul 2020
On a Sunday he would always sleep
He never had a date to keep
He’d sleep till noon then have some food
Then waste the day, in relaxed mood
But not today as he went out
He needed air and walked about
Normally he’d stay alone and just text on his mobile phone
But while he walked and saw the sun he saw a girl having some fun
She painted sky’s and drew in trees
She made the art on bended knees
And as they spoke he found her fair
Her bright red lips her alban hair
He lost his heart and he found hers
In him deep affection stirs
And now the two are hand in glove
Safely held in their true love
Jason Mar 2019
If all the stars were diamonds
And I owned every one
I’d pay them all to love you
‘Till I was left with none
Then I’d take the moonlight
And sell it off for gold
And give it all away again
If I’d get you to hold
For diamonds are such silly things
And there’s nothing good ‘bout gold
But love can last a lifetime
Until we both grow old.
116 · Jun 2020
Talk To Me
Jason Jun 2020
Talk to me she said
Tell me all the colours of the rainbow bright
Talk to me she asked
Say the words of wisdom through the night
Talk to me she begged
Utter all the things you know to me
Talk to me she cried
Speak of all ****** things you see
Talk to me so soft
And let me lose myself within the word
Talk to me that way
I’ll hang to each and everything I’ve  heard
And so I lay at nigh all through the dark
Until the sun was greeted by the lark
And in the quiet nights we shared our soul
We found that our entwinmet was our goal
And now our minds and bodies face the world
Fighting off the prejudice it’s hurled
From the judgment and the bitterness we face
Together in our arms we have found grace
108 · Apr 2019
Fighting With A Lady
Jason Apr 2019
When you have a partner and you’re  just a simple man
It’s important you remember to have a battle plan
For at some point in relationships a lady will want more
Than the efforts you are making , which frankly rate as poor
For simple men like you and I are often just borne lazy
And this fact can drive a woman mad, until she goes half crazy
So here’s  advice for Gentlmen whom are bright enough to read
And I hope you have the heart and sole to act on it and heed
Men of the world when you are blessed with a lady who would fight
Just keep your temper deep inside and love her day and night
Treat her like a princess and make sure she sees you do
And I promise that one thousand fouled she’ll return that love to you.
108 · Jul 2020
Jason Jul 2020
Cunning was the little fox
That padded in the lady’s garden
She saw he was a cheeky chap
So his indiscretions she would pardon
She loved to see him dance and play
Basking in the summers heat
And often when he came to stay
Shed leave him out a tasty treat
One day the fox came right inside
And settled sleeping on the sofa
And she didn’t say a word
About the wild interloper
He ate his fill and slept a while
Looking sweet and stirring not
Then when he woke he looked around
Nodded and then off he trot
106 · Dec 2020
Grow Old With Me
Jason Dec 2020
Grow old with me
Let us count the seasons of our lives together
Grow old with me
Let us face the world and be forever
Grow old with me.

Stay by my side
And I will devote to you all my days
Stay by my side
And I will show you tenderness all ways
Stay by my side

Live life with me
And when the dark comes calling for us two
Happy we will be
That we spent our time as me and you
Grow old with me
103 · Sep 2019
Gods Promise
Jason Sep 2019
The year is turning slowly
And autumn has appeared
It’s the time of inward gathering
And the time of branches cleared
When the last of summer sunsets
Move over to the cold
And the trees go from the reds and greens
And somehow just look old
But with the marching of the hours
And the spending of the days
The coming of the winter snow
Or the cold mists and the haze
We know that spring is promised
And all this will come again
We will pass through all the dark and cold
After all the wet steel rain
To stand in pastures bursting
With wild flowers and the hares
And marvel at the gifts god gives
As his love he then declares
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