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61 · Sep 2020
Autumn Love
Jason Sep 2020
Let the time of autumn carry you
Through days of amber sun
With bounty in the hedgerows
And harvest grown and won

Let the feel Of nature fill you
From the breath of gusting air
To the red kite soaring upward
As it chases fleeing hare

Let your mind turn to contentment
As your spirit heals from pain
And your heart fills and is joyous
While you become whole again

And while the days grow shorter
While the frost comes back once more
Light the first log fire
Then batten closed your door

For when winter comes with darkness
And the cold claws at your heart
Let it throw its worst and damnedest
We will never be apart
59 · Jul 2020
Jason Jul 2020
Water of the ocean deep
Filled by tears the angels weep
Deep and cold to shallows warm
Like summers day or winter storm
The seas of earth keep us apart
They stress emotions of the heart
For distance hurts when one you love
Is stranded far from care there of
But build a ship and make a sail
And worry not the awful gale
For no wall of salted water
Can keep me from your fathers daughter
I shall fight and get to you
I shall win and battle through
For you are mine and I am yours
So with a sail or mighty ores
I will get to by your side
With stars to bring me and be my guide
58 · Apr 2020
Keep Calm and Carry On
Jason Apr 2020
In my mind I’m wandering far
Inside a fast low red sports car
I’m remembering the highland lane
That I want to drive again
Speeding passed the forest pines
Hypnotised by roads white lines
That count the seconds as I speed
With heart on fire feeling need
To escape the space that I am in
For really I’m enclosed within
From a virus I have fears
I can’t go outside for weeks or years
Until the virus is passed its peaks
And Boris Johnson stands and speaks
But in my mind I’m out and free
This quarantine will not beat me
I will stay safe and no one I’ll harm
By stating home and keeping calm
57 · Sep 2019
Gods Promise
Jason Sep 2019
The year is turning slowly
And autumn has appeared
It’s the time of inward gathering
And the time of branches cleared
When the last of summer sunsets
Move over to the cold
And the trees go from the reds and greens
And somehow just look old
But with the marching of the hours
And the spending of the days
The coming of the winter snow
Or the cold mists and the haze
We know that spring is promised
And all this will come again
We will pass through all the dark and cold
After all the wet steel rain
To stand in pastures bursting
With wild flowers and the hares
And marvel at the gifts god gives
As his love he then declares
54 · May 2020
On the wings of an eagle
Jason May 2020
On the wings of an eagle
My spirit soared high
It broke from my body
And took to the sky
In clear air and freshness
It streaked in the blue
With the eagle a screeching
As together we flew
I’m free of the bonds
That chained me to earth
I have re-found my pride
And I’ve again found my worth
The emotions that harmed me
I’ve left on the ground
And onwards and upwards
My spirit is bound
The freedom of knowing
The passion of flight
Will carry me onward
Away from the fight
For now that my mind has
With practice and thought
Broke out of the darkness
And pain that was wrought
I find I’m released
From the prison I built
That kept me enslaved
Bound with loss and some guilt
But that is the passed
I was deceived with a trick
Into feeling a loss
And becoming quite sick
But I never true had her
She was never mine
She was always pretending
And spending her time
With others around me
With people I knew
Now that I’m better
I have a clear view
I’m back on my eagle
And flying away
To better emotions
I’ve healed this fine day
My spirit is happy
My contentment is whole
And new horizons
Are now my goal.
49 · Nov 2020
He doesn’t see her
Jason Nov 2020
He doesn’t see her loving him
He’s never noticed her that much
He’s oblivious to her chained heart
Her burning lips he will not touch
In the office where they work
She glances at him every day
As she types there at her desk
He is just 6 feet away
At lunch she makes his coffee sweet
And the joy of her tormented day
Is when he thanks her for the cup
Before his gaze he takes away
One day she hopes his frozen heart
Will melt and he will see her new
But she feels the hurt of love
And this simple man has not a clue
Jason Nov 2020
Let me lead you by the hand
Through troubled streets of city grime
Watching all the chaos swirl
People rushing with no time
My palm to steady and to guide
Locked together enjoined with yours
Letting you feel safe with me
Sheltered from the urban claws
The warm embrace of fingers linked
The calm but firm of steadfast grip
Will quell your fear and sooth your heart
Stop you shake and catch your trip
And too the shelter of my home
The haven of the silent warm
Where lights that glow with amber love
Will magic on your soul perform
39 · May 2020
Last Night
Jason May 2020
Last night I spent the night with her
Sleep did not find it’s way to steel our time
Last night we let our passions rule us
Like a poem we let our bodies rhyme
Last night we broke in waves of flowing lust
Moment by moment we felt the pleasure
Last night was slow and dark and flowing
Unhurried by the dawn we searched for treasure
Last night we became two together
Now as one thing we live in this world
Last night the essence of each other
Twisted together enjoined and curled
Last night was over when dawn broke
Streaming light through curtains peeking
Last night we started a new life
And both found the love we’re seeking.

— The End —