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Jason Dec 2019
She will smile like molasses
She will touch you like cool rain
She will love you till forever
She will then just start again
For the a lady that will love you
Is a lady that you need
For that lady will envelop you
And your soul she will then feed.
Jason Nov 2019
See her twist and turn like smoke
That billows with the musics wind
Among the stars that grace the night
Stark against the black sky pinned

The swirl of hair that flows as silk
That satin dress that oozes lustre
Wrapped around and over flowing
Making hearts and minds a fluster

Patter of her dainty feet
Tapping bare on cool hard stone
While hands wave lightly in the dark
As if the dancer were alone

And as the moonbeams light her face
They sparkle like a silver snow
She hears the music in her mind
But what she hears we’ll never know

For in the deep space of her mind
She feels the melody inside
She dances on forever more
With great devotion and her pride.
Jason Nov 2019
I don’t understand it
The way the world makes people act
It’s like that human beings
Lack the will for kind contact

I try to be inventive
In the ways I interact with folk
Surprisingly it’s working
A smile often follows a joke

But I’m solitary
In my view that all ally  
It looks to me depressing
But to befriend I have to try

My heart is sometimes broken
But here and now I must admit
I’d rather be accepting
I’m proud to be a true misfit
Jason Nov 2019
Can I be your shoulder to cry on
Can I be the man you need first
I want to be the man you rely on
I want to feed you and quench your thirst

May I be the one and the only
May I be right there at your side
I can be the first and forever
I can be the reason you’re bride

Please let me take care of you daily
Please let me be your hope and your home
Be my love and I’ll never betray you
Be my one and I’ll never roam

From till now till the stars stop there shining
From till now till the sun turns to dust
We will be a thing of beauty
We will love because we both must.
Jason Nov 2019
The sound of flowing music came
Into my house today
It sounded like the gift of life
That angels sing or play

The pattern and the meter was
Unlike my troubled mind
As it was calm and ordered
And to my heart it’s kind

The tune it is delight and love
The meaning it is clear
It’s making me feel right inside
It’s taking all my fear

But the music isn’t played at all
It’s not a string or bell
It’s not a flute or made by brass
No drumstick raised or fell

The music is my my lady love
Who came to live with me
Her voice is better than all songs
Her music sets me free

No longer is the silent house
A prison of solitude
Now the sounds of laughter ring
And loneliness preclude
Jason Nov 2019
Fresh was the day
As I stepped out
Upon my way
My mind devout
And set to task
Of walking far
Of seeing birds
Avoiding car
I wanted grass
Below my feet
Nature raw
I wished to meet
So there I stood
In cold fresh air
And after time
Had not a care
As out in fields
And woods l walked
I listened well
As nature talked
It healed my heart
It made me new
That cool fresh wind
Spoke as it blew.
Jason Nov 2019
Talk to other people, like you are holding of their hand,
speak softly and with tenderness like every word is planned,
make sure that what you're saying is understood and every word
is treated with attention and make sure that it is heard.
Treat the conversation like a butterfly at rest,
and softly with your moving lips caress the words your best.
for language is a weapon that can wound but not draw blood,
instead it stabs emotion and makes tears run in a flood,
so don't toss words to harm someone as if you throw a dart
for what you say can cause great pain and even  break a heart
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