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Jason Nov 2019
Standing in a forest
Of people I don’t love or need
She’s solid as walnut tree
And rooted like religious creed

Blowing in the wind
She bends and stretches to the sun
Moving with a ballet grace
With wild hair the air has spun

Steady on the upland
She rules the woodland of my world
Deep within the darkest grove
She’s calling me with words unfurled

But she will not yellow
Or let her love turn shades of red
She Is for me my evergreen
Till the two of us are sadly dead

We will lay together
In cask made of the clearest pine
And we will not be parted
Because the woman is true mine.
Jason Nov 2019
She is mine
I know this in my heart
She will do
I know that it is true
It’s been this way from start

She will love
It’s destiny and true
She will endure
She will be bourn anew
We will never be apart

She is owned
She will never be set free
She will serve
She’s devoted just to me
She is my work of art.
Jason Nov 2019
Step out of your tight black dress
And let your hair fall in a mess
Turn the lights down low with me
And leave your inhibitions be
The warm silence broken with a gasp
A stroking kiss a hand to grasp
Breath comes faster passions rise
With soft moans and little cries
The dress forgotten on the floor
Two hearts entwine, behind locked door.
Jason Oct 2019
Dear departed loved one
I miss you in my days
The smiles that you gave to me
Have vanished in a haze
Your soft voice and your laughter
Are not around to hear
And your scent is fading slowly
It’ll soon be gone I fear
You chose to leave my presence
And that’s such a bitter blow
For where you went to wander
I can’t find strength to go
But know you are beloved
No matter where you are
And in my heart you’re essence
Will never be too far
For no matter why you left me
No matter why you strayed
There is no one in the world today
That does not wish that you’d stayed
Today we say goodbye to you
And put you too your sleep
And in our minds we’ll carry you
And in our hearts we’ll weep
But when the day is over
And the goodbyes have been spoken
The memoirs off joyful times
Will flood in and be woken
And thoughts of all the happy things
That passed between us all
Will stand strong and tower up
Like a grand stone castle wall
For love and laughter conquer pain
And hurt will run and hide
As we remember You were here
And keep you safe inside.
Jason Oct 2019
”Pleased to meet you.”
Said the man
As he came into the bar room
“Likewise” said the lady
As she sat up at the bar
“Are you local?”
Asked the gentleman
While he tried to catch the barman
“No I traveled”
Said the lady
“I came my way by car”
“Whisky with some water”
Said the man unto the barman
“Mine as well” She said seductively
“But please just make it neat”
The barman made the drinks up
And the couple sipped and pondered
What the evening had for both of them
To make the night complete
And so the bar room was a staring point
And the evening a success
He in a black tuxedo
She in a scarlet dress
It ended in a question
That he hoped she’d answer well
“May I love you?”
Then her spoken words said
“Yes you May Sir can’t you tell?”
And the sentence filled his empty heart
From the bottom to the top
And now tuxedo and Miss scarlet
Are never far apart.
Jason Oct 2019
In the den that was so deep
The ***** kept her cubs asleep
She curled around them warm and dry
Away from hunters eyes that pry
The tenderness of her soft care
Made them safe and contented there
The days bright sun could never breach
Through the tunnel it did not reach
The undiscovered foxes den
Kept them safe from eyes of men.....
Jason Oct 2019
He saw her standing by the wall
It’s brickwork rough and crumbled
And when he looked upon her grace
His heart was fell and tumbled
For in the fraction of the tic
It took for him to see
He knew that in his heart of hearts
The two on them must be
And so he set about the task
Of seeing that his aim
But too his everlasting harm
That ending never came
For he set about to Woo her
He set about a goal
With passion flying like a flag
He gave of his heart whole
But with a word she crushed him
One syllable she said
And all he uttered was the stammered “Oh”
When the lady she said NO
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