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Jason Oct 2019
He saw her standing by the wall
It’s brickwork rough and crumbled
And when he looked upon her grace
His heart was fell and tumbled
For in the fraction of the tic
It took for him to see
He knew that in his heart of hearts
The two on them must be
And so he set about the task
Of seeing that his aim
But too his everlasting harm
That ending never came
For he set about to Woo her
He set about a goal
With passion flying like a flag
He gave of his heart whole
But with a word she crushed him
One syllable she said
And all he uttered was the stammered “Oh”
When the lady she said NO
Jason Sep 2019
When open hearts are stressed and tested
And you lose the love invested
Most of us take time to heal
And morn the loss of something real
It will take days or months or years
To heal your scars and dry your tears
The wounds are deep, the cuts cause pain
But from the ash you will regain
Your self respect and joy again
The damage done will fall away
And then you’ll love another day
As men and women often find
That the tender touch of one who’s kind
Can heal faster than a tic or tock
Of an ever turning clock
So hear my words I say to you
Once you’re joy flows your veins through
You will rejoice and then unbidden
Love will return from where it’s hidden
Jason Sep 2019
Enticed, enthralled and often called
She spends her time with me
From moments on the telephone
To webcam where we see,
The moments that I share with her,
Are all precious and so sweet
But nothing can compare to her
When we take the time to meet
For touching her, caressing slow
And laying under cover
Proves to me that she is mine
And unlike any other.
Jason Sep 2019
The year is turning slowly
And autumn has appeared
It’s the time of inward gathering
And the time of branches cleared
When the last of summer sunsets
Move over to the cold
And the trees go from the reds and greens
And somehow just look old
But with the marching of the hours
And the spending of the days
The coming of the winter snow
Or the cold mists and the haze
We know that spring is promised
And all this will come again
We will pass through all the dark and cold
After all the wet steel rain
To stand in pastures bursting
With wild flowers and the hares
And marvel at the gifts god gives
As his love he then declares
Jason Sep 2019
In the darkest forest deep
Where the brambles bite and creep
The girl was stranded far from home
For she’d dared to walk and roam
So lost was she in woods so think
Her heart was scared, her body sick
She was stuck and oh so lost
And needed help at any cost
So out she cried when she saw light!
She heard a noise, through darkened night
And soon she saw the glowing horn
Her saviour was a unicorn!
It’s proud white flanks and tossing main
Filled her heart with hope again
And soon she found that this strong steed
Was pleased to help, fulfil her need
It took her home, not all the way,
For in the forest it must stay
But on the edge of the dense trees
He left the girl upon her knees
For she could see her village lights
And she now stays indoors at nights.....
Jason Sep 2019
He saw her walking slowly
In the fading summers sun
The gentle wisps of breezes
Made her dark hair flow and run
Her bright eyes flashed of danger
And her red  lips promised sin
So his heart ruled over his sharp mind
And said “let the games begin”
He made a move to claim her
He spoke to her words sweet
He adored her very presence
He worshipped at her feet
Forever he was with her
And always she with he
They were bound by all the acts of love
And never wished to be set free
The moral of my poem
If such is here at all
Is if you take a chance in love
You may hear Cupid’s call
You may feel his sharpest arrow
Or he may well shoot and miss
But you’ll never know that answer
If you first don’t chance a kiss.

Jason Apr 2019
When you have a partner and you’re  just a simple man
It’s important you remember to have a battle plan
For at some point in relationships a lady will want more
Than the efforts you are making , which frankly rate as poor
For simple men like you and I are often just borne lazy
And this fact can drive a woman mad, until she goes half crazy
So here’s  advice for Gentlmen whom are bright enough to read
And I hope you have the heart and sole to act on it and heed
Men of the world when you are blessed with a lady who would fight
Just keep your temper deep inside and love her day and night
Treat her like a princess and make sure she sees you do
And I promise that one thousand fouled she’ll return that love to you.
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