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Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
You are
and I am
You are
and I am
You are
and I am
You are
and I am
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
I can't have you.
I hate this.
Oh well.
I've hidden it for so long,
Just a little while longer and you'll be gone.
I'll just keep my smile, even if it's fake.
Oh how this is killing me.
#You #you know who you are
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
If you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer.
But know you will live in the pages
of a poem, linger in the words
of a song, be engraved
in the ink of a plot,
twisting your fate and heart
into a tempestuous knot.
If you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer.
Who will hand you
the world, drawn and painted
in the metaphors of a troubled mind
where nothing is simple, not even a line.
If you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer-
your life will never be the same.
They'll weave stories of yesterday,
in the webs if your hair,
breathe the sky of morning,
and lure you to their lair.
So if you choose to fall in love,
fall in love with a writer.
One who truer will never be;
fall in love with a writer....
with a writer like me.
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
I wish you'd miss me too.

Kisses like candy, soul like poison.

One hard ******; down I went.

Because alcohol tastes better than tears.

Still waiting on your return home.

We're all trying to forget someone.

Your scars will never wash off.

I'll choose happiness every **** time.

Not feeling gets easier over time.

I love you. Sorry. It's complicated.

I asked. You answered with silence.

He's the enbodiment of toxic masculinity.

We turned out tomorrow's into yesterday's.

The bloodiest battles are fought within.

Six words can't bring them back.

One ticket to anywhere but here.

So close and yet so far.

Mind says left. Heart feels right.

Admiring the view. Going through hell.

We climbed higher, I fell further.
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
A stolen kiss on my part,
a kiss returned on yours.
Stolen moments,
stolen time.
Time that we should've been working,
Time instead spent living.
A gaze apon you set my soul ablaze.
Distracted by your poise, your grace.
Your lips apon mine,
lingeringon my mind.
Another kiss was what I desired,
but if they found out...
All would be lost.
But life to fragile, to unpredictable.
We have to live and learn,
and learn to live.
Passion will set you free,
so live in the moment.
Time will always pass,
but need let it slip away.
If your story ended tonight,
Would you be happy with its ending?
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
You said to me;
                            I'm here.

                           I love you.

                          I don't care
                If you need to stay up
          crying all night long, I will stay
        with you. There's nothing you can
     ever do to loose my love. I will protect
    you until you die, and after your death
      I will still protect you. I am stronger
           than depression and braver
                      than loneliness.

                     And nothing will

                     ever exhaust me.
But you lied to me.
                  You were with her.

                 I thought I loved you.

                    You never cared.
             You kept me up all night,
   making me cry, yet you weren't here.
I couldn't lose your love, because I never
   had it. You killed me. My spirit, my
         passion. You killed me. Made
             me depressed and lonely.
                    I chose to rise up.
                    Because nothing
                 will ever exhaust me.

        Fool someone else with your lies.
       For I am a Phoenix and I shall rise.
  Rise from my ashes and show my beauty.
                          I am free.
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
She conquered her demons,
               and wore her scars like...
We all get burned down sometimes.
But the next step is a choice.
Do you let your ashes blow away?
Or do you rise from the ashes like a
The choice is yours so,
Choose wisely.
The first 3 lines are a quote by Atticus.
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