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Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
As you breathe right now,
Someone takes his last.
So stop complaining,
And learn to live with what you have.
Before you know it,
It will all be gone.
Poetry Fanatic Jul 2016
Things end.
People change.
But ya know what?
Life goes on.
Poetry Fanatic Jun 2016
Dont be afraid of the night, it's the best...
Lay your head down and rest,
my sweet darling.

Close your eyes and open your mind,
You'll be amazed at what you'll find.
Drift further and further into serenity,
Let lack of fear permeate your lucid state.

Go ahead into the darkness,
Nothing will get you...
Because after all,
You're sophisticated and poised,
And rule them all.

Each beast of burden,
And monster of imagination.
All the ferocious beasts of the night,
Bow before you.

Rule the night.
Conceal the light,
For your reign has no end in sight.

Fear not the dark,
Your beasts will leave a mark.

So my dear I shalt say,
Night night sleep tight and...
Watch out for the monsters bite.
Poetry Fanatic Jun 2016
I'd rather have bad times with you,
Than good times with anyone else.
I'd rather be with you in a storm,
Than safe and warm by myself.
I'd rather have hard times together,
Than to have it easy apart.
Above all,
I'd rather have the one who holds...
My heart.
Poetry Fanatic Jun 2016
Sometimes it's all you can do,
To lie in bed and hope,
That you fall asleep,
Before you fall apart.
Poetry Fanatic Jun 2016
We all have wanderlust souls.
The want to travel,
Move on,
And discover.
Travel to new heights.
Move on from the pain.
Leave the insecurity.
And discover our fullest potential.
But we can't do that.
Not until we truly appreciate beauty.
How can we do that?
Our society has diminished it,
Beyond recognition.

The definition of beauty is:
a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that please.

Beauty is so much more than that,
It's feelings,
We close our eyes when we
And dream. But why?
Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen,
But felt and experienced.

Our soulsite feel dead because beauty is absent.
But my friends I'm here to tell you,
Find beauty, and you'll find life.
Poetry Fanatic Jun 2016
When I say I love you more,
I don't mean I love you more than you love me.
I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us,
I love you more than any fight we'll ever have.
I love you more than the distance between us,
I love you more than any obstacle that can try to come between us.
I love you most.

— The End —