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Casper Lake Feb 2019
I like the way you see me
Just a kid to joke with
Someone to relax around
Make stupid jokes
Jokingly insult each other

I like the way you see me
Even though it feels like
You look right through me
As if I’m a ghost

I like the way you see me
As the silly girl
Just a jokster
Who spends her time
Making stupid jokes
To hide her pain

I don’t like the way you see me
Because you’ve seen my heart
When it is aching
And I despise when you see me

So please
If you see me alone
And I look like I’m breaking
Please walk away
I don’t want you to have to see
That piece of me
Casper Lake Feb 2019
Oh what beauty
Such stark and true moments
The little moments I look upon
When others think no one can see
The way your head bobs to the music
The way your lips move
To the words of the songs

The thing I adore the most
Is that fire in your eyes
When someone says you can’t
And that lights the spark
Then you go out and prove it
But afterwards
You still have that fire
The fire of a thousand stars
Because by god you want to be above it all
And you are
By god you are
With that ever
Beautiful Fire
Casper Lake Feb 2019
I feel like I’m floating
Merely drifting around my friends
Never truly fitting in
I hate it
I want to feel as if
I belong somewhere
But I just don’t

By god you don’t help
You look right through me
Like I’m nothing important
But it doesn’t matter
I just wish
That someone would see me
That someone would help me
Feel as if I’m not just drifting
I’m just floating around
Casper Lake Jan 2019
It hits like a brick wall while running from cops
It’s hard to see a way around it
So turn back
Retrace your steps
Try it again from a different angle
There’s never just one way to approach a problem

Try writing about the area
About the thoughts someone has
Or take a step back from it all
And work on something else for a moment
Not everything has to be done here and now
Enjoy the little moments to yourself
Drinking tea on the porch while the sun rises
Laughing and dancing clumsily with your brother

Short moments don’t last long
And when all is said and all is done
You will find yourself back
At your writings
With a clear head
Casper Lake Jan 2019
Beauty is everywhere
In everything
I see it
In the smallest cracks in stone
In that smile you have
Right after some stupid joke

I can see the stardust
That makes up everything
I see it when I’m awake too long
Or when I’m looking
Into your eyes

Beauty is in everything
And I adore seeing it
Because as of late
It feels as if beauty is dying
Because people are smiling less
The sky has grown dark
The lights stop the Stars
From shining through

But I feel a flutter in my chest
When I see the stardust
And the beauty
In almost everything
Casper Lake Jan 2019
It’s always so strange
So foreign to me
These feelings
I can’t say I understand
It’d be a lie to say I do

I don’t think it’s something
That can be taught
I think I have to be shown
But then again
I’m not sure I want to see
I like where I am
I enjoy the mystery
The unknown

Or could it just be I’m afraid?
When I get comfortable
And relaxed
It all seems to go wrong

At the end of the day
I don’t enjoy being confused
Or filled with so many
Strange feelings
Casper Lake Jan 2019
There are moments that we wish could last forever
My little brother and I
When certain songs come on
We swing dance
It’s clumsy
And poorly done
But it makes him laugh

When I call my mom
Or when she calls me
The calls never last long enough
Because I have so much I want to say
I say silly things
Just to hear her laugh
Because she’s so far from me
And I miss her so much

My older brother
He used to play games with me
When we were little
Every toy we had
We’d play all the time
We used to be thick as thieves
Shared all our secrets
We were best friends

Someday I won’t be able to do that anymore
My little brother will be too old
To swing dance to silly songs
While I spin him and dip him
Because he’s too little to try that with me
My mom won’t be around forever
And it shatters my heart
Because one day I’ll want to call her
Just to hear her laugh
Or to make fun of how short she is
Because I want her to cheer me up
And I’ll need her advice
But she won’t answer
And I’m terrified of that day

But the moments with my older brother
They have come and gone
For they were the fleeting moments
Of a childhood short lived
I grew up and so did he
We didn’t talk as much
And it hurt
I used to sit in my room and cry
Wishing we had the bug farm
Or the legos
Just wishing
Praying to a god I never thought was listening
For that closeness with my brother

Moments are fleeting
Enjoy them while you have them
Because once they are gone
You cannot have them back
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