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53 · Oct 2023
Self Gifts
Pluck Oct 2023
No one can be given a greater gift than patience.

So, give it to your self.

To have something is a kin to not wanting it,

when we assume we have time, we want something else.

What if I told you that you possess incredible powers?

You can actually make goals shrink.

You gave yourself a year to do it, but what If you tried consistently for five years?

aha, you're capable of more than you think.

Maybe that just is the obstacle in our way?

our thinking is the very process that leads to a rush.

When searching for your reservoir notice the fault traps,

for the depths under the fault is where the oil begins to gush.
53 · Feb 25
Worker Bee šŸ
Pluck Feb 25
There is a belief we canā€™t buy peace of mind but hundreds of books in, you feel as if youā€™ve bought some.

Save more wheat than youā€™re milling, you will be ready if a drought comes.

Next sacrifice things furnished to be a furnace, you shall keep the house warm.

Donā€™t assess the bee by the honey, observe the health of thy swarm.
53 · Jan 29
Jungle Growth
Pluck Jan 29
Canā€™t you see whatā€™s happening inside of my brain?

Peace is from beaches acting as bleaches removing the stains.

This lion removed all of the sides and out sprouted his mane.

Asleep on mountains of insurance covering any costs missing reassurance could claim.
53 · Feb 23
4 leaves 1 Life
Pluck Feb 23
When we stretch our hands out to God, generosity ferments within our souls.

I once looked in the mirror and saw of fraction of my potential, Iā€™ve since pushed to surpass a whole.

I searched the texts for a word that describes going beyond showing up for family, partners, and friendships.

My goal must shift, to be described by words where the reality of the generosity doesn't fit.

That will confirm on life, I have a firm grip. That I invested where It yielded most.

I guess what Iā€™m uttering is I was born to host.

For if I am truly made in Godā€™s image, shouldnā€™t I be there when the ones I love fall not knowing how theyā€™ll be landing?

To be more than they asked, thought, or imagined?

To be considered truly unique when my time is done.

For all to know, clovers can only be plucked once.
Pluck Nov 2023
If you take the square root of luck, multiply by P, what will you get from this alchemy?

Our beliefs consume us with obsessive compulsion, this one has claimed all of me.

The consistency we desire exists within our minds.

Happiness is something we conjure not something we find.

The fountain of youth is an imagined lake.

Iā€™ve become addicted to such sorcery after discovering how magic tastes.

To live a full life is to shed fear of death, to live into old age and welcome fleshā€™s end without daunt.

The joyous thing about life, and believe me when I say this, everybody gets what they want.

The caveat is you can have anything, just not everything.

When I sleep, when I imagine, when I make believe, when I pray,Ā Ā Itā€™s always the same dream.
51 · Feb 17
Sunday Evening
Pluck Feb 17
Good things, good people, are most appreciated when theyā€™re leaving.

An easy Sunday morning isnā€™t noticed until Sunday evening.

It isnā€™t until landfall that the sailor notices the path was smooth.

For those who feel under revered this should be a thought that soothes.

It may rain today, It may shine today, but the flowers sprout as the time creeps through.

Slower is the preparation of herbal infused teas but such a sweet brew.

51 · Feb 7
Pluck Feb 7
Well, such an embarrassment are the occasions when my ego grasps and glides my pen.

But I grow increasingly frustrated with confusion between those who buy eggs and those who raise hens.Ā Ā 

With a line of support, the ego immediately looks to those who doubt.

In my freshmen season, there were flashes of talent but none that should alarm the scouts.

But you see, Iā€™ve closed the gyms, Iā€™ve exhausted the film, Iā€™ve crammed & crammed for standardized tests.

If that wasnā€™t enough, Iā€™ve dramatically reduced physical labor, emphasizing recovery and rest.

The freshman has been dismissed as crazy, irrational, behind the curve, the new inferior peer.

Which is fine, long as no one should cry uncle or play victim my senior year.
51 · Nov 2023
Look what it do
Pluck Nov 2023
Internal satisfaction makes you a presentation that doesn't require zoom to show.

I like everything in my life a size too large so I have room to grow.

I dream of buying houses quickly, a life that I'll call rooms to go.

Some flowers take time, I'm a lily, please wait on the bloom to show.

She told me she didn't believe in God, a cataract to seeing eye to eye.

Now that I'm working on an empath, she understands my feelings & is willing to try.

Weird how money can change your beliefs if you believe in it too much.

All of sudden love languages morph from quality time and words of affirmation to physical touch.

The prideful and independent suddenly break their legs to welcome a crutch.

Even a hygienist can forget that last thing that should be in your mouth at night is your tooth brush.
51 · Feb 6
Help yourself
Pluck Feb 6
Is no oneĀ Ā seeing the irony that a self help industry is something a mass of people consult?

My dark statement is my attempt to shed light, nothing can promise or predict results.

Unfortunately, we donā€™t know to what degree we have free will but there is little these books will free.

True discovery and growth comes from reality, from a feedback loop epiphany.

Furthermore, to change one line in a code will not change an algorithm.

Someone who is not willing to transform their life, will not transform irrespective of how many books you give them.

last year, I read 200 books to find a myriad of people saying the same stuff.

In the end thereā€™s those looking to skip steps, and those profiting off of selling or posting such fluff.

Explore ideas rather than steps, clear your mind, shift habits drastically, then wait.

All of these books are the best sellers, if everyone is reading the same books who separates?
51 · Feb 5
Directional Love
Pluck Feb 5
Black ink covers my finger nails as i press my poor pen rugged.

A stretched dome for this poem as you deserve confident competence to complement the subject.

Advice on life that avoids a tune like judgement is always the toughest.

Altitude you must divorce, magnitude you can see casually, but direction, direction you must love It.Ā Ā 

Life is not about heights or completion, for all streaks end with an extinguished fireā€™s scorn.

All of the most valuable things in your life were not earned,Ā Ā they were simply born.

What could you do to grow more organs? What true friendship is based on your social prestige?

No, forward. The desire of forward over upward, achievement, or approval is a craving you much reach.

For anyone charging up, must come down.

And well, forgive me for sounding much to elementary, but any smile coming down is at once a frown.
51 · Sep 2023
Live More
Pluck Sep 2023
How do we know Jesse doesnā€™t live anymore?

Is reincarnation something we still explore?

What religion can describe me?

Preachers preach what Iā€™m working on like God called ahead to prescribe me.

Speculating isnā€™t racing, donā€™t be first or last.

Speed can be achieved if you perfect how you step on gas.

Thereā€™s so much obsession with the internet but Iā€™m not into that.

Favored on the books, they betting on me & Iā€™m not winning yet.

I have to make up for It, Lord knows I stepped on to many cracks.

The trades look like he was black, like Livermore back.
50 · Feb 7
Pluck Feb 7
Isolation is no friend to intimacy but to deviate you have to simultaneously love and ignore your peers.

My most difficult moment as well as biggest breakthrough was in a mirror asking ā€œhaving you done so any of these past years?ā€

Now, this is something no one likes to hear so I evaluate my own life and none else.

Proceeding to ask myself if my path looks like everyone around me, how could It be this is my true self?

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life. This is how It goes see.

There are multiple choices & if mine matches the class, I know how hard the test will be.
50 · Jan 31
Now I lay Me
Pluck Jan 31
If I die before i wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

But should the lord find an empty bay, my soul is a vessel I gave away.

For I loved my friends and family like It was always my last breathe.

Knowing life is not a fair game, this is how Iā€™ve cheated death.

Iā€™ve jam packed my will and reduced all the days I said I wouldnā€™t.

Giving all efforts in my youth, turning my head to see all perspectives I once couldnā€™t.

Not arguing with my loved ones allows me to argue with death and get the last word.

For at my funeral you all will say things Iā€™ve already heard.
50 · Feb 19
Love Subs
Pluck Feb 19
Can holding a note replace holding a hand?

Can a record catch help the fisherman forget the mistakes he made on land?

Heart broken, we turn to our talents. Consumed with pain, It seems better to be self absorbed.

Have the achievements ever helped with forgetting the ones you adored?

Promotions justify neglect, an increase in earnings helps with overlooking that which youā€™re losing.

Celebrating the purchase of new house drowns out the fact you must keep moving.

Thereā€™s a new PR, youā€™ve made partner, the shot went in, the Mercedes surely does ride smooth.

Reality would be perfect if these things really did soothe.

Truth is though, you run there because this place, these things, make you feel like enough.

For a moment it feels like the talent, the success, replaced all the love.
49 · Feb 25
Asymmetric wealth
Pluck Feb 25
Redundancy seems to invite white blood cells that accumulate into decadence.

Leading to tumors composed of debts, to empires operating with consistent deficits.

Seneca solved the dilemma, finding a vaccine that staged off all of wealthā€™s symptoms.

Banks infect their communities, a search for a borrower is a search for a victim.

Wealth when fully utilized should bring the choice of where to be, what to think, when to listen.

Often the only difference between a slave and rich man is one has decided to rent his prison.

Seneca knew It was illogical to amass resources and yet not be free.

For to have debts certainly means you have somewhere you must be.
48 · Feb 18
Tai Lung II
Pluck Feb 18
Tai Lung's desires led him to a prison constructed by his own hand.

However, there is a deeper thought, are our desires original or the product of what our setting demands?

Biologically hardwired for approval, living is not as vital to our genes as feeling that someone cares.

In a world where excessive pride repulses, is our received vanity fair?

All that Tai Lung did, he did to make his father proud, to reach what he was told he should achieve.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but what of the leaves?

They submit to the wind, float far away, land, and crumble away.

Leading an adult man to feel like a toddler for that is that last time he stumbled this way.

The origin of a villain is a shackled mind, a mind that did not discover it's own desires.

Any organic organism that is force fed sparks will soon be a dragon to breathe fire.

Forced goals + ObedienceĀ Ā = entitlement you know?

& even in this I found beauty. Do you know how hard you have to work to believe success is something you're owed?
46 · Nov 2023
On Deck & Under Center
Pluck Nov 2023
Life is a game with manufactured pressure, Itā€™s honestly not that hard.

If my best friend accepts no estate is actually real he can build a hundred yards.

Iā€™m building a rocket to ensure I have more time in the pocket.

Premature scrambles were blocking my blessings, causing me to lose the ones in my locket.

Iā€™m a bad partner when Iā€™m rushed, Iā€™m a horrible friend when I donā€™t assess.

Why choose to play harder when I can remove the circumstances causing me to press?

Sure It makes for exciting plays but how often will I deliver what they need?

A signal caller turned Wizard, my world has blossomed into a fantasy league.

No occupation will own me, soon It will just be residual cash.

Else Iā€™ll end up like them, wishing I could get the last quarter back with my best stats in the past.
46 · Apr 2023
X comes before Y
Pluck Apr 2023
Brilliance is the life between the poems, the comma between the words.

A universe isnā€™t United, thereā€™s space between the worlds.

I gave one world to her. I gave one to you.

Now I float amongst the stars not knowing what to do.

I can never see the gravity of my decisions until Iā€™m floored.

I know how to walk in & I love to walk out, no wonder Iā€™m adored.

Itā€™s true we secrete a musk when we lack the necessary space from Xā€™s.

but when you get in a luxury car be sure to appreciate the parts that made up that Lexus.

Iā€™m rich. Iā€™m single. Im brilliant.

Searching for the day, the space, any form of existence that doesnā€™t need to be resilient.

Thereā€™s nothing new in life, we simply expand on a sample.

The past is left in the past I just build on the examples.

When youā€™re alive, an EKG is bumpy, some people want your past to be so flat.

Thatā€™s like having a full resume then saying ā€œoh yes I have experience, but I wonā€™t be using any of that.ā€

The answer to every question has always been time.

on my timeline X comes before Y.
46 · Feb 25
Optimistic Madness
Pluck Feb 25
Iā€™ve begun to slip into madness.

Reminders of society bring about thoughts and stomach sensations that kind of feel like sadness.

Theyā€™re more reminders I could become sad but Itā€™s a distant yet familiar hole

Itā€™s like glancing through prison bars separately me from my soul.

However here I must remain as I chase my dreams in my self manufactured exile

The obtainment of true freedom, ironically requires one to be locked away for awhile.

Iā€™m starting to believe summiting Everest is all about grip.

Thatā€™s the thing about going to the edge of reality, you just might slip.

The suspense of impending insanity perturbs me,Ā Ā so I dive forward full force.

Freedom I preach, the path however, I do not endorse.
Pluck Feb 9
In yonder realm where clamor blends with deep reflection true,
God's hand hath fashioned balance rare, amid tasks and pains that brew.
When man, unshackled, roams the fields of thought neglected erst,
'Tis eerie to perceive his freedom from desires accursed.

To lack desire akin to holding all within one's hand,
Yet fleeting is the novelty in this wondrous land.
A war doth rage betwixt my mind and bloodline's primal urge,
As I strive to fuse my wit with nature's ancient surge.

The cravings of this mortal frame, I find them naught but vain,
The primal thirst for mating and for accolades to gain.
In modern days, productivity doth reign supreme,
Yet I yearn for a detachment from society's harsh gleam.

Psychic and spiritual realms, they oft diverge from need,
Evolution's designs, they clash with intellect's creed.
Once vital for survival's sake, these instincts now seem drear,
To thinkers of a higher plane, their essence fails to cheer
46 · Jan 26
Finally Sober
Pluck Jan 26
Accepting uncertainty made my freedom inevitable.

Releasing my desire for status knowing the only achievement is to be credible.

ā€œHe was always there, he helped me as much as he could.ā€

Squash a bug in the past & change the future, is what Iā€™m doing today what I should?

Reality is something we can use our imagination or substances to bend.

Watching my life, Iā€™m constantly chasing that drug on which I spend.

Unlimited time with family and friends pouring out through hits of my pens.

I donā€™t ever want this high to end.

Come over, come visit, letā€™s pack.

Even a job with a friend made us forget we were racing rats.

45 · Jan 27
You know? Ego!
Pluck Jan 27
The thing about all facts are theyā€™re bound to expire.

When you set a blaze your ego peace is found in the fire.

You can measure how strong a man is by how often he says ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€

An open mind is like buying shoes for a child, you must leave room to grow.

Iā€™m more intelligent than Einstein, Iā€™m breathing today.

Yet, Iā€™m cursed to be an idiot in the past, new answers will emerge as I decay.

And so the shrinking of my ego is my goal, seeking one subject where I have minimal peers.

Piling up ā€œI donā€™t knowā€ through the years, Iā€™m only one man with just one idea.
44 · Feb 17
Born to Drown
Pluck Feb 17
Tap. Tap. Do you hear that sound? moisture of life divorcing from the clouds.

Thunder silences the soul, light flashes as the mind gets loud.

Isnā€™t It ironic we feel more alive the closer we are to the ground?

Canā€™t breathe in technology? Find a sea of words and drown.

The whole point of royalty is to be born with a crown.

To become professional at getting lost is to be profound.
44 · Feb 21
Pluck Feb 21
The most contagious substance in life is an idea, true inspiration is rare to find.

Whereas a bacteria bites on the body, an idea munches on the mind.

An idea collides with your soul, invades your flesh and spreads about like a **** of lice.

Inception is a sickness, my diagnosis changed my life.

Itā€™s not that I overlook mirrors, Yet Iā€™ve become unrecognizable from thoughts consuming me.

Everyday Itā€™s there, that maybe, just maybe, I could be free.
44 · Feb 3
Pluck Feb 3
The best moments in life were the ones that unexpectedly produced smiles.

I used to struggle with faith through uncertainty, but now I love his style.

Who knows what comes with each minute but Lord knows what comes every year.

I gaze over my path to see evidence of life being an adventure everywhere.

We have a tendency to miss the impactful turns when we try to steer.

Is this because our greatest breakthroughs are usually on the other side of fear?

Nonetheless Iā€™ve decided to stop forecasting knowing my job is to simply take the next step.

Putting my hand back in the cookie jar believing the best ones are still left.
42 · Feb 9
Quiet Passions
Pluck Feb 9
The greatest intellectual gift is to find one idea to obsess over until you no longer breathe.

The problem is you canā€™t discuss that which you love most or the mind starts to bleed.

For the vast majority are focused on what society has told them they need.

Starving for results, appearance, or status when process and ideas are what you came prepared to feed.
40 · Feb 14
Realityā€™s Dreams
Pluck Feb 14
I will drag my ink across the scroll, hoping to describe how I feel.

Proximity to a dream realized may be better than the day the dream is real.

We often feel more deeply in imagination, disengaging this sense for what we can grasp.

but which is better, stretched out anticipation of a comedy show or the actual laugh?

It could be my observation is incorrect, just my fear of waking up once the dream is over.

It has been a joy to ****** into the unknown, less so as the known moves closer.

The person whoā€™s coming always seems more exuberant than the one who came.

Could It be the best scenario always exists in the brain?
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