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39 · Feb 9
Credit & Debits
Pluck Feb 9
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

Credit used for credit abused ends in the likes of how credit sued Suisse.

What does it mean to truly be free? How much time does it take to explore one's soul?

What does ownership truly mean? Can it be such if the deed to time, shelter, and transport, one does not hold?

If one must answer to another, then that makes the entire life a question.

The overwhelming irony of such a man spending the whole portion of his earnings on a section.

Deposits are becoming fluid, leaping both ways. As soon as they're cleared they come out.

How could it be a skilled baker struggles to get a crumb out?

Two hundred and fifty days are being traded in games of limbo where you're beaten down to get to the bar.

Convinced am I should we journey away from the banks, we'll go far.

For credit is the base molecule you discover in a capitalist's lungs.

These letters I can not sign nor follow for I have always been the capital one.
39 · Feb 24
Back in line
Pluck Feb 24
The hands go round & round this old clock ,until the day your hand meets mine.

Spending time in the books and the kitchen, hoping that day I can pick the right wine.

This year I made a killing, but I’m not living, cause there’s this one thing, I can’t find.

Cause I lost my spot, in the longest line.

yeah I know lost my spot, but I’m back in line,

Patiently waiting for mine.
38 · Feb 15
For your friends
Pluck Feb 15
Cloaked beneath every great person are robust friendships, until you’re rich the world ignores you.

When you’re being suffocated by doubt’s grip, they restore you.

It’s as if they had a lifeboat off of the Titanic, forgot you on board, and came back.

To my best friends, here your roses come, Jack.

The ones who sat in horse and carriage deserve to fly next to thee.

The hard part is over now, and I owe the will to keep going to the best of me.  

So if not for you, for your friends, the ones who only ask for an inch when you have a mile.

Nobody deserves to share your dream with you more than someone who just wanted to see you smile.
35 · Jun 2020
Pluck Jun 2020
Close your eyes & your mind keeps going, racing thoughts aren’t a cruising feel.
We do everything to win & feel as if we’re losing still.
I Hope everyone knows what it’s like to need It off your chest.
Every night I go to sleep but I rarely get to rest.
Pressure added on top of the pressure I put on myself.
Being labeled selfish when my energy goes to helping everyone else.
So many I love struggling, I feel guilty Every time I smile.
Quarantine? some of us been alone. some of us been wearing masks for awhile.
The type of money to help everyone I can’t make It.
My brother, my best friend don’t love me no more & I can’t take It.
My mom grieving & I cant hug her, I can’t hold her.
& if I tell her how I’m feeling that’s just another bolder.
I keep It inside because I never want to scare anyone.
Just know if it’s been hard, you’re not the only one.
33 · Jan 26
Less is more
Pluck Jan 26
The irony is that the more intelligent you become, the bus becomes shorter.

For you’ve never met a wise man who was also a hoarder.

The path to any goal is simply getting the knowledge then learning what to discard.

You see knowing what to keep is easy, It’s what to cut out that’s hard.
32 · Feb 12
It’s Monday?
Pluck Feb 12
Man exists outside of time or space, why should time dictate seas of temperament?

A grateful, fulfilled, and at peace mind begins to show symptoms of a forgetful sentiment.

I should not know what day was before me if the world was not obsessed with thee.

The only conditions that influences thou’s outlook is if thou doesn’t continue to breathe.

No woman fears labor if she feels It aligns with her birth.

Of course, I understand how dreadful a Monday can be if freedom was signed away to be cloaked on earth.
32 · Feb 16
Too Long
Pluck Feb 16
The use of cubism by Picasso introduced multiple viewpoints to enhance grading.

Any enthralling image requires light and dark areas, this is my shading.

Covered by a sad song, we seep into a bleak place where we feel we belong.

Far I’ve come but my grandmothers are gone. I feel as if I took too long.

I’ve realized past partners are projections of myself in order to understand my mind.

Is this why x is behind double you and in front of why?

Life is vices behind, like workaholism, *******, and liquor.

Then the ego introduces goal posts as the next kicker.

Checks and balances, they never told us that once you master the game

You’re terrified. To fall short while capable means there’s no one to blame.

So, I write to take weight off my shoulders, to say to you that you mustn’t always be so strong.

In this short life, we all know there are days It can feel too long.
31 · Feb 25
Scientific Atheists
Pluck Feb 25
Why are a significant amount of scientists atheists? This is something I ponder.

Now as a Christian, other Christians would ironically advise me to toss the baby with the bath water.

It’s an extraordinary question because the intelligence much of my academic heroes posses,  can’t be faked.

Yet, they seem to argue that if they can reverse engineer the recipe to your cake, this confirms your absence when It was baked.

My inquiry is not for division, quite the opposite, Jesus asked the disciples to gather the most diverse groups they could muster.

How is It that the most mathematic souls on earth are not noticing this obvious statistical cluster?

Statistically, such a distribution is nearly impossible by chance.

It seems to be more evidence that ego can’t coexist with faith, acceptance of God is a contradiction to the belief your mind is the most advance.
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