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132 · Apr 2022
Dr. Hide
Pluck Apr 2022
Life is a series of moments, & moments past.
Every moment is a decision, & the impacts of our decisions usually last.
One feels special, One feels right.
I wake up Jekyll , go to sleep Mr. Hyde
It seems life never goes without a sense of irony.
A best friend, I’m greenlit when you’re eyeing Me.
Then you’re here & it’s a different style to say.
Didn’t know It was possible to feel close to someone 900 miles away.
I think the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde didn’t even talk about the worse part.
Split personalities is bad, but two people shared one heart.
That’s the true horror story when they’re both special.
Back & Forth, Jekyll Jekyll, Hyde Hyde, Jekyll.
125 · Feb 9
Freed by Intellect
Pluck Feb 9
As I begin to pronounce in old English, the freedom I now enjoy is new.

What irony is It that to be well read was the antidote for feeling blue.

It’s my proclamation that “nothing” is always the best answer if I’m asking “what shall I do?”

True intelligence is total abandonment for need of appearing to possess anything true.

Obsession with utility leads to a total forsaking of any desire to debate.  

Desires to be perceived as right or superior are negative symptoms of the ego that freedom negates.

There’s immense time in the day, what is one to do with all thy hath?

Gym, read, write. Gym + Read + Write, what will be the sum of all thy’s math?
122 · Jan 31
Left Brain, Right Brain
Pluck Jan 31
My mind has turned novel, Jekyll on the left, Hyde on the right.

Creativity commingling with science, to create what’s right when I write.

Oh my that’s not proper? But is It art? The artist draws the line, the scientist says where.

Am I a victim? With my ideas carouselling with my education is my mind fair?

As you labor away remember the best smoothies have multiple fruits.

Yet; they made us think we had to choose one or the other during our youths.

Executive, Poet, mathematician, I can go over your head or pitch It underhand.

Science helps us understand the world but art creates a world we can understand.
122 · Feb 24
Pluck Feb 24
I knocked my insecurities off, I'm being authentic.

Futures can transform from fuzzy to fully vivid.

What would your dream mean if you decided to live it?

Is peace taken away or do you give it?

Isn't it easier to make your bed when the linen is fitted?

My corners don't hook up anymore, I'm finished.

The crime is more significant than the witness.

Remember when it was desired that no one could say "he did it"?

As long as they print it, I know they'll send it.

& I'm saving most of mine every time I get it.
117 · Dec 2023
Another 12 months
Pluck Dec 2023
Spent 2 years focused, there’s no question if I can repeat It.

Focus is something anyone can a Ford why lease It?

I’m trying to keep the victories to myself but i’m starting to secrete It.
117 · Feb 25
Pluck Feb 25
The boy thinks of the day he isn’t in Kansas anymore.

Only to learn the world is full of plenty lore.

Who tells a star which way is north?

Then came months and months of back and forth.

Ah- Ah,

The pain, became boring, when I was aching that’s when I could finally sleep.

Now I’m snoring, gone is any trace of you, I think I can finally dream.

I think I am finally clean.
115 · May 2022
A Year
Pluck May 2022
What a difference a year makes.
We should focus more on all the things time gives, not what It takes.
Memories are in the past but if you have time  they can be created again.
We take losses but we find new smiles, new passions, and new friends.
Rewind the clock 12 months, I’d find myself in Chicago with a broken heart drowning in tequila.
Time is the ultimate inspiration, time is the ultimate healer.
It’s slow when we’re in pain & fast when we hear our favorite song.
But when we fall in love with time, there’s nothing that takes too long.
I know, we’re scared to love time because it’s destined for a breakup one day.
The end gives the story meaning, isn’t that why love is so beautiful anyway?

What a difference a year makes.
111 · Apr 2022
Twenty - Seven -Teen
Pluck Apr 2022
Remember how weekends felt in 2017.  
Road trips that flew by as if we tricked the road, staring at pictures we’d already seen.
Back when three hours was to much time & 200 miles was to much space.
The people in the stands looked much different when he imagined this part of the race.
It all blends, stress, bounce castles, loud music, and stitches.
Memories feel the same whether we’re picturing the home runs or the misses.
When we’re reminiscing it’s much less about how we arrived where.
It’s more about who is here now & who was there.
Back when he was only making 80k but constant hotels felt like no expense.
look back at the memories & there’s sense when the feeling hasn’t been back since.
Seeing the news shared before i even had the chance to tweet.
Back when I didn’t appreciate where I was you were more proud than me.
I hope you’re still proud of me even It’s someone else.
I took the life I was supposed to give to you & gave It to myself.
104 · Jul 2023
Pluck Jul 2023
We are but fractions of God and so with you I feel closer to whole.

I distant the cold the closer the hold.

One hundred voices together sounds closer to him.

There's one letter in I, four letters in them.
103 · Sep 2023
Asking turned Begging
Pluck Sep 2023
You have not because you ask not, the wisdom of James four two.

Four & Two makes a fraction, half of its him; half of its you.

This seems so simple but it’s a humility step and an ego lesson.

All impactful epiphanies are on the side of questions.

Isn’t It beautiful that the best things in life are never about us?

We can have It right after we ask, embrace vulnerability, and decide to trust.

So I go beyond asking, I’ve never wanted anything as bad, it’s turned to pleading.

“Father can I have It please? I’ve been working, I’ve been pushing, I’ve been reading.”

It’s how I know I’m between the lines, I can’t see the finish but I can’t see the start either.

This means I’ve come past the turning back point, irreversible choices make life much sweeter.
102 · Dec 2023
One Day Written
Pluck Dec 2023
I am a poet who dreams of one day writing a novel.

Every attempt in my notebook to display this desire,

presents a writing ability with mere sparks, whereas poems combust into roaring fires.

I realize I can’t write my novel until I live my novel.

Since the love makes the author , the author will only accept novel worthy love.
101 · Dec 2023
Cornered & Honored
Pluck Dec 2023
Sometimes you can feel like a sloth working towards your chunk, but goonies never say die.

Absorb, transform, perform, this is the formula for any endeavor you may try.

Evolution arrives when It’s needed, when It’s time to find your passion you’ll make a natural selection.

Life has a jury of one, no evidence fabricated or real can help you fool your reflection.

Anyone who counted steps eventually stopped having to count falls.

I know some days can feel like being back in those halls, against those walls.

This strange feeling can tap into insecurities, bringing you back to a time when you were just a little tot.

But don’t forget when the tornado was coming, against the wall was the only safe spot.

I know you got a little more left.
100 · Mar 2020
Bored & wanting Steak
Pluck Mar 2020
Music was a voice. Therapy was support. Judgement was never court.
All natural, Presence was the only force.
Cuts heeled. Promises were real & doubt couldn’t be heard anymore.
Just like limbo, it’s so easy when the bar is far from the floor.
She felt adored.
She was pencil & when the pencil slipped, he was eraser.
Every time a path to growth showed up He would race her.
No one understood, he was a translator.
She used to never be a priority, he would get with friends later.
A lifetime was squeezed in less than a year.
one day he disappeared.
but left so much food for thought there.
Only a short time is needed to make a steak rare.
99 · Nov 2023
Answer Riddles
Pluck Nov 2023
Questions are just endings under hooks.

The answer being our addictions are our ends, and so I shall perish in my books.

Ancient scribes detailing the dark arts, who doesn’t like a puzzle?

The world has convinced people they’ll be treated if they put on their own muzzle.

I declare the bark as useless, the bite gets the point across.

Humor me, what great win ever came before a loss?

More importantly why is more focus put on the get to rather than get through?

When do you enjoy the food most? When you swallow or when you chew?

Never mind, I concern myself not with the education of the masses, I’m obsessed with these dark forces with which I fiddle.

Created by an author I’ve not known, I am the answer to Tom’s riddle.
98 · Jan 29
Actual Decade
Pluck Jan 29
You’re not perfect but you’re as close as your bloodline is currently.

Unfortunately you exist in a world that has forgotten clout isn’t currency.

Fear not, 30-40, the decade where all facades fade, it’s essential to know what self love takes.

Fragile egos will drop & float like leaves awaiting to collide with rakes.

The heat is coming and not all dishes flourish when they’re baked.

90’s babies, headed to the part of life where some things can’t be faked.
97 · Feb 2020
Pluck Feb 2020
If you know my story how could not believe in God?
Everything about my background says I should be a statistic on the chart.
Can’t help everyone but I help as many as I can.
Being an adult gives me anxiety because I never thought I’d live to be a man.
So many things I don’t understand, when I meet him I can’t wait ask.
Never been a robber but everyday I leave my house I wear a mask.
I’ll show you how I got them but I do not value the materials we all stack.
Except my phones, it’s so many people I can’t call back.
97 · Sep 2023
Via Negativa
Pluck Sep 2023
I’m repulsed by a life of being on time, that’s not something to be.

I know thanks to gravity you’ll one day see the time on me.

We’ve left schools but timelines have us competing still.

One comparison leads to the next, there’s always someone ahead so hence you’re completely still.

The present demands 100% of you or It will find someone else to consume.

In my isolation people always ask me “when will regular life resume?”

They miss the point, we manage focus not time.

They hustle to get through their line, I remove things and people from mine.

The things in your life considered important should only take one sentence to read.

We don’t get time by accomplishing more, just cut out everything you don’t need.
96 · Sep 2023
5pm Sunday
Pluck Sep 2023
Is watching a storm peaceful?

Could It be those with horns are straightforward and honest while the angels are deceitful?

Roads turned horizontal give Glimpses of what the other side may equal.

Everyday is a Sunday evening, and Sunday is a Saturday sequel.

That’s true freedom.
94 · Aug 2023
Skilled Luck
Pluck Aug 2023
Luck is making the choice to stand in front of chance.

The mind can not see its own advance.

What does this mean?

The bird couldn’t imagine wings.

Still, there they are and the sky is the limit.

There’s only two steps to dreams, first to ask the universe, next believe It will give It.

Skill and luck are so hard to separate but what marriage isn’t?

Probabilities become exponential the longer that we’re living.

Life is less about what you do, more about what you do with what you’re given.

How you handle losses is more important than the winning.
92 · Apr 2022
Pluck Apr 2022
I paint my canvas with my eyes closed, envisioning you.
The perfect stencil, a flawless inspiration there is no revision to.
A smile bright as the desert, an attraction like the Grand Canyon.
They say when you sky dive you can’t believe you were so scared when you finally land.
I have this paint 30 thousand miles up, I’m inspired & I’m shaking.
Still I paint the sky red like the 6:30pm photos all the tourists are taking.
You come home to see Arizona, when I look at you I see Arizona.
This is home to some of the most beautiful flowers & when I hug you I smell that aroma.
I just got promoted but this is the most alive I’ve felt this year.
Who knew this is what they meant when they said I’d melt out here.
91 · Apr 2022
Less Tugs
Pluck Apr 2022
Fishers understand the water is thinner than the sky when they finally look up.
I’m not fishing, I’m the bait that put my hooks up.
It’s not that I’m impatient or that I couldn’t wait.
It’s actually the opposite, I wasted to much time at the lake.
I keep myself fed just in case one swims by that may catch my eye.
But this one I was so proud of so I ate my pride.
I feel like we have all taken a boat down that same double lapped route.
It’s like being disciplined in the casino all day but the one time you gamble you still crap out.
I know that’s how my best friend feels, she’s tired of being disturbed by every long John silver.
But life is about balance, there’s a grateful Reciever for every generous giver.
I know that’s easier said when your stomach is growling & you’re fishing for relief.
but catching what you need is much better than a constant catch & release.
88 · Nov 2023
Supposed To Be
Pluck Nov 2023
Progress is a compass, Identifying location.

The two most important days in our lives are when we are born and when we find our vocation.

It's no surprise you'll feel lucky sleeping in clovers.

Time should be like money, completely spent on what we wanted when it's over.

Where you're standing, do the butterflies circle you like you're part of the flutter?

There comes a day when our passions pass through our souls with such smooth grace like butter.

I would argue that where there is sustained struggle there is misplacement.

The best passions absorb us in a time freezing, effortless encasement.

That was me today, I put my wand down with no recollection of what I'd just done.  

So I wrote this for the chance I could help someone.

I had a feeling that I belong.

I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone.
87 · Dec 2019
Laguna Beach
Pluck Dec 2019
Haven’t written, I’ve lacked inspiration.
So much red pen & forced erasing.
We never out grow bad grades. We never outgrow mistakes.
& only thieves are happy because happiness is something you have to take.
Usually planted alone because photos, sins, and this don’t help me grow.
No one’s perfect, yet I’m obsessed with being close.
& what ever that space is will keep people close to me.
Long after I’m gone they’ll still choose me because of who I chose to be.
87 · Jul 2023
Good Luck Young Woman
Pluck Jul 2023
Now I'm not the one for the past but when these lines rush back downhill, you can't run.

The first time you're in California you remember three things, the ocean, the person, and the faint sun.

When we crash land on our pillows we can only puff up our feathers hoping to mate again like the doves do.

Even though it won't be my hand, I hope you find somebody that loves you.

That smile should be there even if I can't see it.

Less disappointed in the down more disappointed I couldn't knee it.

Breakups are the only time a goodbye shouldn't mean see you later.

I'm healed, you just taught me tears and thoughts leave beautiful marks on paper.

In case you may need it, Good luck young woman

we really, we really had something.
85 · Nov 2023
Impending Darkness
Pluck Nov 2023
A darkness approaches, candles made of desires fade into the obscurity one by one.

There is a thin line between healing and creating a monster, what do you get when your insecurities are undone?

How do you think you’d feel?

Be careful what you imagine for the mind possesses a proclivity to manifest them real.

In my darkest hour I studied my heroes, but summoned a monster to save me.

Stumbling over my steps, I did not calculate the price of the stability he gave me.

There was horrific power in men who’ve died, most escaped life having cloaked It.

A darkness approaches, and I send my apologies,  for I myself, provoked It.
85 · Nov 2023
More of nothing
Pluck Nov 2023
The space between the notes makes the music, the ball in the air is the ****** of a clutch moment.

The thing about a moment is you can’t both be in It and try to own It.

So that is my goal for 2024, to fight my human urge, to know it’s futile to stare at the clock.

See that’s where we get It from, anything with two hands doesn’t ever want to stop.

As It will always go on, I wish to do nothing knowing law says I must flow on the same river.

Now that I’ve gotten over myself, I finally understand time is the only owner and giver.

Greatness is something a busy man asks for but it’s something patience demands.

The death of curiosity and creativity always comes from those making plans.  

Here’s to spending my questions but saving my time.

Trusting I’ve plucked enough grapes to one day drink my wine.

Or, I sure hope I’ve learned to get over myself…
84 · Nov 2023
3 or 4 Drinks
Pluck Nov 2023
I wanted to see if I could properly express my thoughts through literature while intoxicated.

What if our lives are just homes we are cursed to spend our existence renovating?

A curse can be beautiful, I’ve pulled up the hardwood and laid down smooth marble throughout.

Happy to rid myself of that disastrous foundation, crumbling with termites munching throughout.

The walls come down, this is now an open space.

Successful renovations are determined by knowing what to fix and what to replace.

In with the old, out with the new, I order my habits once more.

More hard wood results with tears on the hard wood, I can’t be surprised im floored.
83 · Jan 18
Got my letter?
Pluck Jan 18
For a piece of me, is a peace of mind.

When luck is what you find.

I hope you’ll add a P sometimes.
83 · Dec 2023
21st Century
Pluck Dec 2023
Hocus Pocus,

I’m super focused.

Globalization + a declining reserve currency? This time was meant to be mine.

Knowledge & magic intertwined, I'm like Seneca  & Michael Marcus in their prime.

Please don’t reach out to me.

Think too much Harry Potter got to me.

Trading too ease, I’m plucking them out by the 3’s.

I always felt like just 5 days was disrespectful to the beach.

Freedom shouldn't feel like something we have to sneak.

You get what I mean?

There’s no I, but I’m pretty sure I can put the M behind my team and….
83 · Oct 2023
Enjoy The Ride
Pluck Oct 2023
Memories are just blinks you can reuse & we spend more time experiencing paths than views.

We were fooled, the peak is no more beautiful than the dirt beneath our shoes.

It’s existence that’s beautiful, not the conditions of that existence.

A quest to change my reality made me notice false realities and launched my resistance.

If the path is most of life, why do we complain when It seems longer?

The 3 mile hike, the sitting and photos at the top, which made you stronger?
83 · Jan 13
One Want
Pluck Jan 13
What is a dream other than a moment we hope to hold?

I find myself obsessing as the winds shift from hot, to warm, and back cold.

Leaves fall, I rise and rise, ignoring seasons.

A list that was once extensive has been reduced to one reason.

A fire burning for one desire.

A vehicle built for the distance has the ability to finish on one tire.

Threads get weak, and the rubber gets so thin.

However I’ve noticed pressure tends to come from within.

A finish isn’t satisfying without the terrain you’ve made It through.

I may love my dream, but my dear process, It was all for you.
82 · Dec 2023
Lost & Found
Pluck Dec 2023
How do I know when I’ve reached my mind?

Such intelligence is not something you build but a substance you find.

Enlightenment is found on a retreat from sustained ignorance and conformity.

No separation can be made on a common path followed for such a path is taken normally.

How do I know when I’ve had my day?

Acceptance of uncertainty, to surf is to be constantly prepared, should this be my wave.

Gravity is the same irrespective of perception, views created by man attach balloons to the grounded.

The day you look like you’ve lost your mind to the masses, you’ve finally found It.
81 · Apr 2023
Stolen Time
Pluck Apr 2023
I’ve turned left so many times, It has to eventually go as planned, right?

I’ve been working to bridge the relationship between my imagination and the eyes.

Removing words from my vocabulary. Ones like can’t, wouldn’t, and nope.

When they can’t see the dream I’m told it’s scope.

I want someone to give the world and share a space.

Dating me is like being given the combination to a safe.

Are you the type to hang your head or chase the rebound after a block?

I realized the game was rigged and stole the clock.
80 · Dec 2023
2x ABC’s
Pluck Dec 2023
I waited my turn, didn’t ever get jealous.

I’m bald, I hope you don’t notice the swelling.

If the stock go down, you know that I’m selling.

Poet turned wizard, I doubled my spelling.

& I’m not worried bout a crash or It snapping

Cause Plucky gone be short when It happen.

Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future, everybody numbers up.

Best friend a world champion, I’m a wizard aka the runner up.
79 · Jun 2022
Miles Away
Pluck Jun 2022
Goals are great destinations but there are so many great places and people in between.
Isn’t that the bitter sweet part about chasing our dreams?
We have to say bye to places and people to say hi to new ones.
I pray that when it’s all said & done I can look back & feel like I’ve truly won.
Life is a race where we don’t get to pick the finish line.
Same as you, I just hope I’ve chosen the right people and place when I finish mine.
I never want people that miss me to feel like It doesn’t make me cry too.
The only negative to chasing our dreams are the people we have to say bye to.  
They say you can’t eat your cake if you make It.
I just wish I could share It with every person I love when I bake It.
77 · Dec 2023
30 for 30
Pluck Dec 2023
When you pause on a mountain there’s a vast path to the peak, to turn back isn’t short either.

Distance will not depend on earthly metrics but rather if the mind is one of an achiever.

To quit may be quick but life is long when you sell yourself short.

Life is not a game but It is the ultimate sport.  

you see we’re aging, people are getting married, having sons and daughters.

Some people hate this but the best parts of any sport are the 3rd and 4th quarters.

I made It this far off of effort & a good coach, at long last, I know the rules.

If your life was a 30 for 30, would It be a bland cookie cutter path or would there be an actual jewel?

I’ve realized the end of an earthly life isn’t the fear, we fear what we will be thinking when we die.

I don’t know about you, but I’m terrified to arrive there knowing I didn’t try.

When your time is free, what do you do with It? These birthdays feel like timeouts but the clock is still ticking.

Dreams unrealized are the only things we should be concerned with missing.
76 · Nov 2023
So What?
Pluck Nov 2023
Me increasing my life insurance is acceptance of focusing on only what I can control.

I prepared for life as hard as possible by pouring a max of three scoops of cereal in my bowl.

The repetition ingrains into the brain, a captain expects the crunch.

Thus I feel superior, those stressing and ranting about random waves under the boat are an exhausting bunch.

They are the majority so this is just my opinion, it’s not a fact, it’s just a hunch.

One shouldn’t find where to fit in, sit down and see who end ups coming along with the lunch.

Don’t give me theories and instructions, give me randomness and luck.

The ability to imagine his environment is the only difference between the man and the duck.
76 · Mar 2020
Pluck Mar 2020
I don’t take any of It for granted, not one minute.
Not even the days It seemed like the food came w/roaches in It.
I just got this, how is It already bad?
We put things down & forget what we had.
Don’t let It go over your head.
But if it’s not supposed to why do they call It under stand?
Glass half full. Lemons to lemonade. At least I’m not at the back of the line.
Never noticed those who turned their back because I was behind them the whole time.
If no one ever broke It, we’d hand It over wrapped with a ribbon.
Just to say thanks for giving.
& when my head doesn’t work, thanks for forgiving.
The days we wish we weren’t here, love feels like thanks for living.
73 · Sep 2023
United Verse
Pluck Sep 2023
The universe is an endless menu where very few order what their hearts desire.

You have to get close to the source, current transducers measure by touching the wire.

No narcotics are needed to get the jolt.

If it’s not a law of physics, it’s made up and you can choose to revolt.

Why seek truth? Believe in utility.

My dreams coming true is less about my abilities and more about my ability,

To believe the finish line is my destination, that her hand is mine.

The universe only serves those who get in line, then leave the line, because we choose our time.
72 · Dec 2023
My Infinity
Pluck Dec 2023
If when we die we leave earth indefinitely, we’ve been given our own forever.

For the loss of breath is the gift of the inability to dislocate all the things we worked to put together.

Our efforts will be etched into the nickel and become ours for all time.

The inability to see time pass is equivalent to It stopping, my forever, I am obsessed with mine.

Even some efforts extend beyond our moments, what admiration I have for those who invented the sail.

Here is the wind, we can’t see or control It, as It comes we shall harvest that, we can prevail.

Isn’t that life? The luck will come and go, I must fully harness a way to make such a force my slave.

Fulfillment and peace, the only two things God will allow us to bring to our grave.

Uncertainty is my friend, money is something they print, when I list all the blessings God continues to send,

I see reality is something he meant for me to bend.
72 · Jun 2022
Lost Dreams
Pluck Jun 2022
Nightmares are just dreams we’ve lost.
Paranoia is the side effect of us being told happiness has a cost.
So the bad feels comfortable & what feels right scares.
You’re a dream & lost dreams are nightmares.
We close our ears to the sounds, pull away from the touch.
I could stay in this sauna for hours, & not sweat as much.
As much as when you’re around.
Embarrassed I go to a forest, they say things that fall there don’t make a sound.
When we’re grown there aren’t any night lights and Teddy bears.
& even though I’m scared I still choose to dream nightmares.
71 · Dec 2023
Cook Book
Pluck Dec 2023
Life is a time where you truly only need one chef in the kitchen.

The real chefs conjure with what they have, spending no time on what’s missing.

Imagine your kitchen, what would you make if you had the ability to improvise like Ramsey?

So why do you pray with doubt, surely God can make your dreams with what you have can’t he?

The pessimist sees a pigeon where the optimist sees a dove.

Pick up those pots, heat up that oven, and grab some gloves.

I see friends in the pantry, breathe, youth, and all that love.

Your glass is  half full with those ingredients? You have enough.
70 · Dec 2023
Dreams to Identities
Pluck Dec 2023
Your career is what you do, It is not who you are.

If we’re just measuring light then every human being can say they’re a star.

How will the universe help us when we put our dreams on a wanted sign, selling out to see our imaginations come to life?

What if life is meaningless, just a canvas where our paint gives meaning to life?

The point of life is to end, but we’ve found a way to make significance of the path to non existence.

Creativity and self expression is more than a desire for autonomy, It’s a resistance.

A refusal to accept the insignificance, big dreams help us to forget that we’re all so small.

Our brains respond to our sensory inputs, we don’t live life but rather we live whatever software we choose to install.

I know God is in control but between you and me.

I was kinda hoping I could be….
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