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Oct 2018 · 355
Love story.02
As Authored By Phyll.

( *Content;-
this is where the boy child's Bushy drama now to know more...haha)


Me: Sorry Ma' but that's what many know me as.
       Well i do. Phyll is my English name then.

Her: Phyll...(smiling) What a nice name you have.
       I envy you. Please don't mistake me for others.
       Am a high class lady so you shouldn't expect
       me to pronounce all that. I like it SHORT
       and SWEET just like it is; PHYLL!

Me: Thank you Ma' and am Sorry for challenging
       you with my Tribe and family name.(smiling)

Her: It's ok Phyll,I was born and raised in the city.
        So i wouldn't manage to say it. So tell me
       Phyll, What do you do for a living?

She told me about her birth place as a trap so i could tell her i sad neen raised in the rural area.

Me: I work as a job seeker Ma' (trying to be smart)

Her: So you work with a bureau or you post the
        Jobs online?

Me: Noo! What i meant is that i have no job Ma'.

Her: Huh! You really are funny Phyll. Couldn't
        You just answer that to me directly.huh!

(as she keenly looked at me head to toe and up again)

This lady smiled after having looked at me for quite some time; 3+ minutes. She almost forgot that she was driving. Thank heavens that we were driving in the interior zone where cars weren't passing so often. Definitely she was wondering where i might have picked those colour blocking mtumba clads i was wearing plus the extremely ***** kavunja shoes.)

Her: Do you need a job?
Me: Yes! Yes! Sure Ma' i really need a job.

Her: Could you work for me, at home that is?

Me: Yes Ma' i can.

Her: Okay. Consider yourself employed from now
        On Phyll. You'll be working for me at my
        Compound. You don't have to tell me that
         you were raised up country for i already
        Know. Haha. My compound is yours Phyll!
        Btw where do you stay and with whom?

Me: Thank you so much Ma' May the heavens
      Grant you favour upon the eyes of me...

(as i turned to face her with so much joy in my heart having toiled for two years with no success this was a golden opportunity right before me)

Her: Phyll! Phyll! Phyll! Pleeease! Cut the drama
        Its nothing much for You to turn heads over

Me: you can't understand Ma'. Well, I live Alone
       in Kanungaka-behind the famous busaa
       Madiaba pub.

Her: What! That place...Jeeez! I don't want you
        Far Off the compound and so i will give you
       a room in my home where you'll be staying.
       Btw don't worry about the households for the
       Room is fully furnished with everything in.

Having been raised in a matope house which would always shake when the winds were strong and no electricity, i saw this as a blessing which had come my way. And the fact that i had nothing under my name expect my examination results i didn't bother going back to my former hood where I'd always lay my body down after having paid visit to more than 15 offices and met all kinds of receptions some of who were beautiful but arrogant while others were warthog like facially but dove like at heart.

We directly went over to her place and i was shown my new Chamber- it was a spacious room inside her mega massionate. To me; a bush boy-this house and everything in it were heaven on earth and i was astonished beyond words and the only thing that came from my mouth was; wawawawa!!Mamayoo...,(Shocked) but to her; the cool kid from the city- it was normally to stay there.

Her: So Phyll, this will be your room from now
       Onwards. You have all you need there. I'll be
       In my room just next door incase you need
       Anything do feel free to come by and ask,Ok.

Me: 'nitaambia nini watu?'

Her: Phyyyyylllll!! C'mon am talking to you.

Me: Oh! Am Really Sorry Ma' i didn't hear you.

Her: I just realized that you've been wordless since
         We got here. Please this is where you'll be
         Working from tomorrow onwards and also
         Staying so you better start getting used to
         All that's new to you around this place, Ok?

Me: .....

(looking at the chandelier hang on the
       roof top with different lighting bulbs shining)

Her: Pushed me and laughed out loudly; haha...
       Go on at take a shower Phyll. Am gone to
       prepare dinner.come down ones you're done refreshing.
       (as she walks away headed downstairs)

◼◼◼Continues in Ep3

Episode two
Oct 2018 · 299
love story.
As Authored By Phyll

( Content;- this is based on a true story about a poor learned guy who finds himself gardening two farms(land and boss-if you know you know haha)and he ends up... Read all episodes to know more on what boy Child is capable of ...
An episodes produced story
Oct 2018 · 331
i don't love you;I LOVE YOU
Title          : i don't love you,
                         I LOVE YOU!
Poet          : Phyll
Genre       : Love/Confession/
Year          : 2018
P/Sw No. : Unlimited Edition

I don't love you,I LOVE YOU!
As Authored By Phyll

Triciah Babe,
Sorry but i can't do this any longer.
I can't live with this guilt inside me,
So today i choose to confess to you,
Hope you'll find it easy in your heart to forgive me for having lied to you all this while.
It's today i choose to tell you that;
I don't love you!

All this while,
I've lived to think that i loved you.
But with what you've shown me,
I just can't continue to love you
You don't deserve to settle for less,
For you are an angel.
And angels like you,
Don't deserve to be half loved.

Forgive me for what am about to tell you next,
I just can't hide it any more,
And since you're far I'll text.
How i hope you'll not judge,
For you are my choco fudge.
Just so you know,
I can feel it deep inside my heart,
It's so huge and real.
I think the cage in my heart isn't big enough to accommodate it,
But some I'll paste into actions,
So that none goes to waste and am sure you'll love the taste.

Sorry for loving you,
Which was half love for sure,
Like the size of a calf.
But Instead,
I should have LOVED you,
Which is so full,
But i was a fool.

And so from today;
My moonlight in the dark you'll be.
It's no longer a secret,
Cause i want to say;
I LOVE YOU Triciah.

Much more than a love song,
You are the lace that ties me,
For am the shoe.
Without your heart my love,
I'm nothing much more than a sad song.

I see a brighter future for us,
projected deep in your eyes, whenever i look into your eyes,
Come on now and follow my lead,
And let's cover our love with a lid,
And save it for our future kid.

Any girl like you deserves a gentle man.
So be my Queen,
But sorry,
I won't be your King,
But your servants for life,
I wish to be,
For i want to always do you right,
Just for our love to remain tight,
And cuddle every night,
After a pillow fight.

Triciah my love,
I can't deny the fact that,
You're more than a dream come true,
For i never thought I'd be right for you,
But you've proven that together we can fly high than a kite,
And see our haters in the size of a mite.

Without you babe,
I Phyll feel broke.
No doubt that I'm half,
Cause I'm incomplete without you.
But with you sweetie,
I'm fully whole,
Much more than the whole milk.
Full without even a single hole,
For haters to plunge a pole.

Without you my Cadbury,
I'm torn,
And aggressive than the storm.

I just can't compare you,
Not to anything in this world.
You are priceless sweetheart,
Not even diamond nor gold,
Can compare,
To how worthy you really are.

I have a wish to make;
I want to wake up every morning to your sweet face my Queen.
So please,
Be my better half,
And forever you I'll have,
Always by my side,
For i want you,
And only you Triciah.

Mob love baby love

Let the feeling flow
I sent her a text,
Told her that she was ****.
We met and had ***,
Now i consider her my Ex.
Finding a real lover is one of the best things in life but not easy.
Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts.

Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face.
*Sick and tired of fakers.
Stay real in our deal or I'll **** with zero chill.*
Jul 2018 · 338
Phyll Fever (dedication)
This is the Phyll challenge,
More of a fever,
So usishangae ukianza kushiver,
Session ikianza.
A special being ever created,
Sijui nimwite philosophicated,
Juu his ideas are never complicated,
To all he does he's dedicated,
Some may say he has Ego,
But I call it class.
Hata Mimi nilimpata kibahati tu,
Hata ukue stranger atakuskiza tu,
Haijalishi kama uko na issues one or two,
He will always help you too,
In his heart dwells the sweetest stories,
The most intensive secrets,
With him life feels like a series,
Na Niko serious.
No one gets bored by his side,
Unless you have your own issues aside,
Put that aside,
And you will see his good side,
No need to hide.
Having you makes me glad.
Am talking about you...yes you...
Phyll Spoken Arts.

©by Poetess Nyambura
Just me but by her
Jul 2018 · 317
Phyll-O-Phobia (Love)
Title          : Phyll-O-Phobia
Poet          : Phyll Spoken Arts
Genre       : Life/Love/Hurt/Fear
P/SwNO. : 301
Year          : 2018

( Content;- after getting hurt once and then the same hurt happens to you again,but with another person whom we thought would never break our heart again,we often tend to take caution and acquire this fear of getting too attached to anyone.)


I would really love...
Love to take the risk,
Of the thing that crushed me.
Not once nor twice;
But uncountable time.

But I fear...

I fear,
That one day,
You won't be there anymore.
Neither will your comfort be there,
Probably you will have gone o...
Off to do something;
Valuable with your life.


That you got sick and tired,
Of the sickly and "real" US.

I fear,
That I won't be ab...
Able to handle the Phyllin...
Feeling of letting you go.

Watching you walk out,
After the journey;
Of having to know you.  

BTW Phyyyylllll...

What will happen;
To the memories that shared?

I fear,  
That one day,  
You might forget me.

I fear,
That I might be made to do the wo...
The worst i have ever done;
Which is to get over you Phyll!

Imagine me,
Leaving without knowing;
That memories fade in time.
Then we start to fade,
And the US we were,
Now starts to pass.

I fear,
That I might love yo...
Love you too much Phyll!

That I'll not want to let you go,
Even when the time for US to part ways comes,
That particular time;
For you to let me go.

You'll release me;
Off in the air like a balloon,
Which you'll never need back.

That's why;
I fear,
Getting so attached.
Not only with you Phyll,
But anyone who dares mention the name Love into my ears.

Though i know,
That the feeling is mutual.
Dare you not remind me,

I fear falling for you because...

I love you but...
Jul 2018 · 270
Enjoy Your Li(-F)e ( love )
Title         : ENJOY YOUR LI(-F)E
Poet         : Phyll
Genre      : Life/Love/deception
Year         : 2018
P/SwNo. : 302

( Content;- everyone wantsto be happy with another person who will be a soulmate,but we often fall for the wrong people before we finally meet our real mates. And that's how we learn to appreciate and care for what's genuine to us.)


I'm sitting here,
And you're all that's on my mind.
Can't you just be gone already?
I'm sick and tired,
Of your presence.
Why do you always creep over me? Even while i sleep

Can't i get you out of my head?
I tend to think about other g...
Other goals and things,
But i always seem to get back;
To you.

Why do you have to still love me?

Couldn't you just let me go?
Especially now,
That i am just your friend.
With all the lies you've fed my ears,
That's the least i want to be now;
Your friend!

Just get over me already.
It's strange,
How i see the real person now.
And for a fact,
I don't long to see you...
Half as much now.

This has been hard for me,
To see and accept.
But i think i am alright,
And if I'm not now I'll be later.

All i wish for now is;
Just leave me alone.
Go away live your life
Enjoy your li(-f)e

I don't need you anymore!
My heart has just realized,
What my mind knew all along;
I don't need you.


Enjoy your li(-f)e

No more crocodile tears❎❎
Jul 2018 · 799
Dating Today( Love )
Name     : Dating Today
Poet        : Phyll
Genre     : Love/sacrificing
Year         : 2018
P/SwNo. : 305

( Content;- so lately everyone hase been complain about their partner doing AbCd and it's like we are almost giving up on them but have you ever reconsidered looking back to where you official originated from? Haha...  Enjoy)

As authored By Phyll

Dating Today,
Its all about who cares most but shows it less,
Its all about confusing each others minds;
Using simple media such as what'sapp,
facebook and telegram,
Its all about feeling pain because the other party didnt reply to my text quick,
Didn't send a friend request
Didn't  like a simple pic i uploaded,
Its all about really wanting to speak to someone but delaying a reply for more days so as u wouldnt be seen as the easy one...


Oh my!

Dating today,
It's all about;
'I am afraid to send the first text because this will make me seem weak,'
Its all about;
'Yeah i'll hang out with you,


I cant let go of my phone.'

It's all about;
'I can't date a person who tags me in all their pics',
Just because they want to make you a part of their life,
Its all about really liking someone, But
Not making the first move!
Jus because that makes u uncool.


You may...

Call me old fashion,
But I like the early dating,
The ones our folks used to have,
The ones in which papers flew,
Cause phones didnt exist in convos,
And if at all they existed,
They were put aside.


There was nothing more important in a relationship,
Than communication!

After all phones were only for the rich or rather phones were treasures of those days if i may put it so.

The kind of relationship which lasted,
For more than 100 years.
Made jaws drop!




'I love you'


'I have you'

Still wondering as to how a relationship can last that long!

If i was asked today;

Which couple do you like most?

I would look back,
And say;
My grandparent's relationship at the most!

I know you're about to ask me;

But Phyll,
Why them?

I'll answer even before you ask.

This is because;
At the rate they were when i first met them as a grown up,
That is to say;

They are defeating the world of dating today!

How many times do you think your grandparents did quarrel before having their first born?
Yet they defeated that an still made a lee way for you to exist in this universe...

My friend


Sue me if you want
So long as i feed you the truth,


When you fight,
Just see that as a flight.
Hold on tight,
Then let the future be bright.
For that's your Right!
It's so so sweet when the right one is found
Jul 2018 · 1.0k
Title          : SHE'S BEAUTY
                        TO MY EYES
Poet          : Phyll
Genre       : Love/hurt/decision
P/Sw no. : 293
Year          : 2018

      As Authored By Phyll

I searched for meaning of love in your teary eyes,
I looked for peace in your laughter,
Dug for pleasure in your centre,
Your words burned flames of passion in my innocent soul,

As your tender nails did my back,
But they didn't reach deep enough,
I didn't know what i exactly needed from you.
But with you,
And besides you,
I Phyll felt closer to getting it.

After a long loving season,
Things began to change,
From lasting to Lusting.
I never cared cause all i saw was you babe.

Now I've lost all touch,
My a million calls unrecieved,
Plans unfulfiled,
Messages unreplied to,
Blue ticks decorating my app...
Really babe!
Do you really have to be this way?

I Phyll i feel incomplete,
With my eyes wet,
Tears threatening to spill,
I Phyll for ages had longed for US,
But not i feel It's a pass.

Once my heart which was full,
Now it's considered wreaked.
Just cause you left without saying goodbye.

For once lady,
Please allow me...
Allow me to question you and your crocodile tears.
Do you think of me as devil who lacks mercy?
Do you see me so cruel and unforgiving?
Do you think I'd run you over for what you did to my heart?

If only you knew...
The love!
How much i loved you,
You'd be right here with me.
If only you knew...
The power!
Tge power i did put wgen i found you torn apart with a heart crushed into powder you'd do me right.
If only you knew...
The strength!
The amount of streng i did invest in US even when everyone else was against US succeeding and having a brighter future ahead with two lovely kids you'd appreciate my efforts.

If only you knew the impact...
That you have over me!
I'd run to you even if you betrayed me a million times.
I'd melt in your arms even without an apology coming from you.

Not for your beauty,
I said but,
Because it's you;
The real you,
The inner you.

Not only do i Phyll feel my body,
But i feel my soul too fell in love with you.
If only you could come back..
To mend my broken beyond repair heart;
That is.

But its too late for that!
You an sob all you want?
Remember the famous saying;
What you do to others...
Haha ...

So sorry lady.

One promise I've made to Phyll;
my love,
I mean LOVE .
Yes the same one,
The true love i had for you,
It will never come back to you.

I'Ve left you behind,
Just like i do to my shade.
Not cause i hate it nor you,
But cause you're of no value.
I deserve real in my reality,
Just as i love in my love life.

You were beauty to my
But not anymore.

Beauty dwells deep inside.
Jul 2018 · 2.4k
Title        : Beauty Within Beauty
Poet        : Phyll
Genre     : Love/Beauty/flaws
Year        : 2018
P/Swno. : 260

    As Authored By Phyll

You stand so bold,
And so sleek.
You have this Beaut...
And chocolate complexion.

Your smooth,
Chocolate skin...
So smooth.
So soft.
So silky.
So sweet...
So sweet like a piece of candy.

When I try and speak,
My words get so mashed up.
I end up not saying anything!
You give me this sense of urge...
Urgency to be the best...
The best person I can be.

You have this beauty about you,
That i can't go a day without.
I have this chronic disease,
The doctor called it ATAY;
Always Thinking About You!

Even though you are already mine,
You have this beauty about you...
You make me feel warm and safe.
Your beauty is mor...
More than just beauty!
Your beauty is a thing I call;
.B..L..A..C..K. .B..E..A..U..T..Y.

Never fall;
For anyone else!
They'll just hurt you in the end.
Trust me cause for them,
As easy as it was to get you
It'll be even easier to replace you.

Believe me when i tell you;
Is not your ideal beauty.
Your beauty,
Is the way you carry yourself;
In this high esteemed way.
That I don't care,
About what you say or do wrong.
Cause to me,
It's what your beauty entails.

The way you make words sound;
So smooth and so good.
You give me this sense;
Sense of protection and comfort.
Whenever we hug,
To me the world is just for two;
Just me and you!

When we make eye contact,
And our eyes lock;
I can feel what you feel,
You feel what I feel?
But I can't say how I feel,
With my words.
We can't say a thing,
This connection is wordless...
I just can't explain,
I just don't know why.

I want to get to know you,
More than I know myself.
Despite the fact that I'm a gent,
You make me feel beautifu...

I felt a certain way for you,
Ever since I first met you...
I don't doubt you feel the same,
Ever since I first saw you.
Just never had the courage to say anything,
But i am now your beholder.

Portrays it all.
That's why,
I not only like you,
But i love everything about you!
Feel Special my
.B..L..A..C..K. .B..E..A..U..T..Y.

Black lives matter.
The darker the berry the sweeter the juice
The Encounter vol.1- By Phyll

(two campus students meet for the first time.the male is so active and social.he tends to keep the conversation spiced by fluttering the lady.the lady is also fun to have around since she's not only beautiful but also classy.)

Phyll; "You're super cute. What's your name?"

Her; *Laughs "Oh thank you. It's Shivanny."

Phyll; "Have you had this affect on everyone today or just me?"

Her; Laughs "Just you."

Phyll; "I don't believe you. I think you get dressed up every day to see how many random strangers you can meet. You're that random stranger meeter I heard about on the news. The one that keeps stopping all the guys at MMU from getting to their classes."

Her; Laughs again "Oh my god, who are you?"

Phyll; "I'm Phyll, good to meet you."

(we shake hands)

Phyll; "So, how do you like attending school here?"

Her; "It's cool. The people here are nice."(let's assume she doesn't ask me a question back)

Phyll; "It seems cool but I'm actually not a student here. Don't tell anybody (whispering). I'm just visiting from that other school across town. You ever been?"

Her; "Oh Strath? Yeah, I like it."

Phyll; "You seem cool. We should hang out sometime." Pulling out my phone "What's your number?"

Her; "Not that quick boy.Meet me at the parking later.My number is KQA 001S.


Her; "c'mon charming!"

Phyll;(staring with the 'i don't know look)

Her; "Kenyan Queens Association 001 Shivanny. Find that machine in the parking"(as she walks away)

...Boy-child left speechless...

To be continued...

I love how love kicks into people's lives in a mystic way
Jul 2018 · 1.1k
Title          : My Life With
                     Monster Pain
Poet          : Phyll
Genre       : Life/Pain/sorrow
Year          : 2018
P/SwNO. : 116

( Content; this piece is based on my own true story and applies to our day to day life experiences.Anyone who reads this might find it weird and some actions i did to be stupid but i had no choice.Life is full of pain and when we find ourselves in this situation tend to shy off from our on demons instead of facing them.Personally pain pushed me to the walls twice i attempted to commit suicide with no success but just added more pain on myself.That's when i realised that,no matter how difficult life is and how much pain you endure DON'T give in to those crazy ideas that run through your mind but instead get positive and helpful idea.)


Life is full of unexpected things,
you can be friends with your enemies;

your own life turn to be your enemies.

life is full of surprises.

Funny it may seems, and at the same time,
It will hurt you truly with a monster called Pain.

In my life I have lost big opportunities,not once nor twice but uncountable times.

I had even forgotten how to smile,
how to see a bit further, beyond this misery.

I had also forgotten how to be happy,
how to trust anyone, give them power over me.

I had even forgotten how to be me,
I buried everything deep inside, just to hide it from others.

You taught me how to smile again,
to laugh without reason, to cry from the joy.

Dear Pain,
Thank you for revealing my error again,
showing that path of tears lie in sorrow, not in joy.

Thank you for taking it all away,
making me to hide myself again, to trust no one.

Thank you for telling I am nothing,
pointing my place, to be an outcast in life by my own choice.

And now
I'm making love
Not with a fake human being
But with a brand new razor blade.

Love me,
my razor blade.

Peel my skin,
make me scream.

Sink so deep,
make me weep.

Cut my flesh,
make me bleed.

Take my life,
set me free.

Conversing to myself like a mad man,
Not even 'like' but i had gone insane.

With nice little twist,
I slit my wrist...

Not waiting for life to ****,
rather my own blood I spill.

It's my own choice, I have no fears,
only pain, in eyes some unshed tears.

On the floor, blood making stains,
slowly releasing me from my pains.

****** stains, stains like in my soul,
caused by all the pain, this life Is so full foul...

Vision finally fading away, soon it's all done,
staring darkness, oh so black, soon it's all gone.

Soon I'm released, free from this pain,
suffering and life, it was all just in vain.

Thought,how funny blood makes difference between life and death,
farewell life, so painful, so useless, gonna take my last breath;I told myself.

The pain i felt left many queries unanswered but rather more questions continued acquired.

Why should I listen to my heart,
When It brings nothing but pain.
Why should I fall apart,
When Everytime is the same.

Why should I follow a fake a dream
knowing it will bring nothing but more scream
Why should I ... ?
When I ...

Do you feel me ???

Why should I wait all day?
I feel but I cannot speak it out,
Why do I feel this week weak?

You Moster Do you really feel me?

Why should I go through this agony?
Why can't I just follow my destiny?
Why can't I just let of life?
Maybe because ...
Maybe ... Maybe.

Dear Pain,I do feel You,
But have you ever felt me?

No doubt that;

The pain is in me,
The pain will not leave me.
The pain is all i feel in me,
It's now apart of me.

I just want to;

Cut out my heart,
Cut out my emotions.
Cut out you monster pain!

Only in darkness do i find peace,
Only in darkness can i escape.
Only if this darkness could stay,
But unluckily it wouldn't obey.

I just want to;

Cut out my heart,
Cut out my emotions.
Cut out you monster pain!

But this only added more pain,
I guess they were right;
When they said 'No Pain No Gain'.
The pain i felt made me gain more scars,lesson and experiences never to be forgotten in my entire life.

No doubt that,
Life is full of unexpected things,

you can be friends with your enemies;

your own life turns to be your enemies.

life is full of surprises.

Funny it may seems, and at the same time,
It will hurt you truly with monster Pain.

Everyone has a story to share.this is my stooooory
Jul 2018 · 589
i love you 002
Title        : I Love you fever
Poet        : Phyll
Genre     : Love/perfect/real
P/SwNo : 259
Year        : 2018

( Content:- Love is a universal migraine which is often expressed in weird ways and dimensions thus necessarily doesn't it have to be said direct as many pple believe.)

Arguing is a sign of love,so is Jealousy and insecurity?

I thought you should know.
Read more in my previous piece 'i love you;truth about true love'


           Authored By Phyll

I have a feeling fever,
That I can't comprehend
In my deepest thoughts you are
More than just a friend.

I wouldn't want to
Rush us now
As love we explore
But there's a growing love inside
That we just can't ignore.

I love all the times
we spend together.
We are comfortable
And free.

I think of you
when i'm alone.
I think of you and me.
We have shared alot
Secrets to uncover.
There's more...
More to life.
We will both discover.

I love you always.
I'll love you when you're dumb,
I'll love you when you're smart,
I'll love you in any way you are,
Right from the start.

I'll love you if you're tall
I'll love you if you're short,
I'll love you if you're pretty,
Or just an ugly baboon.

I'll love you if you're toothless,
I'll love you if you're blind,
Anything that's wrong with you,
To me you'll be very right my dear.

My heart is opening up now,
Unlike it used to do back then.
I see the pain that's in your heart
And sometimes I feel it too.

I'll love you tomorrow,
I'll love you today,
I'll love you forever,
And forever always. be continued

World we live in is run by love
Jul 2018 · 204
Name     : Truth About Love
Poet        : Phyll
Genre     : Love/true relationship
P/SwNo : 257
Year        : 2018

( Content:- it's all about  tge four letters  which hold a very deep meaning; L.O.V.E.  And creates a very huge in one's life when combined with two other word before and after it; I L.O.V.E YOU.
So Read,learn,comment and share with others,Enjoy)

        Authored by Phyll

Yes it is true,evident and a very clear fact that everyone wants the perfect love story;forget the Romeo-Juliet story we read.


I'm writing to tell you that
not all love stories are without heartache.

In fact,
those imperfect relationships are the best ones.
I mean T H E   B E S T
We laugh,
We fight!
We make the future bright,
We advance our height...
As we create STRONGER bond.

Everyone wants the movie;
Perfect love story!
No heartbreak,
No fighting,
No tears,
Nor hurtful words out of anger.

We just tend to ignore and forget that it's impossible and unreal.
Not only is it unrealistic,
It's way too much than we can expect.

No one puts any importance on fights in a relationship anymore. But In real life,
They are a crucial factor.

As lovers,
Fighting and hurting one another help us to realize how strong our bond is with that particular person.

In a genuine relationship,
Anything that we overcome together as a couple only makes the relationship stronger when you're truly in love with each other.

So now,
why don't you reconsider arguing now and then.
It doesn't matter what the cause of argument will be for it can be a minor thing or major.

You'll express your innermost...
I mean your anger.
Towards each other,
And when no solution is acquired;
Consider a sweet,tight and rare hug to be the solution to the war.
Everyone wants a smooth relationship but they don't pay attention to the fact that disagreement also mske bonds strong. Enjoy my piece and learn.
Jul 2018 · 330


I went to Genesis hotel through Exodus road. On the way, I saw Leviticus recording the Numbers of people at Deuteronomy, while Joshua was waiting at the Beautiful gate for Judges to see Ruth calling loudly "Samuel ! Samuel ! At a stage, the first and second Kings of Chronicles 1 & 2, were coming to visit Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther for the misfortune of Job their brother. They started singing Psalms and teaching children Proverbs concerning Ecclesiastes and Songs of Solomon. This coincided with the period that Isaiah was engaged in Jeremiah's Lamentations together with Ezekiel and Daniel  their friends. By that time, Amos and Obadiah were not around. Three days later, Hosea, Joel and Jonah travelled in the same ship with Micah and Nahum to Jerusalem. Habakkuk then visited Zephaniah
who introduced him to Haggai a friend of Zechariah whose cousin is Malachi.
Immediately after the tradition, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John got involved in Acts of the Romans who were behaving like the 1st Corinthians group because the 2nd Corinthians group were always at loggerheads with the Galatians. At that time too, they realized that the Ephesians and Philippians were close to the Colossians, and a suggestion for the first Thessalonians visit was made, and that on their second Thessalonians visit, they should first of all see the first and second of the Timothy brothers who had gone to the house of Titus to teach Philemon his younger brother how to read and write in Hebrew. On hearing this, James asked Peter twice to explain to him how the three Johns have disclosed to Jude the Revelations of this journey.
God's Gospel the Artistic way.

— The End —