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Phoenix May 2019
When people lies to me,
the truth comes out.
When he or she hurts me,
I have pain all over.
Feeling alone
just makes me feel worse.
I cried inside,
just because it hard to let it out.
Phoenix May 2019
I just don't understand,
why I feel like this,
By feeling isolated,
feeling depressed,
having anxiety,
also Mentally tired.
I want to have a best life,
it just my life is so confusing,
and also part of my life feel like a lie.
I am so tired of feeling
jealous and feel like I been hated,
I feel like that people calls me a fake,
or when someone thinks that,
I am getting attention,
I just wants my problems on here,
just to get the worst off my chest.
I am just so tired of everything.
Phoenix May 2019
I feel like that I feel isolated for my whole life,
can't think of a way out,
I get out for a little but,
But I am stuck for a long time.

I want to be free,
people thinks of me fighting my demons,
but I don't know,
I feel more like I am fighting myself,
wants to be free from my problems.

I have problems that I am afraid of...
feel abandon,
losing everyone that I love,
everything that i need in my life,
is my lover.

I am afraid that he will leave me,
I feel like that i will have nothing left,
then after that their things that I don't want to do,
I am just tired of feeling isolated.
Phoenix Apr 2019
When I'm depressed,
I feel so torn apart,

When I'm depressed,
I feel so insecure,

When I'm depressed,
I feel so ruined,

When I'm depressed,
I feel so emotional.

When I feel so lonely,
I am just depressed.

I am just tired,
It the full reality
Phoenix Apr 2019
My broken life,
I lose my best friend,
No one to made me feel

No one seen my broken side,
I wonder why things happens,
Why no one seen pain before,
I lost control of my emotions.

I don't even have a best friend,
To talk to everyday,
Share things together,
Play games with,
And most importantly,
Being together all the way.

I wrote things down everything,
That I feel and no one knows
Anything about my pain,
And wish that a have a Best friend
To share my problems with.
Phoenix Apr 2019
I Been Broken already,
The unseen is more important
Than what you already seen,
It like a flower that needs to be watered.

If forgotten, It dies,
If it does, I will stay alive.
Remember them like people.
Never forget them.
Phoenix Apr 2019
I was silence for so long,
I have been awoken,
I was tired of being quiet,
I was tired of being hurt all the time,
Even tho I am still hurt,
Sometimes that I need a real friend can at least cares for me,
For who I am and What I am,
From the Last chapter Unbelievable,
I needed to do it cause It was in my chest for so long,
I been hurt by her for a long time and someday that I never knew,
I do now know that I am not a fool and I am mostly free,
I wish that she just apologies for all the wrong,
so I will be free and she can too,
I pray everyday that she will.
Here Is what was from the last post
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