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Phoenix Jan 2019
When Someone is hurt,  just help them,
When Someone is in pain, heal them,
When Someone is Suffering, Cure them,
When Someone want Love, Love them,
When Someone is in Trouble, Support them,
When Someone want to hurt themselves, Be pure to them,
When Someone want to die, talk to them to support how they feel,
When they are in tear, wipe them away.
Phoenix Jan 2019
I don't like..
I Hate being Like this...
I hate that you don't know some things about me..
I don't want you to be upset with me about what it is..
I just..
I don't want to..
Pretend that I'm..
I'm not okay.
I Just.
I feel like Breaking down
in tears all the time...
And I can't explain WHY!
Because that I don't know...
I just want to be Happy!
And I know that you think...
that you can't make me happy!
You are when You are around me.
I just wish that you are around me everyday..
That you are the ONLY thing..
But you are the only thing
in my life that...
Keeps me going!
You're What Motivates me..
Everyday to be better..
To keep My head up!
I just been having nightmares lately and
I haven't told you...
I have nightmare that I could lose you..
I don't want that to happen.
I just feel like...
I... I can't..
I can't breathe
I am hurt inside,
cause I have no one but you...
you are the one that keeps me going.
that why that I love you...
The reason that I Anti-Social is cause that
I been a loner even before I knew you.
I hid that for a long time,
and I can't hide it anymore.
I get hurt easily and people tells me that I am weak cause of that.
I Haven't eaten much lately cause of my issues..
it hard for me to eat...
cause i am hurt mentally, even I don't show it around anyone..
Cause I don't want them to worry about me..
So my point that I want to say is that I was suicidal and once in a while I get like it for a little bit then I am okay after.
I was a broken girl even before I met you,
Even you didn't see it, and I felt being numb when I feel depressed so badly that I don't feel anything,

I am a mess and I have been suffering it for a long time.
You are the ONLY one that can fix me.
Pick up the pieces of my heart that was torn up by people that lied to me, betrayed me, throw me away, bullied, everything...

I just need this out of my chest,
because.. I just don't know what to do anymore....
My life that I have nothing to do...
I can't handle a job cause of my life was...

If it never happened to me, I would of been almost done in college by now... I would have a happier life, I would of have a mom in my life. I don't.... I don't Have a real mom that I can hold on to. I had bad Karma when I was a child. I had it a long time and I am so close to be ready to leave my old life and start a life with you and ONLY you.. Cause you saved my life,

if it was't for you in my life, I wouldn't be here...I love you so much that I will never will let you go... NO ONE will take us away from each other. You are my other half, My better half. You mean the world to me.

I am glad that your my only man that I want and need in my life... I have waited for someone like you for over 7 years. I prayed for someone like you... That make me happier than before. You are my one and only Man that I want.
This is for my boyfriend that I told him from my heart felt.
Phoenix Jan 2019
My life is like this. Covering myself...
It cold, it hurts, I am feeling like that I am going to break,
Waiting to see what my life will be in the future and see
what is real, I don't know right now, cause I feel so cold and hurt,
I want to see what is real
in my terms and I want to see it a long time ago,
when someone in my life fool me too many times...
one day that I will know what is real.
Phoenix Dec 2018
Trying to breathe,
Breathe in and out heavily,
It hurts like it never hurt before,
Trying to sleep, with everything that I have,
Nothing is working for me,
The pain of my nightmares are only
getting worse and worse everyday,
Getting over with my pain that I went through,
It hurts inside and out,
I just feel sleepless
Phoenix Dec 2018
My mind was broken, into pieces,
No one understands my issues,
I was falling apart, I have no one
No one around me, alone...

Then I felt in love, with him,
But someone bothering us,
We felt it, a spark around us,
It felt infinitely, it is a warm feeling.

The man that gave me hope,
The man that saved me from my..
Suicidal stage, harm myself,
He helped me with it all.

Been harassed by one of her minion,
I felt pain inside, need to be stronger,
Stronger than her,
She hurt me and she doesn't know it all.

She wanted to show off at my place,
The pain that I thought that she changed,
Change her heart to become a better....
Better person...

The same as always, never will change,
The hurt, pain, I need help, please,
My man that comforts me,
The love that I feel wanted.

I am his and he is mine,
He gave me hope, Love, and faith,
Even though he have school,
So we can start a wonderful life,

The love that gives me
Is more than Infinity,
It is forevermore.
Phoenix Dec 2018
dreams can be good,
I wish.. cause my dreams
are always horrible,
Once in a while that I get good ones,
My minds always tells me that
something good or bad will happened,
and nine out of ten things of my life happens,
Feeling apart in life that i want to do that I can't.
dreams in my point of view comes to reality.
Phoenix Dec 2018
My heart tells me that I need love,
My brain tells me that I need to be alone,
My guts tells me that I need help,
My whole body needs everything.

My broken life been through hell,
My broken heart have been through pain,
My broken spirit have been through darkness,
My broken soul have been through everything.

My past self needed a mom in my life,
My present self needed friends in life,
My future self need to build a family and a happy life,
Today time self need my boyfriend help my mental self.

It hard to tell people about my issues,
It because of my past problems,
My life that no one know how difficult that it was,
I wish that I get some understanding of it,
I hope.
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