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Phoenix Dec 2018
My heart tells me that I need love,
My brain tells me that I need to be alone,
My guts tells me that I need help,
My whole body needs everything.

My broken life been through hell,
My broken heart have been through pain,
My broken spirit have been through darkness,
My broken soul have been through everything.

My past self needed a mom in my life,
My present self needed friends in life,
My future self need to build a family and a happy life,
Today time self need my boyfriend help my mental self.

It hard to tell people about my issues,
It because of my past problems,
My life that no one know how difficult that it was,
I wish that I get some understanding of it,
I hope.
Phoenix Dec 2018
I am tired of life,
I am tired of people hurting me,
I am tired of people stabbing me behind my back,
I am hurt Physically and Mentally,
I am a mess up,
I am worthless,
I am nothing,
I am nothing but a waste of trash,
I am stressing about everything,
and I don't know what to do anymore.
Phoenix Dec 2018
When someone thought that they care for you,
and one day that they would stab you in the back,
The pain, the hurt, I feel betrayed,
I thought that she care, no..
she didn't love you, she hates your guts in passion,
she wanted you to believe that she was your friend,
but no, she isn't, she called you worthless,
selfish B*, and a nobody,
That me though, I wanted to change her,
No she won't,
Why though, I hope that I could change her to be a good person,
NO!!! She hurt you too many times in high school
and no one believes you,
But.... but....
No buts, she stab you too many times and you
didn't felt it until now,
yeah, that true, it is the worst pain that I felt,
tell me, who didn't believe it???
Me, I didn't want to, I want her to change so bad that I want her to be a good person,
I know that you do, but you have to face the facts,
she won't ever change,
she needs to change on her own,
I hope that your right, she too late though,
oh, and why is that,
She lies to me, she keeps secrets behind my back,
she make fake people that doesn't exists,
Okay, tell me why that do you want to change her so badly?
Because, I was lonely and have no one then,
Anything else my friend,
No I am done with her, if she comes back to me,
I am not listening to her....
anymore lies that she pulls on towards me.
I done face the facts,
she never going to change, *Cries

I am done.
done with everything on her,
I Faced it.
Phoenix Nov 2018
Normal lives is like butterflies into your stomach.
Hard lives is like heartbroken inside,
Perfect is like confidence,
Trouble times is what humans always make.

Humans aren't perfect,
Humans are like a tree and see who last the longest,
Humans think different than everyone else,
Humans aren't pure like clean water.

Humans can be healthy like a washed out river,
Some humans are Mental that need help for others,
Some Humans need peace to have calming waters,
Humans need love for anyone that can gave them that.

Humans make mistakes in everyday lives,
Their two paths to go to and you choose where you want to go,
One is about beauty, life, hope, and love,
And another is power, money, being careless, and darkness.
what would you choose.

Humans have problems in life,
Humans might have worst problems that yours,
Humans have become stronger than others,
and other people are trying to get there,
Just to let you know that your not alone by being Human.
Phoenix Nov 2018
My Unknown thoughts
that my life was become
the full of Nature.
Phoenix Nov 2018
When I thought about you like a yellow rose,
How I remembered you as a beautiful friend,
I thought of you a lot of support and love,
We used to had a strong Friendship,
I thought that our friendship that have undying love,  
We were having ups and downs that we always apology to each other,  
Our lives have intense emotion,  
You have a strong  life of jealousy cause you always have come back to me,
You always had broken heart,
By you what you done to me a very extreme betrayal.
Phoenix Nov 2018
Secrets to me is like a burning rose,
then when someone sees the burning rose,
it becomes hurt and pain.
It like a relationship with a friend stabbed you behind,
without you knowing it and see it.
Lies is like a burning rose,
A rose is like a special someone that you don't think
that you do something and you ask them if they do it,
they will deny it like they become burned,
I been there too many times to know what happens
to a precious rose.
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