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Phoenix Oct 2018
I can’t sleep at all cause of some things in my life is
and was a wreck.
My Anxiety is going up ever since a few months back
and i am tired of some certain person that i know
that wants to ruin people life like mine.
I am sick of High School Drama,
and certain person that i know needs to grow up and have a life.
If anyone wants to know, ask me
cause i am tired pf this is stuck into my chest for years.
Sometimes that i feel like that i am done with life
and sometimes that it the opposite of that.
I have a eating disorder since i was 4
cause how i been treated when i was little.
Depression and anxiety came from my age between 8-10 years old. PTSD came from my high school life that i became Anti-Social.
also from my Panic Attacks.
I don’t want to talk about my other thing that happened to me a couple years ago cause it pains me.
I am done with Certain things of life.
I need support in my life that i can’t handle anymore and sometimes that i dislike myself for it.
the past wants to haunt me forever.
dreams that i had is about my past and it hurts badly.
it hard to tell someone and sometimes that i want to do in a dark hole. I am a broken soul that is hard to fix.
i only need one person and it my man that i love.
Phoenix Sep 2018
Betrayed is the worst thing of my life.
My only friend in real life betrayed me
and I feel a broken girl
that feels numb.
Phoenix Sep 2018
The World Confuses me,
I am connected into the dark,
It's Lock from the outside,
that I can't reach.

Their is no way out,
the dark wants me to stay,
I cried that I want out,
but it won't let me.

I wish that I would get out,
So I can count the stars in the night,
that the beauty isn't here,
they want to break me,
start in the inside and out.

I am broken,
it hurts so much,
no one sees my wounds,
when I look at my mirror,
It there with me, my scars.

everything that is getting me.

My sleepless nights,
that wants me to stay awake,
my days goes on like this,
wants me to stay in the dark,
that the reasons that I am Broken.
Phoenix Sep 2018
Sometimes that I feel like That I am worthless,

and some people that I used to know thinks...

That I use these things for my attention,

I am not,

To me, No one sees me in person,

No one sees my pain,

No one knows what I am thinking,

I am making a true statement,

My tears that no one sees,

I am a broken person that no one knows,

I harm myself to not to eat, starve myself,

It sad to me cause it my punishment.

I feel sometimes that I am worthless,

What can I do with this....

Am I Worth it???
Phoenix Sep 2018
My Bad Karma Already destroyed me,
cause of people's Actions towards me,
My broken life consumes me,
My bad karma that I been betrayed,
People that hurt me gave me horrible Karma,
My pain is my bad Karma,
My past is my bad karma,
I been a fool is my bad karma,
My depression is my bad Karma,
My anxiety is my bad karma,
my worst enemies gives me a living hell,
Everything from my bad side is my bad karma.
I am broken inside,
I am numb inside,
that why that I am living with it.
Phoenix Sep 2018
My mind been off lately
cause I have not post any stories
(not talking about poems)
I had been depressed
and lost cause of an betrayed ex-friend....
my mind isn't over it cause
she hurt me too many times
and I failed not to noticed the real her.....
I know now that people like her
will always keep doing things wrong
and I wish that she would change for me...
if she sees this,
I am sorry it just how I feel.
I never hurt her,
i never lied to her,
never back stabbed her,
i supported her even all the hurt...
if she changed i would of been her friend...
when someone hurt another,
it hard to get over that other person...
i been numb cause of it.
i harm myself cause of her,
i starved myself sometimes
when i did something wrong cause of her..
if you never hurt anyone you care
about leave a like...
that would mean a lot,
and it would give me hope...
Not a poem. My emotional feelings
Phoenix Sep 2018
I feel Trapped,
I feel numb,
I feel nothing at all,
I got used to my own pain,
no one seen it,
I could never escaped it,
to my fears,
to my pain,
I feel troubled in my whole life,
first was my mom, and she was mentally sick,
Next been bullied,
Also, someone in my life in high school hurt me,
And someone harassed me,
Another is that my troubles won't ever leave me,
I feel faded from my friends,
and to my family,
I wish that my fears never came true,
that why that I am numb,
and always been.
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