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Phoenix Sep 2018
I feel Trapped,
I feel numb,
I feel nothing at all,
I got used to my own pain,
no one seen it,
I could never escaped it,
to my fears,
to my pain,
I feel troubled in my whole life,
first was my mom, and she was mentally sick,
Next been bullied,
Also, someone in my life in high school hurt me,
And someone harassed me,
Another is that my troubles won't ever leave me,
I feel faded from my friends,
and to my family,
I wish that my fears never came true,
that why that I am numb,
and always been.
Phoenix Sep 2018
I feel like a waste of trash....
I have nothing to help myself from my past,
no one knows my tears...
No one seen my tears for ages,
I feel like a burden...
like how someone throw me away,
Broken tears always there for everyone to see,
No one does....
My life is boring,
No one to care to see my face...
Care about me...
I feel like no one wants to talk to me,
I just wear a hood and jeans whenever fall comes,
cause no one can see my pain.
I been push away cause of lies from others that hurts me,
I helped them and nothing helps...
I punish myself not to eat for a couple of days,
no one notice that too..
cause no one ask...
I am a problem...
That why that I don't talk to others,
Cause I am Anti-Social.
I getting to hate Facebook cause how the world is....
I hate things that gives me pain..
that okay I got used to it already...
that why My tears that no one sees....
Phoenix Aug 2018
I feel like that my life is a mess,
I don't have a lot of time about my mind think of good,
My mind is always thinks about the bad,
and I can't help it.

I am physically and mentally sad
and torn apart when no one is around,
No one knows the reason why
I sleep late when I use my phone...

Sometimes that I wish that my life
was better, and easier.
I just want to do certain things in life that I want to do.

I am a huge mess,
when I do something wrong,
i don't eat much just to punish myself,
i didn't care though.

I have a eating disorder since i was 4 years old or maybe younger,
my mom was sick with a mental Disease that she didn't feed me much.
I was starting then to feel depressed,
and i starved myself at least 2 or 3 times.
i can't remember a lot but i remember that issue in that.

All that i did is drink Pop just to keep me alive.
I am so pale that I don't have iron into my system,
my body system gets confused and i can't think about that much.

I am a huge mess,
and sometimes that I need someone....
Phoenix Aug 2018
To be honest...
My life was full of lies..
I am getting tired of the messes that I been through.
Through these past few months,
one person stalked me
and find where I actually live at,
another person harassed me for a long while,
Another thing that I try
to get help get through all of it,
ever since High school.
I been through the same drama,
even now,
I am not in high school,
not even college cause
of my mental disorders
that one girl gave me.
the past hurts me everyday,
and because she the one that I know,
ruined my life,
I want her to stay away
from me and my man.

Yes I have been taken.
I am sick of her lies.
The past hurts me
and I been through hell cause of her,
and her lies to me and others and
some of them are naive to see her true colors.
I been trying to help her,
I gave her too many chances,
I supported her and all that she did,
is to push me away,
and hurt me.
That Is what I feel about this
mess that I wish to forget.
Phoenix Aug 2018
I feel like right now
is that I don't deserve anything in life
and i don't have anyone to talk to.
My anxiety is very bad,
and my self-esteem isn't great.
i just don't know anymore.
Isn't a poem. Just to let you all know how I feel
Phoenix Aug 2018
When my life begins with pain,
I Suffered with pain
When people lies to me,
When someone hides things from me,
When someone a Psychopath and obsession about me,
When someone wants to hurt me,
when someone yells at me,
When someone wants to be mad at me,
When someone just someone got problems with me
That my life with suffering in pain.

When life comes in force,
somethings that i don't want to do,
somethings about to keep secrets,
somethings when people complains
about what they want me to do that i don't.

that why that things in life that isn't good for me
don't need to come in from suffering.

My suffering is that cause that i have people in
my life that does all those things to me or force me to do.
I want is peace and love.
That isn't hard to ask.
Phoenix Aug 2018
"All the lies that I deal with
in a few months ago.
I am tired of lies
from someone that I once knew."
Flashbacks kills me to death...
All of the hurt that she done to me,
what to do about this problem.......
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