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Jul 2013 · 519
why can't I remember
Pendragon Jul 2013
Do you know what its like, to lose
time like it never existed?
Only to find, it was only in your mind.

You were fully functional,
but can't remember anything at all.

I landed on the floor,
but can't remember the fall.

I got to work,
can't remember the drive.

I can barely remember enough to hold,
a conversation.

This isn't and existence.
I'm only a nuisance.

Please just let me go.
Life would be easier if,
I was gone.
Jul 2013 · 635
Mad Hatter
Pendragon Jul 2013
I sit here in this rabbit hole,
wondering how it is that I've gotten here.
This bump on my head may explain a little,
but with all the strange happenings I'm sure that's not all.

When I walk I feel like I'm floating, in mid air,
Like I need tied down.
It's a good feeling.
But when the strange things start happening,
it's to surreal.

My brain is on overload, whenever
I stand my head spins.
I'm standing still, the world is moving around me.
What I see is magical.

In moments like these I don't feel like me.
It's like I'm watching me from the outside.
Its so strange watching yourself walk about.

When I'm alone my head spins insanely fast.
It's a never ending merry-go-round.
I'm so dizzy,
But I can't stop.

Will I come out enlightened like Alice?
Will I just be another bold MAD HATTER?

— The End —