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 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Somberly glanced to the ceiling,
I knew it when I heard the ringing,
       I'd be there dancing and singing,
Couldn't hide from the irradiation that saturated with all its might,
It seeped in unsuspected,
Grim to bright,
Forced beams in when all I wanted was the--
Dim inside,
Glared through blinds--had to adjust my eyes,
The sun was so harsh when I got the news tonight,
Always up, no one can always stay "up."
Life will sometimes let you down,
And that's just what it is,
Nightfall to sun-up,
Some things are
Beyond our control.

One of those days where it was going great until something came up that really got me down...I sometimes go to music for release, used to sing.  Tonight I played this video too many times and sang and danced along.
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Jackie Mead
There was a young Monkey called Mr Lee
Who loved to hang out, swinging in the trees.

One day suddenly from below, a Giraffes head appeared, real slow
"Hi" he spoke my name is Ted
"I am looking for somewhere to lay my head"
"Not here" replied Mr Lee
"I am afraid there is no room for you in my tree"
"Oh" Ted the Giraffe replied and walked away with a heavy sigh

Mr Lee feeling he had been a bit mean
Offered Ted the Giraffe a leaf so green
Mr Lee said " I am sorry I didn't mean to say,  there was nowhere for your head to lay"
"I am swinging from branch to branch, tree to tree, I  don't usually have visitors, its usually only me!"

"Thats okay" said Ted "I have found myself a soft hay bed"
"But what you are doing looks like fun, do you fancy company of another one?"
Mr Lee considered the request, it would be fun to have the company of another one.
"Yes, indeed" he did reply "although you are rather tall, I believe your knees would knock on the floor"
"I dont want you to hurt your knees whilst your swinging in the trees"
"Why don't you walk by my side, we can talk as we cover the countryside"

Ted the Giraffe was delighted to make a new friend.
And that is very nearly the end.
Just enough time to say have you made a new friend today?
It does not matter how you look, how tall you are or how you speak
Noone likes to feel lonely
Take the time, say "hello" boldly
Children are not bound by heavy chains
Make a friend dont refrain
Say "hi" again, again and again
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
thy ice by fire mine melts
to a blaze ye and I ignite
mine soul on fire is
as truth in lies may freeze
lies with truth is firestorm
Well ye left me behind lit
at glory's blaze afire
as for me ye did freeze
and mine fire dimed down
at your departure's grief
Aries in April's daisy
t'was fire mine abirthday gift
of special blaze a trail
the Ice of thee afire I defrost
melting thine frozen heart
with grace of truth in poem
steamming thee
to meet again
as one afire
By Karijinbba
Inspired by Robert Frost.
revised 6/30/19
Ice with fire melts
truth in lies may freeze
but lies with truth incinarates
so we'll meet again in the afterlife
and dance with you
our fires blaze as one
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
He came like a wind,
whispered music in my ears,
swiftly brushed my lips,
then brought cold creeps to my skin,
lulled me and just disappeared.
Just a dream
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