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PRN Jun 2019
a wheezy *****
shot into the air
outlying on the outskirts of town
rooftop factory rust heap
industrial individual
coal crescendo
mass of ash powdered pages
blues notes
regimental tenor
risen to the stars
what are up above
PRN Jun 2019
metal into angles
fitting again
cut shaped into quiet chain
whose sum is far more difficult to achieve than each of its parts

the fireplace
shes all woman
a woman violent and gentle
elegant and inspiring
she warmed several generations
puffed fragrant pine smoke
hammered sheet metal
patchwork of gold and red
autumn and anvil
PRN Jun 2019
white noise of satin murmurs out the mouth of a cave
commotion of leaves from future prosperity
slightly groggy rapids run out of gradient

quick talking personalities echo out of range
would devoutly expose not long gone gods
as a couple of trout
swirl one cool consciousness, under the steambed
purple dye placid predawn violet arises out of darkness
a brief moment slips over surface level
nudging cedars

sole icy blast bounds over the cliff
arms outflung with all the danger
onto sand
then stepping into a kind of stoop
as earth conjures jagged brink
chronology of the continent, crisp cuff
old corrosive tides
chipped lines

bones of oak are swallowed by gold
dust’n’feather shift in pollen soft sand
under inevitable sunrise

planetary geography and fragrance of history
oceanic compassion embedded in dna

the current held a tune coasting by
transporting possibility
a sigh to slender side
who sits a fragment of its imagination

a mood, a body
rises all powerful arms
tinted with contradistinct textures

polar bear primes
full sized
squints scowls scratches
sticks out its tongue
exalted tongue
bright strokes through the water

— The End —