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Jun 2022 · 156
A Sewn Heart
Ads Hodgen Jun 2022
My body was ripped open, Torn to shreds
But when you came, my body was sewn back together
Piece by piece, thread by thread
Putting me back together when I never thought I could be
You sewed my body back together with something I desperately needed
Love and Affection  
You make me feel worthy when I don't feel like it
You make me happy when I never thought I would be again
You put up with my crazy
You have learned to help me through my past and not let it get the best of you
You make me want to live when I don't want to
You have stayed with me through thick and thin
You would fight for me when my body wasn't strong enough to fight back
May 2020 · 55
Ads Hodgen May 2020
I used to hate who I was.
I didn't fit in my skin
But I learned that God made you how he wanted to make you
He created our challenges because we can get through them
Stop comparing your self from others
And Love yourself for who you are
I know I do
Apr 2020 · 50
My purpose
Ads Hodgen Apr 2020
A little reminder...

God created you with a purpose
A future you can't give up when there are struggles
He Knows you can Fight  
He knows you can get through it
He also helps you in a way only you would understand
He knows you better than anyone in this world
Apr 2020 · 51
Im Happy
Ads Hodgen Apr 2020
Covid-19 thank you
I finally found myself
Who I truly am
Not some stuck up girl
Im more than that
I found my real friends
Most of all no drama
Im me again
But better
Mar 2020 · 46
Ads Hodgen Mar 2020
Running so calming
My mind drifting off into space
Thinking What can I do to be a better person
All the opportunities if I go down this path or this path
Friends, I will have
Will I be successful or not?
Yes I will
Empowerment is key to life
Mar 2020 · 56
Dear Future me
Ads Hodgen Mar 2020
Try not to lie; it sours the soul.
If you cause hurt to someone and you
didn’t mean to, pray for them. Learn from your
sins. Walk gracefully away. Don’t be addicted
to anything, It causes hurt to others.
Don’t break yourself down, if you lose get
back up again. Remember God is always
with you no matter what sins you commit.
Don’t fake your emotions. Concentrate on being faithful
to the truth. Be faithful in small things because
it is in them your strength lies. Faith is unseen but
felt, faith is strengthened when we feel we have none, faith
is hope when all seems lost. Only the person who has
faith in himself is able to be faithful to others. Love your
self, you can’t love others till you love yourself.

  From present me
Mar 2020 · 62
Night Sky
Ads Hodgen Mar 2020
It's dark
The sun has fallen
Stars shinning
The moon glistening
Laying in my bed watching the night sky
Im lost in the stars
Among constellations
The stars telling stories told by ancestors
Wondering what is beyond this world
Mar 2020 · 44
My Life
Ads Hodgen Mar 2020
She smiles, I cry.
She is outgoing, I am shy.
She loves, I am alone.
She is amazing, I am unknown.
She is beautiful, I am a mess.
She is happy, I am depressed.
My mask is perfect:
She hides me.
My real self

— The End —